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Nola Scott

If there is one place I never expected to have to see the most horrendous face on the planet? It'd be my house, in my front yard.

Yet, here I stand.
Jaw on the floor, ready to slash the tires of this stupid, black Lamborghini.

I inch toward the car, knocking on the window three times. Miles's gray eyes look up at me, his brows furrowing with something that looks like confusion. He rolls down his window a marginal amount. "You on the wrong side of town, kid?" he asks, looking around. Asshole! I fake a smile and give him my middle finger. "No, are you? I live here."

I can't even take him seriously right now. Who the hell drives a Lamborghini around town? I thought people just got them for decoration. His eyes widen slightly but he doesn't let the 'I didn't know' look on his face last too long. "My buddy is here. Had to meet up with some girl for an assignment or something," Miles says.

I already knew that. Well, not the full story at least.

Today is November 15th, my brother Brooks', 15th birthday party. My parents decided to do something for him in our all but small backyard and invited friends and family over. Ember had told me she wanted to come with me, so I let her. But her being little miss A+ student didn't let class work go undone.

She told me this guy named Jason Tayler was coming over. When I was made aware that he was a rookie who played for the Los Angeles Kings, I almost spit out the ice-cold water in my mouth. Why did that stupid team feel the need to follow me everywhere? Including my childhood house?

Now I had no idea that Miles was the 'friend' who was waiting in the car for him in my front yard when he introduced himself to me. I wasn't even going to go check out who it was either but some burning sensation in my chest told me to go. After all, I didn't want any creepers around my parent's private property.

And of course, with my luck, Miles Dempsey sits pretty in his Lamborghini in my parent's front yard. I'm going to kill Ember for giving them the code to come in here.

"Uhm, well, this is my house. You can't just be parked here dripping gas on the driveway." I'm aware of how dumb I sound right now but I don't want him anywhere near me or my house. Especially with the knowledge that my family knows who he is. Hell, Brooks recognized Jason almost immediately.

Miles let's put a low, deep chuckle that rattles my core.

"I can come inside. Introdu-"

"Not happening," I interrupt, holding a finger up at him. He puts his hands up in defense and shrugs. "Looks like I'll just sit here and drip my gas then." His face remains expressionless which ticks me off to new extremes. I'm surprised he's not more offended by what I told him last weekend. I was sure he would be crying about it from how upset he seemed at my honest judgment of him.

His gray eyes pierce through me when I don't reply to his comment. I don't back down, staring back in challenge. A small smirk crawls onto his lips but he rubs them to make it disappear. I narrow my eyes a fraction at his dumb smile. When his eyes finally fall, they take me in. His eyes burn through my 5'4 self, igniting with something unfamiliar to me as he returns his silver eyes to me.


My phone rings in the pocket of my blue jeans, cutting him off. I stare at him shortly before pulling it out. It's Ember. After pressing the green answer button, I walk away from Miles' car and pull the phone up to my ear. "Yes? Is your classmate finally leaving?" I say in almost a whisper so Miles won't hear me. Ember groans on the other line.

"He can't! I'm not done with him yet. I was going to call and ask if you could invite his teammate, Miles, inside. He's parked in a black Lambo in your front yard. Sexy right?" My eyes shut tight at all of her words. Ember knows nothing about my interaction with Miles at Blazing Ice. She's not aware I know this dude all too well. I don't want to tell her right now but I surely cannot invite him inside my house either.

"No. You've had enough homework time! My parents are looking at you like you are crazy. Put the book down and celebrate my little bro!" I try and convince her. The line stays quiet for a couple of moments besides the background chatter of the party. "Please, Nola. I promise you, I won't take any longer than thirty minutes. Please!" Ember pleads. I roll my eyes, pinching my nose in frustration.

The amount of pathetic I am about to look all because I'm a good friend.

I blow an angry breath out of my nose before hanging up the phone. Before turning around, I take a moment to myself, breathing in and out a couple of times. When I turn to face Miles, he's busy on his phone. "Hey, you," I say, lowly but loud enough for him to lift his chin. "Let's go inside. Before I change my mind," I say through clenched teeth. He looks at me warily. "I could stay out here-"

"No. Stop. I'm not an asshat, come on." As much as I wanted to be one, Ember had a change of plans for me. Miles looks at me suspiciously like if I'm about to play a trick on him. He slowly turns off his car and gets out of it looking too cool and annoying. I roll my eyes at the sight. As I start to walk up to the front door, Miles steps next to me.

