❝ 3.1 ❞

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Chapter 3 : Choices Chosen

Struggling to catch his breath, Barkpaw limped to the top of Hare Hill. The breeze blew his pelt gently as he closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort. The grass below his paws touched him softly and wrapped around him. The sunlight shone on his brown pelt and spread the warmth.

The soft voice rang in his ears, "Barkpaw, are you okay?"

Opening his eyes, his bright yellow eyes kept in contact with a pair of bright green eyes that were filled with concern. He blinked and he murmured, "I-I a-am fine-" as if a small stone was stuck in his throat.

Lilypetal beamed brightly and she mewed happily, "Good. Are you ready for a foraging challenge?"

Barkpaw looked around eagerly and nodded. He was definitely going to win this time. The breeze blew as a noseful of scent filled his nose. He set off running down the hill. His head holding high, his tail pointing straight, his eyes sparkling with determine, he raced across the green and toppled over when he accidentally stepped on a sharp rock.

He tripped and rolled on the grass. He could not see what was going on or where he was going. Stars were spinning around in his head and pain burned like wildfire. He came to a stop after a loud 'bang'.

Standing up slowly, he faced the tall fence of the horseplace. The cats that were living in the horseplace had become a nursery tale. He sniffed and he found out that the smell came from the horseplace.

A million questions raced across his head and disappeared before he could catch them. He stared at the horseplace with confusion. What was there behind the fences? 

He sneaked inside the broken door and found himself in a dusty room with white cobweb. He smiled, proud of himself for being brave as he came closer, trying to collect the cobwebs. 

The room has darkened. His heart was beating against his chest as fear rose in him. The fear soon paralyzed him entirely as his stomach clinched. 

A cat mewed in the dark, "Well, we meet each other again."

The voice was familiar, but he could not recognise whose. He could feel nothing but blind terror. He swallowed with fear, blaming himself for getting himself in trouble again.

The cat's cold laugh sent shivers down his pelt, "No need to be afraid, little ones. Play a game with me and I am going to let you go."

"G-game?" He managed to choke out as he tried to make his way to the door.

"No," The cat blocked his way immediately as he cornered the medicine cat apprentice. Barkpaw felt the dusty wood behind his back as fear clawed up his throat. "You must play this game, then you can go. Or this will be your last day alive and your dearest daddy cannot be here to save you. What a pity," The cat mewed with a sickening voice. 

The cat's fang shone under the dim sunlight and he felt that his blood was frozen in his veins. His voice was thick with fear as he mewed, "W-what is the game...?"

The cat's eyes narrowed and hissed dangerously, "You will know soon enough and you have to keep it as a promise. We have wasted enough time, are you playing it or not?"

>> "Y-yes, go ahead."

>> (a) "Help!" (b) "I am not doing it, you mousebrain!"

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