Operation Normal

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Donnie Leo Lizzie and April all got pizza at the mutant pizza place but the pizza had eyes

April: that pizza looking at me? Guys could we maybe just order cheese?

Donnie: What? You mean not get the super creepy supreme?

April: I wish just once we can go to a normal pizza spot

Lizzie: I could go with you! I went to that school dance remember?

April: good idea! What you guys?

Leo: you know we can't go into human places with this whole situation

He pointed to his face

Leo: face it april your just a magnet for weirdness

April: I know it's just sometimes a girl needs normal.

Lizzie: normal sounds relaxing but you have to love the adventure!

April: don't you want a break from so much drama? With our mom being a ninja and your dad-

She noticed Leo giving her signals to stop talking

April: Uh... I'm just saying normal doesn't sound to bad

Lizzie: I guess...

Donnie: What do you mean? What's not normal about this?

Just then a yokai made of slime stood on a table

Frankie: Okay birthday boy get ready to party!

Exploding Frankie exploded into a pile of slime

Donnie: Haha! Exploding Frankie never gets old!

Lizzie: I have a close friend in the hidden city who's also made of slime

The three of them noticed April walking away

April: I'm going to class


Later that night Donnie Leo and Lizzie were waiting for April in an alley until she walked by

Leo: April!

April: Ah!

Leo: April you got to come. Mikey found some invisible paint we're gonna put it on dads tail!

Lizzie: then I'm going to put my mom's tail!

April: I love you guys and def send me pics, but now that school's covered I'm just gonna chill and have a nice normal day.

Donnie: Scoff. Are you really still on this whole 'I want things to be normal' gig?

Donnie did air quotes

April: what were these for?

She also did air quotas

April: I am normal

Lizzie: well...

April: well what?

Lizzie: you have done a lot of stuff that isn't really normal

Donnie: yes what big city girl doesn't have a kayak and has hazmat suit?

April: Look guys just because I love the bonkers doesn't mean I want normal sometimes too

Leo: I mean you can try but it'll be easier for everyone involved if you just admit you're a totally weirdo magnet

April: I've got non weirdo friends like my new friend Sunira... Suneera...

April checked her phone for sunita's name

April: Sunita!

Lizzie: Sunita? I think I-

April: I'm trying to see if she wants to hang out later.

Sunita answered April's text

April: And she does. Hah! In your face!

She started dancing and walked away

Leo: Do you think April could really have a normal day?

Donnie: Short answer? No. Long answer? Noooo...

Leo: Then It's up to her three totally non weirdo friends to make this happen. You in Liz?

Lizzie: sure since April mentioning taking a break is pretty good idea


In the park Leo Donnie and Lizzie were dressed as old ladies spying on April and Sunita

Leo: Why do you always make us dress up as old ladies?

Donnie: Number 1 comfort number two to blend in as we monitor April's day for max normalcy

Lizzie: wait a minute... Donnie I know-

Donnie: yes I know you know the plan. We went over it

Leo: How's she doing Donnie?

Donnie: April almost blew it!

He got a look at Sunita's boots

Donnie: oh fabulous boots!

Leo: Hold on. What do we got here?

Leo saw foot recruit and foot brute pretending to run a pretzel kart

Leo: the foot?! Man evil guys have the worst timing!

Lizzie: actually it's good timing. Watch this

Lizzie created two ninja stars made out of electricity. she threw one at foot brute and the other at foot recruit and they were both electrocuted

Leo: Whoa!

Lizzie: your up Leo!

Leo: come on portal don't let me down!

He created a portal right under foot brute and foot recruit and they both fell in it then the portal closed

Leo: nailed it! By the way thats an awesome new power Liz!

Lizzie: thanks! I realized if I can control electricity I figured I can it look like anything I need!

Leo: you have do that more often! Now back to the mission!

Leo stood right behind the pretzel kart

Leo: Get your pretzels. Get them in yellow or dark yellow.

April: What are you doing here?

Sunita: Oh what a cute old lady. Are you two friends I have other friends to!

April: No! Being friends with old people is weird. Not that I don't like old ladies. My grammy's an old lady! Let's go get pizza


Donnie Leo and Lizzie followed April and Sunita to a pizza place

Donnie: Operation Pizza subset of operation normal is going great

Leo: I wouldn't be so sure

He pointed to foot brute and foot recruit who were also spying on April and sunita

Lizzie: oh come on! Again?

Leo: Operation normal just went defcon red alert

Donnie: They usually go by number but let's move!

The three of them started fighting the foot

Foot recruit: you are going to regret electrocuting us!

Lizzie: no way! Your going to regret messing with my friends normal day!

