CHAPTER TWO, the one with theo raeken & hayden romero

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There were many reasons why she glad her brother can drive and has his own car. One of them is because of the fact he would take her to school. She wouldn't know what she would do if she had to take the bus. She walked beside Stiles and Malia up the steps that led to the school.

"So you ran a background check, and all you found was a speeding ticket?" Malia asked Stiles.

Stiles nods. "Speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago."

Nova looks at him with confusion, holding onto the straps of her backpack. "Okay, why is that important?"

Stiles sighs, stopping at the top of the stairs, and turns to face her and Malia, who had stopped walking as well. "Who speeds?"

Nova shrugs. "I'm sure a lot of people do."

Stiles glances at her with annoyance. "Not the answer I was looking for." Nova just shrugs in response. "People trying to get away from something."

"Well, how many tickets do you have?" Malia asked him.

"None." Stiles responded.

"But you would have, like, a million if it wasn't for dad." Nova reminded him and once again Stiles looked at her with an annoyed expression. She just smiled at him, finding it amusing she was annoying him.

"I don't know, Stiles." Malia said, tilting her head to the side. "I mean, I see why you're worried. He's really hot."

Nova nods in agreement. "Not to mention great hair."

Malia points at her in a sign of agreement. "And a perfect body." She looks back at Stiles, who looked at them with wide eyes. "You should definitely feel threatened."

"Thank you." Stiles sarcastically comments. "Because I do. Now more than ever."

"You want me to torture him?" Malia questioned, saying that as if that was nothing.

Nova cringes, glancing around nervously. "Probably shouldn't say something like that out in public, Malia."

"She's right." Stiles points at his sister. He shakes his head.  "And no, I don't want you to torture him."

Malia shrugs. "I'm pretty sure I can take him."

Nova chuckles. "I'm sure you could, Mal. But you're not doing that."

"I have a plan. Alright? There steps to doing this right." Stiles said.

Nova raises her eyebrows at him. "And the steps are?"

"We get the story. Verify the facts. You find the piece that doesn't fit, and...And catch him in the act." Stiles replies. "That's how you should do it." He rolled his eyes when he noticed Theo arriving to school.

Nova looks over in the direction Stiles is looking at, seeing he was looking annoyed because of Theo this time and not her. Theo looked at the three of them with a smile and waved. Nova couldn't help but smile and waved back at him.

"Why are you so suspicious of this guy?" Malia asked Stiles.

Stiles sighs. "Because I remember Theo from fourth grade. Okay? That's not Theo."

Nova said goodbye to Stiles and Malia, meeting Liam and Mason in the hallway. "Hey, Nova." Liam greeted, looking at her with a smile and she smiled back at him. 

As they walk to their first class they shared together. "I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany." Mason explains, referring to the book he held. "Cost me two hundred bucks, but it was totally worth it."

Liam glances at him with surprise. "You're still reading about this stuff?"

"I was attacked by an armor-plated giant wearing a bear skull." Mason nods. "It left an impression." He points at a picture in the book. Nova looks at it, pretending like this was her first time seeing a Berserker. "Look. Look. Have you two ever seen anything like it?"

"Nope." Nova immediately responded. 

Liam quickly shakes his head. "Uh, no. Never." He walked into the history classroom along with Nova, followed by Mason.

"And then there's this whole section about the Nagual." Mason continues, stopping by the door as he looks at the book. "Have you guys heard of the name Tezcat..."

"Tezcatlipoca." Nova said after taking a glance at the page he was looking at. Mason looks at her with surprise, not expecting her to say the name correctly. She shakes her head. "Yeah, no. Never heard of the name."

"Me neither." Liam chimed in, walking into the classroom.

Mason and Nova followed him into the classroom and Nova took a seat in front of the one Liam stood beside while Mason sat at a desk beside Liam's left side.

"Take a seat, everyone." Mr. Yukimura said.

