CHAPTER THREE, the one with a boat house and a deadpool

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Kira, Nova, and Scott get Liam to the boat house just in time before Mason and a lot of teenagers got to the house. Nova managed to help Scott chain Liam up to one of the wooden beams. She held Liam's arms down along with Scott, just now realizing at how strong Liam is. He was strong before, but know he's now ten times stronger.

Liam continues growling and he wouldn't stop trying to get out of their grip. Nova jumps back a bit, startled when he suddenly looked like he was going to bite her. "I got him, it's okay!" Scott reassures her. "Tie his hands!"

Nova looks at Liam worriedly and then back at Scott. She backs away, quickly moving behind the wooden beam to tie Liam's hands. Liam gets out of her grasp when he suddenly stood, making Scott back up. Liam then tackled Scott to the ground. Nova was about to pull Liam off of Scott with the help of her werewolf strength when Kira hit Liam with a paddle she grabbed and Liam fell off of Scott and onto the floor.

Nova kneels besides her best friend, who was now laying on his back, and Scott kneels besides her. Kira kneels on the floor across from them, looking at them with wide eyes. "I didn't kill him, did I?"

Nova glances at Liam, letting out a small sigh of relief when she heard him breathing. "No, Kira. You just knocked him out."

Kira lets out a sigh of relief. "I hope Stiles is having better luck."

Nova nods in agreement. "Yeah, me too."

The three of them tie Liam up against the wooden beam this time and it was honestly a lot easier with him knocked out because they didn't have to deal with him trying to kill them. Nova sat on the floor, staring at her unconscious best friend with a small frown. She felt awful that this was happening to him and she couldn't do anything about it. Well, she can try to help him learn how to control it, but that's a lot of work which is why she's glad she has the rest of the pack to help with that. She just wished that this didnt even hapoen to him so he could just be a normal human.

"He looks young." Kira commented.

Scott nods, glancing at Nova. "He is. He's Nova's age."

Nova sighs, pulling her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around her legs. "Scott, did you really have to drag him into this mess? He shouldn't have to live with this."

Scott sends her a small smile. "I know it's not the best being a werewolf, but we're gonna help him out. Don't worry." He looks at her with an apologetic expression."And you know I'm sorry. I really am. But I only bit him to save his life."

"I know." Nova sighs. After a moment of silence goes by, she speaks up. "Thank you."

Scott turns away from looking at Liam, looking at the brunette-haired girl with furrowed eyebrows. "For what?"

"I've never thanked you for saving my best friend's life and my life, so thank you." Nova smiled at him.

Scott smiles back at her. "You're welcome."

After looking away from Liam, Kira looks at Nova and Scott with concern. "I know we're gonna help him, but what if he doesn't want our help?"

Scott glances at her and nods. "He will."

Nova stares back at Liam, hoping that Scott was right because she wouldn't know what to do if her best friend wanted to go through this alone. Nova leans back against a nearby wall, keeping an eye on Liam while tuning out Scott's and Kira's conversation. She looked over when she heard music playing and she smiled softly when she saw they were slow dancing under the moonlight. She hoped that someday she have a special moment like that with someone. Her attention is turned back to Liam when she heard him growl.

She bit her lip nervously, seeing that he was waking up. She stood up, taking a step back when he growled at her. "Uh, guys! Liam's awake." Scott and Kira went over to her after turning off the music.

Kira looks at Nova and Scott with worry. "Do you think those chains will hold him?"

"Uh, yeah, it should. He can't be that strong." Scott responded and the three teens were quick to find out he was wrong.

Nova lets out a gasp of surprise when Liam breaks the chains that held him to the wooden beam. The three of them immediately step to the side when Liam ran at them. They turned around, watching with wide eyes when Liam broke through the window and started running off into the woods.

"This isn't good." Nova commented, nervously biting her lip.

"Nope." Kira agrees. "Not good at all."


Nova and Scott takes off running in the direction Liam went. Another thing Nova liked about being a werewolf is the fact that she can run really fast now. She would've never been able to run as fast as she is now. The two of them stopped nearby a tree, making sure they have Liam's scent and are going in the right direction.

"You got his scent?" Scott asked her.

Nova nods. "Yeah," She points in the direction in front of her and Scott. "He went this way." She takes the lead and Scott follows her as they run through the woods. When Nova suddenly stops at a clearing, Scott stops beside her. "The scent ends here." Nova announces, her voice laced with confusion. Looking at Scott, she furrows her eyebrows. "But that doesn't make any sense. Where would he-"

The two of them turn around when they hear a loud growl that interrupted Nova's sentence. Nova gasped when she was suddenly tackled to the ground. She and Liam rolled down the small hill, landing in the middle of the clearing in the woods. Nova breathed heavily, her heart beating increased as she stared at Liam with wide eyes. He had straddled her and was trying to hit her and scratch her. She did her best to block all of his hits, knowing that if she hit him he would easily be off of her, but she didn't want to hurt him.

