💐Falling, game, poems, love and a happy ending...//Poofless🍃

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No this isn't a sad one! Ill be making (most of them) happy, weird or I don't know but many would be happy ones. I hate showing negativeness to other people and I keep it for myself. Yes I'm one of those people, but I like everyone happy then they make me happy. Anyways, thank you for reading.

Note: this isn't Minecraft so Preston and Jerome aren't in there MC (Minecraft) skins


«Preston's POV»

It's the last day of the school week, or you could say Friday (I'm sorry If this isn't the day when your school week is over for me it is). And it's my last period too, everyone would take quick glances of the clock every now and then.Our English teacher, Ms. Escareal, (I'm sorry Reese [she's one of my fams in a group] if your reading this) was one of the nicest and coolest teachers here ,because every time when the class is about to end she'll give us 10 minutes to do our stuff, just make sure that it wouldn't be to noisy though. I looked at the time, 15 minutes left. I sighed and went back to the board.

 Then Ms. Escareal looked at the time and looked back at us with a smile, "Ok class, it's free time!" She says with glee, we all cheered and went to talking, playing and other stuff. I was classes with Mitch and Vikk in English. I went over and talk to them.

 "Hello Puuurrrsston!" Mitch luaghed. I playfully glared at him, "Did you just call me Purston?" I asked. "7 seconds ago, yes" He answers, Vikk laughs at what answer he said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "by the way Preston... we heard some news from Matt and Kenny" Vikk changes the subject. I see Mitch making the 'oh-yeah-I-remember' face and he nodded, "Spill it" i tell them. "ya know your little crush, Rob?" Mitch started. "Y-yeah?" I stuttered my cheeks tinted pink, Rob was one of the most popular guys here at school following, Lachlan and Jerome, and I was Bi and so as Vikk and Mitch, So I had a major crush on him. "We heard that... Rob has--" They were both cut off by the bell ring. Ms. Escareal smiled and said goodbye to everyone, the students politely did the same to her, packed their things and left the room, I did the same.

Vikk and Mitch followed me to my locker, I set my things in my locker and went my way the other following. "So what were you saying again, about Rob, like 10 minutes ago?" I asked them. They both nodded to each other. "As we were saying Rob has a--" They got cut of , again, when I hit someone when we turned a sharp left. I felt like I slipped onto my feet and was about to fall, I closed my eyes to expect a sharp pain on my head, and back, but I felt a pair of strong arms gripping one of my hands, and the other on my waist. I opened my eyes to see who it was and it was... ROB?! I felt my cheeks go warm and panic building in me. I was wide-eyed. I see a smirked from his face, and his other friends, Lachlan and Jerome looking at us, so as my friends.

 I escaped the grip of his and started to stutter and panic. "I-I'm so sorry! I d-didn't see y-you there, and I w-was talking to m-my friends, and I... umm... uh..." I stuttered losing words to say. I could hear Mitch whispering on Vikk "Speaking of Rob...". I rub the back of my neck, awkwardly, I nervously laughed, "I'm seriously sorry, really.." I tell him looking at my hands.

«3rd person's POV (surprise mother fudgers! ok I'm sorry)»

 Preston was a mess, he was nervous as hell, blushing red, stuttered like crazy, and kept on saying 'sorry' in many ways. But to Rob he smiled at the little nervous Preston, he was cute for how fragile and adorable he is, he loved the way on how he blush whenever he's around Rob, its just everything to him, he was 'a perfect' for him. He took one of his hands and the other one, under the chin of the the cactus making him look t him. Preston blushed redder then the red flowers that Rob would grow in his garden. "No need to be sorry" Rob says in a soft tone, Preston was screaming inside his head right now, but he at least responded with a stuttered "okay" and a nod. Rob smiled at him.

 While that was happening Lachlan, nudged a arm of Jerome and pointed at the the Canadian and the Brit. "You like Vikk don't ya?" Jerome teases Lachlan blushed red. "You mean just as like you love Mitch?" Lachlan answered back. "Fine, point taken" Jerome says in defeat, with a bright blush on his face. Mitch was taking pictures of not just Poofless ,even selfies of himself and Vikk (No Idea where I got that idea).

 Vikk is now drawing Poofless on his sketch book. Lachlan walked up from the side of Vikk, he didn't s notice, so he said "Nice drawing, mate." Lachlan says I his accent looking at his sketch book in awe, it was a drawing of a ender dragon in Minecraft ,it looked very real indeed . Vikk slightly flinched and he looked up to see Lachlan smiling above him, he blushed red "T-thanks" he stuttered.