Nova sat her backpack on the floor beside her desk, getting her notebook and pencil out. She sets them on her desk, raising her eyebrows when she heard someone chewing their gum obnoxiously. She looks over to her right, seeing it had been a brunette-haired girl who was sitting beside the desk Liam stood beside. 

She then heard Liam mumble sarcastically, "Great." 

Her eyes widen when she realized the brunette-haired girl is Hayden Romero. The girl Liam accidentally punched when they were younger. He had gotten in a fight in the hallway and Hayden happened to walk by at the time. Instead of the boy Liam was fighting, it was Hayden who got punched in the nose. She was so angry she punched Liam. Both of them had taped up noses and to make it worse that happened on picture day. 

Liam stays standing, looking around the classroom for an empty seat only to realize that one was the only empty one. "Liam." Mr. Yukimura calls out. "You're not just gonna stand there, are you?"

Liam nods with a sheepish expression. "Maybe."

Mr. Yukimura tilts his head to the side. "The whole semester?"

"Maybe." Liam replied.

"Liam," Mr. Yukimura gestures to the seat. "Have a seat."

Liam groans and sits down. Nova furrowed her eyebrows when she heard Liam moving and she glanced back at him. Liam had got up, looking down at his pants to see gum was now on his pants. He looked back at Hayden with a glare.

Hayden only smiled at him and Nova couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her lips. 

"Alright, welcome to History 103."


Nova was at her locker after class, putting away her books she didn't need when she heard Liam and Mason talking. She glanced behind her to the right where the boy's locker room was located, seeing Liam and Mason was walking over to Liam's locker. She chuckled lightly upon seeing Liam was now wearing gym shorts because of what happened with the gum.

She turned her attention back to her locker, only looking to the side when she noticed out of the corner of her eye that Mason began to jog down the hallway. A small laugh escaped her lips, noticing he was following the soccer team out to the field. She wasn't surprised. 

She closed her locker and went over to Liam just as Hayden had put the lock on her locker. Hayden sent her a smile and a small wave before she left. Nova returned the smile and waved back at her. As the dark-haired girl went up the stairs Nova stood beside Liam, laughing a bit as he laid his head against the locker. 

"I assume that you're not a fan of your locker neighbor?" Nova asked, looking at him with an amused expression. 

"Not really." Liam mutters, lifting his head off the locker. He opens it to put his pants in it and closed it, turning to her with puppy dog eyes. "Switch lockers with me? Please?"

"Don't give me those eyes, Li." Nova sighed, turning away from him to avoid eye contact. She then began to walk down the hallway to her locker with Liam following her.

"Come on," Liam tries convincing her, walking beside her down the hallway to their next shared class. "Things would just be better if we switched lockers." 

Nova raises her eyebrows at him. "You mean things would be better for you." 

"Exactly." Liam nods, looking at her with a hopeful expression. Nova chuckles and shakes her head. Liam sighs. "You don't have a problem with her. She won't make this year dreadful for you."

"Liam, you'll be fine, alright?" Nova reassures him. "Think of it this way, you probably won't be locker neighbors with her next year. I guess just think of the positive." 

"Yeah," Liam grumbles. "I guess you're right." 


Nova sat in the library at a table with Kira, Malia, and Scott. She sat across from Malia, working on her math homework. Math was her least favorite subject. She didn't understand why it had to be so difficult and why teachers always said they needed to learn it because it would be useful in life. She wasn't for sure when she was going to have to use y=mx+b in life other than math class.

She glances up from her homework when two papers are laid down on the table in front of them. "So you found something?" Scott asked her brother.

"A signature." Stiles replies, pointing at one of the papers. "This is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago." He points at another signature. "And this is his dad's signature on a transfer form to Beacon Hills High School from just a few days ago."

"How did you get his transfer form?" Kira inquired.

Nova nods, pointing at Kira with her pencil while looking at her brother. "I would also like to know that."

Scott looks at Stiles with wide eyes. "Did you break into the Administration Office?"

