Sparring Partner

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In the lair Donnie Mikey and Lizzie were watching Leo skateboard until they heard a giant crash

Donnie: what the?

MIkey: boom shakalaka! Did that come from the tank garage?

Donnie: No no no no there is definitely nothing wrong with my tank because it for sure doesn't backfire for no reason sometimes

The was another loud crash

Lizzie: can't we at least check to see what's going on?

Donnie: fine but that crash has nothing to do with my tank because it's perfect

Leo knocked on the garage door and they all heard

Raph: Whoo hoo! That's the stuff!

Mikey: Raph is that you?

Raph: No! I mean yes. Why would I speak and then it not be me? Haha! One sec

Lizzie: Uh everything ok in there?

Raph: yep! Everything is completely fine!

He opened the garage door a little bit

Raph: Hey It's my brothers and Lizzie! What brings you in the lair?

Leo: we live here

Lizzie: while I'm here almost all the time

Raph: right of course!

Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie entered the garage ready to fight. There were five dummies set up with bandannas

Leo: What was all that noise?

Raph: What noise?

Leo: Was that just you setting up our next sparring session?

Raph: Sure yeah. It was that and nothing else

Mikey: Sweet. I could go for a game of capture the bandana

Donnie: Usual rules. First to grab a bandana other than his own color is the winner.

Lizzie: how about we try this with no mystic powers or technology?

Leo: hard mode! I like it!

They all got in there positions ready to play

Raph: I'm really in the mood to play a game

Leo: Then why'd you set it up?

Raph: Oh that's right! I am in the mood!

Donnie: Dude what is with you?

Mikey: Lizzie versus Raph since she suggested no powers or tech! Go!

Lizzie: I'm Sorry Raph for what I'm what I'm about to do!

Lizzie punched Raph in the chest. he pretended to be hurt and fell on the floor

Raph: whoa! Lizzie you are so strong and fast!

Lizzie: thanks for the compliment. But I'm still taking your flag

She took Raph's bandana from the dummy

Leo: Kinda look like Raph took a dive

Lizzie: were you going easy on me Raph?

Raph: no! You won all on your own! Ok! Good game then!

Raph pushed Donnie Leo mikey and Lizzie out of the garage and shut the door

Leo: Huh?

Lizzie: well that was a little weird

Leo: Come on Raph aren't you skating?

Raph left the garage and joined them all for skateboarding

Raph: yes! Here I am!

Mikey: awesome!  You know what I just remembered? How much I hate paper ninjas. I must suddenly remember I hate those times like twenty times a day

Donnie: Oh indeed I've been working on a shredding attachment for the next time we cross paths!

Lizzie: that's nothing! Combined with my scythe and electricity powers I would shred every paper ninja in seconds!

Leo: once we see more we'll make it a companion to see who can shred the most!

Raph: Sure glad none of our close personal friends are made out of paper.

Leo skateboards down the ramp then a paper ninja dropped glue from the ceiling and Leo slipped on it

Leo: Ow!

Lizzie: what was that?

Donnie: huh there appears to be some gunk on the ramp. Perhaps we should crane our necks upward to see from whence it came

Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie start to look up but Raph stood over them

Raph: I looked. It must've come from down here. Definitely not from any place above!

Mikey: What is with you? Why are you so crazy?

Raph: I'm not crazy you're crazy!

Lizzie: that's what someone says when they're crazy

Raph: i know! How about we all hang out in our rooms alone for 3 to 5 minutes?

Lizzie: but I don't live here

Raph: good point! Why don't you go home and come back in 3 to 5 minutes?

Lizzie: there's no way I can make that time without Leo's portal sword

Raph saw the paper ninja right behind them

Raph: uh... you're right! We should hang right here never look what's behind us!

He hugged Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie

Raph: No Buddy only touch bandanas! I mean... Nobody touch bananas. They're slimy!

Leo: Okay. Dude what is with you today?

Mikey: It's obvious Leo He's wigging cause he's dying to shed some paper dweebs.

Lizzie: that makes sense! But Raph Can you let go? Your hugs are crushing me...

Raph: No! Uh... I mean not yet! I just love a good hug!

Lizzie: Aww!

Leo: but you're also itching to make paper scraps right Raph?

Raph: yeah I hate those paper jerks! Any moment I'm not slicing a paper jerk into jerk confetti is a wasted jerk moment. Bunch of jerks!

The paper ninja heard what Raph said and left the lair really upset

Leo: ...And the hug is still going

Lizzie: I can't breathe...

Raph finally let them go

Raph: Good times! You know we should do this again! Anyway bye!

He left the lair in a hurry

Leo: Yeah see you.

Donnie: He's acting weird like Lizzie said. And not just Raph weird Mikey weird no offense

Mikey: I was gonna say the same thing.

