Healing tears// Poofless

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Aye!!! I finally updated! And it's  a sad (to happy) one! Good job me.

Yes, you can tell I like Tha Pack very much. Blah blah, hate me all you want.

AND H4M (How to Minecraft season 4 IS NOW UP!!! Don't know what it is yet?! Check it out! Minecrafters who are all friends are now playing How To Minecraft, again! season 4, they finally made a new season after a year or so, I don't know. But I recommend you to check it out! Anyways go on with the chapter!


Type: sad-happy

Main ship/pairing: Poofless (Rob/Woofless x Preston)

Side ship/s: Vikklan, Merome, SetoSolace, Skylox, MunchingUniverse

Others: Ssundee/Ian, Husky/Quentin, other friends(and old ones) of theirs.

Warnings: Death. Sadness. May cause tears, and sadness—but will turn to joyful tears soon. I hope...


 Preston covered his face with his hands, as tears flowed onto his face. His friend, Kenny and, his cousin, Landon (It's Landon right? If not, pretend then) were trying to comfort him, as they sat next to him trying to keep him calm, but failed so far.

 Vikk was staining Lachlan's hoodie with his tears, his boyfriend rubbing his arm to soothe him. Mitch was hugging Jerome, with tears on his eyes, but he blinked them away everytime, even when they come again, while the other was holding his by his back. Seto, Brice, Adam, Ty, Jason, Tyler, Ian and Quentin were also there still concerned for the health of a good friend, they came with them because they became friends again with, Mitch and Jerome, and they also became good friends with the rest of The Pack.

 Some of The Pack's friends were also there. Nooch (or Mat), Pete (or Brandon) and Choco. (Note: I can't add everyone, because they have many other friends, like LaakeB, Sidearms, ImfamousQuiff, etc.)

 They were all in the same big hospital room, with the same reason. Rob is in a medical condition.

 Unfortunately, The Pack were out in the woods, when a few players tried to amb, when they were fighting, Rob was able to kill one of them, when another came from the back and sword swinged him on the Back, making a red slash mark. Preston saw it and shot a arrow at the Minecrafter, killing him easily. Rob collapsed on the floor, Preston shrieked in horror, Vikk came and check to see if he was still ok, luckily he was alive, but it really gave Rob pain, and now their in the hospital.

 One of the doctors came and sadly said that their friend will die. Because a unknown effect was in that player's sword that it can't be removed yet, not even by a milk bucket nor a healing potion—not even by Seto's powers! Apparently it was a bad effect, it will kill him. Preston fell into tears when he heard that.

 Rob was still living, many medical things and stations were connected to him. It made everyone hurt to see him like this, especially Preston.

 Preston wasn't able to tell Rob that he liked him, more than a friend— nah, it's more like he loves him. Only Kenny and Landon knew his secret, that's why their trying to calm him down.  He wanted to tell him today, but that wish will never happen now, because he's now going to die any second now. He didn't want to see him die, he loved him to much. Not to Notch he doesn't wanna. Yet, he's going to.

 Everyone was just looking at Rob and Preston, they all had sad faces for them. Tears, sniffles, cries, came from Preston he couldn't stop the tears.

 "I feel bad for Preston..." Adam mumbled. "Same, he's having a breakdown..." said Lachlan, still rubbing Vikk's arm. "I think... he has a crush on Rob..." Matt (Nooch) whispered. Everyone let a gasped, besides from a few, Preston didn't hear them, he focused on he's cries instead of the voices. "Yeah, I think so too." Jerome agreed. "So... Poofless is real?" Lachlan asks. "Not anymore..." Brice trails off to wipe Seto's tears, he can be very emotional sometimes. They all  nodded, it's sad, that it's so true, that Preston loved Rob but it won't come true now...

 Kenny looked up to the group "He liked him for about a couple of years now..." he said. Everyone gasped, in surprise but their faces even dropped more, if even was possible. Preston wiped his tears "It's no secret no more... it doesn't matter now, he's going to die— the one person I had loved as a crush is dying." He muttered. Everyone was in shock on what he said, Preston was rarely sad or depressed he hardly even frowns, he would be all playful and happy like, it really pushed him.

