Bright Spot (Newt x male!reader)

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Nightmares were a normal thing in the Glade. How could you not have nightmares after waking up in a metal box and then being dumped in a strange place with no memory of you were are? So, most of the Gladers grew used to the sounds of the others having nightmares and slept through it. Not Newt. The blonde second-in-command knew what those nightmares could do to people. The limp in his step was proof. So, whenever Newt heard the sounds of nightmares from the other boys, he would be the one to comfort them. Nothing more to it...until Y/N.

Y/N came up in the Box and, like all the others, he was scared. It didn't help the young man had ended up being a Slicer. All that blood day in and day out. Still, the (e/c) eyed boy put on a brave face. Unlike most Greenies, Y/N was able to hide the fact that he was frightened especially because he had no nightmares. Then, one night, it finally happened. A nightmare. A bad one at that.

Newt's hammock was next to Y/N's. He heard the sounds of a nightmare starting softly. He knew the sound well. The young man got out of his hammock and walked over to Y/N's. "Y/N," he whispered, not wanting to wake the others. Newt worried Y/N was going to thrash and topple right out of his hammock. "Y/N," Newt called a little louder. Y/N jerked awake and stared up at Newt with wide eyes. Newt gave him a smile and motioned for Y/N to follow him.

Confused, Y/N got up and followed Newt to the watch tower. Newt slowly went up the ladder, Y/N close behind. Once they were up, the two boys sat down, looking out over the Glade. "I was beginning to wonder if you weren't bloody crazy," Newt said, startling Y/N. His brows scrunched in confusion. "The nightmares. Every buggin' boy here has them in the beginning. Every single one except you." Y/N looked down at his lap.

"I have had them. The whole time. I just didn't want to seem weak. I hadn't realized everyone was having them." Newt chuckled humorlessly. "Yeah well, you don't need to hide it. We've all been there." Y/N smiled. "Thanks, Newt." Newt shrugged before stretching his arms over his head. "Don't thank me yet, shank. You can thank me when you're not having nightmares anymore. Now, what can we do to help you get rid of them? There must be a bright spot for you in this buggin' place."

Y/N knew exactly how he wanted Newt to do, but couldn't bring himself to say it out loud. Y/N liked the second-in-command. He couldn't help it. Newt was kind and he cared. Yes, he hated being the Glade more than anyone else, but he found a way to deal with his hatred of the situation. Y/N found himself staring at Newt's profile as the other boy looked up at the dark sky. Without thinking it through, Y/N leaned over and kissed Newt's cheek.

Newt nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt Y/N's lips on his cheek. An adorable blush crept onto Newt's face as he turned his head to look at Y/N. Y/N was smiling sheepishly, but he held Newt's gaze. He looked into those brown eyes he looked forward to seeing every day. He couldn't help but laugh at Newt's shocked expression. "I think that counts as a bright spot," Y/N said before turning his gaze back to the sky. Newt did the same, smiling to himself.He wanted to laugh. In the effort to comfort the Greenie, Newt ended up being comforted himself and, maybe, just maybe had found a bright spot for himself.

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