CHAPTER FOUR, the one with davenford prep

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The next day of school Nova notices Liam walking outside looking rather angry. She closes her locker and quickly goes over to him and Mason.

"What's going on?" Nova asked, her voice laced with concern, looking over at Mason.

"He just found out that he's playing Davenford Prep tonight." Mason replied and Nova's eyes grow wide.

"Brett!" Liam exclaimed, walking over to Brett, who just got off the bus with Mason and Nova following him.

"This could either go bad or very bad." Nova mumbled, standing beside Mason when the two realized they couldn't stop Liam.

Mason nods in agreement, sighing at seeing Liam going up to Brett. "Here we go."

Brett stares at Liam with confusion as Liam breaths heavily. "I just wanted to say..."

Nova holds her breath, hoping that this wouldn't turn out into a fight. A surprised expression forms on her face and she lets out a breath of relief as Liam reaches his hand to Brett for him to shake. "Have a good game."

Brett laughs. "That's cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in Anger Management? Apologize and everything's fine?"

By the way Liam was breathing, Nova knew he was getting more angry which worried her and made her think he could possibly lose control which wasn't good since he was around people.

"You demolished Coach's car." Brett reminded Liam.

"I paid for it." Liam said. Nova watched worriedly, noticing he was breathing heavier and he was axting more angry with each second.

"Yeah," Brett nods. "You're going to pay for it. We're going to break you in half out there. And it's going to be all your fault."

Nova looks at Liam's enclosed fists, biting her lower lip when she saw blood drip from them which meant he was trying not to change in front of everyone. Nova quickly ran forward along with her brother and Scott, who were nearby watching the scene. Nova wraps her hand around his left arm, not missing the fact that Liam began to relax when she touched him. Scott stood on the other side of Liam, wrapping his arm around him. Nova moved back with them when Scott pulled Liam back a few steps away from Brett and the other Davenford Prep students.

"Hey, what's going on prep students?" Stiles awkwardly asks. He gestures to the school. "Welcome to our little public school. How you doing?"

He reaches his hand to Brett for a handshake, introducing himself. "Stiles. That's a firm handshake you got there." He comments even though Brett didn't even shake his hand. He lowers his hand. "Uh, we're very excited for scrimmage tonight. Uh, but let's keep it clean, alright? No rough stuff out there. Alright, see you on the field."

Stiles turns around to his sister, Liam, and Scott, gesturing for them to go. "That was awful to watch." Nova shook her head as she went back to the school with the boys.

Stiles points at her and sends her an annoyed look. "You, shush."

Once they get to the boys locker room Liam had fully changed. Scott turned on the shower, pushing him against the wall under the water along with Stiles' help. Nova stood a few feet from them, but close enough in case she needed to be near them to help calm Liam down.

Liam growls at Scott and Stiles as the water falls on him. He struggles to get out of their grip and when he was quiet, Stiles asks him, "Okay, you calm yet?"

Nova grimaces when Liam let out a loud growl. "Yeah, that's a no."

A few moments later, Liam is back to normal. "Okay! Okay!" The boys let go of him and Scott turned off the water. Liam went over to one of the walls of the shower, sitting down as his rapid heart beating calmed down slowly. Nova knelt beside him, not caring that he was wet as she wrapped an arm around him to comfort him.

She noticed that when she near him he seemed to calm down easily when she was angered or had trouble controlling his abilities so she had decided to move closer to him in an attempt to help calm him down. Shs smiled slightly because it worked , she could hear his heartbest going back to its normal rhythm.

"That car you smashed." Scott said, looking at Liam. "I thought you said that was your teacher's."

Liam looks at him and said, "He was also my Coach. He benched me for the entire season."

Scott furrows his eyebrows. "What did you do?"

Liam shakes his head. "I got a couple of red cards."

Stiles looks at him with raised eyebrows. "Just a couple?" Liam looked at him and then at the floor, not saying anything. Nova rubbed his shoulder, knowing that Liam was sometimes embrasssed about the other thing that happened.

Scott kneels in front of Liam. "You got to be honest with us. What else happened?"

"Nothing." Liam answers Scott's question. "I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation."

"What did they call it?" Scott asked.

"I.E.D." Nova replied.

Liam nods. "Intermittent Explosive Disorder."

Stiles' eyes widen, looking at both of them. "I.E.D?" He looks at Liam with surprise. "You're literally an I.E.D?"

"That's what we literally just said." Nova sighs with annoyance. "Did you not listen?"

Stiles ignores her comment and he sighs. "That's great. Gives you powers to a walking time bomb." He sarcastically winked at Scott while giving him a thumbs up.

