Warren And Hypno Sitting In A Tree

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The turtles april and Lizzie were driving through New York in the turtles tank

Turtles and Lizzie: birthday girl it's your birthday!

April: I don't know why you are even bothering. I told you guys my birthday's are always a disaster. It's cursed

Lizzie: always had a lot of fun on my birthdays. I didn't have a lot of friends besides this yokai girl named sunita and we always did a bunch of together not just on my birthday!

April: I appreciate that Liz but i still think it's cursed

Leo: Cursed smursed. We're gonna birthday so hard you're gonna need a permission slip! Also Lizzie looks like you've been in a better mood since well uh...

Lizzie: I've had a lot of time to think and pull myself together-

Suddenly an air conditioner crashed on the front of the turtle tank

April: what was that?

Lizzie looked out of the window of the tank and saw the air conditioner

Lizzie: before I answer you should know this has nothing to do with your birthday being cursed

Raph Mikey and Lizzie checked to see how bad the damage was

Donnie: Okay give it to me straight. How bad is the damage?

Raph: Oh It's uh not that bad

Lizzie: I've seen worse

Mikey: but it's real bad!

April: See I told you my birthday was cursed!

Lizzie: come on April this is a tank. It can handle something like this

Leo: so relax. This is just a mini bump in the road. A hiccup. There's no way this night gets worse

Just then Warren stone and hypno fell on the turtle tank

Lizzie: Hypno?! And... wait who are you again?

Warren stone: ...really?

Everyone saw draxum standing in front of them

Draxum: Your gauntlet will be mine worm man!

Warren stone: Breaking news the gauntlet stays with me!

Draxum: Enough of this!

He tried to attack Warren stone with vines but hypno cut them with his magic rings

Hypno: Alakaboom!

Warren stone: Take that you horned headed freak!

Draxum saw Raph Mikey and lizzie

Draxum: Oh my turtles! How very not nice to see you!

He was about to attack the three of them but they got out of the way in time

Lizzie: we can't even go one birthday without dealing with these guys?

Raph: it means April's birthday really is cursed

Mikey: We cannot let her see this

Raph: we have to get out of here

Lizzie: we're still kicking draxum's butt right?

Raph Mikey and lizzie got back into the turtle tank

Raph: Quick we just need to take care of this tiny little non threatening life situation. Then it's onto April's birthday fun

Lizzie: time to take this guy down!

Raph: you know it! Prepare to fire some cool weapons!

Donnie: which ones?

Warren stone: all of them!

Everyone saw Warren stone in the turtle tank

Leo: Okay who is that and how did he get in there?

Lizzie: I have no idea

April: Hold the phone! You're Warren Stone! I'd recognize that hair anywhere!

Lizzie: wait April you know him?

April: of course I do!

Warren: yes I am Warren stone. Are you a stonehead? That's what I call my fans.

April: Member since 2010!

Warren Stone: Excellent Now by the power invested by me by my own fan club I'm deputizing you to get my hippo roomie back!

Lizzie: roomie? As in roommate?

Warren stone: yes! I made that very clear!

The turtles april Lizzie and Warren stone saw hypno get tied up in draxum's vines

Warren Stone: No! Give! Him! Back!

He slammed the controls causing to activate one of the rockets making the turtle tank move super fast

Hypno: WARREN!

Warren stone: HYPNO!


They all landed in Central Park and Mikey tied Warren stone to a pole

Mikey: What does this thing do and why does Draxum want it?!

Warren stone: I don't know, but it's amazing! I call her Charlotte. She's like a toupee but for your fist!

Lizzie: I also have to ask since when are you and Hypno roommates?

Warren stone: it's a funny story really I-

Donnie: we don't have time for that! The gauntlet is part of the dark armor. We can not let Draxum have it. So now to do some light removing of a thing attached to another thing

Donnie's tech bo became a bunch of different tools

Leo: what the? Donnie!

Donnie: It's fine. He regenerates remember?

Lizzie: how would hypno feel if he found out you cut his roommate in half?

Donnie: why do you care how he feels?

Lizzie: because they're not as bad as draxum

Warren stone: Hey!

April: wait! This is a sign! Maybe this is finally the year my birthday is awesome

Leo: Because we've got a worm man tied to a pole? You need to raise your standards

April: This is my birthday and Warren Stone is the goat of news anchors. We've gotta help him get his friend/roomie/it's complicated back from Baron Draxum. It's my birthday wish! Like Lizzie said they're not as bad as draxum!

Lizzie: see? April gets it!

Leo: I can't say no to my beautiful girlfriend!

April: so now we just have to- MONSTER!

The turtles and Lizzie saw a monster made out of draxums vines running towards them

All: AHH!

but then it fell of the ground and became normal vines

Lizzie: well that was anti-climactic

Leo: agreed

He saw a note in the vines

Leo: wait is that a note from draxum?

Donnie: What he couldn't send an email?

Lizzie: or tell us in person?

April picked up the note and read it out loud

April: 'Give us the gauntlet or your kiwi friend becomes a smoothie. Let's not be tacky and avoid a violent exchang... ie love Huginn and Muninn' Guys we gotta help him!