 For Jerome he snucked up on Mitch and literally, photobombed him 'cause he was in the picture. Mitch looked at the picture and saw something unfamiliar, Jerome was behind, he turned around to see a smirking Jerome, he too also blushed like the color red of his checkered jacket. He let out a shy laugh, which made Jerome smile.

  While Rob's and Preston's friends are taking their relationship in a great way, They pulled away.  There was a odd silence between the two, Rob would just stare at him, while Preston tried his best to not look at him, but failed and met his gaze everytime to see a smirking Rob above hm, once or twice failing maybe even three? Rob finally broke the silence "So, Preston right?" Rob asks making sure, Preston responded with a nod, not trusting his own words right now. Rob smiled at this "Do you wanna hang out sometime?" He asks, Preston gave a small shy smile and nodded. 

 Rob gave his number to Preston, including Jerome's and Lachlan's. Before Rob and his friends left Rob gave a cheeky, little, 'wink' >😉< at him and continued his walk, which made the lava mob blush red at this simple action. He was in complete awestruck, he tried to recap on what happened. He felt like he was about to scream right now, he was in deep thought right now but got interrupted by a Mitch and a Vikk screaming "POOFLESS!!!" And they laughed. He shot daggers at them "What about Lachlan and Jerome, then?" he teases them. They finally shut their mouths up with flushed faces.

 He told them about going to Rob places, they both agreed to it. He wonders why he's been smirking and being nice to him, with a pink tinted face the whole time around him. Welp, he'll find out soon. Same with Mitch's and Vikk's crushes, they wondered for the rest of the day. Well tomorrow is Saturday.

<<~(• w •)~ Tįm€ $kì₽ ÜñtìŁ Šãtûrd@¥  ~(–w–)~>>

 Rob invited Preston and his friends to his house, with his own friends-you most probably know who are the 'friends' by now. Preston wondered about Rob's house.

 The next thing though, once he got to his house, it answered his question. It was a big house, just like a mansion you could say, maybe one of the reasons why he's popular, but its mostly of his looks, which Preston fell for.

 Preston, with Vikk and Mitch, was in the porch of the flower king's front door. Preston took a deep breath, and pushed the doorbell. 'ding dong!' it sounded. You could hear footsteps running inside there. After a few seconds, Rob finally opened the door, when he saw Preston in front of him, he had a smile and a light shade of red on his face.He couldn't help but smile back, also having a tint of red showing, Vikk and Mitch was most probably fangirling in the inside right now.

 Rob gestured for them to come in. Once they got in and closed the door, he gave them a tour around the house, if you didn't know around the house you'll most likely be lost in it. Let's change that 'huge house' to a mansion instead, ya that fits better.

 Once they got into the main living room, there was a Lachlan hitting Jerome with one of the pillows on the couch, a Brandon laughing while trying really hard not to blush around Matt, the same thing with Matt minus the laughing part, they all looked at the 4 who just came.

 Rob spoke up "Anyways, You already met Lachlan and Jerome..." He gestured to them, who were looking at Vikk and Mitch, Preston and Rob smirked at the 4 looking at each other and blushing a bit. "... and that is Matt and Brandon." Rob points at the two other guys on the couch. "Let's get started then!" Both Brandon and Matt cheers at the same time.

This is going to be a long night...

<<°•°•°Åñøth3r Tįm€ $kî₽!°•°•°>>

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Jerome yells. "Bring it on Fluffy!" Rob challenges him. The rest agreed to it but were worried. Rob went to get a bottle.

Jerome went first. He grabbed it and spinned it.





 It slowed down and landed on Mitch. Mitch's face was redder then cherries right now. Everyone went 'oooooooooohhhhhh' except for the two, it was really obvious they liked each other very much, everyone here already knew. Jerome was also red, but did it anyways, he got the Canadian's chin to look at him, and placed his lips on his. They kissed for a total of 6 seconds. They pulled away with even redder faces, if it was even possible, wait it was possible because it just happened. I (the Author) swear they were smiling after their kiss.

 Lachlan took the next turn, he gribbed the bottle, and made a decent spin.






 Everyone looked at the flushed Vikk, it landed on him. Lachlan took the chance, he took Vikk's shoulders, stared at him for a few seconds and kissed him. It was the same as Mitch's and Jerome's one, but they You could say a second longer. They pulled away, Lachlan sighed and smiled ,scratching the back of his head, Vikk was red, looking away, shy, nervous and surprised on what happened, but he liked it anyways with a small smile tapped on his face.

It was Matt's turn, he placed his hand on the bottle, took a deep breath and turned his hand to spin it.

4 spins


2 more spins



 And... It lands on Brandon. Both faces tinted red, both nervous. Rob chuckled a bit, Lachlan was whispering 'do it' again and again, Jerome watch intensively, Vikk still red from what happened, Mitch was smirking at the two, Preston laughing a bit at the scene. You can tell Rob has been taking glances and staring at Preston the whole time.

