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The next day, at Kobayashi's apartment, her, Tohru, Kanna and Ilulu were all having their day in doors, watching some TV, then, Kobayashi's door gets a knock, she then goes over and to then have Elma arriving at her door...

Elma: Good Evening, Kobayashi.

Kobayashi: Oh hey Elma, what's up?

Tohru appears..

Tohru: Oh great, someone had to come and ruin our day.

Elma: Oh back off will ya? I'm not even here to waste my time on you.

Tohru: Well of course not, cause you will lose just like always.

Elma: Oh you wanna go you hag!

Tohru: I'm ready when you are!

Kobayashi: Heh cut it you two! Especially you Tohru.

Tohru: H-Hehe, sorry Miss Kobayashi.

Elma: Mm, apologies Kobayashi...I don't mean to spend a lot of time here, just wanted some advice from you.

Kobayashi: Advice from me??

Tohru: What are you getting at??

Elma: ...May I come in??

Kobayashi: Yea, sure.

Kobayashi enters her apartment, as Elma walks over to the living room...

Ilulu: Oh hey Elma!

Kanna: Elma-Sama!

Elma: Hey you two, enjoying watching television?

The two nods at her...

Elma: Good.

Kobayashi: So Elma, what brings you here?

Tohru: Wasting our time?

Elma: Oh shut it! And well...I met someone.

They all gasped...

Kobayashi: You let someone??!

Tohru: You?? Met someone?? No way-

Elma: I'm not joking, I actually did met a human.

Ilulu/Kanna: Really??!

Kanna and Ilulu rush up to her and started being concern around her...

Ilulu: Tell is who is he!

Kanna: Is he nice?

Ilulu: Shy?

Kanna: Wicked?

Ilulu: Perverted??

Elma: Ehhh..

Kobayashi: Hey you two, knock it off.

Ilulu/Kanna: Sorry, just curious.

Kobayashi: *sighs* So-

Tohru: A loser like you?

Kobayashi: Tohru!

Tohru: Oops, sorry Miss Kobayashi, hehe.

Kobayashi: Anyways, Elma, how did you met this person?

Elma: was two days ago, when I was heading home from work, and then found myself a food store place near there, and to then find him working there...he was generous, kind, sweet...and really warm hearted too...he even invited me to his home yesterday as well, and asked me to go hang out with him at the pier near the beach.

Kobayashi: Oh wow, that's really great news Elma!

Kobayashi then bumps Tohru with an elbow...

Tohru: Oh! I mean..that's good to hear too, I'm surprise you found someone rather than to be lonely.

Elma: ...Yes, I have, and I'm happy for it too.

Ilulu: So how does he look like??

Elma: Well, he looks a lot like me, my age of course, he's got black hair, brown eyes, he's tall, and he's really sweet.

Ilulu/Kanna: Oooooh.

Kobayashi: Heh, guess like this person sounds chill and really Vernon's after all then.

Elma: He is!

Kobayashi: And you're gonna go out with him today?

Elma: Yes, and that is why I've come here to ask some advice from you, Kobayashi. Tell or what I do to make him like me more??

Kobayashi: Hmmm, be more like able for him you say....well, the way I see it, just be you.

Elma: B-Be me??

Kobayashi: Yea, I mean if the guy really likes you and wanted to hang out with you today, then that means you're doing something right for him to like you more and get to know you better. 

Elma: I-I see then. Well...I've always talk with him and getting to know some stuff for is that a start??

Kobayashi: Yup.

Elma: Well then, I guess that settles then! Heh, thanks for helping me out a bit anyways.

Kobayashi: Heh, glad I can help. So you're off already?

Elma: Mhm. I don't wanna make him wait any longer.

Kobayashi: We'll alright then, good luck with him.

Elma: Thank you, I will!

Kanna: Bye Elma!

Ilulu: Bye Elma, have fun!

As Elma was about to walk out happy...Tohru then stops her...

Tohru: Wait, Elma.

Elma: Huh?? *sighs* What now??

