Not Like That (Thomas x fem!reader)

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Thomas had only a few friends in the Glade. He could count them on one hand. There was Newt, Minho, Chuck and you. You were the only girl in the Glade and a Runner. Thomas felt close to you from the minute he came out of the Box, but he didn't know why. After a while, Thomas realized that he had an overwhelming urge to protect you. He'd told you how he felt, but you told him that you weren't looking for a relationship. Then it happened....

Thomas had been working in the Gardens when he saw Minho dragging you out of the Maze. He immediately got up and ran over to the Keeper, Newt and Chuck hot on his tail. "What happened?" Thomas asked frantically. Newt helped him take you from Minho. "She saved me from a shucking Griever. Pushed me out of the way and got stung." They carried you to the Med-Jack hut where Clint and Jeff could administer the grief serum.

After they laid you on a cot, Newt began pushing Thomas out. "Newt, let me stay with her please." Newt shook his head and pushed a little harder. "It's not safe, Tommy. Let's go." After another firm push, Thomas was outside the hut. In a fit of anger, he punched the wall of the hut. He knew that Newt was right. No one but the Med-Jacks should be around a Glader going through the Changing. Thomas vowed that he'd never leave your side once you were better. With that, he ran to find Alby.

*time skip brought to you by Newt's accent*

Four days later, you were finally let out of the Med-Jack hut. Alby had, in no uncertain terms, said that you were no longer allowed to run. Instead you had to work in the Gardens with Zart and Newt. You weren't happy about it, but you didn't argue. You understood that Alby was just trying to keep you safe. Thomas was happy about it since he was able to keep an eye on you. He rarely left you alone, no matter how you tried to avoid him.

Since you'd gone through the Changing, you'd remembered some things that made Thomas' actions seem odd yet familiar at the same time. The day Clint and Jeff released you, Thomas started following you around like a puppy dog. After a full day of that, you had enough. "Thomas! Stop following me! What is your deal?" He stopped in his tracks for a second and looked down at the ground sheepishly. "Well, now that you're better and everything I was wondering if maybe you'"

You cut him off. "Thomas, no! I'm sorry but you can't like me, not like that." Thomas looked crestfallen for a second before he registered what you said. "What do you mean, not like that?" You placed a hand on his shoulder. "You can't like me like that because we're related." Thomas took a step back and fell in the dirt. "Related? Are you sure?" You nodded. "Yeah. You were in my memories a lot. I think you're my brother or something."

"That explains the protective feeling I have I guess. sister." He pulled you into a hug. "So you see, it would be beyond weird. Besides, I kinda like someone else," you said and pulled away. "Who?" Thomas looked at you expectantly. "Y/N! Come over here a second!" Minho called to you. You started walking to the Runner and Thomas called, "Wait! Who is it?!" You turned back and gave him a cheeky grin. You walked over and sat between Minho and Newt. You kissed Minho's cheek, then turned to the second-in-command and did the same to him. They both looked at you and smiled before the three of you turned to wink at Thomas. 

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