 It was silent, until a grunt was heard. Everyone looked around to see who it was, but it wasn't any of them. They alll looked down at Rob to see that he was slightly moving. They were in disbelief on what they were seeing. "R-Rob?" Preston asked, shakily. He slowly opened his eyes to look over everyone. He smiled once his eyes fell on Preston. "P-Preston?" He whispered. He smiled, he loved his voice, he loved it even more after not hearing for such a long time.

 "R-Rob, Oh my Notch! I-I'm so s-sorry, I s-should h-have been w-with you. I c-could have saved y-you, but n-now your going t-to die!" He ranted, crying his eyes out again. Rob gave a sympathetic smile, he trailed his hand to his face to wipe some of his tears off, which also made him calm down from his touch. "Shhh... It's ok Preston..." He soothes him. "I-I'm so sorry... It's j-just that I..." he trailed off "I l-love you". Rob smiles as he slid a finger under his chin to look at him "I love you, too, Preston". He smiles as he heard his name. Everyone showed sad smiles for the two.

 They leaned in for a loving kiss. Both of them enjoyed every millisecond of it, not a second a millisecond. Everyone smiled, it was adorable.

 But, once, they pulled out from the kiss, everything dropped. Rob didn't move, he wasn't breathing, he wasn't blinking, then a continuous beeping noise was heard from one of the machines. Preston became concern and fearful, "Rob? R-Rob?! HE"S NOT B-BREATHING!!!? he screamed. Every one of them became afraid, for their friend. Vikk knew what happened, he did studied on how to become a doctor, but he never became one not because he failed on anything.

 Some doctors, scrambled to the door ,a couple pulled Preston off Rob, he didn't want to leave him. Ian and Quentin holding his arms to pull him away, Choco and Pete also had to hold him by his Jacket. "R-ROB! PLEASE! N-NO!!!" he cried. Struggling to get out of his friends' grasps, as salty drops of water escaped from his blood-shot red eyes, from all the crying.

 Mitch covered his mouth with his hand, the other clutching onto Jerome's black tux, as tears finally broke free and slides down his face, while his boyfriend hugged him to death, some tears falling too.

 Lachaln held Vikk in his arms making him pressed his back on his chest, trying to hold tears, while Vikk completely had a melt down, crying onto his lover's sleeves. 

Seto covered his face Brice's black and golden sweater, as he tried comforting, and calming him down, by rubbing his shoulders and whispering sweet things to him.

 Ty just let the salt water go down his cheeks, until he felt Adam's hand intertwined with his, they look at each other with sympathetic smiles.

 Tyler leans his head on Jason's shoulder some tears staining his light blue space shirt, Jason didn't mind he wrapped his arm around Tyler keeping him close.

 The rest, were either in shock, also crying or were panicking. (*Just pictures Ian having a panic attack* lel.)

 The Doctors, did as much as they could. They gave health potions, some electric shocks on Rob and many other stuff, trying to help him live, sadly no luck. Preston stopped trying to get out of the grasps, and watched as tears and screams came from him. The doctors gave up, after several tries. Rob layed there, not moving, not living.

 One of the doctors came up to them, with a very sad expression. "We are so sorry, we tried our best. Unfortunately, he didn't make it". Everyone gasped, they took a glanced at Preston. He was a mess, tears fell from his eyes, unstoppably. "We will give you, as much time as you want to stay." The doctor added. A few gave the Doc a nod, and the rest of the Doctors left.

 Ian, Quentin, Pete and Choc let go of Preston. Preston ran up to the limped Rob, his eyes starting to water again. "I-I'm so sorry, R-Robbie, I w-wish that t-this didn't happen to y-you..." he muttered, as more tears fall again. Sobs and murmurs were the only things heard in the quiet room.

 The tears came down, like a small water fall. A few landing on Rob's not living body. Then suddenly a tear fell into Rob, a visible light was shining on we're it fell.

