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The most chaotic trio in The Universe has now congregated inside Daniella's bathroom. Destiny lounges about in the bathtub. Danielle sits on top of the toilet seat lid. They both watch a very distressed Daniella take in the idea of climbing into the mirror.

"I swear to god, if I end up dying, I will come back to haunt both of you." panics Daniella.

"Hey! Do NOT die. If you die, I die too! I'm you, remember?" warns Danielle.

Destiny rolls her eyes, sits up, and turns her attention to Danielle. "Danielle, for the last time -"

"Will you shut up about that?!" snaps Danielle. "It's extremely dehumanizing when you do that! I already have enough on my plate as it is and you are not helping!"

Despite the fact this person punched her in the face, Daniella has to admit that she slowly started to grow to like this person. After all, it is her... or at least an aspect of her... so she thinks. This person is tougher... but also more fragile? Either way, Danielle Spencer is complex, which makes her an interesting person to dissect in the eyes of Daniella Spencer... but the latter has a feeling that there will be more to comb through with the former in a moment.

"So... like... how does this work again? I just want you to talk me through it again just to be on the safe side," requests Daniella.

"You're gonna climb on the counter, hold your breath, envision this exact place to the finest detail, and then go in headfirst. Close your eyes when you do it and don't open them until you're completely on the other side," explains Danielle.

"What happens if I open my eyes?" asks Daniella.

"You'll die," says Destiny. 

A suffocating silence takes over the room for a brief moment, as it is then interrupted by Destiny's chuckle... 

"I'm kidding, I don't know, but I have a feeling that nothing good would come from it, so I wouldn't start experimenting and dabbling if I were you. I can guarantee neither your safety nor your sanity. You'd be on your own."

Daniella wants to call Destiny's explanation "BS", but has a feeling that the child might be right... at least somewhere... it can be hard to understand what Destiny is talking about at times... but her seriousness seems to always be stemmed in truth... so all Daniella does in response to Destiny's words is to simply nod.

"So like what's the plan? What do you want us to do?" asks Danielle.

"I need both of you to climb back to the moment where you two got into your scuffle. And then you, Danielle, are going to go back to the mirror from whence you came. How's that for a plan?" proposes Destiny.

"I can't go back to where I came from. I prefer not to," says Danielle.

"That is the crappiest plan I've heard of. There would be three of us at the same place at the same time! Ugly flops me would go clinically insane if she woke up and found that her reflection doubled in two! And then I would get arrested for assault and identity theft!" argues Daniella.

Destiny pauses and thinks this over. "Oh, sh*t... I totally forgot that part. It would have been funny to revisit ugly flop you on the ground.. no offense but that was hilariously iconic. That deserves to be a meme... but you're right... too confusing. Hmmm... let me rethink this..."

The child arises from the bathroom and paces about while she rethinks her plan. Both Danielle and Daniella grow increasingly impatient and tap their feet as they watch Destiny clearly improvise her way out of this entanglement.

"WELL?!" the woman and her reflection shout at the child.

"I got nothing for now... though my head hurts... " notes Destiny.

"We just got you ice cream!" says Daniella.

"I know... but bad things happen when my iron levels are low... You don't happen to have hot chocolate, do you? I promise I will think better when I have something in my system." asks Destiny.

The women look at each other in disbelief.

"And I suppose you want buttery toast with that while we're at it?" snidely remarks Danielle.

"That would actually be nice." happily answers Destiny.

Daniella groans and gives Danielle a death glare as the former leaves the bathroom counter and heads for the kitchen.

"Don't just sulk around in my bathroom! You're not eating and drinking in my bathtub. That's just weird!" says Daniella as she motions for them to follow her.

Once all three of them are in the kitchen, Destiny props herself on a high stool at the kitchen island as she watches Daniella look through her cabinets. Danielle accompanies Destiny at the island.

"I have dark chocolate. Is that okay?" asks Daniella.

"Perfect!" responds Destiny as her face glows with glee.

"Actually..." says Danielle. "Can I get some too?"

Daniella sighs. "You know what? I'll make some for everybody! Including myself! How does that sound?"

They give Daniella a thumbs up.

"I have almond milk, is everyone okay with that?"

They nod.

Daniella heats up the milk and has a lightbulb moment. She looks at Destiny. "You know, I don't think that I have ever seen you eat before."

Destiny shrugs. "Just because you never see me eat doesn't mean that I don't. We just never made it to that specific context until now."

"Any reason why you requested hot chocolate in particular?" asks Daniella.

"If you're trying to form a conspiracy theory, you shouldn't. I just really like chocolate." explains Destiny as she watches Daniella pop some bread into the toaster.

"You had the opportunity to get chocolate at the ice cream parlor and you choose to get the most disgusting flavors of all time. We didn't even know those flavors were there until you ordered them," notes Danielle.

"I prefer hot liquified chocolate, not cold, icy, frozen chocolate. It makes my teeth hurt." responds Destiny.

"Fair enough." Danielle says as she nods her head.

Now that the milk is boiling, she grabs three mugs and carefully pours the milk. She mixes in the cocoa powder and serves Danielle and Destiny their respective cups. The toaster pops, and she serves the toast with butter and the dullest knife she could find.

"Really? I'm not gonna stab anyone," remarks Destiny.

"Shut up and have your food." responds Danielle.