 A minute already passed, they still didn't do it, Preston and Mitch looked at each other they both nodded. They got up and both went behind the two, without them noticing, The others, except Vikk, looked at them with confused looks. Vikk was trying to hold his laugh, as he watch his friends. Preston looked at Mitch and gave him the signal.

They both pushed them at the same time.

 Making them kiss, with wide eyes. It took them a few seconds on what is happening. They instantly pulled away, they were blushing red. The others just looked at them and saying 'awww'. Mitch and Preston gave each other a high five.

 Jerome gestured Rob to go. Rob grabbed the bottle, with no hesitation and spinned it.




 3rd times a charm! It landed on Preston. He loooked at Rob wide-eyed, with a flushed face, looked at the bottle, and back at Rob again. Rob sighed, took one of his hands and stared at the blushing red Preston. Rob closed his eyes and placed his lips on his, Rob loved every second of it. It was short but sweet, they pulled away looking at each other's eyes for some times and both looked away. You could hear 'awww's and 'cute' everytime and you could hear the fangirling— more like fanboying on all of them.

 Vikk whispered to Preston on his ear, "I could see that smile..." he pointed out the small smile on his face. Preston just giggled.

They both just kissed!

Wait— I just broke the fourth wall, oh well I'll go fix it after this.

(Give me a sec my friend is texting me... Go ask this guy » MisterReader123 )

 Rob tapped the back of Preston, he turned around face-to-face with each other. "Follow me" Rob says pulling one of Preston's hands, and leading him somewhere. Preston followed curious on where they wer going, but also blushing that Rob is holding his hand.

 After the house maze they went to the backyard garden, Rob pulled the back door open. Preston looked around it awe there were beautiful blossoming flowers everywhere, there was even some rare ones, the sky was blue, purple, pink and orange blended together, as you see the fluffy clouds getting replaced with twinkling stars, and the sun setting in The view. There were a few trees in the garden, dancing in the air, as their leaves wave in the cool breeze. A ark way decorated with different flowers, a stone path way, a green house, even a small waterfall, with some fishes in it.

 "No wonder why your the flower king" Preston says still looking around, amazed. "Do you like it?" Rob asks, sitting down on the green grass. Preston sat with him, "yea!, Its so beautiful!" he exclaims. "just like you..." Rob whispers, smirking with a bright blush. Preston did hear it, he was surprised of what he said.

Does Rob like him?

No, that's impossible. He's straight... right?

But... he keeps on blushing when his around him.

Maybe he has a chance...

 All these sentences and words swirling around his mind. He even started picking up flowers and  weave them together, not even him knowing. He wasn't paying attention on his actions, only his mind. He started forming a flower crown, with orange peonies and white daffodils, just like...

After finishing that. He even started making another one, still having no Idea in his movements just his mind thinking. It was instead blue roses and black orchids (just go google the flower's colors)(and change those flowers to what I said)...

After he was done weaving. Rob looked over to him and the flower crowns "hey, what are you doing?" He asks, smirking, he wasn't mad. Preston snapped out of his thoughts and glanced over to Rob and to the flower crowns he made, he eyes were wide, with fear and embarrassment. He looked over to Rob and started stuttering "I-I'm really sorry! I d-didn't mean to. I-I was in d-deep t-thought! I didn't k-know what I-I was doing. I-I'm s-so sorry!" He raised his hands infront of him and covered his face, embarrassed. 

 Rob looked at him, he gave a smile. "It's okay, I have to many anyways..." he says. Preston looked up to him and said "heh, thanks, I do things like that when I think or when I'm nervous...". Rob chuckled "You mean like right now?". Preston answers "Yea...". "What were you thinking about anyways?" Rob asks. Preston looked at him, he cheeks a bit pinkish he started making a poem of some sort....

°•—I made this ok? I'm surprised on how good I am—•°

" I'm not striaght so I fell for this guy,

Love that you can't buy.

He loves many flowers,

That makes my heart always towers.

I thought that he'll never like me,

But he just won't let my mind be.

Then I met him just yesterday ,

I day that I couldn't ever repay.

We kissed from a little game..."

Preston stopped, and looked at the male beside him. Rob was quite angry and sad, did he like someone else? But that sounds very familiar...

He gestured him to go on. Preston took a deep breath...

"...And Rob was his name."

He finished, he looked over to Rob, he had a surprised and gleeful look. 'Why was he happy?' He thought. He grabbed Preston, made him turn around, and met lava, Orange, orbs with his blue, crystal, ones. Rob started saying a poem as well..

"I may be popular, but never like girls,

And I saw this guy that made my mind swirl.

