Chapter 17

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Ri's POV

Ri: So they are in London?

PA: Yes sir

Ri: Great, arrange everything I'm going to london tomorrow

PA: okay sir

Rajat: I'll also come with you

Ri: Okay, arrange for him too

His PA nodded and left

Raj: How will we find them in london ?

Ri: Dont worry about that

Raj: Okay


3 days later, Rihan and rajat reached london but couldn't find them yet

Time: 12:00 am

Sidneet were sleeping in each other's embrace when sid's phone rang. He rubbed his eyes and saw the call was from abhi. He tried to get up but avu was holding him very tightly, he carefully came out of her arms and walked to balcony.

Sid: Hello bhai

Abhi: Hey sid how are you and why avu is not picking up our calls ?

Sid: I'm fine and avu switched off her phone before sleeping but what happened, why are you calling so late?

Abhi: You don't know?

Sid: I don't know what?

Vaish: She didn't tell you?

Sid: She didn't tell me what?

Abhi: That it's her birthday today

Sid: wait, what?? It's her birthday?

Abhi: Yes

Sid: And she didn't tell me?

Vaish: Maybe because you never asked

Sid: Oh yeah I'm so stupid I didn't know my wife's birthday.

Abhi: But now you do so what are you gonna do today?

Sid: I don't know, god why didn't I ask her before ?

Abhi: Its okay. Can we talk to her?

Sid: She's sleeping right now. Call tomorrow and I'm going to sleep as well so bye

Abhi: Wai-

He hung up the call

Sid's POV

Oh god now what I'm gonna do. I can't buy her anything right now its midnight. But I can atleast make something for her. I'll sleep now and will wake up after some time. I laid down on bed and slept


Finally everything is done, I should wake her up now. I went back to room and she was sleeping peacefully. I sat beside her and started caressing her face.

Sid: happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday dear wifey
Happy birthday to you

I sang softly and slowly. She opened her eyes and looked at me

Sid: Happy Birthday Avu

Avu: How did you know?

She asked while rubbing her eyes

Sid: Abhinavi told me but why didn't you tell me?

Avu: You never asked

Sid: Okay okay sorry now let's go down.

Avu: Okay

We got up and went downstairs

Avu: Did you do all this?

She asked in shock as soon we reached.

Sid: Yes, now let's cut the cake

Avu:  you made it for me?

Sid:yes I made it for you

Avu: Thank you so much sid

Sid: Welcome now come on

I dragged her with me and gave her a knife

Avu: Okay lets cut

Sid: No wait

Avu: What

I took the princess crown out and made her wear

Sid: Now cut it

Avu: Sid I'm turning 25 not 10.

Sid: I know but shut up and cut the cake

She rolled her eyes and cut the cake. I sang her happy birthday song and fed her. She was going to feed me the cake but I stopped her

Avu: what?

Sid: I have a better Idea

Avu: Now What?

I applied some cake on her lips and kissed her. She stumbled back in shock but cupped my face and kissed me back with the same passion. We broke the kiss and I smirked

Sid: It was delicious

Avu: Shut up

She said while blushing, we have got intimate few more times but I don't if she loves me or not.

Sid: Okay so as I didn't know about your birthday, I didn't get you any gift, I'm sorry for that But tell me what you want and I will get that for you.

Avu: can I get a day with you away from all the Rihan problems?

Sid: Is that even a question ? Just tell me what do you want me to do?

Avu: Take me out, please. I wanna go out and enjoy with you

Sid: No Avu, you know how much risky it is to go out

Avu: Sid please, just for a day

Sid: No Avneet, I can't risk your life. Rihan knows we're in london

Avu: You only care about rihan. Not me, I'm asking just for a day.


I yelled at her, she looked at me with teary eyes and ran upstairs. Shit shit shit what did I do? I ran after her and knocked on door.

Sid: Avu open the door.

Avu: Just go, I don't wanna talk to you

Sid: I'm sorry okay, please open the door.

She didn't answer


I tried a lot of times but she is really mad at me, she won't open the door. I came back with some food.

Sid: Fine don't talk to me but have lunch

No answer

Sid: Okay if you won't eat then I won't eat either.

She opened the door. I went in and sat beside her

Sid: Here take it

I said while forwarding the tray, she ate it and I left.

Avu's POV

I think I overreacted. I should apologize to him. I walked down and saw he was in kitchen. I back hugged him and rested my head on his back.

Avu: I'm sorry sid, I shouldn't have overreacted

He turned and hugged me

Sid:  It's okay even I'm sorry for yelling at you. I promise I won't tell at you again

Avu: hmm

Sid: You wanted to go out na, so we will go but you have to promise me that you won't leave me even for a second


Sid: Yes but promise first

Avu: Okay promise

Sid: Go Get ready

Avu: Okay

She said while smiling and kissed my cheek and left.

Man, I love her

How's the chapter?

So I'm sorry if you find it Crap but I didn't know what to do and I was under pressure to update. So I wrote whatever came to my mind😂

Also check out TheAmigos_Community by me and


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Take care, I love you❤

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