Mystic Library

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April was showing the turtles and Lizzie that mayhem was stuck in her bathroom mirror

April: was trying to give Mayhem a bath but he poofed away and somehow he got stuck in the mirror!

Lizzie: yeah mystic creatures can teleport almost anywhere. Including inside mirrors

April: why didn't you mention this before?!

Lizzie: you knew he could teleport so I thought you knew about this to!

Mikey: Aww poor little fella

April: You guys can get him out right?

Leo: Of course we're experts at minthic stuff

Lizzie: you mean mystic right?

Raph: I got just the plan to get him out!

Lizzie: Raph wait I know-!

Raph smashed everything but the mirror

April: my bathroom!!

Donnie: So you thought smashing everything but the mirror would get him out of the mirror?

Lizzie: that's not how-

Raph: I could smash the mirror!

Leo: You can't smash the mirror with him in it. He might get trapped in the netherworld

Lizzie: actually it's called the twilight realm which is similar

April: hold on a sec! Liz you grew up in the hidden city! Do you know how to help him?!

Lizzie: actually I-

The five of them saw mayhem's tail disappear

Mikey Omigosh! He's fading! We gotta do something!

He started taking out a bunch of random stuff from Donnie's battle shell

Mikey: whip up one of your magic science potions and get him out!

Donnie: Okay magic science is not a thing

Lizzie: why don't we just go to the mystic library?

All: huh?

Donnie: intriguing! Please continue

Lizzie: look guys I don't have all the answers to mystic stuff. I barley know how to control my electricity BUT I have done my fare share of research on the basics of ninjutsu and mystic powers

Raph Leo and Mikey: huh?

Lizzie: ...I did my homework

Raph Leo and Mikey: Oh!

Donnie: you three are dumb dumbs!


The turtles and Lizzie snuck into the library

Donnie: These walls contain the sum knowledge of entire civilizations!

Mikey opened a comic book

Mikey: Whoa! Jupiter Jim Saves a Cat! Lizzie you should read this one!

Lizzie: not now but definitely remind me to later

Raph: So where do we start? There's like a million books here

Donnie: But Raphael alibrary is a treasure hunt. You never know what gems you may find along the way

Lizzie: I actually already know where to go

Donnie: you do?

Lizzie: yeah I said I've been here before

Leo picked up a book from the shelf

Leo: check it out I found a book on how to catch! Heads up!

He threw the book in Donnie's face

Donnie: uh... Ow! Lizzie where's the mystic library?

Lizzie: the exciting library is in the in the section on rocks

Mikey: Said nobody ever

Donnie: Ha! you're right geology stinks!

Lizzie: watch and learn

Lizzie removed a book from the shelf and it started floating

Mikey: Whoa!

Raph: What?!

Leo: Wow! Libraries rock! Get it?

Lizzie: Haha! Yeah

The book became a portal which opened right below
the five of them and they fell in

All: Whoa!!


The turtles and lizzie landed in the mystic library. Lizzie was the first one to stand up

Lizzie: welcome to the mystic library!

The turtles stood up and got a amazing look at the library

Donnie: Holy Gutenberg it's magnificent! Elizabeth you are now officially my second favorite person!

Lizzie: thanks but who's your favorite?

Donnie: me of course!

The five of them see a librarian at a podium

Donnie: Watch and learn gentle-turtles and feline-

Lizzie: no need donnie I got this. I already know that librarian

Lizzie climbed up the podium to talk to the librarian. She made sure to stay quiet

Lizzie: hi Libby long time no see

Libby: hello Lizzie how may I help you?

Lizzie: me friends and boyfriend are looking for a book that has info on teleportation to other dimensions

Libby: I see you may look around but your friends will find the kiddy to there left

Donnie heard that and climbed next to Lizzie

Donnie: oh really? Would a child have a platinum library card? Would a child have won the national library competition three years in a row? Would a child be an expert in Dewey Decimal Mathematics? I can divide by biographies!

Libby: Shh!

Donnie: biographies

Lizzie: can you please let them come with me?

Libby: Fine you can go to the main library so long as you keep quiet. If my Hush-Bats hear anything louder than a whisper they'll lock you up in the kiddie room

She pointed to multiple bats on the ceiling

Libby: that includes you Lizzie

Lizzie: that hasn't happened before and it won't now

Raph: If we get locked in that kiddy room we'll never find what we need to help Mayhem. So be very quiet.

