Chapter 21

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Girald scrunched his eyes closed. "Lady Ceres, vile tasting is your potion. Sure you that this is the way?"

Ceres made a weak nod. "A horrible taste is the way of medicinal teas. But to answer your question, aye. The tea is enhanced with Life Magic and will take the poison from you. I should also warn you that the contents of your chamber pot will turn green, this is normal."

He groaned. "How long must I endure it?"

"Two weeks, my Lord. This poison is particularly stubborn. In the meantime, I shall call on the Spirits to alleviate the symptoms. Every day you shall become stronger."

Waithe grinned. "Believe me, my friend. She makes teas that taste much worse than that."

Jenn snickered and kissed her husband on the cheek. "Be brave, my dear Lord."

Girald stroked her cheek and put on a half-grin. "Wife, be warned. As my strength returns so do my desires of you. But for now, I would rest."

Jenn closed the bedroom door slowly to not disturb her sleeping husband. Once they reached the dining room she turned to Ceres and took up her hands. "My dear Ceres, you are a woman of miracles. You have returned the man I love to me. I am grateful beyond words. You may ask of anything to aid your quest."

"Thank you, Lady Jenn. I am pleased that he becomes well. If I may ask, what have you heard of the Taint?"

"The Taint curses every land, even some far parts of Woest. But it is worst in the Sage Lands, Viste, and Woudd, to the point of famine. There are rumors of unrest and lawlessness, but who could fault those starving? Rumor has it that the house of Lord Millo of the Sage Lands is under siege by his own people. Refugees spill onto neighboring Lands and there are talks of war. I fear that the Treaty of Lands will shatter if the Taint continues to spread."

Jenn took a step back and dipped her head. "My friends, it is very much in our interest to support your quest to end this foul Taint. If you would excuse me, I shall begin plans for our journey to the house of the Order."

Jenn nearly ran headlong into her son as she walked out of the room. Alden stepped aside then walked in holding a small black cloth bag with a leather tie. He stopped, seeming frozen in place, as he caught Ceres' eyes.

Ceres broke the awkward silence. "What have you there, Alden?"

He shook himself out his trance. "Huh... Oh, this! A gift for little Eira. Something for play."

Ceres took Eira's hand and approached Alden. He kneeled before her and placed the bag in the little girl's hands. She wrinkled her nose as she felt its weight and contents. The bag shifted and clinked as she rolled it back and forth in her hands.

He said, "Go ahead and open it. I made them myself."

Eira's face lit up as she undid the tie, knelt, and poured out the contents on the hard dining room floor. She scurried about to contain the marbles before they rolled away. They were made of various materials: wood, ceramic, glass, and shiny metal.

Ceres smiled. "Very thoughtful, Alden. Thank you. I am told she is skilled at games of marbles."

Alden said, "I am not so bad with the marbles myself, Eira. Perhaps we may have a game sometime?"

Eira nodded. Alden stood up and faced Ceres. "Some of these were made of new metal alloys I test. I found that if you add more charcoal and refined chromite to iron it makes for a stronger alloy... Umm, perhaps that be a discussion for another time."

"It is fascinating," Ceres said. "Your mother did say you seek learning?"

"Aye. Philosophy and alchemy. My own workshop and library have I. The sciences have promise to improve the lives of all people. As it is, we rely too much on Magic from too few Shamans, and it benefits only the powerful...". He gulped. "I am sorry, my Lady. I did not mean to imply... I mean..."

Ceres smiled at his stammering. "I would wish that as well, my dear Alden. But could not new inventions that arise from the science also do much harm as well as good?"

Alden nodded. "Aye, my Lady. Quite true. That is why we must also study philosophy and ethics. Some of the old philosophers suggested... Forgive me, I ramble... May I give you all a tour of the estate? I think you would particularly like the gardens, my Lady."

"Indeed. And I would like to see your library and what wisdom it might hold."

Waithe winked at Ceres. "You two go on. I think Eira and I will find a place to play with her new marbles. That be good, little one?"

Eira nodded as she clutched them in her hands, a few spilling out again onto the floor.


Waithe smiled as he leaned against the limestone wall that surrounded the terrace. Eira sorted her new treasures on the cut stone floor. Her face radiated glee, yet she still remained mute. Waithe felt some concern at this, but perhaps in time, she may speak again.

He cast his gaze in the distance to a garden, which featured a diverse assortment of vegetables, fruit trees, flowers, and sculpted shrubs. A comfortable eclectic mix seemed to be the theme of this estate. Ceres held on to Alden's arm as he led her through the garden. He paused to pick a pink flower for her, which she placed in her hair above an ear.

"They seem to be enamored with each other." Jenn leaned on the wall next to Waithe.

Alden picked up something to show Ceres, but it fumbled in his hands and fell from his grasp. He bent down to retrieve it, then bumped his head on a wooden trellis arm as he stood back up.

Jenn shook her head. "But a smooth charmer he is not."

Waithe turned to Jenn. "Ceres had her fill with a smooth charmer who betrayed her. I think she appreciates Alden's genuineness and good heart."

"I do worry about my son, he can be so clueless in the social ways. Perhaps I speak too soon, but these two seem made for each other."

"Still, I think they should proceed slowly with this..."

Jenn dropped her jaw. "My dear Waithe, you speak like a father."

He shook his head. "I be just her protector. Although, we have become like a family."


"Are you sure of this, my dear? Perhaps I should accompany you." Girald leaned forward in his chair and looked into his wife's eyes.

"We discussed this, love. You are not well enough yet to travel such a distance and your presence might invite a covert attempt to take your life. I shall be safe, they would gain little to attack us." Jenn leaned over to kiss his cheek and smiled. "Besides, we would be too much of a distraction to each other."

Waithe mentally nodded. Jenn had always been a strong and independent woman then became equally as devoted to her husband and sons. She as much ruled the land of Woest as did Lord Girald and he learned to trust her wise judgment.

A young woman with black hair that only just reached her shoulders came into the dining room, her frowning face downcast.

Waithe grinned. "My Lady Jenn, this be your new servant girl? Where did the Lady Ceres go?"

The black-haired woman glared at him. "Waithe, your humor falls short."

Jenn rose and put her hands on the woman's shoulders. "My dear Ceres, I feel your pain to have lost so much of your beautiful long blonde hair." Jenn walked around Ceres, gazing at her. "My attendants have done well. The makeup hides the Medice mark on your neck. You are as a new woman."

Ceres slumped down in a chair and sulked. She hid her face in her hands as Alden entered the room. "Do not cast your eyes on me."

He did. "Ceres?" He put a hand on her shoulder. "Fear not, my fair Lady. That what is beautiful of you still shines through."

Waithe's eyes shot up. Did these gentle supportive words come from the socially awkward Alden? His parents seemed surprised as well. Ceres lifted her face and smiled at him. Perhaps her company inspired confidence within him.

Alden stood before Girald. "Father, you have always urged me to learn the ways of leadership. I would accompany Mother."

Girald stood. "So I have, son. But this... It would be like learning to swim by being thrown into the deep abyss. Are you sure?"

"Aye, father. I know the fate of the whole Realm is at stake."

Girald turned toward his wife. "Jenn?"

Jenn thought for a moment. "Alden, no one there must know you are my son, lest an enemy uses that against us. You shall pose as my aide, as does the Lady Ceres. And you must heed my direction at all times. Do you accept these terms?"

"Aye, mother."

Girald nodded. "Then go, with my blessing."

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