"No, I did not break into the Administration Office." Stiles shakes his head. When everyone stares at him in disbelief he nods. "Okay. I might have broken into the Administration Office."

"Not surprised." Nova commented, mockingly glaring back at Stiles when he shot her a glare.

"Can we just focus on the signatures, please?"

Stiles puts the two signatures on the two papers next to each other. "They're different." Nova leaned over to get a better look at the signatures along with the others. "They're sort of different." Malia agreed.

"They're completely different. Come on." Stiles urges, pointing at one of the signatures. "Look. The garlands don't even match, the undulations of the sinuous stroke are totally off." 

Nova stares at him with confusion. "Speak in English, please."

"I am. I'm talking about the lettering and how the signature is written." Stiles tells her. He points at a signature. "And look, look at this. Perfect example of the Criminal Tremor."

Nova purses her lips together, slowly nodding. She was still a bit confused but she went along with it. "Yeah, okay."

Kira furrows her eyebrows. "So now, Theo is Theo, but his parent's aren't his parents?"

Stiles nods. "Someone's not someone. And when I figure out who that someone really is, that someone's in big trouble."

Once again, Nova wasn't exactly for sure what he meant by that. She tilted her head to the side, furrowing her eyebrows. By Stiles' reaction after what he just said she assumed he wasn't really for sure of what he said either. 

"But no one's done anything wrong." Scott pointed out.

"Yet." Stiles speaks. "If Theo's parents are both psychotic killers then obviously, we should not trust him, right?"

"My parent's are Peter and the Desert Wolf," Malia spoke.

At Malia's words, Stiles froze in disbelief. "Okay." He sighs while rubbing a hand down his face and it was obvious he was frustrated. "It's fine. You know what? I'll just figure it out myself." He picks up the papers. He points at each of them sitting at the table. "I don't need you or you or you or you."

Stiles shouts as he walks out of the library. "I don't need anyone."


"I thought you said didn't need anyone." Nova said to Stiles, looking at him with raised eyebrows. She found Stiles in his jeep a few moments later and Liam was sitting in the passenger seat.

Stiles jumps, startled by her sudden appearance. "What-What are you doing here?"

"I'm going with you." Nova replies. Her gaze trails over to Liam, sharing a small smile with him. "And Liam."

Stiles furrows his eyebrows. "Even though you have no clue where we're going?"

"You're gonna go spy on Theo, correct?" Nova asks, walking over to the passenger side of the car. Liam got out, offering to get in the back, but Nova assured him she was fine with getting in the back. She sat in the middle seat of the back, looking her brother with a small smile while Liam got back in and closed the door. "So, let's go. Let's get a move on." 

"Wait, wait, wait." Stiles turns to look at her with a bit of surprise. "You believe me?"

"Of course I do." Nova smiles at him. "You're my brother, Stiles." He smiles at her while she continues to speak. "I'll always believe you."


"I told you he was up to something."

"We just spent three hours watching this dude play video games in his bedroom." Liam says. "He better be covering up a mass murder."

"Let's find out." Stiles led his sister and Liam out from behind the bush they were hiding behind.

"You still got his scent?" Stiles asked Liam. 

"Wouldn't need it." Nova responded, pointing at the footsteps in the dirt when Stiles looked at her in question. 

"Great. We'll follow his footsteps." Stiles nodded, patting Nova on the shoulder as they began to follow Theo's footsteps. 

Nova stops walking when she realized Liam wasn't following them and Stiles stopped a few inches ahead of her when he found out she nor Liam was following him. "What?" Stiles inquires, turning to her and Liam. "What's wrong?"

"I forgot, I was supposed to meet Mason at the school gym." Liam replied.

"Okay," Stiles nods, walking back over to stand in front of Liam along with Nova. "Why didn't you just tell him?"

Liam furrows his eyebrows, shaking his head. "Tell him what?"

"Anything." Stiles answered.

