CHAPTER FOUR, the one with the club sinema

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"Why am I here?" Nova muttered to herself as she followed Mason and Liam to this club called the Sinema.

"'Cause we all need a break and have some fun." Mason smiles, sighing when he noticed Liam checking his phone. "Can you put your phone away for five minutes? Scott can howl if he needs you guys."

"I just feel like I should be doing something." Liam sighed, putting his phone away.

"You are, both of you." Mason smiles. He looks at Liam. "You're my wingman tonight. And considering the state of my dating life, I need a wingman, co-pilot, and a really hot flight attendant."

"I'm definitely not a hot flight attendant." Liam remarked.

"Okay, yeah, choices are limited, but at least here, you can get drunk." Mason grinned.

"Should we tell him werewolves can't get drunk?" Nova whispered to Liam as Mason started walking away.

"Let him find out on his own." Liam whispered back.

Nova nods and follows them to the club. The back door opens, revealing Hayden. Her smile falls at seeing Liam and Liam rolls his eyes. "I said I'd let you in and Nova in. Not him."

"You said we could have a plus one." Mason reminded her.

"I didn't say a plus Liam." Hayden replied, earning a snicker from Nova.

"I'm his flight attendant." Liam blurted out.

"What?" Hayden stared at him with surprise.

"Wingman." Liam quickly corrects himself. "Forget it, I don't have to go in."

"No, you're coming." Mason argues, stopping him from leaving. "Okay." He turns to Hayden. "How about us and him...And plus fifty?" Mason asked, holding out fifty dollars to her.

Hayden is silent for a few moments before she took the money from him and opened the back door more for them. "Welcome to the Simena."

The trio walked into the club, being greeted by loud music and flashing lights. Nova's gaze wandered around the room. At first all she saw were a lot of guys dancing and she wondered if this was just a gay club, but then she noticed some woman here too. So she figured it was a club for both.

"We don't look old enough to be here." Liam pointed out.

"Neither does he." Mason pointed in a direction ahead of them where Brett was dancing with a girl. Nova raised her eyebrows, not expecting him to be there.

"So this club mixed?" Liam asked curiously. Nova didn't know the answer to that, but she assumed it was because then she saw Brett dancing with a guy.

Mason shrugs. "Ish."


Nova still didn't understand why she was here. She knew she was supposed to help Mason get a date, but he seemed to be doing fine on his own as he got a few drinks with Brett. She stood by Liam, watching everyone dance or drink. Nova noticed Hayden walking by, holding a tray of shots and counting some money she had. With her werewolf hearing, she could hear Hayden mutter to herself.

"I'm never going to make enough." Nova frowned, feeling bad for the girl. She would hate having to work at a place like this.

But suddenly something felt off. Nova couldn't really explain it. Nova furrowed her eyebrows, glancing at Liam, who had a confused look on his face and she knew he felt the same way.

"Think someone else is here?" She asked him, referring to a supernatural creature.

"I'm not sure, but I think so." Liam answers. "Keep your guard up, just in case." Nova nodded and they continued to watch everyone, but after a while they went back to their own thing, thinking it was nothing.


"No, I didn't catch anything." Brett admitted.

Nova now stood by Brett and Liam, her and Liam asking if he saw if anyone else was there who were like them and if he felt something off like they did.

"No one else in here's like us?" Liam questioned.

"I don't know, dude. Maybe. It's Beacon Hills." Brett shrugs. "What's the difference?"

"It felt different." Liam replied.

"What do you mean?" Brett asked.

"It felt off. It felt..."

"Wrong." Nova finished Liam's sentence and he nodded in agreement.


Nova and Liam met up with Brett, checking in with him to see if he had sense anything off or noticed anything out of the ordinary but he said he didn't. Nova was by herself now, not knowing what to do. Liam had wondered off, she wasn't really sure where. She spotted Mason still flirting with a guy, but she decided not to bother him. Nova sighed, turning her attention back to the crowd. She still couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Maybe it was just her being there. She didn't really like parties or even clubs like this anyway.


