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"What the f**k?" Daniella asks herself as she looks at the window. If her eyes aren't betraying her, she is confident that she is seeing both Destiny and... herself? As Dr. Luka said that she was perfectly healthy... and Daniella has never needed any glasses in her whole life, it looks like what she is seeing is real. The duo eagerly waves at her as the hospital shuttle drives closer and closer to the entrance. "Please stop far away from them so I can adjust... is that my stuff?" thinks Daniella.

The hospital shuttle stops directly in front of the chaotic duo. Daniella lowers her head in disdain. She silently groans, gathers herself together, and thanks the driver as she leaves.

"Am I officially going insane, are you both here at the same place?" asks Daniella in the most intimidating tone she could muster.

"You literally just got out of the hospital! What's insane is that outfit of yours. What the f**k are you wearing this time? It's worse than those Disney flops." vocally observes The Reflection.

The comment literally stings Daniella. "Ouch."

"She's not wrong though." Destiny mutters, which immediately grabs Daniella's attention. "You!!!!! You're the reason why I got into the hospital!"

Destiny looks genuinely offended by that statement. "Moi? Mais non."

"J'accuse little b**ch!" retorts Daniella who tries to lunge at the child, but is blocked and manhandled by The Reflection. "I knocked you the f**k out while you were in toddler flops two days ago in a public restroom. You really wanna get your ass kicked in converse and tie-dye?" asks The Reflection.

Daniella retreats from The Reflection, creating enough space between them where it would give The Reflection at least a few seconds to attack Daniella, which gives her at least some kind of an upper hand the next time she is about to be jumped by herself.

Daniella brings her attention to her personal belongings which is currently in The Reflection's custody.

"I'm sorry, but you can't talk smack about my current aesthetic when you have my stuff. You stole my clothes!" Daniella accuses The Reflection.

For the first time in a while The Reflection softens her expression and forms a genuinely confused look on her face. "Destiny said it was my stuff."

The Reflection turns to Destiny. "It's still my stuff... right?"

Destiny clears her throat. "Ummm... this... is why I told you to meet me at the airport."

Daniella and The Reflection look at Destiny, and then at each other, and then back at Destiny.

"What's going on now?" the two halves ask in unison.

"Let's not get into it at a place like this." replies Destiny. "In fact, let's get out of here. I want ice cream. Do either of you want ice cream? Who wants ice cream? It's on me."

No one responds.

"Great! Let's get ice cream. Danielle, do you have the keys?"

"My name is Daniella, Destiny! Daniella!!!!" responds Daniella.

"My name's Danielle Spencer." says The Reflection.

"That makes no sense. We're literally the same person." remarks Daniella.

"Not really. I'm you but stronger." reasons Danielle.

"Fair enough." admits Daniella.

"Guys! I mean, girls! Ladies! Women! Females! Can we please get to the car so that I can get my ice cream so that we can talk?" whines Destiny.

"Look who's whining now." points out Daniella.

"Right?!" agrees Danielle. "Hey should we go to that place we usually go?"

"Sure." says Daniella. "Can I change into something a little more... me?"

Danielle inspects Daniella's outfit once again.

"You know, all you have to do is grab the other high waisted jeans and the sneaker boots and you should be fine."

"You don't think the Adidas will work?"

"It'll make it kinda basic." Danielle thinks briefly. "How're your feet?"

Daniella makes a feel for her feet. "They feel much better."

"Actually lose the hoodie and maybe grab the poncho. I'll take the sneaker boots and you can take my pumps?" wonders Danielle out loud.

"GUYS!" shouts Destiny. "The ice cream! Can you play fashion show later?"

"Can we at least drop our stuff off at home?!" complains Danielle.

"She makes a point, we can't be dragging luggage around town all day long," adds Daniella.

The child groans. "Ugh fine. We can make a stop at home!"

