Chapter 22

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Waithe and Jenn cast knowing smirks to each other from the backs of their horses. Ceres and Alden's fondness for each other grew stronger as the journey continued west along the wide Blue River, even as they tried to hide it. Glances and smiles went back and forth between them when they thought no one else was looking. They spent most of the evenings together. Sometimes they might discuss philosophy, spin tales of past adventures, or they would play marble games with Eira. Later at night, they would steal away together under the vast starry sky, something that confounded Waithe in his role as her protector.

Waithe shook his head. "Do they really think nobody notices?"

Jenn laughed. "Were we any different so long ago?"

"Perhaps not. But we clashed then. We were never meant to be lovers. I think these two actually compatible. I have to admit, mixed feelings I have about this."

"In what way?"

"Do you not fear for Alden?"

"I do, every day, and for his older brothers as well. That is the curse of motherhood, but I would not have it any other way."

"A dangerous quest Ceres takes. More dangerous, I think, than either of them know. I fear for Ceres and now too for Alden. With so much at stake, be it right to kindle love? Soul crushing heartbreak may become their destiny. This I know too well."

"That you do, my dear old friend. To love is to lay open the heart, a perilous vulnerability. But do you not cherish every moment you shared with Fera and Aala? Do you not carry their love even now?"

Waithe took a deep breath. Sweet memories welled up in his mind. "Aye. That I do."

"Then let them love, if it would be so. They deserve that chance."

"My dear Jenn, where did you find such wisdom of the heart?"

She smiled. "Not from you, Waithe. From you I found trouble."


Eventually, they came to the border of the Lake Lands. They continued to follow the Blue River, which would lead them by the lakes for which these lands were named. The river became colder and swifter, even as the land through which it flowed became more barren. The road sometimes veered away from the river to avoid steep-walled canyons cut through the red rock. Tall snow-capped mountains to the west fed the lakes and river.

As per plan, half of the soldiers that traveled with them made camp near the border. They would come if summoned, a fallback force that Lord Girald insisted on. Going into the lands of another Lord accompanied by too many soldiers would be provocative, so only nine soldiers entered the Lake Lands, with Waithe posing as a tenth. 

Ceres became known as Cora and Alden as Quill, both posing as aides to the Lady Jenn. The disgraced Lady Adelia rode in a covered horse-drawn carriage with her feet shackled and a soldier watching over her. Eira completed the entourage, usually riding with Ceres or Waithe, but sometimes with Alden, with whom she had taken a liking. In a day and a half, they arrived at the outskirts of Tarne, the capital city of the Lake Lands, which stood on the banks of a large lake. A soldier sent ahead reserved rooms at one of the roadhouses near the center of the city.


"Lord Berne will not even meet with me." Jenn shook her head as her hands surrounded a mug of ale. "Surprised I am not. I was told that his schedule was full of other important matters, but the reality is that he would not lower himself to discuss policy with a woman, that miserable chauvinist twit. Those important matters likely are his concubines. Bad enough that he cowers to Scias' wishes like a beaten dog. I am tempted to double the price of the grain and ale we trade to him."

Waithe grinned. "Now that sounds like the Jenn I knew in my youth."

"If only, my old friend. The responsibilities of family and state have made me respectable."

Alden widened his eyes. "Mother, what did you..."

Jenn narrowed her eyes. "Address me properly as Lady Jenn, my aide Quill. Do not forget that."

Alden/Quill pulled his lips together and nodded.

With a smirk, Waithe leaned forward toward Alden. "There be many wild stories of your mother before she became the Lady of Woest. One time..." Jenn shifted her narrowed eyes to Waithe. He grinned. "But perhaps the respected Lady Jenn may tell them to you one day."

Ceres/Cora's eyes suddenly went wide as the tavern door opened. A burly black-uniformed soldier entered, followed by two men dressed in fine shirts and leather trousers, also black. She tugged on Waithe's arm and whispered, "Scias is here."

The men made their way directly to Jenn's table. Ceres cast her eyes down. Waithe put one of his hands below the table edge, closer to the blade hidden in his boot. Sensing the tension, Eira slumped down next to him.

Scias was a tall man with neatly trimmed dark hair. A huge smile rose on his face, surrounded by an immaculately styled dark beard and mustache. It all gave him a polished look but seemed non-genuine. His voice was as smooth as his silk shirt. "My Lady Jenn." He reached down to pick up her hand and kissed it. "What a pleasant surprise to see you here."