Nova jumped a bit and spun around. Her heart beating faster than usual, not expecting someone to approach her. She relaxes when she realizes it was only Brett. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Brett apologizes, a sheepish grin appearing on his face. "You okay?" He asked, noticing her heart was beating a bit fast and the nervous look on her face.

"Uh, yeah, just...You surprised me is all." Nova admits. "But yeah, I'm fine."

Brett raises an eyebrow, not believing her at all. "Really? You're standing in the middle of a club alone, not really moving. Something's bothering you."

Nova bit her lip, glancing away. "I'm just not really used to places like this. It's not my scene."

Brett's eyes soften a bit and he gives her a small smile. "I get it. It's not for everyone. So why are you here?"

"I'm moral support for my friend. Plus he said I needed to have some fun and he's probably right. I haven't had a lot of fun in awhile." Nova admitted.

"Then we're gonna have to change that, huh?" Brett teases, his eyes full of amusement. Nova couldn't help but smile at his words and roll her eyes. "Come on, you wanna dance or not?"

"You sure you don't have other people you want to dance with?" Nova questioned, raising her eyebrows. She was surprised he was asking her of all people to dance with him. He was dancing with a boy and girl earlier. Nova assumed he would've wanted to go back to them.

Brett's eyes softens again. "You're the only person I wanna dance with right now." He held out his hand to her and gave her a reassuring smile. Nova's lips curled into a small smile and she mentally scolded herself for the way her heart skipped a beat. She knew Brett could hear it, his lips had curled up into a smirk, but he didn't say anything. Nova hesitantly reached her hand out and placed it in his. A shiver went up her spine when his fingers brushed against her wrist. He gently tugged her closer, leading her towards the dance floor.

Normally being in a crowd like this would make her uncomfortable and she would try to stay as far away from it as possible, but being with Brett, everything else disappeared. There was only him and her and the music. No loud noises or people pushing into them. Just him and her. She had to admit, it felt nice and it was better than standing around and feeling awkward. Brett was a good dancer. He was confident, moving to the beat, and even making sure she was comfortable. She wasn't as good as him, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Relax." He murmurs, gently grabbing her hips. "You're too stiff. Loosen up."

Nova's heart skips a beat again at his touch and his words. His voice sounded soothing and his breath tickled her neck. She tried her best to relax and loosen up, but she couldn't stop her heart from racing. Brett had leaned in close, his body pressing against hers, and she could feel his chest rising and falling with every breath he took. "See? That's better." His lips brushed against her ear. Another shiver went up her spine and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. She hadn't even realized she was moving along with him until he spoke.

"You're getting the hang of it." Brett grins. Nova could've sworn she heard a hint of pride in his voice and she couldn't help but smile a little. "Not too bad for a first timer." He chuckled. Nova laughed and shoved his shoulder, rolling her eyes at him.

"Shut up." She couldn't stop the grin from forming on her lips. She could feel his fingers tightening around her hips, holding her in place. Her breath hitched, not expecting him to pull her closer. "Brett..."

"Hmm?" He hummed, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.

Nova's voice died in her throat. His face was so close to hers. His gaze was intense, full of warmth and...Something else. She didn't know what, but she could tell whatever he was feeling was strong.

"You know, you're really cute when you're flustered." Brett whispers, his voice low and husky. "Like a cute puppy."

Nova's cheeks turned red and she was glad it was dark in the club so he couldn't see how red her face was. "You think I'm cute?" She couldn't believe those words had just left her mouth. She blamed it on the music and the fact that her mind was elsewhere, but really, she just didn't want to believe that Brett would think that about her.

"Of course." He smiles, his eyes lighting up. "It's one of the many reasons why I asked you to dance with me."

"One of the reasons?" Nova echoed, her curiosity piquing. She mentally scolded herself for the butterflies that was swarming her stomach and the way her heart raced. This was only a dance. He probably asks a lot of people to dance. And he flirted with a lot of people too. Why should she be any different?

Brett chuckles and pulls her even closer, making her gasp. She hadn't realized she had stopped dancing. He had stopped as well, they stood close enough they were pressed up against each other. Nova was hyper aware of the way their bodies touched and his fingers gripping her hips. "I could give you the whole list, but it would take forever to finish the list."