Leo: He is hiding something

Lizzie: I'm starting to get a little worried. Should we follow him?

Donnie: of course! I already know where he is

Leo: uh how?

Donnie: don't worry about it


Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie found Raph on a roof of a building

Raph: Buddy!

Leo: There you are

Raph turned around and saw them

Leo: What's up with all the secrecy?

Lizzie: is there anything you want to talk about?

Raph: Brothers and my very good friend Lizzie! What are you guys doing-

Suddenly the five of them heard police sirens

Donnie: Hold that thought we've got a little situation going on

The same paper ninja from the lair was attacking people with red bandana's

Mikey: A paper ninja?!

Leo: And he's only attacking people in red bandanas. it's like someone who wears a red bandana really hurt this guy's feelings once... Strange

Lizzie noticed Raph tried not to cry

Lizzie: Raph what did you-

Mikey: Dibs on shredding him!

Leo: No we only call dibs on pizza, skate ramps and Donnie's stuff!

Donnie: Hey!

Lizzie: oh that reminds me dib's on the last slice of pizza!

Mikey: dang it!

The turtles and Lizzie chase after the paper ninja

Raph: Maybe we shouldn't shred them at all you know? That seems fair right?

Lizzie: why don't you want to hurt it?

Mikey: Raph's out! Dibs on his share of the confetti and dibs on Donnie's!


The five of them break into a bandana factory and saw the paper ninja ripping all of the bandana

Mikey: Confetti-a-bunga!

Raph tackled his brother's and Lizzie

Donnie: Come on what is happening?

Raph: I uh changed my mind. I'm calling dibs!

Lizzie: your really confusing me Raph!

Just then Lieutenant and recruit burst in

Foot Lieutenant: You all really need a hobby.

Leo: we got one. Kicking butt

Lizzie: never losing

Leo: and taking names. And you are?

Foot Recruit: Don't make us pulverize your guts into gut bits! Give us back our origami man!

Raph: Of course he was yours but now he seems more like a free agent so you can just go home. Thanks though!

Foot Recruit: We will do nothing of the sort you are so not reading our tone!

Lizzie: well we're not going anywhere without a fight!

Foot Lieutenant: Agreed but he's ours and he's coming with us!

Donnie: Certainly. How many pieces would you like him in?

Donnie tried to attack the paper ninja but Raph stood in front of him

Raph: No! Not my buddy!

Leo: Okay it's official. Raph's gone coo-coo

Lizzie: I don't think so Leo

Raph: Look buddy you're not the jerk I'm the jerk. I didn't mean that stuff. I just didn't want them to shred you. Our weeks of sparring and playing capture the bandana have been the best fights of my life! When I fight my brothers and Lizzie I just think about fighting you and getting rid of them so I can fight you again!

Mikey and Donnie: what?

Lizzie: Aww!

Leo: you did let Lizzie beat you!

Lizzie: I could've beaten him even if he did let me win

Raph: He's my new best friend and if anyone wants to take away my buddy they have to come through me.

Lizzie: Raph calm down it's ok I won't hurt him

Raph: you won't?

Lizzie: No he may be a paper ninja but if he's your friend and you trust him then I believe you

Raph: You are the best friend ever!

Foot Recruit: Touching! And in case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm!

Foot Lieutenant: We could never let you keep him! Shred him recruit!

Foot Recruit: My extreme pleasure!

Foot recruit tried to attack Raph but Lizzie kicked her in the chest

Lizzie: stay away from Raph's new friend!

Mikey: A new best friend? You're a mad dog now

Mikey drew a green shell on Buddy's face

Buddy: Buddy!

Lizzie: he can talk?

Raph: That's right! And he's on our team! But this fight's not about grabbing our bandanas. It's about kicking foot faces! Are you with me?

Buddy: Buddy's!

Raph: that's what I'm talking about!

Foot Lieutenant created more paper ninja's and the turtles Lizzie and buddy started fighting them off

Raph: There's too many of them! Get to higher ground buddy!

Foot recruit tied Leo up in red wrapping and threw him towards mikey Donnie and Lizzie

Mikey: Time to recycle these goons!

Lizzie: just be careful around buddy-

Leo hit the three of them and they were now all tied up in the red wrapping

Buddy: Buddy's!

Foot Lieutenant: Finish them! And shred the traitor

Lizzie: his name is Buddy!

Lizzie used her electricity powers to break everyone out of the wrapping and helped buddy fight off the paper ninja's

Foot Lieutenant: They grow up and turn against you so fast

Buddy used more paper to make his fist bigger and punched foot Lieutenant and foot recruit out of the factory

Raph: I'm calling it our buddy's the winner! I owe you one guys

Lizzie: I like said before you trust buddy then so do we

Leo: What do ya say buddy? First one to grab the red bandana wins?

Buddy: Buddy!

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