La da dee // SetoSolace

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Oh and their in their MC skins too!


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 I looked at the ticket that Brice gave me, he's going to perform a song with the some of the other team crafted, not all of them. Just Adam, Husky/Quentin (Is that how you spell it?), Jerome, Mitch and Brice himself, I always liked Brice more then a friend. I was sitting down on my chair and desk, just looking at the ticket, I want to tell him my feelings, but I don't know if he'll like me back...

The concert is tomorrow...

 He hasn't told me the song yet, and even if I asked so many times all he says is "It's a surprise, and I can't tell you why, you'll see soon.". I sighed, I'm going to see it soon.

 It was getting late, I placed the ticket on the table and changed to go to bed. After taking a quick bath and changing to my pajamas, I yawned as I dragged myself to my bed. I took a glance at the ticket on my table and let the darkness consume me...

...I wonder if Brice likes me back.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Time Skip! ✧゚・:

As I sat down on the very, front row, with Ty, Ian, Jason and Tyler.

 The place was packed with people (come back to this when you find a smiliar line in the song, I didn't even realized I actually placed this) many were fans of team crafted. Ty was on my left and Ian on my other.

 I made a loud sigh that made Ty look at me "You ok dude?" He asks. "Ya, It's just Brice, ya' know..." I answered, Out of all of them besides from Brice, I trust Ty the most, he's like a brother to me, and he can get overprotective around me sometimes. Ty smiled and said "You little crush on him huh?". I nodded with a flushed face. "Maybe, this concert might help that..." he chuckles.

What does he mean it might help?

Does he know what's going to happen?

I bet he does, but as much as I want to ask him that, he'll just reply with something like "Sorry can't tell you." Or a "You'll see soon.", ya he will. I just responded with a sigh and a nod.

 We waited that felt like a month or so... but it's really just been an hour.

 Then I see some guy that walked up on the front of the stage. "Ok ladies and gentlemen, the performance will now be on, please take your seats for the show, have a good day and thank you." He says and left.

 I stood straight in my seat as I see Brice and the others go to the front with there set up. I see Brice taking a quick glance at me and a smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back, a shy one that is. As some people adjust the lights from some where up there to make the view better. In their colors. (Check the description to for the colors!)

I see Brice leaning up to the Mic. "This song is for a special guy that I've always liked ever since I met him, and this song is for him, it's called 'la la dee' by Cody Simpson" He says and smiles. And he said a special guy. the crowd went like 'ooooooooohhhh', they weren't homophobic luckily... so he likes guys? So I have a chance! But what guy does he like? More specifically WHO does he like? Not me most probably. I sighed as I went back to reality and watched.

(Play the song pls! {on the top of the chapter})

Adam starts strumming the guitar with his finger tips then I hear Jerome beating the drums, Brice shaking of the tambourine (If you can hear closely you can hear bell noises, when he sings and I hope it is the tambourine) and heavenly voice...

—•»...✧La Da Dee by Cody Simpson✧...«•—

There's no way to say this song's about someone else

Every time you're not in my arms I start to lose myself

Someone please pass me my shades

Don't let 'em see me down

You have taken over my days

So tonight I'm going out!

 Then Mitch was strumming his guitar string by string, while the others just clapped there hands, and jumping up and down on their feet,

Yet I'm feeling like

There is no better place than right by your side

I had a little taste

And I'll only spoil the party anyway

'Cause all the girls are looking fine

But you're the only one on my mind

 Brice looked at my direction, Ty, Ssundee, Jason, Tyler and some people sitting close to me, looked at me. Does Brice like me? Am I the special guy?

La da dee

La da dee doo

La da da you

La da dee

La da dee doo

There's only me

There's only you

La da dee

La da dee doo

La da da me

La da da you

La da dee

La da dee doo

When you were gone I think of you

He points at me, everyone looked at me with awe, as if I was the special guy. And to finish that off, a purple light shone over me to make it more obvious, I looked up to Brice to see if he was serious. I think I WAS the special guy.

All these places packed with people but your face is all I see

And the music's way too loud but your voice won't let me be

So many pretty girls around

They're just dressing to impress

But the thought of you alone has got me sweating. He jumped down from the stage and walks over to me. 

 And I don't know what to say next!

 He reaches his hand out, I took it gently. He spun me around, in a swift motion. I was infront of him, after spinning around, I some how got on the stage, with the purple light still over me.

 He looked at me with a smile and sparkling eyes. I looked at him and around to see if this was real. It was.

Even Ty, Ian, Jason and Tyler shot up from their seats and started to clap with their hands with the beat, with their colors lighting over them (check description for the color lighting). Some people looked at them, as if they were our friends, or if they were crazy enough to do that.

Yet I'm feeling like

There is no better place than right by your side

I had a little taste

And I'll only spoil the party anyway

'Cause all the girls are looking fine

But you're the only one on my mind

He grabbed my arm, spinning us clock wise, while he sang those lyrics. Mitch sang a couple of words, I looked at him with a surprised look. Same with Brice but a smirk.