"Smooth." Nova chuckled a little, feeling her face grow warm. She couldn't believe he was saying all this stuff. She thought for sure he would've gotten bored or tired of her by now. He had been flirting with her all night, but she thought that's all it was. Just a few harmless flirty comments. Nothing serious. But it was starting to seem like he was serious.

"I can be smooth when I want to be." Brett grinned, his eyes filled with amusement.

"Is this one of your techniques? To draw people in? You ask them to dance, give them a few compliments and then what? You get them to go home with you?" Nova teases, raising her eyebrows. She had to admit, if it was his technique, it was working on her and she hated that. She was supposed to be helping Mason and keeping her guard out like Liam said, not letting a cute boy distract her. "That's not gonna happen."

"Ouch." Brett winces, pretending to be hurt by her words. "You don't even know me, but you already have me figured out. You're a lot smarter than I thought."

Nova's lips curl into a smirk and she shrugs. "I'm just good at reading people. But if you want me to go home with you, just say it. Don't use some cheesy lines."

"So you're implying that you would go home with me if I asked? You're not even a little bit tempted?" Brett questioned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Because if I'm being honest, I'm very tempted to take you home with me."

Nova felt her cheeks grow warm and her stomach fluttered. She hated the fact that his words were getting to her and she couldn't stop the way her body reacted to them. "You're a real charmer, aren't you?" She couldn't deny that the idea of going home with him sounded good. She never done anything like that before, going home with a boy she ran into at the club, but there was a first time for everything. And he was hot, so that helped.

"I try." Brett grins, his eyes filled with warmth. "But really, I just want to spend some more time with you. You seem like a cool person and you're hot. Like, smoking hot." He ads, his eyes roaming her body, making her cheeks turn red and she mentally scolded herself for how her heart fluttered at his words. "So, you wanna get outta here and grab a bite to eat?"

Before Nova could even think about her reply, her and Brett's attention was taken to the other end of the club. They both glance at each other and she knew he could also smell another supernatural being was there. "I'll have to take a raincheck." Nova replied, giving him an apologetic look.

"Don't worry, I'll hold you to it." Brett winks at her, causing her face to warm up. "Come on." He gestured with a nod of his head and she followed him through the crowd, the two teens following the scent they picked up on. They found Mason up against the wall by another boy, but the other boy had some kind of sharp fins appearing on the side of his arms.

Brett quickly got into action, shoving the boy away from Mason as he transforms. He looks back at a frightened Mason and says, "Run."

The boy stands, his eyes completely black. Nova transforms as well, her eyes flashing blue. Thankfully they were at an area in the club that was towards the back and barely anyone was around. The boy lunged at her, but she easily dodged him and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to stumble back a bit. He let out a roar, his eyes filled with rage, and lunged at her again, this time his sharp fins getting her on her arm. She hissed in pain, her claws coming out and she sliced his face, leaving claw marks on his skin. She managed to get him off of her and shoved him back, sending him flying a couple of feet.

Brett quickly stopped the boy from attacking Nova again, taking over the fight now. The boy was strong, but so was Brett. They seemed pretty equal in strength. Brett ended up getting shoved against the railing by the boy, causing Brett to kick him back. The fight continued on with Brett and the boy, the boy managed to cut Brett's stomach with his claws. Nova had been checking her own marks on her arm which was healing slowly. But when she saw that Brett had got hurt, she growled and went into the fight, shoving the boy off of Brett.

"Back off!" Nova snapped, baring her teeth.

The boy just chuckles. "You wanna play, little wolf? Let's play." He lunged at her, but before his claws could reach her, he was tackled to the ground by Liam. Nova's eyes widen with surprise, not expecting to suddenly see Liam, but she was so relieved that he had shown up. The boy managed to get on top of Liam on the ground, holding him down on top of a broken table they both had broke when Liam tackled him to the ground. The boy was trying to use his claws on Liam, but Liam was doing his best to hold him back.

Nova sighs with relief when she saw Scott and Kira arrive. "You're a little late!" Liam told them.