Daniella joins them at the island and they begin to enjoy the drink. Destiny seems to genuinely enjoy the treat. Daniella is usually heartened by the sight of children eating, but a part of her is slightly concerned by the sight of... an entity.... becoming just as hungry as a mortal child. Something about the sight feels off.

"So like do you have any other bright ideas?" asks Daniella.

Destiny chews on her toast, takes her time to enjoy the taste, and swallows. "I'm sorry," she begins. "I'm usually good at thinking about this and dissecting them precisely to a T, as we all witnessed in previous loops and at the parlor, but like my logic is..."

"Off?" asks Daniella.

"Yeah.... that. I don't know.... I'm useless right now until otherwise stated." oddly concludes Destiny with a disturbed look on her face that is accompanied by a hot chocolate milk mustache.

"Well f**k me." concludes Danielle as she sips her hot cocoa. Daniella taps her spoon within the mug between mixing. She is hoping that the tapping would ignite something in her head, but nothing is coming out... yet. Destiny on the other hand, appears to have an idea.

"Danielle!" calls out Destiny in between sips.

"Yes?" she replies.

"Why don't you tell us where you last were?" offers Destiny.

"Oh. It's gonna sound really crazy though. I'm afraid that Daniella might not believe me." says Danielle.

"Try her." insists Destiny.

Danielle looks at Daniella with concern.

"Trust me, I've seen all sorts of crazy things. At this point, nothing scares me anymore." Daniella says to Danielle.

"I, like you, have been going through my own version of loops... And the one I was in before our little..." begins Danielle. "...Incident... well, I was at the airport, as per usual... except it was empty... and get this...."

"I'm listening," adds Daniella, who nearly picks up her cup, but follows her intuition and leaves her mug alone.

Danielle clears her throat and continues."There was this giant teddy bear who calls himself Sweetheart."

Daniella's mouth is agape.

Danielle continues. "Yeah... Right! And we were wandering through this empty airport and found the moving walkway... and I LOVE moving walkways."

"Me too!" says Daniella.

Danielle continues her monologue. "So we took the moving walkways... and but then here's the thing... it never quite ended. Like ever. I tried to climb over the railing to get out of there, but Sweetheart, the bear, kept pulling me back in... he insisted that The Happening was -"

"-Happening." finishes Daniella, whose eyes are extremely widened. "Oh my god... you're the other Daniella Spencer. The one who came before me I mean."


"So and then the fog came.... and then the next thing I know... I'm in the airport restroom of that particular empty airport, but like on the other side of the mirror... that's when I saw you. And since you looked truly disturbed and disgruntled... I wanted you to get your act together... and since we were both in our own particular foul moods... I don't know what happened. The Happening just... kinda happened." concludes Danielle's story.

Daniella's mind at this point has formed into a Mobius strip that is also a French braid.

"So that's why I am very reluctant to just 'go back to where I came from', Destiny. Because I'll be stuck on that god-forsaken moving walkway forever. It's like some kind of sick Purgatory...." Danielle explains to Destiny.

"Except its not Purgatory... because you're not dead. None of you are... so don't call it that!"

"So like what is this?!" angrily asks Danielle.

"It is what it is!" angrily responds Destiny.

"Oh for f-" begins Danielle, but then a thought pops in Daniella's head. Except this time, it's not a lightbulb, but more of a supernova explosion, which goes off in Daniella's head.

"A reality without Daniella Spencer sounds like one that could implode." starts Daniella.

"What are you trying to say?" replies Danielle.

"What I'm trying to say is that you should stay. It's better than being stuck in a weird hell loop, right?"

"Right..." answers Danielle. "But I'm not-"

"-You are me. You said it yourself. We also paid too much for this place and I'm not losing it to someone else, so just stay here... Okay?" insists Daniella.

Danielle nods. "Okay. Cool. Good. So let's finish our drinks and then... do it."

After about thirty minutes of eating and drinking, which was mostly Destiny taking her sweet time to enjoy her treats, the chaotic trio head for the bathroom.

Destiny, who is "borrowing" a pair of sunglasses from Daniella/Danielle, lounges in the bathtub.

Daniella gives Danielle a tight, tight hug. Both are surprisingly emotional at the thought of saying goodbye to one another.

"Will I see you again?"

"If you look in the mirror and I curse you out, you'll know it's me," answers Danielle as she squeezes Daniella's hand.

"Right but like how would I know it's you?" insists Daniella.

Danielle thinks. After a few seconds, she has a lightbulb moment. "Oh, I know! I'll get bangs and dye them blue so that way you'll always know for sure that it's me everywhere you might find me!"

Daniella chuckles. "How 2010."

In perfect sync, the two manage to restrain their tears and let go of each other's hands. Daniella climbs onto her bathroom counter and looks at the two.

"Remember, hold your breath, close your eyes, and picture where you're going." Danielle reminds Daniella.

"Wait, how did you learn to do that?" asks the latter.

"I don't know... I just did." answers the former.

Danielle gives Daniella one last confident nod while Destiny gestures at her to hurry up and leave.

"While we're still young, Spencer!" snaps an impatient and not so sentimental frat boy looking Destiny.

Playfully shaking her head and rolling her eyes, Daniella climbs onto the counter of her favored sink and looks into the mirror.

Daniella Spencer takes a deep breath and closes her eyes as she embraces the point of no return.

To be continued... 


Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Enjoy, Vote, Comment, Share, Follow, and Stay Tuned! Love hearing from you! Please comment! 

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