Scott quickly ran over to the two, grabbing onto Liam's arm and pulled him off of Nova. That resulted into Liam pushing him against a tree. Liam growled at him, reaching forward to hit Scott.

"Liam...Liam, wait." Scott puts his hands on Liam's shoulders, stopping Liam from attacking him. "Stop."
Nova got up from the ground, staying at a distance from the two, but made sure she was close enough so if she needed to get Liam away from Scott then she could.

"What did you do to me?" Liam asked Scott.

"Liam...This isn't your fault." Scott told him, doing his best to keep Liam off him.

"Scott," Nova watches with worried eyes. "Do you want me to get him off?"

"No, stay there." Scott makes eye contact with her, shaking his head. "I'm fine." She nodded in response, biting her lower lip and crossed her arm as she watched the scene play out in front of her.

"It's your fault!" Liam yells at Scott. "This is your fault!"

Nova's eyes grew wide when Liam goes to scratch Scott, but an arrow flies over in the air, hitting the tree just above Scott. Nova realizes a flash bomb was attached from the arrow, causing Scott to cover himself. Nova covers her eyes for a second as well from the blinding light. Liam yelled, backing away from Scott while covering his eyes, and then ran off. Nova went over to Scott, helping him stand up.

"Who shot that arrow?" Scott asked, glancing at Nova with confusion when he noticed she was staring in a direction with wide eyes.

"Chris Argent." Nova responded with a smile on her lips. She had to admit she missed Chris a lot. Things just wasn't the same without him. Now that Chris was there, she started thinking of Isaac Lahey. She frowned. She missed him a lot too. He was like an older brother figure to her.

Scott looks in the direction Nova pointed at, seeing Chris standing there, holding his cross bow. Chris walks over to the two werewolves who stared at him with surprise. "How did you know?" Scott inquired.

Chris smiles a bit. "I got your text. There's a clearing just north from here. All you guys have to do is corral him there. The rest is taken care of."

"Okay," Nova nods, tilting her head to the side. She looks at him curiously. "And what are you going to do?"

"Nova," Chris said, looking at the brunette-haired girl. "Not only are you Scott's beta, now Liam is also his beta." He looks at Scott. "The better question is, what are you going to do, Scott?"

Scott sighs. "He won't listen to me."

Chris nods. "He will if you use start using your own words."

They look to the left when they hear Liam's screaming. Chris hands Nova the remote for the ultrasonic emitters that are used to emit a high-pitched noise only werewolves and other shapeshifters can hear. "Go." He said to both of them.

Nova and Scott nodded and take off running in the direction they heard Liam's scream. They find Liam trapped between the four ultrasonic emitters that were set up by the Argents. He was kneeling on the ground, screaming as he held onto his head. Scott looked at Nova, nodding at her for her to turn the ultrasonic emitters off. Nova nodded, pressing the off button on the remote and the ultrasonic emitters immediately turn off.

Liam lowers his hands and stops screaming after the ultrasonic emitters are off. Nova and Scott hesitantly walk towards Liam. Liam looks at them with teary eyes and to see him so upset made Nova's heart ache. "What's happening to me?"

"The same thing that happened to me and Nova." Scott replied.

He moves to stand in front of Liam and then kneels in front of the young teen. Nova glances over to the side at hearing movement, seeing that Chris had walked up to them and was watching them. Nova looks back at Liam and Scott, frowning as Liam started crying. "They can't know about this." Liam sniffles, staring down at the ground. "My mom, my stepdad. I can't do this to them again."

"What do you mean again?" Scott asked him.

"I got kicked out of school and I deserved it." Liam replies. "The way they looked at me when they saw what I did to that car..."

Nova felt tears forming in her own eyes. It took all she had not to run up and pull him into a tight hug. "Liam, it's okay." Scott reassured Liam.

"They can't see me like this." Liam sobs. "Like.."

"Like a monster?" Scott asks and Liam nods. Scott stands up, staring down at Liam. "You're not a monster. You're a werewolf."

Liam looks up at him and Scott shows him his glowing red eyes. "Like me."

Nova shows Liam her glowing yellow eyes. "And me."


The next day Nova stood at the police station next to her brother and Scott as they talked with hers and Stiles' dad. "So, the Walcott's were the first." Stiles states. "At leas the first that we know about. Four murders. Sean, his brother, and their parents. They were killed by a professional assassin called The Mute. Weapon of choice, a military tomahawk. But then The Mute was killed by Peter Hale after he tried to blow up Derek with a Claymore mine."

"Next was Demarco. He delivered a keg to the party at Lydia's lake house. And got decapitated outside his car. And then last night, 23 year old Carrie Hudson." Stiles finished listing off the murders.

"It's a Deadpool." Scott tells them Noah and Nova. He sets a piece of paper down on Noah's desk. Nova leans over to get a better look at the paper, noticing different names on it with a number beside them. "This is only part of it." Scott added.