"Uh-uh, no. You walk in front of me. Go. I don't want to walk in with you." I input the code to get the door to open, pushing the large thing inward. He looks at me over his shoulder and I motion my head for him to go inside. Miles chuckles and shakes his head, walking the first long hallway in my childhood home. "Whatever you say, Scott."

Before he's able to step outside, I get in front of the back doors. "It's my brother's birthday, so find him and say happy birthday," I warn. He nods his head at my command before I open the back door that leads to the huge party outside. Luckily, no one glances our way too quickly and I try to walk a good five feet behind Miles who walks into the party, turning to me for assistance.

I shake him off, mouthing for him to turn around. He does.

"Nola, hey! Where were you, girly?" My aunt's voice stops me in my steps as she wraps her arm around me. She's wearing heels which makes her taller than me at the moment. She usually isn't at 5'3. Miles stops abruptly and I mentally curse at him. His focus lands on me and my aunt.

"Oh my lord, who is this hunk?" Aunt Nova says, catching my attention. "What?" I question, turning my head toward her. Her eyes widen. "Did I just say that out loud?" she whispers down at me. "I'm Miles. Miles Dempsey. Nice to meet you. . ." Miles holds out his hand toward my aunt whose cheeks are a light pink now. "Novalee or Nova. I'm Nola's aunt," she says quickly.

Miles shoots her a smile. "Nice to meet you. Beautiful name." God, fucking kill me. Is he flirting with my aunt? "And what is this interaction?" Another voice comes into the conversation. All of a sudden, my aunt's arm is unwrapped from my shoulders as my uncle wraps his around hers. Nova drops her hand from Miles' instantly. "Oh, uhm, husband! This is my husband!" Aunt Nova says, leaning into Uncle Valdez's chest.

"Nice to meet you, sir. I'm Miles Dempsey." Miles introduces himself, sticking his arm out again. My uncle eyes him warily for a second before shaking his hand. "That name sounds very familiar, have I met you before?" Miles shakes his head, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"I play in the NHL. You were that all-star safety for the Rams, right? Nola, I didn't know you had famous athletes in your family." Miles smirks, looking at me shortly. I roll my eyes. Again. My uncle grins at the praise. "He sure was!" Aunt Nova says for him, looking up at her husband admiringly. "You say NHL? You're that big shot for the Kings this year?" My uncle questions.

"Actually, I'm the big shot every year. I've been in the league for six now. That would be my friend," Miles turns to point at Jason, "over there. He's this year's hotshot rook." My uncle looks over at the other hockey player nodding his head. "How old are you?" Uncle Valdez asks. "24, sir." Miles answers and my eyes widen slightly. I didn't even know that. I knew he was older, but I would have guessed 21.

My uncles eyes widen and he turns to me. "Your dad is going to absolutely kill this guy, you know that right?" he tells me. "What? Oh my god, we're not together!" I defend, shaking my head. "But you invited him as your date?" he asks. My eyes widen again. "No! He's here because Ember knows his rookie friend. I did not invite him," I say. "Okay, Granola. No need to get all worked up," uncle Valdez says holding his hands up.

"Speak of the devil," Nova says, a smile appearing on her face. "Y'all talking about me?" As soon as I see my dad's face, I freeze. I'm about to look like the biggest hypocrite right now. Maybe he'll do me a favor and kick Miles out himself. "Nola was just introducing us to her friend here," uncle Valdez motions his hand toward Miles.

My dad finally walks up, turning his head toward the hockey player. They're about the same height, Miles being slightly shorter. Dad's brows raise when he sees who my friend is. "What a surprise," Dad says, looking at me shortly with an evil smirk. "Miles Dempsey, sir. Nice to meet you," Miles says, holding his hand out.

My dad doesn't hesitate to shake it."Cgc Scott, Nola's dad. Nice to meet you, kid. You know I've watched you play, you're damn good. Why are you still in Los Angeles?" My dad asks. Give it to my dad to be one hundred percent blunt all the time. "It's all I've known since moving from Canada. It's a second home and I can't see myself with another team at the moment. We're playing well this year, sir. I have high hopes," Miles says. Dad nods, taking in his response.