Nova shakes her head. "Stiles, neither of us can tell him anything." 

Stiles looks at her and Liam with confusion. "Why not?"

"Because we haven't..." Liam sighs, putting his hands in the pockets of his red colored jacket. "We haven't told him everything."

Stiles raises his eyebrows. "Still? We said it was okay." 

"It's a lot easier said then done." Nova muttered.

"Exactly." Liam agrees. "It's a lot to accept."

"He watched," Stiles gestures to himself and Nova. "Our dad blow up a Berserker with a land mine. I think the groundworker's been pretty thoroughly laid for acceptance. Scott and I have been through this, okay?" Stiles continues. "More than once. It's always better when they know."

Nova stares at the ground, biting her lower lip. She knew that Stiles was right. She just hoped that when she and Liam told Mason that Mason wouldn't freak out, that he would still want to be friends with them, and that he wouldn't be afraid of them. Nova followed Stiles when she realized he had started following Theo's footsteps again.

It seemed like Liam felt the same way she did about telling Mason because a few seconds later Liam asks, "But what if he freaks out? What if he doesn't want to talk to me or Nova? What if he tries to stab us with something silver? Or what if..."

Nova stops in her tracks, sharing a confused look with her brother when they heard a loud thud. Nova chuckles. "You seriously fell in a hole?"

Liam rolls his eyes even though there was a small smile on his face. "Glad one of us is happy."

Stiles shushes them when footsteps approach. "There he is." He whispers, looking off to the side. He glances down at Liam. "Hurry up. Stop screwing around."

Nova debated about staying to help Liam out as Stiles went to walk in the direction where he heard Theo went to, but she knew Liam was able to get out by himself so she went over to find Stiles. She stood beside him, leaning against the tree in front of them like Stiles is, catching the sight of Theo. Liam appeared beside her right side a few seconds later. 

"Have either of you got his scent yet?" Stiles asked quietly, glancing at his sister and Liam.

"Yeah." Nova nods. "Smells like soap. I have to admit it smells nice." 

Liam nods in agreement. "Yeah."

"Not his soap," Stiles huffs, sending a glare to Liam and Nova. "His emotional state. Chemosignals, remember?"

"Right." Nova apologetically smiles. "Sorry." 

Each of them are silent for a moment while staring at Theo who had his back turned to them. Liam was the one to break the silence between the three of them. "I...He's sad."

"He's sad?" Stiles' voice was laced with confusion, looking at Liam and Nova with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah, kinda." Nova nods, furrowing her eyebrows. "But it's more like...Grief."

"Grief?" Stiles repeated, still confused.

The three of them watch Theo pick up a flower slowly and throw it over the bridge he was standing on and into the water below. Stiles suddenly grabs Nova's arm, pulling her around and does the same with Liam, guiding them away. "We have to go."

"What?" Liam inquires, looking confused and Nova felt the same way. She didn't understand why they needed to go. "Why?"

"Go!" Stiles urges, pushing Liam and Nova forward. "Right now. Just go."

The three of them began to walk back to the jeep quickly. "That's the bridge where they found his sister." Stiles informed the two.

Nova glances at him with furrowed eyebrows. "The one who got lost?"

"Yes." Stiles nods. "And died from exposure. He's leaving a flower for her."

"That doesn't sound evil." Liam concluded.

Stiles inhales sharply. "I know."

They each stop when they notice a figure standing on top of a tree branch above them. Theo was staring down at them and he jumped down, easily landing on his feet. As he stands up, he looks at the three with a smirk. "What are you guys doing?"

Liam growls at Theo, stepping in front of Nova and Stiles. Nova grabs his arm, pulling him back. Her silent way of telling him to back down. "Woah." Theo raises his hands up in defense. He points at Liam as he chuckles. "Why do I get the feeling this kid is tougher than he looks?"

"Only when we let him off his leash." Stiles replied.

"Stiles," Theo lowers his hands, looking at Stiles. "We were in Little League together. Why are you so suspicious of me?"