Tohru: Look I don't wanna bring the mood down for you, but I have to know......Does this human know you're a dragon?

Elma: Why he-....he...

And so, it hit her. Elma has forgotten about the one thing (YN) doesn't know about her, being a dragon, more like a sea serpent from her form...she stood quiet...and thought about it...

Elma: ...O-Oh...I-I never...mention him about it.

Tohru: *sighs* Of course you wouldn't.

Elma: B-But maybe he'll take it okay, right?? I mean Kobayashi took it well when she found out you and the others are dragons! Right, Kobayashi??

Kobayashi: Well, I mean I was wasted when I first saw Tohru's dragon form, and to think it was just an illusion, but then I found out it was legit and well...I was scared at first but...I guess it just grew up on me and well...just got use to it later on...

Elma: See Tohru, Kobayashi took it well and-

Kobayashi: But doesn't mean that person you're about to hang with will have the same reaction as me, Elma.

Elma: H-Huh??

Kobayashi: Look, not all humans like me will just react okay with it when it comes to dragons here, so're gonna have to be way specific to this person you're seeing, and tell him you being a dragon. And hey...don't sweat it, maybe he'll SOMEHOW understand you, okay?

Elma thought about it for some seconds...and to the reply...

Elma: O-Okay, I will. Well...I better get going then, I don't want (YN) to wait any longer. S-See you guys then...

And so Elma exits the apartment and to head over to the pier....

Tohru: (YN)'s the name.

Kobayashi: Yup, Tohru?

Tohru: Yes Miss Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: You think...she'll flop it when she tell this (YN) person??

Tohru: *sighs* I mean by the looks of it, there's a high chance she will, I mean she looks so nervous and not even ready to tell him. She'll say something dumb and screw it all up.

Kobayashi: Yea, I think the same thing....we gotta help her.

Tohru: We??

Kobayashi: Yes "We", if she does flop...then I don't know what will happen, and don't want nothing bad happen between her and this (YN) dude.

Tohru: Mmm, we'll okay then, but I'm only helping her cause you asked me to.

Kobayashi: Suure.

Ilulu: Oh Oh! Can we come along too??

Kanna: Please??

Kobayashi: Heh, I mean it not big of a help, but you can still come along.

Ilulu/Kanna: Yay!


Later on, it was sunset, the pier was still going on, parents and children were enjoying the rides and games, as for Elma, she was barely heading towards the pier and about to arrive at the entrance.....but then again...she been thinking about what Tohru said about (YN) not knowing about her being a dragon...

Elma: How would he react? How would he even feel about it? Mmmmm, I...I don't know what to think if he-

(YN): Oh, Elma! You're here!

Elma finds (YN) waiting for her, and then to see him...she then started to blush a little of the way he looks...

Elma Mind: He looks...amazing!

(YN) too was seeing Elma of the way she looks, and to blush as well...

(YN) Mind: Woah, she looks...amazingly beautiful.

The two then got closer...looking at each other with a soft smile...

(YN): You look amazing, Elma.

Elma: *blushing* Th-Thank you, (YN) look...good too.

(YN): Heh, thanks. Had to match to look good and well...not ruin this day for us.

Elma: *giggles* I don't think it will happen.

(YN): Heh, yea you're right.

The two kept on starting at each other, and to look at the pier, still going...

(YN): So, wanna go?

(YN) then reaches his hand to Elma, as he is asking for hers to hold it, she then blushes and to smile softly and to grab his hand...

Elma: Sure.

