CHAPTER SIX, the one where they find liam

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Nova and Stiles had taken Brett to the animal clinic after seeing that he wasn't looking too good. Brett is now laying on the metal table with his shirt off so they could find the cut and thankfully Derek was there to help out. After the boys took his shirt off, Brett began choking and something yellow formed out of his mouth.

Nova did her best to help hold Brett down, but Brett was stronger than she was. Luckily, Derek helped her hold Brett down along with Stiles when the boy started jerking violently.

"Okay, what the heck is going on with him?" Nova questioned, glancing at everyone with confusion and slight worry in her eyes.

"He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane." Deaton answers, walking around the room to grab a scalpel. "I need to make an incision, and you need to hold him as still as possible."

"Hey, Derek, how about a little werewolf strength?" Stiles asked as the three of them struggled to keep Brett still.

"Yeah," Derek looks at him with annoyance. "I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength."

Deaton looks at Derek, Nova, and Stiles while he got ready to cut. "If you can't hold him still, then the incision might kill him."

Suddenly, Brett stops twitching and his eyes turn back to their normal color. He looks around with a panicked expression, shoving Derek, Nova, and Stiles away. Stiles groaned in pain as he hit the wall and the counter hard. A pained groan left Nova's lips when she hit the counter. Unlike the two siblings, Derek didn't hit the wall that hard. Sure, Nova has werewolf powers, but she was still caught off guard and didn't expect Brett to shove them all back.

Brett gets off the table, looking like he was going to fight. Nova's eyes grew wide when someone punched Brett, knocking him out. A surprise expression forms on her face at seeing the person who punched Brett was Peter. Nova bent down, kneeling beside Brett since he was now on the floor. A look of concern formed on her face at seeing it looked like he wasn't breathing.

Peter's glowing blue eyes goes back to his normal eye color while he looks at Derek. "I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself."

"Yeah," Derek stares at him with wide eyes. "Maybe more than a little."

"Uh," Nova glances up at Deaton. "Deaton, it looks like Brett isn't breathing."

Deaton and Stiles kneel on the floor beside her, looking at Brett. Nova winces as Deaton makes a cut down Brett's chest. Brett gasped in a breath, struggling to breathe with the pain he was feeling. Nova furrowed her eyebrows with confusion when a puff of yellow smoke bursts up from the open wound and Brett breathed normal again. During this time, no one noticed Derek looking at the three cuts on his arm that weren't healing.

"Is he okay?" Stiles questioned.

Deaton nods. "I think he'll be fine, but probably out for a while."

Nova tilts her head to the side with furrowed eyebrows, hearing Brett whispering something. Stiles must've heard it to because he then asks, "Guys, can you hear that?"

"Yeah..." Nova nods. She looks at everyone curiously. "What is he saying?"

"The sun...The moon...The truth." Brett whispered and kept repeating it.

A look of realization forms on Deaton's face. "Three things that cannot be hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth." He looks at Derek. "It's Buddhist." Nova looked at Derek and Peter, watching as the two family members look at each other.

Peter nods. "Satomi."


After lunch Nova saw Mason at his locker, but without Liam which made her confuse and more worried. Nova hasn't seen Liam at all the whole day. Normally, Liam would either be with Mason or with her. Nova went over to Mason to see if he knew where Liam was.

"Hey, Mason." She greeted.

Mason waves at her. "Hey, what's up?"

"Have you seen Liam at all today?" Nova asked him, frowning when he shakes his head.

"Not since our morning run. He kind of disappeared on me."

What Mason says only adds on to her concern. Nova slowly nods. "Okay....Thanks." She turns around, noticing Scott walking down the hallway and quickly walks over to him. She pulls him off to the side to talk to him. "You haven't seen Liam at all today, have you?"

Scott shakes his head. "No, I haven't..." He pauses, confused as to why she asked him what. He furrows his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Well, I talked with Mason to see if he knew where he was. He said that he hadn't seen Liam since their morning run." Nova replies, biting her lower lip nervously. "I'm just worried that something bad happened to Liam." She fiddles with the charm bracelet she always wore. "So...Can we just look for him? Maybe ask around?"

Scott's eyes softens, noticing how worried she was about Liam. He nods. Before he could reply, Mason walks over to them, joining their conversation. "I wanna help too."

"Okay." Scott nods. "We'll ask around and see if anyone else has seen him." He looks at Mason and Nova. "What's his first period?"

"Econ with Coach." Mason and Nova responded.

"Let's check there first." Scott suggested.

The three of them head over to Coach's office, seeing that he was chugging down a bottle of medicine. "Uh, Coach," Nova speaks up, getting his attention. "Have you seen Liam today?"

Coach looks at the three of them. "Sorry, guys, Liam skipped my class. Maybe he's sick." He sniffles to prove a point. "Like me."

