Don't Be So Nervous (Greenie!Newt x fem!reader)

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You heard the sound of the box coming up. Another month, another Greenie. You slowly made your way over, trying to avoid being run over by the dozens of boys already in the Glade with you. Once the box stopped moving, Alby quickly hopped down to greet the new Greenie. You waited patiently behind all the boys. "Hey, Y/N. You ready to meet the new Greenie?" Ben asked you, throwing his arm around your shoulders. You gave a little snort.

"You smell, you shank," you told him and moved away. You were the only girl in the Glade and it did get tiresome being hit on by all these boys. Of course, it never stopped you from flirting back every once in a while. Usually, it flustered the boys so much, they left you alone for days afterwards. Alby had finally managed to get the Greenie out of the box. The boy had sandy blond hair and his brown eyes were wide with fear. You knew the feeling well.

Alby approached you, the Greenie right behind him. "This pretty shank here is Y/N. Y/N, can you give the newbie the tour?" You gave him a nod as you looked at the lanky, yet muscular boy behind him. "Hey there, Greenie. Got your name back yet?" you asked him. He simply shook his head. "Don't worry. It'll come to you. Follow me and I'll give you the grand tour, Cutie." You let out a laugh at the blush on his cheeks. This was going to be fun.

You gave the Greenie the tour, flirting with him the whole time and as you climbing the watch tower, he remembered his name. Newt. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Newtie." He nearly fell off the ladder when you called him that. When you got to the top, he asked you, "Do you flirt with everyone?" You loved his accent, but the question took you by surprise. He was refusing to look at you. "No, Newt. At least not seriously. It's usually the only way I can get these shanks to leave me alone. I'm the only girl with dozens of boys and they keep sending up more. I flirt because it gets the boys all flustered and they leave me alone for a day or two. Honestly, you're he first Greenie to come out of that box that hasn't immediately tried to get with me."

Newt simply listened as you explained the situation to him. His initial awkwardness was wearing off. Well, it was until you turned to him and gave him a wink. He couldn't look at you again as you giggled. "Come on Newtie Pie, let's get your hammock set up, okay? Tomorrow you start work with me in the Med-jack hut." Newt's face flushed again as he followed you back down. "Hey Newt, don't take this the wrong way, but you have a really shucking nice butt."

This time, Newt did lose his footing and he fell off the ladder, using you to break his fall at the bottom. You probably would have said something if you hadn't been laughing so hard. "I'm sorry, Newt!" you gasped out, "Your reaction was priceless." Newt didn't say anything and you instantly stopped laughing. "Oh, Newtie Pie, don't be so nervous. You know I don't mean it." This time, Newt managed a light chuckle. "There you go! Come on, we gotta get your hammock ready and then there's the bonfire tonight."

Months went by and Newt got used to you and your flirty ways. By the time the next Greenie came up, Newt was comfortable with you enough to start flirting back and boy was he good at it. He was the only boy to ever make YOU blush. Between the accent and the dorky pick-up lines, you found yourself falling for the blond. Unfortunately for you, Alby had set another rule in place that you were off limits to all the boys. No relationships allowed while you were in the Glade.

"This isn't fair, Alby!" you cried. You and Alby had the new Greenie, Minho, in the Homestead. "You can't possibly expect that rule to stick! I'm one girl with a bunch of boys! Surely you understand that it's possible for me to have feelings for one of them," you cried. Flirting with the boys had lost its appeal and you realized that there was only one person you wanted to flirt with. "Aw, Y/N. I knew you loved me, you beautiful shank you," Minho said, earning a glare. "You wish, Minho."

"Oh, so you're talking about Newt. What's that slinthead got that I don't?" You felt yourself blush. "N-Newt? Pfft, no! Well...maybe." Alby smiled and cried, "Finally!" You gave him a looked, confused. "You have been dancing around the issue since he came up in the box. I put that rule in place just to get you to admit your feelings for the shank. Now get out of here!" You felt your lips stretch into a smile as you kissed Alby's cheek and ran off to find Newt.     

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