Chapter 22

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ShOrT rEcAp: Rihan loot gaya barbad hogya, avu fell unconscious, vaish is pregnant, sid with anushant and devriya left. Mission Save Avneet is on

Let's Begin....

Avu's POV

I opened my eyes and saw rihan, my dad standing in front of me. I remember I fell unconscious.

Ri: Finally you are awake, you bitch

Avu: What are you doing ? Why am I here? Why cant you just leave me alone?

Ri: Just shut your bloody mouth, today only I will speak.

Avu: You don't order me what to do Mr. Rihan.

Ri: Yes I will and you will agree, and do you know what I am going to do with you?

I was confused and scared

Ri: Now I wont marry you

Avu: Thank you

I said sarcastically and he grabbed me by my hair

Ri: show your attitude to your weak husband

I winced but he grabbed them more tightly


he said to his servants and they tied me up

POV ends

Ri: Because of you I lost my reputation, because of you I lost my business, because of you I lost around 90 million dollars.

he said and slapped her hard.

Ri: I was going to marry you, I was going to make you queen of dark world. I was going to make your life much better. I was ready to give you all my love

Avu; That's called lust, love does not exist in your world

Ri: Shut the hell up

Avu: What are you gonna do? Kill me? Then do it, because you are a monster. You kill innocent people and if you kill me it wont make a difference

Ri: You think I am a monster because I kill innocent people ? Then what are your thoughts about your husband?

Avu: What do you mean?

Ri: Oh didn't he tell you, that he killed 7 innocent people?

Avu: w-what?

Ri: Yes

Avu: I don't believe you

Ri; Then don't because I don't care, I just told you the truth. Now do you want to know what I am gonna do to you?

Avu: What? I am not scared of you

Ri: So excited to see what I am going to do huh? To be honest whatever I am going to do is to Siddharth, because I know he loves you. And I wanna see him suffer, so be ready for your worst time.

He removed his belt and starting beating her. Rajat looked down, but after a while when he couldn't hear her screams he held rihan's hand.

Raj: Please stop, don't do this to her. If you want I will give you everything I own.

Rihan stopped and started laughing

Ri: Suddenly love for your daughter?

Raj: I know I did awful things to her but she is still my daughter.

Avu: Do-don't show yo-your fake concern. You are dead for me.

she said with pain her voice. Ri smirked and dropped his belt. He went towards her almost dead body and was going to rip her dress but before he could, he heard gun shots. He turned around and took out his gun

Ri: What's happening ?

suddenly everything went silent, rihan confusingly looked around and was about to go out when the door opened and our heroes entered with hundreds of men, Siddharth looked angry like a hulk. As soon as rihan saw him he got scared and tried to run but the place was covered with sid's men. When sid saw avu his eyes softened. He went towards her and kept her head in his lap, tears formed in his eyes after looking at her condition.

Sid: Avu

He whispered softly and she smiled at him

Avu: I knew you would come

her voice was barely audible and her body was covered with blood. He hugged her tightly,
Tking it as a opportunity rihan shot his gun towards them, sid saw it and covered avneet but before it could touch them rajat came in between. Dev and Nishant ran after rihan but he left somehow. Rajat fell down near avneet and held her hand

Raj: I know I am the worst father but please forgive me my princess. I am sorry for every pain in your life

With these words he closed his eyes. Avneet sobbed badly and sid hugged her.

Anu: Sid she needs hospital, her condition is not good.

sid: Where is that bastard?

Priya: He ran but we need to take her first

Sid nodded and picked her up, they went out. Sid sat in the chopper with avneet in his arms

Sid: Stay strong love, nothing will happen to you.

He said patting her cheek, but she didn't open her eyes

Sid: God please save her, I wont be able to live without her.

He touched his forehead with hers and cried.


Abhi: How is she doctor?

Doc: Fine but weak and badly injured. I have written medicines and ointments in prescription, they will help. And yeah right now I have dressed her wound on her head but make sure she rests properly and regularly get it dressed

Abhi nodded and left with doctor. Sid held her hand, and sat beside her. Vaish came and kept her hand on his shoulder

Vaish: Don't worry she will be alright soon, let her rest and you too take some rest.

He nodded and vaish left. He kissed her forehead

Sid: Thank god you're with me and safe. I am sorry for everything

He whispered and left the room too.


Happy Bday Sidneetian_130 , may God bless you. Lots of love to you ❤

Though I wasn't supposed to update today but it was her bday, so wish her guys

How's the chapter??

Finally avneet is safe. Also it's not the end of rihan.

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Take care, love you

#siddharthian #avneetian

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