&Fake smiles can turn reality//Merome&

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I did half of it today (after the Vikklan one) and the other half tomorrow (the day I'll publish this) thanks and enjoy ... I hope none of Team crafted or The Pack is reading this ESPECIALLY MEROME... Please splash me with holy water... I just watched Mitch's second channel about Merome and now I feel weird and bad now because I know every single fanfic they read and every writer/Author who made them.... END ME

P.S. Jerome is in his Bacca form in this one.


Mitch's POV (I'm so scared ;-;)

 I feel nothing, absolutely just empty, only depression and sadness. All those laughs and smiles I showed to my friends?


All those 

cheerful and joyful personalities?


All those sayings of "I'm okay" or "I feel good"?


 Everything is absolutely Fake. I'm empty as the empty ceiling, that I'm staring at. I'm quiet as the quiet room. All my depression started 4 or 5 months ago, When I developed feelings for my best friend, Jerome. And he's going to hang out with me at 4. So I got up and cleaned my place. After cleaning I glanced to see the time, 3:40. I sighed, 'Let me see my silver friend again' I told my self. Ya, I'll go do that.

I went to my room, and locked it. I went through my closet and shoved my hand into one of my jackets's pockets's, until I felt a familiar cold silver feeling on my fingertips. I smiled as I pulled out my silver, blade friend. I walked to the bathroom, that's connected to my room. Closed the door, and looked at the blade. I pressed my back onto the wooden door, while aiming my silver buddy on my wrist. I slid it deep onto my skin, and watch the beautiful blood spread out. I continued, cut, cut, and another cut. One with each thing I faked.

My fake Joy

My fake cheerfulness 

My fake 'okay's

My fake laughs 

My fake excuses

My fake smile

And I doubled all the fake things for missing my cutting the other day. After I few more cuts I cleaned myself and the blade. I unlocked the bathroom door and kept my silver blade back to where it was before.

 After that, I heard a ring from my front door. That must be Jerome. I sighed and took a glance at the mirror to look at myself again. Plastered another ,damn, stupid, fake smile again, and went for the door. I took a deep breath and opened it, I saw Brown Bacca with a big smile taped on his face. "Hey there, Mitch!" He called out in a cheerful way, went inside and closed the front door. "Hey Jerome" I say in the same tone he said his, but a fake happiness in me.

He raised an eyebrow and had a face of concern and confusion, does he see it right through me? Luckily he's face quickly change "You ready to hang?" He asked. Relief got into me, phew! I nodded and faked smiled.

~~2 hours later, don't mind me!~~

 I've been quiet and not cooperating ever since. Jerome has been looking at me in concern and confusion, with made it a hella harder for me. Jerome turned off the movie and looked at me with the same face he had. "Mitch are you okay? Is something bothering you?" He asks. All I did was nod and turned away. 

He wasn't buying it at all. 

 "Mitch, you've been like this for the past few months, I could see it through you ever since. I would always ask you if your okay or if there was something wrong, but you'll always deny it and lie to me." He says, holding my arm, Wait-- My arm. I quickly pulled away my arm from him, he questioned it "Mitch? Is something wrong with your arm?". I didn't respond. "Let me see it" He says grabbing back my arm. Before I could stop him he pulled my sleeve up. He had wide-eyes, it looked like tears forming in, like what I'm about to. "M-Mitch, why?" He asks not taking his eyes off my arm with red marks on them.

 Tears screamed and ran down my cheeks. Everything stopped in time for me. I kept my face away from him but I felt a furry finger went under my chin, and made my meat his black orbs that were filled with tears. "Mitch? Please...." He says in a soft voice. I kept my mouth shut. "Tell me why..." He kept asking. He's starting to annoy me know. "Biggums? Please?" He says with pleading eyes. I couldn't take it anymore.

I broke down.

"BECUASE I LOVE YOU ALRIGHT?! GOD DAMN IT!" I screamed and yelled at the same time. He looked at me in shock. I started realizing what I just said, well practically yelled at him. His gripped got loose and I pulled my hand to my mouth. It felt like forever, all you can hear from this dead silence is my sobs.