Lizzie: besides It's six to one!

Donnie: Leo may be in but I'm not so hard pass

Warren stone: *sniff* I know I'm a famous worm villain but I need your help. When News fame left so did everyone I knew. I was alone I had nothing. Until I met a magician turned hippo and my life changed. For my birthday he baked me a tiny cake. and then magically jumped out of it! He almost crushed me when he slipped on frosting. He's my brother! He's my l-

Warren stone saw everyone crying except Donnie

Raph: Fine! All right? Just please stop. We'll get your roomie back

Lizzie: it's clear he means the world to you... I feel the same way with Leo

Leo: Aww!


Warren Stone arrived at the docks and draxum was waiting for him. Hypno was tied up and had tape over his mouth

Warren stone: Tonight's top story I'm here to make your trade Draxum.

Draxum: Good. Now hand over the gauntlet

Hypno tried to say 'it's a trap'

Warren stone: I love you too! We could do that or I can make you a sweeter offer. No how about your mutant loser turtles and that cat? I brought them right here

He pointed to the turtles Lizzie and April who were all about to ambush draxum

Donnie: Wait did he just give us up?

Draxum trapped the six of them in a vine cage

Leo: Betrayal! I feel like we should have seen that coming

Lizzie: I can't believe he was just using us! I really thought he cared about hypno

Warren stone: I do! That's why I betrayed you!

April: How could you do this?! And on my birthday! I was the Vice president of the stoneheads!

Warren stone: And he thanks you for your service.

Draxum: You drive a hard bargain but it's a deal

Draxum free hypno and Warren stone hugged him

Warren Stone: Tonight's headline best friends reunited and it feels-

Hypno: I'm so sorry. It was the only way to let you live.

He used his mind control magic on Warren

Hypno: give him the gauntlet my golden voiced amigo

Warren stone walked over to draxum and he grabbed him

Leo: Oh man a double betrayal. Did not see that coming!

Lizzie: I have a feeling there's at least one more coming.

Leo: three?!

Hypno: You get the gauntlet and the turtles and the kitten and Warren lives. That was our deal right?

Draxum: You know I lied

Draxum tied up hypno in vines

Lizzie: called it!

Leo: yeah you did! Triple Betrayal! Everybody was on fire tonight!

Hypno: But you promised!

Draxum: Only a true genius could choreograph this many betrayals and double crosses. Now time to some light removing one thing attached to another thing

Lizzie: no more messing around time to get out of here-!

April: don't bother Liz this is a classic April O'Neil birthday. Trapped in a cage betrayed by my idol and facing certain doom

Raph: Look on the bright side. We;re trapped in a cage having been betrayed by your idol facing certain doom... together

Lizzie: uh raph?

Raph: Hey I'm trying my best here!

Lizzie: No! I'm getting us out of here!

Lizzie used her electricity powers to destroy the vine cage

Leo: yeah! That's my girlfriend!

They all saw hypno freed himself

Hypno: hey! You stole my moment!

Lizzie: well you betrayed your roommate/best friend/partner!

Hypno: your right I deserved my moment stolen! But I really am here to help

Donnie: Okay cowboy. I don't know what kind of double triple betrayal you're got planned but we're not interested

Hypno: I've got nothing up my sleeve. I promise

Cards came out of his sleeve and hit Donnie in the face

Lizzie: really?

Hypno: please you must save Warren! You were right kitten I'm a terrible roomie I cheat on the chore chart he pretends not to notice but he does I know he does...

April: I just can't quit you Warren Stone

Raph: To be clear we're doing this for April because it's her birthday

Lizzie: plus you clearly care about him

Hypno: thank you!

He threw his magic ring at draxum's vines which he was going to use to take off the gauntlet

Hypno: Step away from my roomie!

Leo grabbed Warren stone

Leo: I got him let's go!

Draxum grabbed the gauntlet but everyone else held onto Warren stone

Raph: we can't stretch him any further!

Lizzie: somebody do something!

April used one of hypno's magic rings to cut off Warren stone's arm with the gauntlet on it

April: April O'Neil

Hypno was able to catch Warren stone and hugged him

Lizzie: Aww

Draxum now had the gauntlet

Draxum: Finally another piece of the dark armor

He opened a portal and was about to enter it

Lizzie: HEY DRAXUM! You forgot your good night kick!

Draxum: what?

Lizzie kicked draxum in the chest and he fell into the portal which closed a few seconds after

Lizzie: oh that felt so good!

Leo: Liz that was awesome! I love the one liner to!

Lizzie: me to! I just came up with it!

Warren stone's arm started to grow back

Warren stone: Charlotte! My power! You've made a grave mistake. You are on my list.

April: It was you or the gauntlet. And to some well you're kind of a big deal

Lizzie: I might not understand your relationship but what matters is that your happy together

Hypno: That's my Warren! Oh it's good to have you back roomie/magical assistant/slash friend. Let's go make fun of game show contestants on TV!

Hypno and Warren go home together

Raph: April so about your birthday. We're really sorry we weren't the ones to break the curse and uh-

Donnie: Happy birthday!

Donnie gave April warren stone's old arm

April: Best birthday ever!

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