I never was able to talk to him,

But my love was brim.

He then took a sharp turn and bump to me,

He was cute from his stuttering, you should see. 

And now we're here in the sunset,

All the feelings he just let.

Now our faces so near,

That boy was Preston, who was right here..."

°•—§I made the poems by my own words! No copying!§—•°

 He then closes the gap between them by crashing his lips to his. He instantly kissed back, happier then ever before. There lips collided together, like two puzzle pieces stuck together. They wanted this forever, but needed air, so they pulled back and heard clapping sounds. They both looked in the direction where it was coming from.

 It was there friends, they probably got here about a minute ago, they didn't hear them coming because of there moment. Vikk and Lachlan together as the taller one wraps his arms on the smaller one's waist. Mitch and Jerome hugging together as Mitch nuzzles his head on the other male's chest. Matt and Brandon's hands holding each other's, happy.

 "So you guys are in love to?" Preston asks.

 Merome started first, "Yeah, a truth and dare thing..." Jerome blushes. "I made Jerome tell the truth that he likes Mitch!" Matt yells, laughing after. Jerome glared at him.

 "We may or may not have slept together hugging each other..." Vikk says, blushing red, same with Lachlan, "... we both woke up and confessed to each other of our feelings." Lachlan finishes. Then Lachlan pecked Vikk's cheek, making Vik smile.

 And last both not least...

 "...and I kissed Matt when he was not paying attention..." Brandon says laughing, while Matt blushes " I was stuttering when Lachlan said that I like him..." He sent daggers to Lachlan. Lachlan put his hands up in defense.

 Rob chuckled, at the 3 couples. Then Vik spoke up "uhh... we'll go inside now... go have your privacy!" The rest agrees and they all go in. Now it's just Rob and Preston, in the garden.

  As they sat on the cold ground, they look at each other, both eyes sparkling from the lighting of the sunset, and smiles not fading away. "So you really like me?" Preston asks, Rob places a hand on his lap "No, I love you." He answers with a smile, Preston smiles back. He then hugged him, and he hugged back, they got closer from there embrace as Preston's head leans back and hears the soft breathing of his lover, while Rob rests his head on his shoulder.

 Preston was holding the two flower crowns he made earlier. "You have some weaving skills" Rob compliments. Preston gave a thanks to him. He turned around again and looked at Rob. Rob looked at him confused. Preston took the blue and black crown and place it on his hair and giggled.

 "Once upon a time there was a flower king..." he says

 "Then the flower king went to a garden..." Rob continues. 

"And spotted a boy..."

"He instantly fell in love with him..."

"And the boy fell in love with the king too..."

"One day, the boy told his feelings to the king..."

"And he was happy of what he said..."

Rob then picked up the orange and white crown...

"And he realized he found his queen..." he places the crown in Preston's hair locks.

Preston smiled.

"And they lived happily ever after..."

"The End." Rob finishes, and kissed Preston on the lips, again. Preston melted into it.

 As they pulled away, and looked into each other's eyes, the sun reflecting to them. As they watched the sun go down, flowers bloomed in the now dark sky, stars twinkling in their appearance, the trees still dancing in the air and their leaves feels the breeze, and their soft breathing. It was a great story for the two, as they lived happily ever after...

One-shot The End.

«Kiesha's (Author) POV»

"The End." I type down on the last words on the one-shot. I smiled as I go thought the words I made. I then go over to my 'publish button' and pressed it. As it was added to my MC one-shot book, I finally updated.

 I yawned and checked the time... 1:24 AM wow... I finished it in that time.... oh well... I still have a big day tomorrow. I then looked over to my other tabs and closed them, 'I'll go check on the notifications tomorrow' I say to myself.

 I then looked over to my account, and pressed it and saw the 'log out' button. I smiled and looked back at the day I did.

 I pressed the button as my body turn to pixels and I go back to the internet lobby where the other sites and other OCs/online people are. I went over to 'the pack house' on where I live (in my OC world) with my girls. I got in the 5th story house and got in, everyone else is asleep. I went over to my room and opened it. I changed myself to my pajamas and flopped down my bed.

 I looked over to the two flower crowns First few crowns I made, Jannah thought me. One was like Preston's and one was like Rob's. I smiled and turned on my lampshade. As I let sleep take over me.

 And another happy ending for today.

============THE END============

Words: 3587 (not including this one)

This took me 9 days to do! Plus the othe hour cuz it's late and I'm sneakily doing this. I'm only doing this for you guys! And I'll see you guys later! Kiesha out! Goodnight!

Slept: 1:35 AM


Published: 10: 52 AM cuz I can't publish it last night because the internet was slow and shut down, so I slept and woke up and published it!

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