Mason looks at Nova and Scott, shaking his head. "Liam didn't look sick on our run."

Nova gets her phone out of her pocket, checking the messages she left Liam earlier of her asking where he is. She frowns at seeing she got no replies yet. "He's hasn't replied back to me at all."

"Yeah," Scott said, glancing at his phone to check his messages with Liam. "Hasn't answered any of my texts either."

"Mine either." Mason sighed. The bell rang a few seconds later, signaling for everyone to get to their next class.

"Don't worry." Scott reassures him and Nova. "I'll find him. Both of you text me if you see him."

"Alright." Mason nodded and walked down the hallway.

Nova glances at Scott when his phone and she perks up at seeing it was Liam. Nova watches with anticipation as Scott answers the phone call. The look on his face made her realize that Liam was not on the other line and she grew worried when she heard Garrett instead. Scott said he would give Garrett the money, but Garrett added that wasn't the only thing that was going to get him Liam back. Garrett wanted the money and Violet or they were never going to see Liam again.

Scott looks at Nova after ending the call. "I guess that you heard everything." Nova nods in response with a worried look on his face. Scott sighs. "He wants me to go talk to him out in the parking lot."

"I'll go with you." Nova immediately said. She didn't like the fact that he would be alone with someone like Garrett even though she knew he could easily take care of himself, but she wanted to help get Liam back.

Scott inhales sharply, knowing that there was no way he could stop her from going with him. "Okay, just stay behind me." If there was nothing he could do to stop  her then he would at least try keep her protected.

They get out to the parking lot and find Garrett standing between where two busses are parked. As they walk up to him, Nova notices that he was holding his lacrosse stick which had a knife in it. "Okay, what do you want?" Scott asks him. "You want me to go to Stilinski? I can do that. Or I can talk to my father. He's an FBI agent."

Garrett's eyes land on Nova, his lips forming into a smirk. "I thought we agreed on just us meeting."

Nova rolls her eyes, crossing her arms. "Just tell us what you want. Scott's right. I can talk to my dad if I need to and Scott can even talk to his dad-"

Garrett chuckles and Nova watches with narrowed eyes as he pushes himself off the bus he was leaning on, moving to stand in front of her and Scott. "You think I want you two to talk to anyone with a badge right now?" He pauses for a second, his eyes landing on Nova before looking back at Scott. "I'm not getting help from two werewolves because I want them talk to someone."

Nova raises her eyebrows at him. "Then what do you want?"

"They're transferring Violet to a Federal facility." Garrett responded.

A small growl left Nova's lips when he points the end of his lacrosse stick that had a knife in it to Scott's stomach. If it wasn't obvious, Nova is protective of her pack. "You're not going to let that happen." Garrett continued in a theatening tone.

Scott puts a hand on Nova's shoulder, his way of silently telling her to calm down without. Nova stayed where she is, keeping a close eye on Garrett. If he did anything to Scott then she would attack him. Scott shakes his head and asks Garrett, "How?"

"They're going to put her in a car. We're going to follow it." Garrett explains. "We get ahead of it. You stop it."

Nova furrows her eyebrows. "You want him to stop a car?" She scoffs. "That's seriously your plan?"

"He's an Alpha." Garrett snaps, sending her a glare. He looks away from her and back at Scott with a smirk. "If you can't stop one little car, then one little Beta is going to die."

Fear fills Nova's body when he said that since that Liam would die. Nova growls again, looking at Garrett with a harsh glare. She had extended her claws and went forward to attack him. Scott stopped her by moving his hand off her shoulder and putting that arm out in front of her, sending her a stern expression when she looked at him with annoyance. She stayed where she was at and Scott lowered his arm when he knew she wouldn't try to attack Garrett.

Garrett chuckles, looking at Nova with a smirk as he looks her up and down. "You got a feisty little Beta here, Scott."

"Hey, Garrett, shut up." Nova hissed, repeating the same words her brother said to Garrett on the day of lacrosse tryouts for that year. But this time instead of saying it sarcastically like her brother she said it with more anger. The way Garrett had been looking at her made her uncomfortable and hate the boy even more than she already does. She would've definitely hurt him, maybe even killed him, if it wasn't for Scott stopping her.

Garrett just rolls his eyes and turnd his attention to Scott when he blocked his view of Nova. Scott had moved in front of Nova so he's blocking her with his body and was looking at Garrett with a glare. He didn't like how Garrett was looking at her. "What did you do with him?" He asked Garrett, referring to Liam.

Garrett smirks. "I stabbed him with a blade dipped in wolfsbane. Once it gets to the heart...Bad things happen."


"There's a stop sign half a mile ahead." Garrett announced.

Scott puts down the hood of the black jacket he's wearing. "So I take out the tires with my claws?"