"Because of these." Stiles hands over the papers of the signatures that were of Theo's dad. "One's a speeding ticket signed by your dad eight years ago. The other one's a signature on a transfer form Beacon High." He explains while Theo looks at the papers. "They're different."

"Huh." Theo nods. "Yeah, they do look a little different."

"No, they're totally different." Stiles shakes his head. "Signed by two different people."

Theo shakes his head. "So my dad's not my dad? Like he's an imposter?"

"Yeah," Liam responds, still standing slightly in front of Nova and Stiles. "Something like that."

Theo folds up the papers, glancing at Stiles. "Who do you think I am?"

"We don't know yet." Stiles answered.

"Want me to give you a DNA sample or something?" Theo inquired.

"No." Stiles sighs. "I don't have anything from the fourth grade to match it to."

"You know, Stiles, I came back here for Scott...But I also came back here for you." Nova narrows her eyes at Theo, similar to how Stiles looked at Theo at the moment. "Someone like you. Someone who's willing to walk into the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends. I don't have anyone like that, but Scott does."

Theo glances at Liam and Nova. "You all do." He looks at each of them. "I know I'm in the right place. I'm meant to be here. I'm meant to be a part of this pack."


When the trio got back to the jeep, they find Scott leaning against his bike. "Find anything?" Scott questioned.

"Nope." Stiles shook his head, walking to his jeep.

With a shrug, Liam replies with, "I fell in a hole." Nova couldn't help the smile that tugged on her lips at seeing him look so proud of himself. It was cute. Wait, why did she think her best friend was cute? 

"It was the bridge where his sister died, wasn't it?" Scott asked Stiles.

"Yes, it was. Very embarrassing." Stiles replies. "So we are gonna leave now." He turns his keys in the ignition after he put the keys in, looking annoyed when the car didn't start. "Liam, just do me a favor, get in the car and turn the ignition when I say."

Liam and Stiles trade places, Liam getting in the drivers seat and Stiles going to open the hood of his car. Nova stood by Scott, watching her brother with concern. She could tell that he was getting upset and frustrated. She hated seeing her brother like that. Especially knowing she can't really do much to help him than just be there for him to comfort him.

"Stiles?" Scott spoke, trying to get Stiles' attention.

"Be with you in a sec." Stiles mutters, working on something to try and fix his engine. "Try it." He said to Liam. When the car didn't work again, Stiles leaned forward on his arms, looking more annoyed.

"Stiles." Scott tried again.

"Yes. Okay, we followed him out here. What do you want me to say? That I'm a stalker, huh? That I'm crazy, totally paranoid? None of this is new information." Stiles rambled, going back to try and fix his engine.

"Now you're gonna try to at least give him the benefit of the doubt?" Scott suggested.

"I give people the benefit of the doubt." Stiles argues. "I've given a lot of benefit to a lot of people."

Nova frowns at this and she shares a look with Scott, the two of them knowing exactly someone Stiles was talking about. "Like Derek?" Scott guesses. Stiles pauses, rolling his eyes before continuing to work. "Kira? Liam?" Scott continued.

"I was right about Peter." Stiles mumbles. "Try it again." Liam tries to turn on the car, but once again it didn't work. A frustrated look forms on Stiles' face. "You know, I bet you still think that there's something about him that can be saved."

Scott nods. "Maybe."

Stiles turns his attention back to his car, continuing to try and fix his engine. "Try it again." Stiles shook his head, looking even more frustrated as his car didn't work when Liam tried turning it on again.

"Why can't you trust anyone?" Scott asked.

"Because you trust everyone!" Stiles exclaimed angrily and then punched his jeep out of anger while letting out a yell. Nova watched her older brother with concern, wanting nothing more than to go over and comfort him, but she knew her brother and she knew he wanted space. Although as she watched him try not to cry because he was now in pain, she decided to ignore the fact that he needed space and went over to him.

