Chapter 21

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Guys I am ending this rihan chapter from this story soon so story will take some pace

After 3 days

Its been 3 days since avu got kidnapped, these 3 days has been very critical for Siddharth, every moment he lived in terror and fear and blamed himself for the irresponsibility . Whereas for avneet, she got lucky that rihan got buy with his factories which were burned down by Abhishek. He did not even get time to see her

Sid's POV

Sid: 3 days and we still couldn't find her

He shouted while punching the wall hard.

Abhi: Control yourself sid , we are trying our best.

Sid: Bhai its high time now, I cant control more.

Abhi- Sid-

he was cut off by his phone ring, he picked it up

Abhi: Yess blessy? Any positive news?

Blessy: Yes Sir, we found his location

Abhi: R-really?

he asked not believing what he heard

Blessy: Yes sir, after blowing up his last and main factory he tried to make contact with his gang, and we tracked him down.

Abhi: Tell me where is that bastard?

Blessy: yes sir, I am texting you his location.

Abhi: I won't be able to thank you enough but still thank you bless

Blessy: No problem sir, it is my duty

Abhi smiled and bid bye to her. he turned around and found sid looking at him with a confused expression

Sid: What is it bhai?

Abhi: we found him

he said with a smile and sid hugged him tightly

Sid: Thank god I was scared as hell, now I will make sure that he pays for it

Abhi: Sid tell me one thing

Sid: yes?

Abhi: You are in love with her, aren't you?

He blushed and looked down

Sid: Y-yes

Abhi: I knew it, now you get the team and weapons ready. we have a big fight to win.

He nodded and Abhi left. He opened avu's pic in his phone and tears started flowing from his eyes.

sid: I know you are in pain right now, but don't worry I will not let anything happen to you. I will give my life if needed, but I will save you.

He kept his phone back and went to get everything ready


Meanwhile with rihan,

As soon as he got information about his factory, he slammed the phone into the wall.

Ri: That's it now its time for pay back

Raj: Calm down son and tell me what is your plan?

Ri: there is no plan, I am not going to marry your daughter now.

Raj: what? you did everything for her and now you're gonna step back? are you scared?

Ri: Mind what you're saying in front of me. I am not scared and now this is not about avneet

raj: Then what is with this sudden decision?

Ri: Till now it was just to claim her as mine but now its a war between me and that Siddharth

Raj: so what are you gonna do?

Ri: I wanna give him pain and watch and suffer.

Raj: how ?

Ri: Just wait and watch

he smirked and called one of his servants

Ri: Get that bitch here right now

He yelled , the servant got scared and nodded

Avu's POV

I was sitting beside the window, remembering my moments with sid, in this awful life he is my only hope of happiness. I miss him so much. Suddenly the door opened and one servant came in

Servant: Sir wants to see you

Avu: But I don't so get the hell away

Servant: Don't make me take you with force

Avu: I am not going anywhere.

Servant: Fine then

He came near me, grabbed my hand with force and started dragging me.

Avu: Leave me

I shouted but he ignored, with all my force I pulled my hand back and kicked him (you know where 😂), he fell down and other guards came near me, I kept defending myself but suddenly they hit me with a rod, I felt my blood flowing from my head. I fell down and soon everything became dark.

POV ends


Sid: Everything ready ?

Anu: Yes, we shall leave now

Priya: Yeah we already lost a lot of time

Abhi: I will also come with you.

Sid: No you won't

Abhi: Why?

Sid: It's not safe there and-

He cut her off

Abhi: I know you are strong but I am the leader. And this is about my sister, and its my duty to protect her. So I will go

He said sternly

Sid: Bhai I am not underestimating you or your strength, and I know avu is your sister and you want to protect her. But you are going to become a father, and if something happens to you then I won't be able to forgive myself.

Abhi: Wh-what are you talking about sid?

Sid: Oh come on bhai, don't act oblivious. I heard you guys when di told you about her pregnancy. What will di and that little angel do if something happens to you.

Abhi: But sid-

Sid: Bhai I know you want to save her, but your first priority should be di.

Vaish: Don't worry about me sid, i will be fine

She said while coming from back, sid held both of their hands and stood in front of them

Sid: I promise I wont let anything happen to avu, I will save her and she will be here before the day ends. But you guys stay here and stay safe. okay?

Abhi nodded unwantedely

Sid hugged both of them and kissed vaish's forehead

Sid: Take care of you and baby.

She nodded and sid with anushant and devriya left.


How's the chapter ?

I'm sorry if you didn't like it 😂😭

One question when does your bday comes?

Do vote and comment (*please*)

Take care, love you

#siddharthian #avneetian

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