Protector (Gally x fem!reader) High school AU

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You hated new schools. You should have been used to changing schools by now though. Your father was in the military and you'd moved around every two or three years since you were in elementary school. However, changing schools in the middle of the year was something you never enjoyed. You were in the 11th grade when you transferred to The Maze High School.

It was just like every other high school. There were lockers, classrooms and boring teachers. Most of all, there were bullies. For some reason, you had always been a target for bullies. Probably because you were artsy rather than athletic. You preferred art, music and drama classes to cheerleading or any other sport. You tended to be a little more reserved around people you didn't know. Unfortunately for you, the bullies in every school saw that as a weakness they could exploit and this school was no different.

"Oh look, it's the new girl. Hey Y/N. You dropped something," one of the most popular girls in school said before knocking your books out of your hands while another cheerleader pulled the rest of your books out of your locker and threw them on the floor. "Come on," you muttered as you stooped to start picking up your books. One of the girls started kicking you books out of your reach each time your hand got near it. This went on until the bell rang.

You were finally able to pick up your fallen books, but a deep voice snapped at you, "You should be in class." You looked up and saw a muscular boy walking your way. He way he was glaring at you made him look mean. You felt the tears pricking the back of your eyes so you ducked your head and hoped he hadn't seen your pain. No such luck. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked as he got down and picked up one of your books. You shook your head and thanked him.

"Seriously, what's up? You're crying." He helped you up and placed your books in your locker. "I know you. You're Y/N, right? You just moved here." You nodded. You didn't trust your voice and you were not about to bare your soul to a guy you just met. "I'm Gally. We have Biology together now. We've really got to get to class or we'll be late." You quietly followed Gally to your classroom and made it just in time for the late ball to ring. You ignored the collective gossip that started when you walked in. You just took your seat and waited for the nightmare to be over.

Unfortunately for you, it was that day the teacher, Mr. Janson decided that you were going to group up for a project. You closed your eyes and prayed to whatever god there was that you weren't paired with one of the cheerleaders. It seemed that luck was on your side that moment because you ended up being paired with Gally and two other boys you didn't know. They introduced themselves as Newt and Minho. "So, any ideas?" You shook your head and said, "Not one, but if you guys give me some time to think about it, I'm sure I can come up with something."

"How about we get together after school? I can tell the coach I have to work on this project and he'll cut me some slack," Gally suggested. The three of you nodded and you looked over at the table next to yours. The cheerleaders were glaring at you. It wasn't your fault that Janson paired you with the star soccer player, the faster runner on the track team and the star of all the school plays. You just turned your attention back to your work until the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. You quickly got up and ran to your locker, hoping to be out of the building before the cheerleaders caught up with you. No such luck.

"Y/N, you ,must think you're something special since Gally paid attention to you," the head cheerleader taunted as they approached you again. "Gally pays attention to anyone if he thinks he can get in her pants," she continued as she shoved you against the lockers. "Please just leave me alone," you said, trying not to cry again. "Why don't you make us? Fight back." You shook your head. You hated fighting unless you defending someone you care about, not yourself.

"HEY!" someone shouted making the cheerleader let go of you. "Gally, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at practice," she said, laughing nervously. Gally's crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, I got a pass today. You can leave now," he said reaching between the cheerleaders and grabbing your hand. "Come on, Y/N." He lead you away from the pack of girls and around the corner. You could see the anger written all over his face.

"Gally?"He turned his gaze on you and you could almost see fire in his eyes. When he saw the fear on your face, he softened. "Sorry. I hate bullies. Are you alright?" You nodded. "I'm used to it I guess. It happens in almost every new school, but thanks for coming to my rescue." He gave you a smile. "No worries. Now come on, shank. Minho and Newt are waiting for us. We've got a project to do.

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