"Teeth, claws, heat vision. Whatever." Garrett replies in an annoyed tone. "Just stop them."

"Scott," Nova speaks up from her place in the back seat of the car. "I can help. Or I can do it instead-"

"No," Scott interrupts her, shaking his head. He glances back at her, looking at her with a stern expression. He didn't even want her to be here with him in the first place, but since she's there then he's going to do all he can to protect her from getting in trouble. "I can't risk you getting caught."

Nova didn't even bother on trying to argue with him, knowing that she wouldn't win the argument. "Fine." She crossed her arms, sighing as she leaned back against the seat.

"You ready?" Garrett asked Scott.

The car comes to a stop when Scott suddenly yells for Garrett to stop the car. Nova sits up straighter, eying the road in front of them. Her eyes land on the tipped over car, the exact one they had been following, and the one that held Violet, but there were two men laying on the road beside the tipped over car.

Nova gets out of the car along with Scott, rushing over to the two men. She grows worried when she sees that one of the men is Scott's dad, Rafe and a gasp escaped her lips at seeing her dad beside him.

"Dad!" She yelled, quickly going over to kneel beside him as Scott knelt beside his dad. Nova was worried about Rafe as well, noticing that he was passed out. She did feel a little better at seeing her dad was still awake.

Scott looks behind Nova, noticing that Garrett was walking towards them with the knife that is built in his lacrosse stick. He looks in the car, not seeing Violet in there. "She's not here." He looks back at Garrett. "Violet's gone."

"Nova, Scott," Noah get's the attention of the two teens who look at him with worry. "They're still here." He breaths out. "They're still here."

Nova and Scott look to the side of the road when they hear a growl and see some sort of creature standing there, looking at Garrett. Nova stands up along with Scott, watching Garrett and the creature. "You want me? Come and get me." Garrett swings his lacrosse stick that's his weapon, moving closer to the creature. "Yeah, that's right. You're not so big!"

Nova's eyes grew wide when another creature just like the other one standing in front of Garrett creeps up behind Garrett and stabs him directly in the chest. She watched with bewilderment while Garrett's weapon falls to the ground. Scott left her side, rushing toward Garrett. Nova cried out his name when Scott is knocked down by the creature.

Without hesitation Nova goes to rush forward, but stops when she feels a hand grab her ankle. She looks behind her at her dad. Her dad shakes his head, looking at her with pleading eyes. "Don't." Nova looks back to where now an unconscious Scott laid and she bit her lower lip. "I have to."

Noah nods, looking at her with sad eyes and lets go of her ankle. She runs forward, managing to knock down one of the creatures before it could reach her. The second she eyes Scott's unconscious form she feels a sharp pain radiate through her body. She stumbles back slightly since it caused her to lose her balance. She tried her best to push back the creature, not knowing the one that was staring at Garrett earlier came up behind her and knocked her, sending her to the ground.


A gasp leaves Nova's lips as she wakes up, her body lurching forward. A scream leaves her lips, her body shaking with fear. Her mind tries to remember what events have just happened, but it was just happening too fast, and she wasn't able to keep up with it. Hands are suddenly on her shoulders, pulling her out from her thoughts. She just then realized she stopped screaming and her vision had started going back to normal.

"Nova. Nova," The voice saying her name sounds familiar to her. "It's me, Scott."

Nova blinked a few times until she can finally focus on Scott, seeing that he stared at her with concern. Her eyes fall downward to her side where blood leaked through her shirt and panic floods through her.

"You're okay." She looked at Scott when he says that and he nods at her, looking at her with a reassuring smile. After catching her breath, a sigh of relief escapes her lips and she hugged him. Scott smiled, sighing with relief as well and hugged her back. He was beyond worried about her when he saw she was unconscious and bleeding. He was just glad she was fine because he knew that Stiles would yell at him for getting his sister hurt.

Nova notices standing behind him are two figures and she realized they are Chris and Derek, who looked at her with mild concern. Nova pulls away from the hug, beginning to breath heavy as she starts to panic again. "My-My dad..." Her panic filled eyes meets Scott's eyes. "Your dad...Are they-"

"They're both fine." Scott reassures her. "They're at the hospital."

Nova calms down at hearing that, letting out another sigh of relief. "Okay, but who-what was that?"

"It was Kate." Scott replies. "Kate and the Berserkers. I also might know how to find where Liam is," Scott adds. "But we have to go after Violet. I don't want you to join if you're tired or you want to stay back-"

"No," Nova interrupts him. "I wanna help. I wanna find Liam."


Nova, Scott, and Chris walk into the building Chris used to own. They figured that Kate would be there which is why they're at the abandoned building now. "You shouldn't have come."

The three of them turn around at the sound of the familiar voice, but neither saw where she was at yet. "Kate." Scott calls out. "I'm here for Violet. I need to talk to her."