"Good luck with the rest of your season then. I'm sure you'll make something out of it." Dad pats him on the shoulder before looking at me shortly. I know the look on his face all too well. He wants to talk about it later. "You, come help me set up the cake. I have no idea where Brynn is and I do not feel like finding that woman right now," dad says, pointing to my uncle. "Yessir." Uncle Valdez trails behind him, Nova joining them.

"Your dads a hockey fan?" Miles asks once they're gone. I stare at him condescendingly. "No, not really. He just watches any sport that pops up on the screen," I say. He nods his head and looks toward the pool. "Which ones your brother?" I look away from him and try to find Brooks in the pool. My eyes turn to the deep end where he talks to two of his friends. "The one with the brown hair," I say, pointing in my brother's direction.

Miles doesn't even answer me and starts heading over to my brother. I stand in the same place, crossing my arms over my chest as I watch him. When he gets closer, Brooks notices him immediately, his eyes widening. I roll mine. I can't believe Brooks is really this much of a fan girl over this guy. They dap each other up and start a conversation. I turn away, not wanting to look at Miles any longer, and crash into a chest.

"Whoa there, cuz!" My cousin, Zya, grabs my arm before I can fall straight into the pool and embarrass myself. "Sorry! I didn't see you there," I apologize. She shakes her head, dipping her finger into the frosting on a cupcake. "No need to apologize. I was too entranced in this cupcake to notice you there." She giggles. I smile. "Have you seen Kayce, by the way? He's been MIA this whole party," I ask, frowning.

Growing up, Kayce was always the closest with Zya. They were never a duo anyone expected but if someone possibly knew what he was up to, it was her. Again, my brother is really private so it would be a surprise if she knew everything about him. She tells us he's as secretive with her as he is with all of us. While that might be somewhat true, there are things Kayce tells Zya that he would never tell us.

"I think he's been going up to his room every now and then. He's been hella secretive lately!" she says in a whisper shout even though no one is close to us. I scoff. "Lately? Tell him I said to get his ass down here. We're singing happy birthday soon." Zya puts a hand to her forehead and solutes me. "Yes ma'am." After she scurries off, I search the party for my mom.

She's been running around trying to keep everything as perfect as possible for my brother and I haven't been able to talk to her for a second. "Nola! Nola!" I turn my head at the sound of my brother's voice. Brooks walks fast toward me, wrapping his arms around my body. I push him off me quickly. "Little shit, you're wet!" He laughs before pointing a finger back towards. . . Miles.

"Thanks for inviting Dempsey to my party even after saying you hated his guts," Brooks spews. Oh my God. Miles raises his brows, turning from my brother to me. I shut my eyes closed to stop myself from smacking my brother's head. "You hate me, huh?" Miles taunts. When I open my eyes, I see the curious look on his face.

I don't care that Miles knows I dislike him. I'm more annoyed at the fact that he's aware I spoke about him to my brother. Or my whole family at that. I hope Brooks didn't say anything else when they were talking, just the two of them.

"Yes," I say towards Miles, flatly. "And I didn't invite him. Ember did." I didn't invite any of these hockey boys to my place. If it was up to me, Miles would still be sitting in his car. "Sick. Hey man, it was nice meeting you! Maybe I'll see you around again?" Brooks tells Miles. I shake my head. "Yeah, kid. I'll be around." My brother daps him up one more time before leaving. I narrow my eyes toward the hockey player.

"You won't see him around. Why'd you say that?" I question. I don't like the fact that he gave my little brother false hope of seeing him every now and then. Miles shrugs. "I'm always giving this kid rides." He motions his head towards Jason. "Maybe if your friend needs to see him again, I'll run into you. Then, your brother." I let out a small laugh.

"That's not happening. I'm sure this will be the last time I'll ever be seeing you again," I say honestly. "And I'm sure you thought that same thing after meeting me for the first time at Blazing Ice. Funny how the world works, Granola." He smirks a stupid smirk like he just won this debate. I clench my jaw at the stupid nickname. Oh, he's lucky I don't have a drink in my hand right now. I decide to ignore the nickname thing just so he won't know it pissed me off.

"Why are you saying this? You want to keep running into me just to tick me off, is that it?" I question, folding my arms across my chest. He looks down at that movement for half a second before returning his gray eyes to me. "I never said that." I scoff. "Then why? Why keep saying we're going to run into each other? I thought you hated me."

