MithRoss - Late Night Advances

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"He-hey Max!" Ross murmured, quiet giggles leaving his mouth due to the intoxicating substance a certain hyper butter-loving brunette had decided to get for Max's acceptance into college party. Ross would graduate next year, and Sky had graduated only a year before, so no one knew how he got it, but no one cared. Ross wasn't going to drink, but Max had insisted, so he gave in, letting it start as a small glass of alcohol, which got him intoxicated quickly as he'd never had any, leading to him becoming fully drunk with his eighteen year old best friend.

"Hehe.. Y-ye-yeah Ross?" Max laughed, a slap-happy state having taken over his mind. He was usually completely angry, but the alcohol let him not have to meet any expectations.

"I like y-you. Like, l-like like you." He giggled and hiccuped after saying that. He'd had a crush on Max since they met in R. S. Middle School, his feelings only growing when they met again in M. C. High School. Though he never said anything about it for fear of rejection, now he couldn't care less.

"W-well, I "like l-like" you too.." He said, trailing off as a thought filled his drunken brain. He'd also liked Ross, but forced himself to push them into the deepest pits of his heart so he wouldn't hurt the fragile boy. He'd always wanted those thoughts, but refused to act them out for the sake of the boy. Now though, it was all about him.

"H-hey Ross.. I wanna s-show you something~!" Max said, a wide grin spreading across his face as he grabbed the seventeen year olds hand.

"H-huh? Oh, o-ok!" Ross murmured, being far too innocent to know what Max was implying, even as he was completely wasted.

Max led Ross into his bedroom, as it was in his house after all, locking the door once it was closed and pinning Ross to the wall, kissing him roughly.

"What do you s-say a-about me making you m-mine?" Max whispered in Ross' ear after they'd parted. Ross simply nodded, his drunken mind not knowing what else to do. Max grinned, and Ross smiled at him, not knowing what was about to commence.


Max groaned, reaching to rub his eyes. Except, he felt his arm get relatively colder after doing so, and looked to his side to see a sleeping Ross covered in blankets, cuddled up to him. He looked over him and noticed hand shaped bruises around his hands, which were sticking out of the covers against his bare chest. Max realized he was completely naked. He lifted the blankets to look at Ross, and noticed, he, too, was naked. Finally it all registered in his mind; he had fucked Ross.

He shot straight up, panic overtaking him as he thought of what he'd done to the boy stirring beside him. The poor narwhale loving boy had been a virgin up until this point, and now he'd taken that from him. He'd taken a form of his innocence, which he could never give back, wether he wanted to or not. He'd sworn he'd never hurt the teen in any way, yet here he was, having taken one of the few things he hadn't lost yet.

He put his head in his hands, mumbling apologies to Ross, who he believed was sleeping, over and over again.

"Max..? Why're you sorry? What happened?" Ross asked, hoping that Max was ok, even though the apology was directed towards him. He sat up and rested a hand on Max's shoulder, ignoring the sharp pain in his lower back.

Max gasped a bit, looking over at the curly haired boy in shock. He wasn't upset? Did he not care about what had happened, or was he seriously that innocent that he didn't know? Max felt ashamed either way.

"I.. I'm so sorry Ross, I never wanted to hurt you or anything, ever, but I did, and I'm so sorry-" Ross cut him off by suppression a laugh with his hand.

"Max, what are you talking about? You never hurt me. The most you did was hurt my butt a little bit." He giggled a little at the end. "You said that's what people that love each other do. So it's fine!" He said happily.

"God, Ross, you're so fucking innocent." He said, smiling. "Then again, that's one of the many reasons I love you." He whispered, silently hoping Ross felt the same and wasn't just messing around, even though he doubted it.

"Awe, I love you too Max." Ross said, smiling and leaning in, kissing him. Max quickly kissed back, smiling.

They both knew something special had been made that day.


(798 words)

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