"I'd knew you find me."

The three of them turn back around, seeing the shadow of her behind a clear sheet that was hung up. They halt to a stop and Chris instantly raises his gun in his hand towards the figure. "But...I was hoping we could do this later."

As Kate's figure grow closer, two more figures appear next to her and Nova realized it was the Berserkers. "I just...Need a little more time." Kate continued.

"For what?" Chris asked, starting to slowly move forward along with Nova and Scott.

"To learn control." Kate responds. She walks around a clear sheet, revealing herself to them. Nova notices that her claws are out which made her extend her claws just so she was prepared to attack. "Lower the gun. Walk away. You don't have to get hurt."

"Where is Violet?" Nova questioned.

"Put the gun down, Chris." Kate said to Chris, ignoring Nova's question.

"Where is she?" Scott asked the same question Nova did but in a more demanding tone.

Nova glances at Chris, watching as his finger presses against the trigger of his gun. She looks back at Kate when the blonde haired girl lets out a low growl. To Nova's surprise, Scott yells out 'no' to Chris. Chris didn't listen as he kept shooting at the Berserkers that came towards them. That didn't last long since Kate ran up to him, knocking the gun out of his hand, and punched him in the face.

Nova lets out a low growl when she was suddenly pushed back by one of the Berserkers and realized that she was now separated from Chris and Scott. Scott was fighting the other Berserker and Chris was fighting Kate. Nova manages to doge a hit from the Berserker in front of her, but she barely has anytime to move back and prepare for another hit because she finds herself hitting the floor rather harshly, landing on her back.

Nova's eyes glow yellow as she transforms, letting her claws and fangs show. As she gets back up she puts most of her weight on her hands, lifting her feet up to send a rough kick to the Berserker before she lands on her feet while the Berserker stumbles back a bit. She swiped at the Berserker with her claws for awhile and gets in a few good punches, but then she got thrown into the wall. A small scream escaped her lips when she felt like her right shoulder dislocated because of the rough hit to the wall.

Her attentions turns to Chris when she sees he was fighting with the other Berserker and it looked like he was loosing. Nova watched with a frown, hating that she couldn't help him out. Chris ends up on his hands and knees and the Berserker looked like it was about to kill Chris, but then Kate bellowed out a scream of no. Her scream was followed by a loud roar causing the Berserker to stop.

Kate starts walking away and both Berserkers follow her. Nova manages to get up, doing her best not to use her right arm since it hurt and it was hard to move. Nova made sure to keep her right arm in one place as she walks over to where Chris is at, glad that that he was alright. Chris whispers Scott's name as he looked around the room. Nova shakes her head, frowning a bit since she didn't know where Scott was. She turns to her right when she hears footsteps, smiling at seeing it was Scott. Scott sent her a worried expression at noticing her dislocated shoulder. She just shook her head and sent him a reassuring smile to let him know she was fine.

Scott goes over to Chris, offering a hand to help him up. Chris accepts it and Scott pulls him up to his feet. "I'm sorry." Chris apologized, looking at Nova and Scott with apologetic expressions.

Scott sighs and mumbles, "I'm not gonna find him."

"We are." Nova almost immediately said after Scott spoke that. She swallows nervously, hating the thought of losing someone who meant the world to her. "We-We have to find him. There's still time."


After Nova's shoulder was put back into place, Nova and Scott eventually find Liam in a well that was out in the woods. Nova was for sure going to have a bruise on her shoulder, but she knew it would heal. Just before Liam was about to loose his grip as he tried climbing out, Scott had reached his hand down, grabbing onto Liam's hand.

Scott pulls Liam up and with Nova's help they get the trembling Liam out. Liam held onto Nova's arm and Scott's arm as he sat on the edge of the well. He breathes heavily, looking at them with teary eyes. "Li, you're okay." Nova reassured him, looking at him with a small smile.

She was a bit surprised that he pulls her into a hug first and not Scott, but her smile widened and she wraps her arms back around him. She hugged onto him tightly, so relieved that they found him.

They get Liam to the animal clinic and with Deaton's help they get the wolfsbane out of Liam. Nova looks up from the knocked out Liam to look at Scott when he speaks. "I don't want to keep watching people die." Chris shakes his head. "I'm not sure you have much choice about that."

Scott nods. "Maybe I do."

"That's a lot of burden to carry, Scott." Deaton told him.

"I don't care." Scott shakes his head with a determined expression on his face. "No one else dies. Everyone on that list. Everyone on that Deadpool. It doesn't matter if they're wendigos, or werewolves, or whatever. I'm gonna save everyone."

A/N awe you gotta love protective scott ! he's definitely a big brother figure to nova if that wasn't obvious already. even though there weren't much of liam & nova, they were very cute in the part towards the end!

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