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The large moth titan now followed Shiryu through the ice Hollow Earth realm.

It seemed like an eternity has passed since the fight against Shiryu Kai, which was truly not long ago. The communications feed was gradually starting to fade due to the interference, meaning Gigan was definitely close on some part of the Hidden world. The only problem now was the navigation system that was soon starting to fail, only knowing the general direction of where Akane and Shiryu should go. Due to this, Akane started to worry about making it there in time. Adding on to it, the landscape was treacherous and difficult to get through. On one occasion she and Shiryu nearly fell down a crevice, saved by the quick thinking of deploying the wires. Hours later they reached the edge of the realm, a massive wall of ice and crystals blocking the way. There was definitely no way through all of this obstacle. If Akane used the drilling mode of Shiryu, it will take forever to get through it completely, wasting precious time. Going around looking for a small gap would take time to find as well, also delaying them from getting to Gigan in time. With options limited, Akane began to think what else there was to help her and Shiryu get to the other side.

When she looked up at Mothra, who was currently hovering in place, an idea came to her mind. It was crazy to say the least, but it was worth a shot given what she had witnessed and experienced. She let go of the controls and closed her eyes, thinking as hard as she could. 'Chen...Ling. If you can hear me...let me speak through you two to Mothra. I need some assistance' Akane thought. She didn't know how much range the connection between Mothra and the twin was, but she hoped that it would work somehow. A moment passed before she opened her eyes and saw Mothra dive down and hover right in front of Shiryu. The AI screen flickered a bit to red, but returned to normal instantly. The moth titan gave a chittering sound as its body and wings began to glow golden, lighting up the area a bit but not blinding Akane. The same as before happened when a warm feeling spread across Akane's body, meaning that soon she would hear it. 'What is it that you need help with, she says' came the voice of the twins, relaying what Mothra had asked. 'I need your help to find a way through this. A shortcut, if you may. It's impossible to get through this. So please...help me...' Akane thought, closing her eyes again and thinking as hard as she could.

There was a brief pause before the moth titan gave out a chirrup and flew away, going all the way across the wall of ice and crystals. Akane and Shiryu watched Mothra fly off, the snow and clouds blocking the sight of her flying away as she soon disappeared. Another long while passed, Akane waiting for Mothra to come back or something...before a light shone up far ahead. It was as if a miniature sun had suddenly appeared in the sky, signaling Akane and Shiryu. 'There is one way here, she says' the voice of the twins said through the telepathic link. Akane exhaled in relief and grabbed the controls to pilot Shiryu towards Mothra's light. She picked up the pace so that the mechagodzilla could run for a moment, soon arriving at the destination. Mothra's light dimmed a bit so that an opening could be seen at the base of the ice and crystal wall. It was narrow, that was true, but the sensors now could clearly detect behind the crack that the opening was big enough for Shiryu to get inside. "Thank you, Mothra" Akane said, looking up at the moth titan. Mothra gave out a shrilling call, feeling that the warmth from her light extend once more inside Shiryu as a way to say 'You are welcome'. Now that an opening was discovered, Akane switched Shiryu's hands into drill mode and started excavating, making way for both the mechagodzilla and Mothra.

* * *

Some few drilling sessions later and Shiryu managed to get through the parts that blocked the path.

Now Akane piloted Shiryu to step in and begin walking again, scanning the new area they have entered. It was a much more darker section due to it being mostly caves and tunnels, though much more diverse crystals were present in it. When the beacon lights of Shiryu passed over the crystals, they began to glow a bit and reflect light to other crystals, lighting up the place more. Mothra came out from the hole that Shiryu made, having followed with no trouble. The moth titan, once through, included its wings and flew up to hover below the ceiling, her glowing beginning to brighten just a percentage. That was all needed for the other crystals to transmit more light and spread it around the place. The whole scenery...was beyond beautiful, with so many vibrant colors emitting from all the crystals and creating an immobile light show. "It's...so pretty..." Akane breathed, smiling as she saw everything around them. Later she focused back on the objective and began piloting Shiryu forwards once more, while following Mothra.

The peace and serenity of the place was interrupted when a rumbling sound was heard.