And so, the two hold hands and walking together and to arrive over to the pier...and so they entered in and yet to experience and see the rides and games, and the food around them, it looks so fun and amazing. So the two started going for some rides, yet Elma at first seem to be afraid at some, but (YN) manage to make her not scare and enjoy the fun of it,and of course it worked. Elma can look at (YN)'s face of how much fun he is having with her without being afraid of the rides, so she intends to do the same...and it worked. So they got on some couple rides, and the two enjoyed it so much...and there's some that Elma couldn't handled and gotten her sick for a bit, so they decided to take a breaks for the rides and go on for the games, they played some, and (YN) helped Elma beat some of the games, and win some prizes....then, Elma saw this big stuff toy animal that she likes, and (YN) won a the game that has that stuff animal, and won it for Elma...she hugged the stuff animal and was happy to have it around her arms, she even hugs (YN) to thank him for winning it for her...(YN) smiles about it....and so, after that, they decided to eat some foods as well...some delicious foods....
And after that, it was night, and (YN) and Elma had the best day at the pier together, they smiles and laugh together......the two were sitting down at a bench together...

Elma: Wow! Today was the best thing I have ever experienced! The rides, the games, and the delicious foods!

(YN): Heh, happy to hear you enjoy every single of it.

Elma: I did! ...Well...I enjoyed every of it with you is way better.

(YN): ...Really?

Elma then moves closer to (YN)...

Elma: Of course...I like every bit of it, a lot, and again, thank you for winning this stuff animal for me.

(YN) gently smiles at her...and saying..

(YN): Happy to hear, Elma. I too had so ouch fun with you....and well...I want this to keep on.

Elma: Keep on?

(YN): Yea, this, us, I like it. I...never get had so much fun with a girl like you. What I'm saying is....I'm happy I get to know you.

Elma blushes and was gasped to hear that from (YN)...she then felt utterly happy and smiles at him...

Elma: I too feel the same way.

The two smile at each other...and then (YN) saying...

(YN): Heh, sorry to uh...break the moment here but...I gotta use it.

Elma: Use it??

(YN): Bathroom...I think I ate too much funnel cakes.

Elma: O-Oh! Ooh! Sure, go ahead, I'll wait.

(YN): Cool, won't take long.

(YN) goes to use the restroom and Elma waits for him, she smiles as she looks at the stuff animal (YN) won for her, and hugs it, and to imagine it as she was hugging (YN) too in her mind....

Tohru: Well you seem having so ouch fun with him.

Elma startles and to realize Tohru, Kobayashi, Ilulu and Kanna arriving at the pier...

Elma: T-Tohru?! You guys?? What are you all doing?!

Ilulu: We came to have fun here!

Kanna: Yea, it's totally wicked!

Kobayashi: Yea, but not just that...we also came to check up on you and how things is going with you and (YN).

Elma: O-Oh. Well things with us are really going great...I had so much fun with him...I really did.

Kobayashi: Hm, that's good to hear Elma...

Tohru: But...did you already told him??

Elma: Told him?? About what??

Kobayashi: ...You being a dragon.

And so, Elma has forgotten about it again...from all the fun she had with (YN), she still hasn't told him about her being a dragon...and yet deep down, she didn't wanted to tell him, she didn't wanna have (YN) have a bad reaction realizing her being a dragon....but then again....what if he does play along and well...accept her still even though she's a dragon...

Kobayashi: Elma??

Elma: ...Kobayashi...can you and all of you do me a favor?

Kobayashi: Sure, what's up?

Minutes later, (YN) came out from the restroom...and to walk over to Elma...he started thinking about her, her looks, her personality, everything about her, he likes it a lot, and he wants to be with her more and see her more...

(YN): Maybe....I can ask her about how I feel.

But as he heads over to her, suddenly, he stumbles him Kobayashi and the others...

Kobayashi: Hey, are you (YN) by any chance?

(YN): Y-Yeah, I'm (YN)...can I help you??

Kobayashi: ...Before anything, I'm Kobayashi, this here is Tohru.

Tohru: Nice to meet you!

Kobayashi: And these two are Ilulu and Kanna.

Ilulu/Kanna: Hiii!

(YN): Heh, nice to meet can I help you four??

Tohru: ...It's about Elma.

(YN): E-Elma??! What happen to her?! Is she alright-

Kobayashi: She's fine, don't worry, we're her friends...and we came here to help her out on something.

(YN): Something?? Like what??

Kobayashi: ...Come with us.


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