❝ 3.7 ❞

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option 2, sorrelflame

Barkpaw paddled closer to the black she-cat, mewing softly to catch her attention. Her white chest became visible as she turned, smiling with kindness. 

Barkpaw could feel the warmth from her smile as he introduced himself, "I am Barkpaw from WindClan."

The she-cat nodded and replied, "Hello, Barkpaw. I have heard about you from Lilypetal, you are that cat who is unwilling to be a medicine cat, but has no choice but to do so, right?"

Barkpaw's tail twitched his tail nervously as he stared at the ground. It was the first time for him to admire the curve and bend lines embedded on the tree root. The air was filled with awkwardness as Sorrelflame mewed silently, "Sorry."

Barkpaw waved the words away as Sorrelflame continued, "You are very lucky to have Lilypetal."

The brown tabby tom glanced at the familiar and beautiful tortoiseshell sitting on the tree root below them, her fur reflecting the pale moonlight. He already knew he was lucky to have such a gentle and caring mentor. Although her actions were sometimes strange, he knew she would forever be here for him.

Why? He was curious although he knew the reason deep down in his heart.

"Because I lost my mentor when I was 9 moons," she whispered, "and Lilypetal took me as her apprentice, taking care of me."

Barkpaw's eyes widened when he heard that. Guess he had turned his thoughts into words. The bubble that trapped his world was popped and he got to everything. During the time when he stayed in the medicine cat den and separating himself from the world of misery, he did not know... 

The tom stammered, "S-sorry, I don't kno-"

Sorrelflame smiled awkwardly, "It's fine. You are Lilypetal's apprentice, and I know that you will become a great medicine cat like her. I-"

Her eyes flitted to his twisted leg but looking away immediately. Staring at the leaves above which covered the moon and bit it into a curved shape, she twisted her tail awkwardly as Barkpaw was at a loss for words. All his emotions mixed together into a mess.

A yowl cut through the silence as all eyes were focused on the branches where the four leaders were seated. Barkpaw sent silent gratitude to the leaders as he looked up, waiting for the first announcement. 

The figure that Barkpaw was familiar rose from his spot and announced, "Our former leader, Shadedstar, lost his last life due to a reason yet to be discovered-"

The crowd exploded into chaos as if a forest fire was ignited. Shock and panic could be seen everywhere as every cat glanced at one another.

Falconstar waited for the voices to die down before he continued, "WindClan had had a voting for the new leader, since a cat suggested it and we all agreed. I, Falconstar, have been voted as the new WindClan leader. Shadedstar's contribution to our beloved WindClan will forever be remembered by us."

Gasps could be heard in the crowd as all eyes were on Cranepuddle, who sat in the crowd in silence. Breaking the silence, a ling-furred pure white tom cleared his throat, he spoke, "Everything is fine in ShadowClan."

"That's Slatestar," A breath near Barkpaw's ears tickled softly. Turning around, Barkpaw found Lilypetal grinning at him and continued, "his sentences are usually short and clear."

Barkpaw nodded, looking forward to know more about the leaders. A soft furred ashen grey tom mewed afterwards, his clear voice echoed in the silence, "Prey is fruitful in ThunderClan, thanks to the blessing of StarClan. Also, our medicine cat Rosedusk has sadly joined StarClan. Therefore, our new medicine cat is Sorrelflame."

The crowd shouted her name and Barkpaw shot Sorrelflame a glance of praise. Sorrelflame licked her chest fur shyly as she smiled softly.

"That's Havenstar, the leader of ThunderClan."

A golden tabby could be seen on the tree, glancing at the crowd cautiously. He cleared his throat as he announced, "Two-legs are camping around our river, disturbing our lives and affecting our prey severely."

The crowd gasped again as some cats cursed under their breaths. 'Foxdung' could be heard. Without adding anything or waiting for further questions, the tom mewed again, "Because of the lack of prey in the river, we want to ask for permission to hunt in WindClan's and ShadowClan's hunting ground."

The quiet ground had turned into chaos as cats shouted and argued. The leaders were arguing on tree branches as all the noise mixed into one. All the pairs of eyes were filled with hatred. 

His heartbe against his chest hardly, knocking the wind out of his body. Staring at the crowd with panic, he was at a loss of words. 

Suddenly, lightning dashed through the sky. Thunder roared and clouds disturbed the clear sky. Rain came and joined in as they hurried to the island, splashing everywhere with wet and rage. 

"Gathering dismissed!"

Studying the crowd and searching for Falconstar, Barkpaw felt a tap on his back. Spotting Lilypetal, he turned to her as Lilypetal mewed, dragging him across the clearing, "That's Leafstar of RiverClan. Now, we shall return to our clan."

End of Chapter 3

After the foraging lesson, Barkpaw has fun, and his foraging skill has been improved
+ 20 happiness, + 20 foraging skill

However, he is shocked and scared after the unexpected meeting with the mysterious cat
- 50 happiness

The mysterious cat warms up to Barkpaw a bit after knowing that he will accept the challenge
+ 10 mysterious cat

After Barkpaw defends Falconstar in the confrontation of the mysterious cat, he gains liking and trust from Falconstar
+ 10 Falconstar

After the conflict with the mysterious cat, Barkpaw is severely injured
- 70 health

Barkpaw tells the truth to Falconstar and Lilypetal the truth about the game, earning their liking as well as reducing his evilness. However, Falconstar is a bit suspicious of his attitude towards him
+ 10 Falconstar, + 10 Lilypetal, - 10 evilness, - 20 Falconstar

Barkpaw is haunted by a nightmare when he is healing, making him frightened and feeling insecure. This affects the healing of his injuries as well
- 10 happiness, - 20 health, + insecure

Lilypetal heals Barkpaw with care, slowly nursing him back to health
+ 40 health

After choosing to heal Emberkit instead of foraging, you earn the cute she-kit's liking and admiration, as well as rising your healing skill
+ 20 healing skill, + 40 Emberkit

Dustflower is thankful to Barkpaw for caring for Emberkit, as well as taking a liking on him
+ 20 Dustflower

Barkpaw is happier after having a short gathering with Covepaw, Daisypaw and Jasminepaw. However, he is a bit depressed after hearing about Covepaw's first hunt
+ 30 happiness, - 20 happiness

Barkpaw's choice on the new deputy of WindClan is widely approved by the other clanmates. They all acknowledge his wise choice
+ 20 reputation, + intelligent

However, he has another nightmare about being abandoned by the world. It affects his emotions and mental state deeply. It also affects the healing of his wounds
- 20 happiness, - 10 health

Barkpaw is thrilled to attend his first gathering
+ 20 happiness

On his way to the island, Barkpaw meets Clearmask, who helps him to get to the island by carrying him
+ 10 health, + 20 Clearmask

Barkpaw talk to Sorrelflame and the two of them soon become friends
+ 30 Sorrelflame

Barkpaw felt panicked and unsure after the argument at the gathering
- 10 happiness


PERSONALITY: curious, courageous, insecure, intelligent


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