Shiryu's instruments began to detect where approximately the rumbling originated, being one of the walls without crystals. To add on, the system detected high levels of radiation beginning to rise, as well as the interference resonance. Fearing that it could be Gigan, or one of his MUTO servants, Akane readied Shiryu for battle by activating the weapons, facing where the titan would emerge. Suddenly, the alarms blared loudly, warning Akane of an incoming attack. This made her give a startled shout as she piloted Shiryu out of the way, just as an explosion erupted from the wall in a blinding flash of white. Stones, crystals and other debris were scattered around, as well as smoke the spread and blocked the view. The ground trembled as something made its way out from the hole it made, stomping out and letting out a growl. Akane stopped making Shiryu hold its arms in a defensive position, readying the weapons in case they needed to engage. However, when Akane looked and heard closely, the dust starting to settle down, she realized and recognized who this titan was.

The one who had emerged from the walls and through all the tons of stone...was none other than Gojirin herself. Akane gasped in surprise when she saw the familiar sight of the female Godzilla. "Gojirin? What are you doing here?" Akane said through the loudspeakers, deactivating Shiryu's weapons and walking the mechagodzilla closer to Gojirin. The female titan gave a warning growl to Shiryu, though immediately seemed to recognize them and calmed down. Mothra glided down and perched herself on Shiryu's back to stand for a moment, giving a chirp as she glowed and extended her wings out. Gojirin seemed to be pleased to see Mothra as she looked up to where the moth titan had perched herself, making Akane remember how these two titan species shared a symbiotic relationship with one another. "You two are really happy to see each other, aren't you?" Akane commented, letting out a slight chuckle as she smiled proudly. A small squeak was heard behind Gojirin, which made the titans and the mechagodzilla look down. To Akane's surprise, she saw that Chibisuke had traveled with his mother to here. "Chibisuke? What is he doing here? Why did you bring your baby here? There is going to be a battle starting soon and......you know what? Forget it. There is no questioning your decisions" Akane said, later dismissing such to not delve into such matters.

When Chibisuke was about to make his way to Shiryu, another rumbling sound was heard. The baby Godzilla squeaked and retreated back towards his mother, Gojirin snorting and giving a growl as they all faced where the shaking was coming from. The alarms began to blare once more in the cockpit, and Akane braced herself yet again. The ground trembled and made the rocks on the ground shake before another explosion burst from the other wall. A loud bellowing roar was heard, easily distinguishable as there was no mistaking to which it belonged. From out of the earth climbed the burrowing spiked titan...Anguirus. The armored and spiked titan blew some smoke out from its nostrils, snarling as it spotted Shiryu. Akane tensed up and tightened her grip on the controls as she got ready to defend herself again. Before Anguirus could make a move, Mothra stood up from where she perched on Shiryu, extended her wings again in an authoritative manner, and glowed in a much more brighter light than before. Everyone was blinded because of this, even Anguirus as they squinted and moved their head away to not look directly. The moth titan gave out some shrills and chirrups to the spiked titan, and Akane could somehow feel that Mothra was telling Anguirus to stand down.

The light dimmed now to more bearable levels, and Anguirus was seen calming down due to what Mothra had communicated to them. "Thank you again, Mothra." Akane said, seeing how the moth titan had helped convince Anguirus that Shiryu was not a threat anymore. At that moment there was a question remaining now that both titans had arrived in the same place...why were they all here in this place? Both titans along with Mothra and Shiryu were here as if they knew they would eventually meet up. This would have only been possible...if something or someone would have called them. Akane glanced up slightly at Mothra that was still perched on Shiryu's back and was inclined to conclude that she was definitely the one responsible. 'Did you call them here? Are they here to help us against Gigan?' Akane thought, waiting to hear a response from the moth titan. 'Yes, indeed I have. We will not fight them alone. We will fight them together, until the end. It is my duty to protect the balance of nature, and humanity as well, she says' came the response of Mothra through the twins. Akane felt her heart warm up inside of her chest. Not because of the possibility of Chen and Ling may have convinced Mothra to do as such...but because now she saw that there was nothing much to worry about. With these titans on her side, together, they will have a chance at defeating Gigan and the MUTOs. And Akane truly felt brave for the first time in her life. "Alright....lets get to it!" Akane said with a confident voice. Mothra gave a chirping call and leaped up to flap her wings and hover. Gojirin and Anguirus gave out their loud and fierce roars, to symbolize their willingness to work with one another. Compelled to do the same, Akane made Shiryu roar in his own way in unison with the other titans. Right after, Mothra flew toward the tunnels to lead them, lighting the way.

Gojirin, Anguirus, Chibisuke, and Shiryu, piloted by Akane Yashiro, began to charge towards the path that would lead to battle.

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