"What's a Deadpool?" Nova questions, glancing at Scott and her brother. She furrows her eyebrows, tilting her head to the side. "Isn't that like a Marvel villain?"

"Yes." Stiles nods. He smiles, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm proud of you for knowing Marvel stuff."

"I love Marvel." Nova grins. She then pouts, crossing her arms. "I'm just upset you thought I didn't know about it."

"But in this case it's a supernatural hit-list." Scott answers Nova's question as Stiles takes his hand off of Nova's shoulders. He looks at Noah. "The rest of it still has to be decoded."

"Who found this list?" Noah asked, reading the names that were on the list.

"Lydia." Stiles replied.

"Alright," Noah sighs, turning his attention back to the Deadpool in his hand. "What are these numbers next to the names?"

Stiles points at the Deadpool. "We're getting to that. First, you need to know that code was broken with a cipher key."

Nova raises her eyebrows, glancing at Stiles. "So...Like a key word?"

Stiles shakes his head. "It's actually a name."

"Allison." Scott explained.

Nova shares a surprised look with her dad since she didn't know about that. Nova then looks at Scott with sad eyes and a sympathetic smile. Nova remembers how much Allison meant to Scott. Right after Allison was stabbed by one of the Oni, Nova tried going after that Oni. Nova ended up getting stabbed, but she healed easily thanks to her enhanced healing ability.

She and Allison got along well and Allison was a good friend of hers. When they first met Allison didn't care how young Nova and didn't hesitate to become friends with her. A frown tugged on Nova's lips at remembering Allison. She looked around at the others, noticing how tension built up in the room at the mention of Allison's name.

Stiles was the one to break the silence. "Her name broke a third of the list."

Scott nods. "And now we think they're two other cipher keys."

"Which will give us the rest of the names." Noah realized.

"That's great and all," Nova says, crossing her arms as she glances at each of them. "But how are we gonna find out the other two cipher keys?"

"Same way we got the code." Stiles responded.

"So...Lydia." Nova nodded, her face forming into an expression of realization.

"She has been at the lake house all weekend trying to find the other two key words." Scott informed her and Noah.

Noah gets out some pictures of wounds from one of the murders. He looks at Scott and Stiles. "You didn't know about Demarco or Carrie?"

When the boys didn't reply, Noah looks back at the Deadpool, noticing some names that stood out to him. "What about these other two names on the list? Uh, Kayleen Bettcher and Elias Town." He looks at the boys with furrowed eyebrows. "They werewolves too?"

Scott shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. But Deaton said that the Nemeton would draw supernatural creatures here."

"Here being Beacon Hills? Or Beacon County?" Noah asks Scott. "The population of Beacon Hills is just under 30,000."

"And dropping." Stiles added.

Noah presses his lips together in a tight line, looking at his son. "But if we're talking about Beacon County, then you're looking at close to 500,000."

Nova's eyes widens. "That's a lot of people."

Noah nods, sitting down at his desk, asking how many kind of creatures are out there. The boys don't reply to that either which made Nova feel uneasy. "And what happens if the next cipher key uncovers not 12 names but 100?"

Stiles shakes his head. "We don't think there would be that many. There's a limit."

Scott points at the numbers. "Because of the numbers. We think that once we decode the names, the numbers will add up to 117."

"What do the numbers mean?" Nova questioned nervously, not really for sure if she wanted to hear the answer.

Scott sighs. "Money. The numbers are how much whoever is on the list is worth."

Nova looks at him with surprise, guessing she should've expected that. She turns her attention to Stiles when he starts writing a 'k' beside some names on the list and a 'm' beside some names on the list. "And that's 117 million stolen from the Hale vault," Stiles pointed out. "And is being used by someone to finance all these murders."

"Someone who wants every supernatural in Beacon Hills dead." Scott said.

"So the coded list goes out. And somehow these professional assassins get that list." Noah spoke.

"And a cipher key." Stiles added.

Noah nods. "And then they go after the names on the list. They being killers with no mouths, tomahawks, thermo-cut wires that can take your head off."

Stiles looks at the wounds of the victims, noticing a different mark on her chest. "What's this mark?"

"We're not sure yet." Noah shakes his head. "We're waiting on the ME's report. There's one other thing that I don't get. How did this new assassin know that Demarco was going to be at the lake house?"

"Everyone knows he delivers kegs to teenagers for a little extra cash." Scott answered.

"Ah." Noah looks at the Deadpool. "So whoever ordered that keg killed Demarco."

Nova's eyes grow wide when she realized something. "Which means it was someone at the party."

A/N okay but I love nova's & scott's friendship, it's so sweet. when I first watched the show & chris showed up in this episode I was so happy cause I missed him. I was honestly hoping Isaac would join him 😭 I was upset to find out he didn't

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