 The Bacca hasn't  made a single sound, only looking at me in shock. I sighed, wiped the tears away and stood up from my seat. as I slowly walked to the stairs I heard noises from Jerome, he's about to leave I'm pretty sure. I took one step on the stairs but got pulled back by a pair of strong arms on my waist. I was about to scream, when they turned me around to face them. The familiar Bacca right infront of me. My face was in confusion, fear and sadness. He had a serious face, him looking right through my eyes.

What is he going to do to me?

Is he going to hurt me?

Is he gonna yell at me?

What will he say to me?

Is he going to say we're not going to be friends anymore?!

Or worse?!

As these questions flew around my head. I started panicking. I looked around besides from his eyes. I did my best, but met his gaze ,again. His face changed to a smile, his eyes filled with happiness and love, and a faint blush visible on his fur. Then he leaned in closer to my face. A blush went across my face, it just got bigger and darker every inch he gets closer, with this unreadable feeling on his eyes. I tried to find out what feeling was it, as I got lost into his black beads. I just started realizing when he was to close to me, our foreheads and noses touching each other. Before I could ask, his lips landed to mine.

Wait, H-He's Kissing M-ME!?!?

 I almost instantly kissed back. his arms around my Waist, and mine on his neck. After a minute or two, we pulled back. We just stared to each other's sparkling eyes, his face had a smile and a red blush.

 After a long silence, Jerome finally broke it "So...." He started, kinda nervous. I turned around a little shy, confused and scared. "Hey, hey... C'mon... It's okay biggums" He assured me, turning me around, again, making look at him, him with pleading eyes. I just stayed silent as hell. "After all this time, I've felt the same around you, you make me feel different when I'm around you, I don't like-- hell, I hate seeing you hurt especially if it's both emotionally and physically, your to perfect to be hurt..."he says, I looked up to him. "...I guess all I'm trying to say is.... I love you too" He finally finishes. I looked at him in awe, he kissed me again and I gladly accepted it. When we pulled back. He had a big smile glued onto his face, I couldn't help but smile too, a real smile, a true smile. "That's a smile I want to see everyday, not a lying one, not a sad one, just true happiness" He smiles. I finally smiled truely after these few months, I finally did. I laughed and threw my arms to Jerome, he caught me and hugged me.

 After that, we watched another couple of movies, I didn't remove the big smile from my face. I sat next to Jerome, who's arm is on my waist pulling me closer next to him, which made me blush a bit. I leaned and rested my head onto his shoulder, while his on my hair. I cuddled next to him, he picked me up and made me sit on his lap. (NO SMUT IN THIS ONE, NOPE, 😐 SORRY!) I leaned and nuzzled the back of my head on his chest, and since he had fur all over he was warm and comfy. He looked down one me, blushed and smiled. We watched, as Jerome caressed my arm (which still has cuts) to not hurt me. I was tired already, I had half lidded eyes, a soft yawn escaped from my lips. I guess he could tell because he place a blanket over us later. I just used the Bacca as a soft pillow, he's like cuddly teddy bear to me. I felt safe around him. I let sleep take over me with a happy true smile and my face still.

3rd Person view

As Mitch fell asleep onto Jeromes arms, Jerome smiled and adored his little Benja listening to his, soft, cute (to Jerome it is😏) snores. He turned of the TV and cuddled his Canadian. He was to tired and sleepy from all the drama from a few hours ago. So he rested his head onto the other male's hair, like a soft pillow, and slept. They slept on the couch, peacefully, quietly(, and cutely) with the true smiles still plastered on their faces.

'Fake can always turn to reality. Especially smiles.'


Uh... hi. Umm... remember when I said I'll update tomorrow last time? I wasn't able to because my publish button wasn't working until now. And I'm really sorry about that! At least I was able to publish it now. I hope you understand and Ill make the next one Poofless I think. I'll see you guys next chapter. And remember to always have a true smile on your face don't fake it, If they see it right through you let them help you if you want. Anyways, Kiesha out!

"Just remember there is always a someone looking out for you, you may not know yet but I believe there is always a person caring for you, they maybe a secret admirer of yours, maybe a person online, or I don't know but you must stay strong for that person."



One-shot made by me

Mitch and Jerome belongs to themselves

The Ship 'Merome' is for anyone and everyone

Thank you for reading!

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