La da dee

La da dee doo. Mitch sings

La da da me

La da da you. Adam, continues 

La da dee

La da dee doo. Ty joins in. Him leaning at the side of Adam with a smile on his face. Adam didn't mind at all.

There's only me

There's only you. Husky sang with a smirk on his face.

La da dee

La da dee doo. Ian jumps in with us.

La da da me

La da da you. Jerome continued.

La da dee

La da dee doo. Jason added.

When you were gone I think of you. Tyler sings with a smile.

La da dee

La da dee doo. Brice sings. Then some other people came in from the stage, wait— The pack? Did Jerome and Mitch invited them, and Brice planned this, didn't he? (Didn't expect that did ya?)

La da da me. 

La da da you. I see Lachlan coming in with the song

La da dee

La da dee doo. Vikk comes in right after Lachlan.

There's only me

There's only you. Preston rushes in.

La da dee

La da dee doo. Rob jumps after Preston.

La da da me

La da da you. Brice sings with his voice, and handed me a microphone once he sang those words. I carefully took it and held it right infront of my lips.

La da dee

La da dee

When you were gone I think of you. I finish. Brice looked at me, his golden hair, defying gravity, shining on the bright lights over us. His hand holding mine, not letting it go. He stared at me, as if I was the stars.

I pretend the night is so beautiful

Take a photo with the bros. Brice sings, still holding my hand.

La da dee

La da da doo. I continued, blushing kinda red, at the touch of his hand.

They won't see through my disguise. Adam, Ty and Jerome sings

Right here behind my eyes. Jason, Mitch and Ian. Both of them chuckling a bit, after.

Replaying in my mind. Husky and Tyler adds.

La de da! The pack sings (except for Jerome and Mitch)

 Then, suddenly, Brice gestured the audience to join in, they all smiled and clapped their hands, snapped their fingers, some beating their chairs even, and stopped their feet, with the beat (IT RYHMES, I DIDNT MEAN TO, BUT OK). I was blushing red for a few seconds. He smiled at me as he took one of my hands and looked through my eyes, as I tried my best not to blush, but failed.

Yet I'm feeling like

There is no better place than right by your side

I had a little taste

And I'll only spoil the party anyway

'Cause all the girls are looking fine

But you're the only one on my mind. He sings those lyrics as he brought his hand up and pointed at me on my chest, in the last, my blush spreading a bit on my face.

La da dee

La da dee doo

La da da me

La da da you. Merome collided 

La da dee

La da dee doo

There's only me

There's only you. Skylox both sang with no hesitation.

La da dee

La da dee doo

La da da me

La da da you. Husky and Ian, continued. (OK HOLD UP! I don't know if I ship them or not cuz Crundee. Ok! Let's just settle that before you scream at me)

La da dee

La da dee doo

When you were gone I think of you

La da dee. MunchingUniverse sings, all noticing them staring at each others eyes.

La da dee doo

La da da me

La da da you

La da dee. Vikklan both sang in happiness.

La da dee doo

There's only me

There's only you

La da dee. Poofless sings, holding each other's arms.

 Brice looks over to me, one of his arms wrapped on my back, the other holding the mic. What is he doing? My face flushed from how close we were. But we still continued to sing.

La da dee doo

La da da me

La da da you

La da dee

La da dee doo

When you were gone I think of you... We both sang, Brice finished the last part, us still in the same position. 

—•»...✧ End of the song ✧...«•—

 And with the last words in the song. He closes the gap between us, his lips pressed against mine. I double checked to see if this was real, and after a few seconds I melted into the kiss, kissing back, my body filled with happiness.

 Once we pulled, his blue diamond eyes met my brown chocolate ones, I stared at him, not knowing how to react, say or do.

 We suddenly heard claps from our friends. We both glanced over to them, to see that they had smiles on there faces, all clapping there hands, Husky with a thumbs up, Ian smirking with his arms crossed, Adam's arm around Ty's shoulder, Jason flying up in the air with Tyler sitting on his shoulders his hands gripped on his legs so he won't fall, Jerome and Mitches hands holding each other, Lachlan's arms wrapped around Vikk's torso, and Rob giving Preston a side hug while Preston placed his arms around Rob's neck.

The claps spreads through the audience, as they all slowly stand up on there sits, as they clap or whistle loudly just enough to hear in the whole place, or either yell 'yeah!', 'that was great' and other compliments.

 Brice smiled and the crowd and looked back to me. He held the microphone in the middle of us and opened his mouth. "Seto Sorcerer?" He asks with my 'Sorcerer' name. I looked back at him, with a confused yet fearful look "yes?" I said, almost stuttering that word. He holds my hand with his free one, and looked straight at me. "I love you..." he says, with a smile on his face. I was awestrucked. He loved me back! "I l-love you, too" I then stuttered my words now.

 We heard 'awww's, 'adorable', 'cute' and 'oh my god!' From the audience. We pulled away, with smiles plastered on our faces. 

I've never expected it, that he would like me...

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Another Time Skip! ✧゚・:

 After the concert, I left without anyone knowing. I'm not mad, or sad, I'm actually worried. The reason why I left is to think what happened. To many things happened, many questions in my head...