She pulled her hand back. "The surprise is mine, Lord Scias. What brings you to the Lake Lands?"

He waved his hand back and tilted his head. "Matters of trade and state to discuss with Lord Berne, all boring things. Sad I am to learn that your husband has fallen ill. How does he fare?"

"Your concern is touching, Lord Scias. His sickness defies treatment. I travel to the house of the Order of Medice to request the assistance of Reverend Quar. Perhaps with her expertise, we may discover the true nature of it. Trying times these are."

"Aye, and it is time for a new Overlord to face them, one who would bring order to the Realm. Lord Girald's illness is unfortunate, he would have been a strong candidate."

Jenn narrowed her eyes. "Then who should become Overlord? You perhaps, Lord Scias?"

His attempt at a humble expression failed. "I would be honored to serve if the Council of Lords agrees." He cocked an eyebrow. "Would you agree, Lady Jenn?"

She smiled. "I would only agree that these be trying times, Lord Scias."

His shallow smile sent a chill through Waithe. "Of course, my Lady." Scias scanned around the table. "And who accompanies you here in this charming establishment?"

"My guard and my aides."

Scias gazed at Ceres and Alden. Ceres kept her face turned down. "So young seem your aides, especially that little one." He pointed at Eira, who peeked wide-eyed over the table edge.

"There is wisdom even among the young."

The other black-clothed man came up to Scias. Whereas Scias appeared polished, this man did not. Thin strands of black hair stood up from a balding scalp like rising smoke. Bushy black eyebrows were a distraction from his cold dark eyes. His mouth seemed set in a perpetual frown. "My Lord, we have much to prepare." He sneered. "Soon you shall have your rightful place and they shall be of no matter."

"Hmm, yes, Raste. Of course." Scias bowed to Jenn. "Till we meet again, my Lady Jenn."

The two men walked away, followed by their guard. Ceres lifted her head up to watch them. Raste suddenly stopped and looked back, locking his dark eyes on hers. Her breath quickened as she dipped her eyes down again. Alden scooted closer to her and held her hand.

After Scias and Raste passed the doorway, Jenn turned toward Ceres. "Do you think they recognized you?"

"I... I do not think so. We only met once, a year ago when they bargained with Reverend Quar for me."

"I see clearly now why you ran from the Order. Just being in Raste's presence is revolting enough, much less the prospect of having to mate with that abomination."

Ceres said, "His heart is even uglier. Be warned, my Lady, Raste is a very powerful Shaman and he has Scias' ear."

Jenn nodded. "Aye. But for now, let us return to our room. I have a strong desire to take a bath."


Waithe laid awake while the others slept in the large room they shared. Something was wrong, he felt it, but could not define the danger. Something that Raste said, 'they shall be of no matter'. Was that a threat?

He grabbed his sword as he went to the door and peered out. The guard who stood watch in the hallway turned his head and nodded. All was well there. The same was true of the guard on the outside balcony.

He watched the chests of the others slowly rise and fall in slumber, laying in the beds scattered out across the large room. The thin curtains beside the partially open balcony door gently wavered with the breeze. All seemed peaceful, yet his heart raced.

An eerie tingling sensation came over him. Chests stopped their rise and fall. The curtains froze in mid-wave. Everything about him stood motionless and silent, as if time ceased its flow. He turned to the light that suddenly appeared.

The Woman of Light stood before him. A clear orb circled slowly above her, only visible by the way it refracted the light and bent the air around it. She spoke, not through words, but in his mind. "A Darkness comes. She will need you, they all will."

He unsheathed his sword and stood ready. Her light reflected off of the blade.

She shook her head. "Your blade will be of no use against this foe."

"Then would you intervene?"

"I cannot alter this timeline, only can I strengthen those who resist the very Darkness that would do so."

He threw his sword down and glared at her. "Then with what do I fight it?"

"Love, my dear Waithe. Love is the weapon that would defeat the Darkness. You will know what to do."

"At least tell me who you are!"

She kissed him on the cheek and a blissful warmth spread through him. "One day you may know, Grandfather."


The woman of light vanished. The sounds of slumber and the fluttering of the curtains came back. Waithe twirled around. When would this Darkness strike? Somehow, it felt like he would not have to wait long.

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