The awkward chaotic trio shrugs amongst themselves and proceed to make their way to the parking lot. The walk, which typically takes about five minutes, give or take, feels closer to fifteen minutes and that is only because the three of them do not quite know what to do with each other. All three of them do seem to know where the car is, as it is always parked in the same exact spot regardless of the loop or reality they found themselves in. Daniella found it oddly comforting but jarring at the same time.

"What is the significance of the car always seeming to be at the same place at the airport? It has always been in the same exact slot within the same exact level... except for that one time I ended up with Sweetheart at the airport but that place was weird... the car has to mean something... right?'

As Daniella goes over her developing logic, Destiny looks over and smiles at her. Is that supposed to be an omen? A good one? A bad one? It's hard to tell from her facial expression.

When they get to the car, Daniella motions for Danielle to hand over the car keys.

"You get to sit in the car, where you won't be able to terrorize anyone," Daniella instructs Destiny, who shrugs and climbs into the back of the car. "You're lucky I don't need a booster seat," mutters Destiny.

"No one asked for your opinion, Destiny." Daniella snaps back.

Daniella settles herself into the driver's seat while Danielle silently volunteers to load up the trunk. Daniella and Destiny remain silent while Danielle slowly loads the luggage. Given everything that has happened, Daniella is not exactly in the greatest of moods to deal with the little girl. Once Danielle gets into the car, Daniella starts the car and takes off.

Needless to say, the car ride is soundlessly stiff. Once the car pulls into Daniella's place, she turns off the car and turns to Destiny. "Are there any surprises that I should know about before I get inside the house?"

Destiny shrugs.

"Answer the question, Destiny!" pleads Daniella.

"No. You should be fine."

Daniella sighs. "Alright, I'm going to get the baggage inside and change. Do not move." She takes out the car keys, exits, takes her belongings out of her trunk, closes the trunk, and locks the car with the two of them inside. "That should do the trick."

Daniella awkwardly struggles to bring her stuff inside but she is inside, she is able to maneuver dragging her suitcase and carry-on all the way into her bedroom. There, she goes through her closet. She notes that the closet is full of all of her own clothes. "No guy, no dog, no complication."

She rummages through her clothes and picks out a simple but chic outfit that she hopes will shut Danielle up for good: A silhouette hugging plaid dress with black thigh-high boots, a beige trenchcoat, and a black choker. She also decides to pull her hair up into a high bun with a side parting. She quickly puts on makeup, emphasizing on a bold pink lipstick, and sprays on a ton of perfume before grabbing her purse and returning back to the car. Once she locks the door behind her, she confidently struts back into the driver's seat of her car. Danielle grins at her.

"What is it now?" asks Daniella.

"Oh nothing. I'm just impressed. That's all." replies Danielle.

"Thank you. Ice cream?" asks Daniella.

"It's about time," complains Destiny.

A few minutes later, Daniella pulls into this small ice cream parlor in the city. It's not a well-known spot, but it serves one of the best ice creams in the city. Daniella discovered the place during her first year of college and made it a point to swing by the parlor every single weekend... up until the past two weeks.

The servers immediately recognize Daniella. They are taken back by her doppelganger, but they don't say anything.

"Alright Destiny, what do you want?" Daniella says to Destiny.

Destiny looks at various flavors. After a long pondering session, she blurts out: "I'll have Bacon and Licorice on a cone please."

Daniella gags a little in her mouth. "Ew. What is wrong with this kid?" she thinks to herself. "And I'm gonna have to pay for the cone too!"

"Danielle, your turn." says Destiny.

"I'll just have a French vanilla with hot fudge." says Danielle.

"I'll have a peanut butter chocolate chip, please." orders Daniella.

Once the women receive their respective ice creams, they pick out a cute retro-looking booth.

"Alright, you got your ice cream, Destiny. Start talking." Daniella demands in between licks.

"So," starts Destiny. "I've gathered you both together because there's a problem."

"Okay," nods Daniella. "Keep going."