Scott rolls his eyes at Stiles, turning back to face Liam again. "Did they give you anything for it?"

"Risperdal." Liam responds. "It's an antipsychotic."

"Oh, this gets just better." Stiles sarcastically commented.

"But I don't take it." Liam told them.

Stiles nods. "Obviously."

"Okay," Nova groans, enough of his unnecessary commentary. She turns to face him with an annoyed expression. "You shut up or I'll make you shut up." She threatened, showing him her glowing yellow eyes and Stiles immediately was quiet, looking intimidated. She smiled, turning her eyes back to their normal color and turned her attention back to Liam when he speaks.

"I-I can't play lacrosse on it." Liam stutters. "It makes me too tired."

"Okay." Scott said. "I think you should bail out of the game. Tell Coach your leg is still hurting."

"No, no!" Liam shakes his head, standing up along with Scott. "I can do this." He looks at Scott after glancing at Nova. "Especially if you're there."

"But, Liam, it's not just about the game." Scott tells him. "We think whoever killed Demarco might be on our team."

Nova looks at him and Stiles with wide eyes. "What?! How come you haven't told me that?"

"We were going to eventually." Stiles replied, sheepishly smiling at her.

Liam shakes his head. "Who's Demarco?"

"The one who brought the beer to the party." Stiles answers. "The guy who was beheaded. Remember?"

"We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco." Scott said to Liam and Nova.

Liam's eyes widens, turning his attention to the floor in realization. Nova furrows her eyebrows, sharing a confused look with her brother before looking back at Liam. "Liam? What, you know something?" Scott inquired.

Liam looks back at Scott. "I don't know who ordered the keg. But I know who paid for it."

Nova looks at him with confusion, tilting her head to the side. "Who?"

Liam looks at her as he replies with, "Garrett."


Nova sat on the stands, looking around for her dad with her earphones plugged in, listening to music. He said he would be there, but he was running late and the game was about to start. She was listening to music because that was something she loved to do. Because of her enhanced hearing she can hear every conversation and all the sounds can be overwhelming and annoying at times. She looked out onto the field, noticing her two friends talking. She saw Liam and Mason were looking over at Brett which made her think they were probably talking about him. She looked beside the stands when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye, seeing her brother walking by while he talked to someone on the phone.

"Stiles!" She took one earbud out of her ear and reaches over the railing that's beside her, slapping Stiles' shoulder. He looked at her with a bit of annoyance and pointed at her, his way of telling her to be quiet. She does stays quiet, impatiently waiting for his call to end. He continues his conversation on the phone before hanging up.

He sighs, glancing at her with raised eyebrows. "What?"

"Where's dad?" Nova asks him, biting her lower lip. She takes a glance at everyone on the bleachers, still not spotting her and Stiles' dad. "He's supposed to be here by now."

"I just talked with him." Stiles replies. She looks back at him with a hopeful glint in her eyes. "He said he's running a bit late, but will be here."

"Okay," Nova nods, frowning slightly since she was upset their dad was going to be late. "I hope you're right." She smiles at him. "Oh, by the way, good luck tonight." She told him, forming her hand into a fist so they could fist bump.

Stiles smiles and fist bumps her. "Thanks, sis." Stiles then went over to the bench where Kira and Scott are sitting. Nova was about to put the other earbud in when she heard someone talk to her.


Nova looks over to her right, smiling at seeing Mason. "Hi, Mason."

"I was gonna go sit by Violet." Mason said, gesturing over to where Violet sat at the other side of the stands. He looks at Nova with a smile. "Do you wanna sit with us?"

Nova knew that Violet hung out with Garrett which most likely meant she worked with him on killing supernaturals. She shakes her head, sending him a small smile. "No, I'm good. But thanks for offering."

"Yeah, no problem." Mason smiled and goes over to where Violet was sitting.

"Hey, Liam!"

Nova looks out onto the field, seeing Brett had his lacrosse gear on and was holding his lacrosse stick. He looks at Liam. "Think fast!" He threw a lacrosse ball at Liam and even though Liam didn't have his lacrosse stick in hand, he easily caught it.

The whistle blows signaling for the game to start. Nova nervously bites her lower lip, watching the teams go out onto the field. The game wasn't going so good at the beginning for Beacon Hills. Davenford Prep was getting a lot of scores.

Scott and Brett set up the next play and once the whistle blew Brett immediately got the ball, running towards the net. Nova bites her lower lip when Liam runs towards Brett. Nova winces, letting out a gasp along with the rest of the crowd when two large boys rammed into Liam. Nova frowns when Davenford Prep scores again. Liam stands up, taking his helmet off and throws his gloves on the ground. Nova began to worry when Liam charged at the two boys, but thankfully Scott and Stiles were nearby to stop Liam. The two boys laughed at Liam, walking away as Liam calmed down.