Foot recruit: you think that's why we're here?

Foot brute kicked Leo against the wall and April helped him up

April: Leo are you good? Are you okay?

Leo: y-yep!

April: Good. I don't want you to take this the wrong way but.... ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?!

Leo: no...

April: So are you just happen to be on a date with Lizzie and just so happen to be at the same places I was at today?! And now the foot are fighting you?!

Leo: Would you believe yes?

April: no because if that's the case why is Donnie here?!

Leo: I needed a wing man?

April: Okay but I want one day where I don't get caught up in all the weirdness. Please just... fight these guys somewhere else

April left the pizza place with Sunita

Leo: at least she'll still have a normal-

Lizzie: Leo look out!

Leo: huh?

Foot recruit kicked Leo in the face


Foot brute and foot recruit followed april and sunita to a laser tag arena but Donnie Leo and Lizzie were still fighting them

Lizzie: give up already!

Foot recruit: NEVER!

April ran up to them

April: again? Come on you guys! Ruining my normal and laser tag. Laser tag is sacred.

Foot Recruit: Beyond sacred. How could you?!

Lizzie: thats true. There are laser tags in the hidden city but the laser's are real

Leo: We've been trying to help you have a normal day but those Foot bozos keep following you.

Foot Recruit: That's what you think we're doing?! Ha! Your as dumb as your girlfriend!

Leo: do not call her dumb!

Foot recruit kicked Leo and Lizzie right against april

Leo: Ow...

April: Okay. Look I'm gonna help you kick their butts and then you two gotta go. Deal?

Leo and Lizzie: Deal

Leo: Operation normal is about to get unnormal and then go back to normal

Lizzie: Ha! Say that five times fast

Sunita: Look out!

Just then Sunita kicked foot brute in the face

Donnie: Was that Sunita? She's got a little pepper

Sunita landed in front of April

April: Sunita?

Sunita: April?

April: what's new?

Sunita: You know. Stuff

Foot brute and foot recruit were about to attack April and sunita but Leo Donnie and Lizzie tackled them

Donnie: oh no you don't!

Lizzie: April! Sunita! Take cover!

April: on it!

April and Sunita toon cover

Sunita: Is that a flying turtle in an old purple dress and was that Lizzie?

April: Yep... Look Sunita you're way cool and this has been a blast but there's some super dangerous guys that are after me and I'll text you later maybe we can get some ice cream? Wait you know lizzie?

Suntia: yes but they're not after you they're after me!

April: What? Why would the foot clan be after you?

Sunita: They've been following me for days. That's why I went undercover as a human I just wanted a normal day!

She tapped her cloaking brooch and turned into her true form which was a yokai made of slime

April: You're a Yokai?

Sunita: yep! remember my friend I mentioned earlier? Lizzie's one of my closest friends in the hidden city

April: Oh yeah! Hmm... Hey Sunita isn't today your birthday?

Sunita: Today isn't my birthday... oh! Good thinking

Sunita entered the fight and exploded in pieces. Foot brute landed on top of foot recruit

Foot recruit: I shall require medical attention...

Leo: April what happened where's sunita?

Lizzie: I think I know!

April: your right about that Liz!

She showed Donnie Leo and lizzie all the slime on the ground

Donnie: AH! She's in puddles! April it is not 'normal'

He did air quotes

Donnie: to liquefy your friends!

Lizzie: don't Sunita's used to it!

April: yep!

Sunita puts herself together again then presses her brooch and turned into her human form

Leo: she's like exploding Frankie! It never gets old I love it!

Sunita: yeah he's my pops

Lizzie: Sunita! I knew it was you!

Sunita: hey Liz!

Lizzie and Sunita hugged each other

Lizzie: it's been a bit! Where have you been?

Sunita: I went undercover as a human! Those foot people were after me

Lizzie: been there! I have so much to tell you! Some good and some bad it's a great story

Sunita: I can't wait for you tell me!

Donnie: so I guess you never stopped being a weirdo magnet after all right April?

April: You know what? I don't need to be normal. For me being weird is normal and I am so cool with that

April pulled lizzie and sunita into a hug

Sunita: As a fellow weirdo I concur

Lizzie: normal is to boring anyway. Oh I almost forgot!

Lizzie held Leo's hand

Lizzie: sunita this is Leo! By boyfriend

Leo: Hey!

Sunita: Your boyfriend?! OMG you guys are so cute together! Your ship name will be Lizzo!

Leo: Ha! Lizzo! I love that!

Sunita: thanks but first your standing on my foot I need it to fully reform my-

She looked down and saw her boots were gone

Sunita: Hey where are my boots?

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