"You two can't be in the same loop. It's causing all sorts of chaos in this thing..." continues Destiny.

"Oh? Like what?" asks Daniella.

"Like you ending up in the hospital," answers Danielle.

"Yeah, but that was after you tricked me and shed your skin like the f**king snake you are!" complains Daniella.

"Yes, I acknowledge that, but that was because this chaos has made you dumber than usual." retorts Destiny.

"Well how did she get here?" asks Daniella, who motions to Danielle who has been enthusiastically concentrating on her ice cream during this whole exchange. Destiny and Daniella look at her until she pays attention and looks up.

"Me? Oh. I took your stuff after I knocked you out. I think Lexi gave me too much to drink on the flight because I fell asleep during the flight and then woke up when we landed. The next thing I know, Destiny was waiting for me outside the terminal and said that we were meeting you at the airport. And then there you were... horribly dressed and all." explains Danielle.

"Yeah. She did give you too much because I told her to," adds Destiny.

The lookalikes give Destiny the same exact combined look of shock and judgment.

"What? That'll make you think twice before you steal someone else's identity." continues Destiny.

"I didn't steal anyone's identity. I am Daniella Spencer." argues a genuinely offended Danielle.

"No. You're not. You're just her reflection. You climbed out of a mirror, knocked her the f**k out at a government facility, and then stole her belongings and identity. You're lucky I snapped her into another scenario. What if Daniella Spencer, the real Daniella woke up and then proceeded to explain to security and police that a woman assaulted her and stole her things? In this day and age, you would have been arrested as soon that the plane landed. I did you a f**king favor. Consider that your first and only warning, you little punk." lectures Destiny in a dangerous parent lecturer tone. She pauses for a moment, licks her questionable ice cream, swallows, and smiles at them.

Danielle's demeanor goes from a confident and determined woman to a disheartened and broken little girl.

Daniella, meanwhile, takes notice of the sudden shift and sighs deeply. "Okay, what do I have to do with this?"

Destiny, who has started biting both her ice cream and cone, holds a finger up to indicate that Daniella is going to have to wait for an answer. She takes her sweet and cruel time to chew and swallow. Once she's done, she puts her finger down.

"You're here, she's here. Everything's twisted." Destiny finally answers.

"Like in general, or like for you?" inquires a skeptical Daniella. "And can't you just fix it with the snap of your fingers?"

"That's not how it works!" snaps Destiny. "The only way to fix this for both of you is for both of you to leave the situation since it's not good for both of you."

"So what exactly are you proposing?" Danielle asks. "By the way, Daniella, you might want to eat your ice cream. It's beginning to melt."

"What? Oh f**k," notes Daniella, who immediately starts eating her ice cream.

"Well... you came here through a mirror, you'll have to get out that way." proposes Destiny.

"I'm gonna have to do that again? It's not as easy as it looks," complains Danielle.

"Who said it was just you? I mean the both of you." retorts Destiny, leading Daniella to immediately choke on her ice cream. "Jesus Christ, Daniella. Get a grip on yourself. Sexy and messy isn't your thing. Oh wait, it is." continues the child gangster.

Daniella quickly grabs napkins and pats her mouth before the ice cream can get on her carefully curated outfit. Once she has that slip-up under control, she puts her cup of ice cream on the table and goes back to the conversation.

"Let me guess? And we're gonna have to do that now? Give me a f**king break, Destiny. I just got here." whines Destiny.

"Who said we were going now? Absolutely not! I'm still eating. So is she, and so are you. Finish your ice cream and then we'll deal with the mirror when we get to it." Destiny says nonchalantly.

With the last few words floating in the air, the most chaotic trio in The Universe slowly finished their ice cream, making it a point to take in and enjoy every single lick before the child known as Destiny would entice them into another episode of madness.

To be continued... 


Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Enjoy, Vote, Comment, Share, Follow, and Stay Tuned! Love hearing from you! Please comment! 

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