 Was that kiss true?

Does he really like me?

Was he just fooling me infront of the whole crowd?

Did he and the rest just set this up?

Did he really mean those words?

Did he really mean "I love you"?

 I sighed and pulled up my purple hood to cover myself, as I sat under the golden leaves tree, it reminds me of Brice. I looked up to the dark night, only lighted up with the bright stars and the reflected moon.

 I heard footsteps, I looked over to see Brice, with a relieved face. He must've been worried when I disappeared. He walked over to me and sat right beside me, I didn't mind. A silence between us two.

 Brice finally tore the odd silence "You ok, Seto?" He asks, worried. I turned my head to look at him "yea... I was just thinking..." I assured him. He made a sigh of relief and asked "What were you thinking?". I froze my cheeks red, should I ask him? Yea, I should, I wanna see if it's true, or if he was jus joking with me...

 "Did you really mean that? That you liked me?" I asked, fear in my eyes. He looked at me, he saw the fear in me, and smiled as he made me look at him by placing his hand under my chin to look at him and slid my hood off a bit just enough for him to see my face. "Yes, yes I did, I would never lie to you about that, and if I did, then why would I do this?" He says. I was going to ask him what he meant but was cut off by his lips landing on mine.

 I couldn't resist but kissed back, his lips tasted sweet like honey-glazed donuts. He smiled through the kiss. As much as we wanted it forever we needed a thing called 'oxygen.' (OK— for some damn reason, from all the books I read it always say 'air' and I'm like 'NO, it's OXYGEN' and it really makes me cringe, ok? Ok.) Once we pulled away, we both panted from the lack of -oxygen-.

 We stared into each other's orbs, me getting lost in his. I didn't notice that Brice moved me on his lap when we kissed. After finding the exit from the maze of his eyes, I finally realized I was on his lap, I didn't get off him, I just looked away embarrassment building in me. Brice frowned when I turned my head away from him. "No, no, no... Seto, don't you hide from me, your beautiful..." he says, cupping one of my cheeks and bringing my face back towards him, my face flushed when he said those words.

 "Seto...?" He asks, scratching the back of his head. I faced-to-faced to him "y-yes?" I stuttered, damn my stuttering. He faces me holding one of my cheeks the other wrapped on my waist, he asked one question that I thought will never come to me in my life, but it did. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asks.

 I was in utter shock, many questions that needed to be answered, many worries and wonders that spun around my head. But the only thing to see the answers from each one is...


 I answered. He smiled on what I said and leaned closer to me, I did too. Until we got closer and closer. Our lips brushing off each other. Until we pulled in a kiss.

 It felt like July 4th fireworks,

sparks flying sarounding us,

flowers blooming around us,

petals and leaves raining from the sky.

 We finally broke the kiss. I nuzzled my head on his chest, as I hear his heart beating. He kissed my forehead, making me blush pink. I fell into his arms, as we watched fireworks that team crafted and the pack set offed. I sighed happily in this night. We saw a certain fire work with a purple and yellow love heart. I giggled at the scene, making Brice smile and pull me closer to him.

And that's all...

As long as Brice loves me and I love him...

My life is complete...

Forever and always...

Together and whenever...

A day to remember...

A guy to love...

A concert to not regret

A moment to love...

And it's...

La da dee

La da dee doo

La da dee me

La da dee you

La da dee

La da dee doo

There's only me

There's only you

You love me,

And I love you

Forever and always, too...

And from that day, I would still remember the song and the part when we were finally together.

His my 'there's only you'

And I'm his 'there's only me'

And I love him 'till the end...



3011 words! (Not including the description and the 'BAM!' Part...)

I've been working on it for so long!!! AND IT WAS WORTH IT!! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

The light colors and shaped of each of them:

Brice- Golden, circle to heart}When he spun Seto to the stage 

Seto- purple,circle to heart }When Brice spun him to the stage

Adam-yellow, triangle

Ty-green, circle

Tyler- red, oval

Jason-blue with a bit of yellow and orange, square

Husky/Quentin- light blue, circle

Ssundee/Ian- dark blue with black on the side, circle

Mitch-Red and black checkered, circle

Jerome-light brown, circle

Lachlan-red, triangle

Vikk-blue, red and yellow star on the middle, diamond ♦️+ 🔷+🌠

Preston- Orange, square

Rob-light blue, circle

I've been updating really late... it's now 1:24 AM... weird on how I mostly finish them at late nights... but atleast I did it! Hope you enjoyed the one Shot! Feel free to hear the song again or read the one-shot again, or check out the original song ny Cody Simpson who actually made this song for the movie called 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2' all rights are reserved!

 Only one-shot and book cover belongs to me...


All the characters, Seto, Brice, team crafted and the pack belongs to themselves.

The song is made by Cody Simpson 'la da dee'

Lyrics found and used from Metrolyrics and A-Z lyrics

That's all. Thank you all for reading and I'll see you guys, soon, in the next chapter/book! See ya!


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