"Novi, you don't have to-" Stiles started to protest.

"Shush." Nova cut him off, reaching up and grabbing his hand gently, examining his knuckles. Soon enough Stiles noticed black veins forming on her hand and he knew she was taking his pain away.

"It's okay." Stiles whispered, avoiding eye contact with his sister.

"I'm taking your pain, Stiles." Nova shakes her head, keeping her focus on his hand. "And I'm gonna continue taking your pain until it doesn't hurt anymore. Got it?"

Stiles nods, a small smile appearing on his face. He knew he couldn't stop her from doing what she wanted to do so he gave up. He felt better after she pulled away and was done taking away his pain. She sends him a small smile, but then she's surprised when he suddenly pulled her in a hug. Her smile widened, wrapping her arms around her brother.

"Thanks, Novi." Stiles whispered.

Nova pulls away from him, smiling. "You're welcome. I'll always be there when you need me."


Later that night, Nova had finished getting ready for bed and was laying in bed, facetiming with Liam. They were both laying in their beds, each on their phone. He had explained to her what happened when he went to meet up with Mason at the gym at the school. He felt so bad about it, Mason had said he worked out for two hours, waiting for him to show up. Liam explained how he planned on finally telling Mason about how he's a werewolf, but before he could a wolf showed up.

"So he found out you're a werewolf when you transformed?" Nova grimaces. "How'd he take the news?"

"Pretty good." Liam nods. "Considering he didn't run away screaming at first."

Nova lets out a sigh. "Well, at least that's something."

"Yeah, I just hope things will stay okay between us. He's my best friend." Liam frowns. He chuckles a little when Nova sent him a look. "Besides you."

"Good answer." Nova giggled.

"Nova," Nova turns her gaze to her door when she heard her dad speak to her. Noah sends his daughter a smile. "You should get some sleep, honey. You got school in the morning."

"Alright, dad. Night." Nova smiled, sending him a wave.

"Night." Noah said.

Nova turns her attention back to her phone, sending Liam a sad smile. "Sorry, Li. Gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Night."

"Night, Noves." Liam waved at her with a small smile before they ended the phone call.

Nova puts her phone on her nightstand, glancing back at her dad, who walked further into her room. "Is Stiles still up?" She inquired since the last time she saw him he was up, writing stuff on his board.

"Yeah, but I think he's finally going to sleep now." Noah nodded with a small smile.

Nova then notices something that surprises her. "You don't have your wedding ring on." It had been a long time since her mom died and she doesn't remember seeing her dad not wearing his wedding ring yet. Did that mean he was moving on? Was he seeing someone? Nova tried not to sound hopeful when she asked, "Did you lose it?"

Noah shakes his head. "No, I didn't lose it. I took it off. I, uh, I thought it was time. I even have a date tomorrow." He explained and a small smile made its way to Nova's lips at seeing him excited for it.

"That's great, dad. I'm happy for you." She said sincerely.

"Thanks, Nova." Noah smiled.

"You deserve to be happy, dad. I'm sure mom would want you to move on and find love again. I just..." Her voice trailed off as she glanced over at a picture frame on her desk of her and her mom. Staring at the photo, she felt a pang of sadness.

Noah follows his daughters gaze, sending her a sad smile. "I get it." He says softly, getting her attention. She looks at him while he put a comforting hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Your mom loved you very much and she'd be very proud of the person you're becoming."

"Thanks, dad." Nova smiles softly, feeling herself relax at his touch. "I appreciate that a lot."

"You're welcome, Nova." Noah leans forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay, you better get some sleep too. Got a big day tomorrow with the date." Nova grinned at him, a teasing tone to her voice.

"Alright, alright. I will." Noah chuckles, shaking his head as he stood. He sends his daughter one last smile. "Night, sweetheart."

"Night, dad."

A/N gotta love the father-daughter duo of nova & noah & can't forget the sister brother duo of nova & stiles, I just love the whole family <3

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