I didn't forget the fact that I made a grown man tell me to fuck off after coming for his ego. Those are the things that stay with me and I'm sure Miles didn't forget all the rude things I said to him that morning. Yet here he is, acting like that Sunday never happened.

"I don't hate you at all." Miles shakes his head, hands in his pockets as he kicks nothing. I stand up a little straighter at his answer, letting my hands fall back to my side. "But, I was a complete bitch to you on Sunday," I retort. He looks back up at me again. "So you admit you acted. . . like a shithead towards me on Sunday?" Miles asks. "Uhm, excuse you?"

He shrugs his broad shoulders. "I'm not taking that back. You were. You said it yourself just now," he says. I shake my head. "No, I just worded it that way because I probably came off as a bitch to you. I don't take back anything I said that morning," I admit, swallowing that thick ball of nothing lodged in the back of my throat.

Miles narrows his eyes a bit and furrows his brows. It isn't a couple of seconds before he speaks. "Again, you don't even know me so your opinion on me doesn't really affect me. I don't hate you, Nola. I don't know you enough to after all," he says stoically. "Hey, man! Sorry for the long wait, we should be good to go." Jason's voice cuts in before I'm able to reply.

Ember walks up beside me, her eyes narrowed toward Jason. She really doesn't like this guy. When I turn back toward the guys in front of us, Miles tears his gaze away from mine and looks at his blonde friend. "Yeah, let's go, kid." Jason pats his chest before turning his attention back to Ember. "Ember, always nice working with ya. See you in class Monday?" He smiles.

Ember's lips stay in a flat line and she doesn't say anything. "I'll take that as a yes. Nola, don't know you but thank you for inviting us into your home. Nice real estate by the way," Jason says, looking around the backyard. "Yeah, thanks. Bye." I fake a smile. "Nice meeting you, Nola," Miles says.

I almost call him a smartass until I realize. .

"You too," I reply, as hard as it is to say even as a lie. The two of them don't take much longer to leave. Em and I watch as they go, both of them saying bye to not only my dad but my mom as well this time. When Miles and Jason walk back into the house, my mom starts looking around the backyard. I already know she's looking for me.

Her eyes land on me from afar and she tilts her head with her hands on her waist. Great. I make a hand motion that I'll tell her later and with that, she leaves me alone. "Nice of you to give Miles company. Again, I'm so sorry. I rather much have been spending time with you than that annoying little boy," Em says, rolling her eyes. Since I don't plan on telling her about the fact that I know and dislike Miles, I simply nod.

Regardless of anything, he said today, I know I won't see him again. Ember had only worked on this one project with this guy and the semester was almost over meaning they won't have that class together anymore. The only time I'll see him again will be on my TV and I hope to God I never switch past ESPN. But I guess seeing him through a screen is easier than seeing him in person like I did just now.

Even though he's no longer standing in front of me, I still feel my chest burning with an unfamiliar sensation. It bothers me not knowing why he has such an effect on me. I'm not hard to piss off but you'd think I wouldn't let him do it repeatedly. Just looking at him triggered something inside of me I couldn't pinpoint.

Luckily today was the last day I'd have to feel this way.

"I can't believe Frankie's lame ass didn't come out tonight." My oldest brother's voice catches my attention quickly. He walks toward Ember and me ruffling his messy dirty-blonde hair. I narrow my eyes at him. "Uhm, hello?" I push his chest when he comes closer but he barely flinches back. "Where the hell have you been?" He looks at me annoyed. "Hello, Ember." Kayce's eyes don't move from mine as he greets my friend.

"Hi, Kayc!" she greets back. I raise my brow at him for him to give me an answer. "I was. . studying. I have this huge Chem test Monday. Plus, it's not like I'm chatting it up with every single person in this backyard," Kayce retorts. I sigh. As extroverted as he can be, he prefers his own company over anyone else's. "Our whole family is here, Kayc. That doesn't happen often with everyone's busy schedules," I remind him.

"Uncle Ripley's not here. Aunt Kennedy's not here," he acknowledges. I roll my eyes. "You know what I mean. They'll be here in a couple of days for Thanksgiving anyway. Look! Your second fave uncle is all alone, go talk to him!" I say, trying to push my brother in the direction of the party instead of his room.