In response, they both got into action quickly. Scott used the railing as leverage, holding onto it and using the wall as a boost to kick the boy off Liam. He went to attack the boy, but he ended on the ground. The boy kicked Liam onto the ground as well after Liam had got up and tried to fight him. Kira got her sword out, ready to attack the boy. Nova had gone over to Brett to check on him since he was hurt like her. Mason was by them as well, watching the fight with wide eyes. Nova knelt by Brett, who was breathing heavily with his back against the wall. She put her hands on his injury, black veins showing on her which revealed that she was taking his pain away.

Brett looked up at her with gratitude and relief, glad that he wasn't in as much pain anymore. He didn't like that she was hurt and taking his pain as well, but he knew she would do that no matter what. Nova was stubborn like that and he found that quality very endearing. Once she took the pain away, they both turned their attention back to the fight between the others.

"What is that thing?" Mason questioned.

"No idea." Nova replied, her voice filled with concern. She hoped they could defeat him. She was relieved when Liam had joined in and shoved the boy onto the ground. Everyone watched with anticipation as to what would happen next. The boy was laid on the ground, going unconscious. Nova turned her gaze to Kira, her eyes widening with surprise when she saw that she was in her kitsune form out of nowhere. Kira yelled something in Japanese, swinging her sword down. Before she could kill the boy, Scott had stopped her.

Nova was surprised and confused. She never seen Kira act like that before. It was as if she just let her kitsune take over her. The others looked just as confused as her. As Kira calmed down, Scott looks at everyone with concern. "Is everyone okay?"

"I mean, as okay as you can be when stuff like this happens." Nova remarked.

Scott nods in response and glances down at the boy. "We need to get him out of here." He looks over at Liam. "Liam, give me a hand." Liam nodded and went over to help him pick the boy up. Just as the two picked the boy up, an arrow shot at his chest. Nova couldn't help the small gasp of surprise that left her lips, her eyes wide with shock. Her and everyone else looked around, trying to figure out who shot the arrow.

When the arrow is drawn back by an automated rope, everyone follows the direction it came from and sees three people in dark outfits and weird helmets on standing up on the catwalk. "Why did you do that?" Scott asked them.

"His condition was terminal." The person in the front replied, speaking in a deep distorted voice that sent shivers down Nova's spine.

Scott furrows his eyebrows, confused by what that meant. "What does that mean? What does that mean?" He repeated as the three people started to leave.

The person in the front turns back to Scott and responds with, "Failure." Suddenly the lights near them flicker and then after they went back to normal the three people were gone. Everyone stood there with confusion and surprise, wondering what just happened. 


Nova had been getting ready for bed when she suddenly heard a yell from Stiles' room. It sounded frustrated and she was concerned about him. So she left her room and went across the hall to his room. The door was closed and so she knocked on the door.

"Stiles? You okay?" She calls out, frowning when she didn't get a reply. She could hear his heavy breathing and his heart was racing. She opened the door and poked her head inside. "Stiles?" She furrowed her eyebrows, watching him pace back and forth. "Stiles." She said more sternly, hoping it would snap him out of his trance.

Stiles stops and looks over at her. "Nova." He said her name, almost like he was out of breath.

"Stiles, you're worrying me. What's wrong?" Nova questioned, stepping more into the room and closing the door behind her.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Stiles replied quickly, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not."

Nova sighs, crossing her arms. "I can hear your heartbeat, Stiles. And I know that you've learned how to keep it steady so us supernaturals can't hear it, but I know you. You're clearly not fine." Her gaze went over to his see-through board he used for research, her gaze landing on something that caught her eye.

It read *donovan not dead. walked out *donovan dead and the dead was underlined. Then it also had underneath those two bullet points *somebody took the body.

Stiles follows her line of sight, his heart increasing since he knows he now will have to tell her what he just went through at the school. He wasn't ready to tell anyone yet. He still couldn't believe he just killed Donovan. It was purely self defense, but he still killed someone.

"Sti" Nova's voice was soft and sounds like she's concerned for him. She could tell this was really bothering him. "Talk to me."

