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As we left off, (YN) has met some of Elma's friends, Kobayashi, Tohru, Ilulu and Kanna, Kobayashi and them led (YN) to Elam, who he is confused about what is even going on, so he follows Kobayashi and the others walking, and minutes pass by, and yet to realize they were walking to the beach, and no people around, and soon..(YN) realizes to see someone up ahead close to the was Elma, looking towards the Ocean view...

(YN): Elma?

Kobayashi: ...I know you're wondering why she's here and didn't told you....cause she scared to tell you.

(YN): Scared to tell me?? About what??

Tohru: The truth.

(YN): Wh-What truth??

Kobayashi:'s kinda hard for us to explain it to you, so it's better of for her to tel you, trust me.

Ilulu: We only came by to help Elma gain some confidence and tell you about her something you need to know about.

(YN): Something I need to know??

They nod...

(YN): ...Well...if it's crucial, then I'm gonna have to know then.

(YN) began to slowly walk over to Elma, as Kobayashi and them stand aside to see they do, (YN) kept on walking over to her...and Elma slowly turning her face around, and to see him approaching, (YN) then stopped...Elma then turns around and starring at (YN) with a unsettling look...

Elma: I see you've met my friends.

(YN): Yea, they seem nice people...good to know you have good friends like them...

Elma: Yea, I do.

(YN): Elma...what's wrong? They suddenly came up to me, and started telling me you have something to tell me, and it's kinda worrying me and making me concern so...can you tell me?

Elma: ...(YN), these past days, it meant so much to me that the fact I manage to feel very happy and overjoyed to meet someone like you. You're sweet, generous, and kind. Our talks were so enjoyable to, and our hang outs as well.

(YN): Heh, I feel the same way.

Elma blushes and softly smiles at him...but then again gives off an upset look..and to look down...

Elma: But...even if you've know so much about me...there' thing, you don't know about me...and may or may not like about me...(YN)...tell me...will still be around me once I show you my true self?

(YN) was quiet at first, still wondering what she was talking about, so he then takes a deep breathe...and exhales and replies...

(YN): I don't care what it is, and I don't know what it will be...but all I can tell you and make sure you that I still want to be around you, no matter what.

Elma blushes again...and then to turn around, and again looking at the ocean view...

Elma: Very well goes.

(YN): ...Elma?

Suddenly, Elma slowly approaches to the ocean, as the water touches her feet by the waves...and then to suddenly leap up to the air, and then to dive towards the water...

(YN): W-WOAH! E-Elma!!? Elma!!

(YN) was looking around, and yet no sight of her in the water...

(YN): H-Hey guys!! Don't just stand there, help me find Elma! She might be drowning!

Kobayashi: Don't worry, this is what she's trying to tell you.

(YN): What!!? What are you even talking about?!

Tohru: Keep looking.

(YN) then turns around...and to then notice over the water, something was Lighting up, glowing, and as if something was about to burst out Freon the ocean....and then it did, a long and huge sea serpent dragon appeared out from the ocean, and yet to stare down at (YN) (YN) was trembling a bit, and to trip over...

(YN): H-Holy crap!! I-It's a sea serpent!! B-But wheres Elma!?? Elma!!! ELMA!!

Elma(Dragon Form): (YN), I'm right here.

(YN): Wh-Whaa?!! Where!?? I-I don't see you! I mean I can hear your voice, but I can't see you no where! Please come out before this serpent hurts you-

Elma(Dragon Form): (YN)...I'm the serpent.

(YN): ...Wh-What???!

Elma then approaches closer to (YN), as (YN) quickly stood back up, and being close to Elma...he then gets closer to her by walking up to her face...

Elma(Dragon Form): It's me (YN), do not worry...

(YN): E-Elma??? Is that...really you?!

Elma(Dragon Form): Yes...look, before you say anything...I want you to listen to me....I'm not just an ordinary human...I'm also a dragon, which I can transform. I am also from another dimension, where are more like me...and I came to this world...

(YN): ....

Elma(Dragon Form): I know your shocked, confused and nothing to say but...I just wanted to let you know what I can don't like it, don't you...I know...we aren't meant to be togther from the state I am...

(YN) still stood quiet...and then, he gets closer to her, and to then slowly place his palm onto Elma's forehead, and slowly and gently petting her, and to give a soft smile somehow...

(YN): Elma...we're you planning not to tell me this...cause you think I wasn't gonna accept you of the way what you truly are.

Elma(Dragon Form): Y-Yes...

She said in a emotional tone...and then, (YN) then hugs Elma towards her face...and Elma slowly blushing...

(YN): *chuckling* Oh Elma...why would I reject someone like you, who I want a girl like you to be in my life forever and ever. I don't care what it is, all you have to that you and I are meant to be together, I like you a lot more than before...well Heh, what I'm trying to say is....I want us to be together forever and ever.

Elma quietly gasps, and to hear those words from (YN), she thought deep down he wouldn't like her the way she is now...but she was wrong...(YN) didn't care at all, he still accepts her anyways....Elma then got emotional and happy as well the same time...she then started to transform back into her human form, and after she does, she was still being hugged by (YN), as she too hugs the two then stare at each other with a soft smile...then, the two kept on starring at each other, and to suddenly start to get closer and closer to each other...and as they can feel each others breathing getting closer...and then their lips connect, and kiss. After the Kia, they backed away a little as the two place their forehead towards each other and smiling at each other as well...then came Kobayashi and the others...

Kobayashi: Heh, see Elma? Wasn't that hard to explain it, wasn't it.

Elma: Hehe, well it gets a bit nervous at first worked out pretty well.

(YN): It did...and by what I can tell, I say the one in the maid outfit, and the two little ones are also...dragons???

Kobayashi: Oh, yea they are actually too.

Tohru: Yea we are, how's you guess??

(YN): We'll to be obvious...I'll have to go with the horns you and the one red hair have, and that little tail the gray hair one has as well. At first thought they were just costumes.

Kobayashi: Haha, wow. Seems like you found out faster than I did.

(YN): Heh, sure did.

Kobayashi: Well, it's getting late, we should probably get going already. Oh, (YN), Elma, why not you two come over to my place and hang out for a bit? Tohru can make something to eat.

The two stare at each other smiling and replying...

(YN): Sounds good.

Elma: Splendid.

Kobayashi: Cool, well let's go.

And so, they all walked together over to Kobayashi's house, and yet, both Elma and (YN) were then holding hands together, as the two were smiling together, and were also happy that they are together....


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