While Nova glances around the area, she notices Garrett nearby, eying the field as he ran his finger over his lacrosse stick. She bites her lower lip, glancing around her when she realized that Lydia and Malia haven't arrived yet which confused her. They would normally be there at the beginning of the game.

This time Stiles and another Davenford Prep member set up the play. The whistle blew and the boy who looked twice Stiles' size missed the ball which gave Stiles the advantage to quickly get the ball and turned around to where Kira was at. He threw the ball to Kira and Nova smiled proudly when Kira caught it.
Coach tries telling Kira to pass the ball when Kira starts running past the other members to the goal. Nova cheers along with the crowd when Kira scored a point for the team.

Nova stands up, pointing at Kira with a wide smile on her lips. "Yeah, go Kira! That's my friend!"

No one seemed to care about that, but Nova didn't really care what anyone thought. She was just excited for her friend scoring her first goal. As she yelled, Kira looked over at her with a bright smile. The only one who seemed unhappy about the play was Coach, who called Kira over to the sides.

"Take a seat." Nova hears Coach tell her. "You're benched for the rest of the game."

Nova's eyes grew wide, wondering why Kira was benched. "Boo!" She shouted, upset about Kira being benched. She didnt understand the reason why Kira was benched. Kira scored for the team so she thought that was goos.

Kira looks at Coach with surprise and tries to fight him on it, but Coach won and Kira ends up on the bench. Nova sits back down as the game continues. At one point Nova was pretty sure she heard growling and she knew it was from Liam. No matter how hard he tried at the game, he always got floored by the other team, and Nova knew that was making him angry.

Brett runs past Garrett and ends up ramming into Liam. A worried expression formed on Nova's when she saw them both on the ground, groaning in pain. It also looked like neither of them were getting up. It looked like a hard hit and Nova would be surprised if Brett didn't have anything broken. Scott and Stiles helped Liam up and Nova stood up, looking at them with worry.

Stiles looks over at her, nodding and sends her a reassuring smile. Since he knew she could hear him, he speaks quietly. "Liam's fine."

Nova nods, letting out a sigh of relief. Nova sees Liam go over to Coach and overhears him telling Coach that his leg was hurting again which confuses her. When she sees Liam, Kira, and Scott were by the benches, Nova gets up, and goes over to them. "What happened?" Nova questioned.

"Garrett is going after Liam." Scott answers. "He missed though. Liam also had a broken bone in his arm, but I fixed it."

"I talked to Coach." Liam said, looking at Kira, Nova, and Scott. "I'm out for the rest of the game."

Kira looks at Scott. "What are you gonna do?"

Scott shakes his head. "I don't know. Something's still not right. We're missing something."

Nova furrows her eyebrows. "What would that be though?"

"Guys," The four of them look over, seeing Stiles walking over to them, and stands between his sister and Kira. He shows the four of them what he had pulled up on his phone. "Lydia just broke another third of the list."

Nova eyes Liam when he asks, "Am I on it?"

Nova had to admit she felt a bit relieved at what Stiles replies with. "No. But someone else is. Brett's on it."

Nova glances over to where Mason and Violet sat, furrowing her eyebrows when she didn't see Violet. "Uh, guys...Violet isn't there anymore. Should we check on Brett?"

"Probably." Stiles nods, grabbing her arm when she started to go to the locker room and she yelped as he pulled her back. "Not you."

Nova looks at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Why not?"

"You're my little sister. I don't care that you're a werewolf, you're not going." Stiles replies protectively. Nova rolls her eyes and crosses her arms as Stiles continues. "If anyone should check on Brett it should be Scott."

Scott nods. "Yeah, I'll go check on him." He looks at Nova with a small smile. "You stay here with them."

Nova sighs but nods. Stiles lets go of her arm while Scott heads to the locker room. Nova bit her lower lip, tapping her foot on the ground anxiously while they waited.

Stiles sighs heavily. "You're not gonna calm down until you go check are you?"

"Nope." Nova shook her head.

"Alright, fine." Stiles sighs, his shoulders dropping in defeat. "C'mon."

The two of them get to the locker room, seeing both Brett and Violet on the floor with Scott standing over Violet. Brett and Violet were both alive, but Brett was the only conscious one. Nova goes over to Brett, helping him up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Brett nods, looking at her with confusion. "Why are you helping me?"

Nova shrugs, looking at him with a small smile. She helps him move to sit on the locker bench as he smiles a bit at what she says next. "'Cause I'm nice."

Scott glances at her and then at Stiles. "I think you two better call your dad."

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