He follows my eyes toward our uncle and makes a face. "Uncle Rhys is not my second favorite uncle," Kayce says with a laugh. I frown, furrowing my brows. We all know that number one spot belongs to uncle Ripley but I was sure uncle Rhys was next because of how much he's been around our whole lives. "Who is it then?" I question. He turns his neck and motions toward the patio. "That guy."

Uncle Xander.
Makes sense, he's Zya's dad.

"Well, stay here. I think we're singing happy birthday soon," I say, looking around. The cake is set on the table and people are starting to gather around it including my brother. "C'mon let's go!" I tell both Ember and Kayce. Ember happily starts skipping towards the table but my brother grabs my wrist, stopping me. I turn my body around, pulling away from his touch. "What?"

"I need you to be there tonight when I give our brother his present," he says lowly. I furrow my brows, trying to read him. "You're not going to give it to him now?" I ask. "Well, I bought him something mom and dad could see but I also got him something a lot less PG." He winks. I make a disgusted face and start to turn away again. "Absolutely not." Kayce grabs my wrist again, pulling me back. "Not anything like that, stupid."

"Don't call me that," I say quickly. He rolls his eyes. "I apologize. Anyway, be there. His room. 11:00 pm." Kayce pats my back once before walking past me toward the table almost everyone has gathered at again. Well, that's not coy at all. What the hell does he have planned?


"Seriously, Kayce?! Alcohol?!"

Brooks slams a hand over my mouth and I glare at him. He removes it quickly. "This is what you're giving our fifteen-year-old brother? He was fourteen a couple of hours ago and 13 a year ago and twelve two years ago! Don't you think he's a little too young?" I don't want to be an absolute party pooper but the idea of giving my little brother a drink of vodka is insane. Especially when his blue eyes are lighting up like it's the best present in the world.

"It's just a bit of alcohol, Nola. I'm not giving him the whole thing," Kayce explains like I'm an idiot. "And we're all taking a shot together that way he won't have to do it alone." I've had a couple of shots in my life and I'm sure Kayce has too so this is nothing new but I don't want our brother to know that. I hold back any more arguments as much as they want to come out. "Fine," I say through clenched teeth and both of my brothers smile. Well, Kayce's is barely visible but still there.

"I need a chaser."

Six shots later and we're all laying on our backs on Brooks' king-sized bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Is my stomach supposed to feel warm like that?" Brooks speaks up first. "Yes. Don't throw up please," Kayce follows. Brooks shakes his head. "Can I have another?" My eyes widen and I sit up a little too quickly. "No more. You are cut off, mister. You can take more shots on your twenty-first," I say, snatching the bottle from in between Kayce's legs.

Brooks groans. "Nola, don't give me that BS. I know you're drinking at parties every weekend!" My mouth gapes open and Kayce shrugs his shoulders. "I'm in college. You're a freshman in high school! You'll get there one day, but no more. Mom and dad would kill us if they found out you had six shots! You're probably already drunk." Kayce wraps his arm around Brooks' shoulder.

"I'll stay with our little brother tonight. Hide the alc, sister," Kayce tells me. I roll my eyes. "Please. Just be careful. And go to sleep!" I tell them. They both start getting under different blankets on opposite sides of the bed. "Yes, ma'am," Brooks says with a muffled laugh. I glance at Kayce before I leave the room. Watch him, I mouth. My brother gives me a thumbs up and I switch the lights off before closing the door behind me.

"Hey, Granola." My dad's voice catches me off guard and I quickly hide the bottle of alcohol behind my back, tucking it into my sweats. "Dad, you scared the shit out of me," I say, putting a hand on my chest. He gives me a weird look. "We talking about you inviting Miles over to our house tonight or tomorrow?" he questions, brows raised. I completely forgot about that. "Not now. I'm too tired. Also, I didn't invite him!"

Dad laughs. "Then who did? Brooks?" I give him a look that says not funny. "Okay, okay. We'll talk about it tomorrow. Your mom is nosy and she wants answers," he says. I tilt my head slightly. "More like you're nosy and want answers and you're just blaming it on mom." He smiles, nudging my chin slightly with his finger. "Love you, kid. Sleep well." I grab the bottle from behind me when it starts slipping. "Love you too, dad!"

Once his door closes, I grab the bottle and let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. "Dumbass brothers."

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