Lizzie: Uh Raph?

Raph: yeah?

Lizzie: where's mikey?

Raph realized mikey wasn't with them anymore

Raph: oh no...

Raph Donnie Leo and Lizzie saw mikey take a deep breath

Lizzie: Mikey i've always wanted to but don't-

Mikey: ECHO!!!

The hush bats grabbed mikey

Mikey: I regret nothing!

The bats flew away with him

Leo: Is he gonna be okay?

Raph: In the kiddie room? He'll be fine

Lizzie: yeah let's go with that...

Raph: what do you mean?

Lizzie: I've heard it's scary in there

Raph: oh come on how bad can it be?

The four of them started looking around the library. Raph checks his phone and sees a picture sent by April of mayhem fading away

Raph: Guys Mayhem's fading fast. How do we find a book that'll help us save him?

Donnie: lizzie where do we go from here?

Lizzie: I may have been here before but we don't know even know what where looking for

Donnie: thats very simple. Every library has a catalog. I'm sure in a mystic library you merely summon it.

He lifts a crystal ball shakes it and read the words that appeared

Donnie: Here we go. 'Complete Compendium of Escape Rituals It's in loom 16, corridor B, moving stairs, left at the Ibis Tapestry'

Raph: do you want to write this stuff down?

Lizzie: or look for a map?

Donnie: The brain is nature's notepad. I have already memorized the directions in song form. Lizzie you are the one who gave me this idea

Lizzie: Aww I'm glad I could help but you have to stay quiet

Raph: We better move fast. Mayhem doesn't have much time

Donnie: Loom 16 take corridor B. Down the stairs past the Ibis Tapestry

Leo started beatboxing

Donnie: Sliding bookcase after bookcase shows the way to the hall. Up the pole through the hole to the waterfall!

Raph: Shh, keep it down Donnie

Lizzie: I never thought I would say this but stop rapping

Donnie: Donatello with a book in his hand saves the day and proves to everyone that he's the man!

The hush bats grabbed Donnie

Donnie: Popo comes in and takes him away but Donnie D will live to fight another day!

The bats flew away with him

Raph: oh come on... 'Write it down' I said 'look for a map' Lizziesaid but no 'the brain is nature's notepad'

Leo: Raph relax I know Donnie has once again messed up our mission as he does on virtually every mission

Raph: Are you trying to get Donnie fired?

Leo: What? No what? We'll discuss that later. If we're going to save Mayhem we need to remember the song. How'd it go? Something about a loom? Lizzie do you remember what he said?

He didn't get a response

Leo: uh liz?

Raph and leo looked around and didn't see Lizzie

Leo: No! Not my adorable girlfriend!

Raph: she must've been taken to the kiddy room and we didn't notice

Leo: she's is the only one who remembered the song! Music is one her many gifts!

Raph: keep it down Leo! She'll be fine


Meanwhile Lizzie got lost in the library

Lizzie: Why does this place have to be so big? Guys? I guess I might as well look around

She saw a book with cat yokai on the cover and picked it up. It was titled 'legends never die'

Lizzie: I've never seen this before-

Suddenly Raph ran by being chased by hush bats

Raph: AHHH!!!

Lizzie: Raph!

Lizzie dropped the book and ran to help Raph. It landed on the floor with a picture showing someone who looked a lot like Lizzie

Then Raph and Lizzie were both able to find the book they were looking for

Raph: The book! We're coming Mayhem!

Lizzie: I got this!!

She literally moved as fast as lightning and grabbed the book

Lizzie: I got it!

Raph: great! Let's find the others!

They both made it to the kiddy room

Raph: I got the book. Let's go save Mayhem!

Lizzie: we're in a bit of a hurry!

Libby showed up to stop them

Libby: You! I'll pummel you into papyrus! Lizzie I thought I could trust you!

Lizzie: I'm sorry!

Libby: I don't accept that apology-!

Libby was attacked by the hush bats


The turtles and Lizzie made it back to April's apartment. Raph used the spell from the book to help mayhem

Raph: Now the final step!

He tapped the mirror and mayhem was freed. April immediately hugged him

Lizzie: Aww!

April: you did it! Thank you! Okay Mayhem time for your bath

Mayhem teleported back in the mirror

All: Huh?

Raph: Okay I'm smashing him out!

Lizzie: wait just use the spell again-!

Raph broke the mirror and mayhem was freed again

Lizzie: oh

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