Stiles was silent for a few moments. He was unsure if he should tell her or not. But he knew she would find out eventually, and he knew he would have to tell everyone what happened eventually. "Please?" Nova speaks again, walking over to him. "You know you can tell me anything, no matter what. I'll listen. And I'll always be here for you." She assured him.

"I-I..." Stiles trailed off, not sure how to explain everything. He wasn't sure where to start. What would he say? What would he tell her? He didn't even know what happened himself. He had no clue. All he knew was that Donovan was dead and that it was his fault.

"I killed him." Stiles finally admitted, his voice quiet.

"What?" Nova furrowed her eyebrows, not expecting that.

"He's dead, Nova. And it's my fault. It's all my fault." Stiles was shaking and he had a pained expression on his face, like he was about to break down.

Nova's eyes were wide with shock and her mouth opens a bit. She doesn't know what to say at first, even when she started speaking she still didn't know what to say to that. What do you say to that? "Stiles..."

"Don't!" He snaps, making her flinch a bit since she didn't expect him to snap at her. "I don't want your sympathy or your pity." He said angrily.

"That's not what I was going to say." Nova says softly, her eyes full of concern and worry for him. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"I'm sorry that this happened to you. I'm sorry that you had to experience that." She frowns, noticing how his hands were shaking. "But I'm here for you. If you need me. Whatever you need."

Stiles let out a shaky breath. He wasn't sure if he was ready to talk about it, but he needed someone. And he knew that someone was Nova. He trusted her and he knew he could confide in her. "Come here." Nova told him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. She felt him hesitate, but then she felt his arms wrap around her waist. He buried his face into her neck, hugging her tight.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered, tears forming in his eyes.

"It's okay, Stiles. It's okay." Nova assured him. "It's gonna be okay."

Nova could tell something else was bothering him. She could tell there was something he wasn't telling her. "Stiles." She began, but was suddenly cut off.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Not yet." Stiles said, his voice muffled since his face was still in her neck.

"Okay. That's okay. But you know I'm here, right?"

Stiles nods, letting out another shaky breath. "Yeah. I know. Thank you, Novi."

Nova smiles softly. "Of course." She replied. She doesn't let him go, just continuing to hold him as he calms down. She knew this was hard for him, she could feel his pain. She had no idea what he was going through, but she was gonna do her best to help him. She knew this would affect him for a long time and she would make sure she was there for him every step of the way.

Suddenly Stiles' phone ringing caused them to pull away from the hug. Stiles takes a deep breath, pulling his phone out of his pocket to answer the call. "Scott?"

With her werewolf hearing, Nova could hear Scott speaking on the other line. "Stiles, someone's taking the bodies." Scott explained.

Stiles' eyes widen and he ran a hand through his hair. "Stiles, you there?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, um...Where? What are you talking about?" Stiles stammered.

"I'm at the Animal Clinic with Kira. Tracy's body is gone." Scott replies. "The lock on the door was broken from the outside. And my mom just told me Lucas' body went missing from the morgue. They've been searching the whole hospital for it. Someone's stealing the bodies."

Nova's eyes widen at hearing that. She didn't think something like that would happen. She had no idea who would take the bodies and why. After Scott and Stiles ended the call, Nova noticed that Stiles winced as he moved his right shoulder. 

"Are you hurt?" She questioned, concerned.

"No." Stiles replied too quickly.

"Stiles. I know when you're lying." Nova sighed.

"I'm not." Stiles mumbled, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Then why are you wincing in pain whenever you move your shoulder?" Nova questioned, raising her eyebrow.

"Because I'm not hurt." Stiles replies unconvincingly. He glances at his sister, who was staring at him with a look that read she didn't believe him. "I'm fine, I promise." He reassures her, his gaze going to his alarm clock. "It's late. We should get to bed."

Nova sighs heavily, knowing he was just using this as an excuse for her to leave so he didn't have to talk about it anymore. "Fine, but when you're ready to talk about it, I'm here." She told him, sending him a small smile before leaving the room.

A/N no but tbh im kinda shipping nova & brett also nova & stiles are the best sibling duo

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