 Mitch gasped, the rest looked at him, and he pointed at the little light, they glance to see it with wide-eyes. As more tears fell the light scattered.

 The ones the fell onto the bed  sparked, lights started flying around Rob and Preston, like small golden fireworks, or the little fireflies taht Lachlan and Vikk had in their little place (do you guys remember that one-shot I made?).

 Preston looked up to see the small sparks, floating in the air. He watched amazed as they scattered.

 A female nurse came and took a peek, she saw the light show, and surprised looks. She called out and gestured some other employees to take a look. Kenny saw and opened the door for them, they gladly went in and joined them, watching.

 They shined, as they went around Rob. A bright light was seen, everyone closed their eyes for it was too bright for them. The room was lit (this wasn't suppose to be a Pack reference but ok) the people outside the room, saw and went closer to it, seeing the big wonder of amazement.

 They opened their eyes, as they look back at Rob. He suddenly moved his hand a bit, Preston looked at him with hope. He then, slowly, fluttered his eyes open. The group gasped in disbelief. "Preston...?" He asked. He smiled as he heard his name, again, now joyful tears streaming down his cheeks.

 He felt no pain. He felt alive, not that he was alive, also in the inside. When the light when off the cords that were attached to him were off. He smiled as he got on the edge of the bed and gave a hug to the cactus. "Y-Your alive! B-but how?" Preston asked. "I don't know... all I know is that your here with me." Rob smiled, the other smiled as well.

 "I-I love you..." he muttered, hoping that he rememberwhat he said last time.

He smiles as he lift his chin up to look at him, two eyes met another two. "I love you too, Preston..." and with that he gave him a passionate kiss. The other kissed back loving every moment of it.

 As they pulled away, they heared claps from across the room. They glance over to a big crowd from in and out of the room, The Pack, their other friends, the employees, even some other other randomn people. No homophobes, just a supportive crowd. Smiles, cheers and compliments were shared every where.

 Rob took a glance at a two couple. Lachlan and Vikk looked at each other and nodded they make eye contact with Mitch and Jerome who also nodded to them, they look back to give Rob the signal. They planned this, The rest of the pack agreed to help Rob to confess to Preston, a day before the ambushed was. The Canadian nodded and looked look back at the Texan, nervous racked through his body.

 Vikk, Lachaln, Mitch and Jerome whispered to the rest to be quiet, as Rob cleared his treat, making Preston look at him, with a questioning look. They stood at the middle of the room, between the huge group of people, and the hospital bed.

 "Preston Blaine Arsement,

 I've known you for about 5 years now,

 I've always wanted to be closer to you,

A stranger to a friend, 

A friend to a best friend,

But now I want you to by my,

Best friend to my boy friend.

Will you by my lover for the my several years of Minecraftia?"

 He asks, giving the love and truth he has. Preston stands there in shock, it quickly turned to a smile and nodded "Yes, I want to be with you forever, until the end of Minecraft. I love you, 'till Notch brings us up to the sky!". Rob smiles as they kissed again.

 Everyone smiled and cheered, clapped at the success of the confession. That's not the end of this happy moment. "Everyone! We are going to have a party, for this successful day. Everyone's is invited!" The Pack cheered. Everyone in the place were excited for it already. Preston gave a playful smirk and glare at Rob "You planned this party, with The Pack, didn't you?" Rob chuckles and gave a maybe-I-did face. He laughs "Damn it! I love you Rob!" "Love you too, my cactus" and another kiss was granted.

Huh, who knew tears could heal something, or someone who you loved so much?


OK! I'm done! Here's the Poofless, a 2,200+ word one-shot. Did you cry? I did a little bit. Ah, thank lord I updated! And I had no motivation and inspiration to do I one-shit it also took me awhile to find a song for a ______ one-shot requested by a wattpad friend of mine (she'll be in a shout in in that one-shot try guessing it, unless if it's already up you can read it.) I also have a smut coming! I don't know if I should continue and publish it. I think I will. Anyways! Thank you guys for reading, and SEE YA!!!


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