Chapter Twenty-One: A New Age

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Braedey slowly opened his eyes as he woke up in a bed. He let his eyes wander around as he saw that he was in an infirmary. He rubbed his head with his right hand. He then moved to get up but found his left arm was being weighted down. He looked to see Jessie sleeping while holding onto his hand.

"How long have I been out for?" He wondered to himself before he saw Jessie was starting to stir.

She stirred as she got up and yawned before she opened her eyes to see that Braedey was awake. "BRAEDEY!" She said happily, jumping onto the bed and hugged him, while making sure to be gentle.

"Hey, Jessie." Braedey smiled cheerfully, as he returned the hug, thankful that she hadn't accidentally squeezed him.

Jessie pulled away from him. "I'm so glad you're awake. Are you ok?" She asked, almost like she was a nurse.

Braedey nodded. "Well, I've had better days. This is definitely the first time I've ever woken up in an infirmary." He replied to her.

Jessie giggled at Braedey's remark. Her brother has gone through a huge ordeal, and when he wakes up, he questions and he makes jokes.

"So, what happened?" Braedey asked wondering if he missed anything interesting.

"Well, when we destroyed Slash, you then fell unconscious. So we took you to the castle, while Allucard and Odin talked about things." Jessie explained. "Diana was worried about you mostly."

Braedey smiled a little. "So, how are the others? Are they alright?"

"They got some bruises and such, but nothing too serious." Jessie replied. "Fiona and Mum used some magic to heal them, and used some of their magic to get you fixed up also, but decided that you need some sleep to get your strength."

"Thank god." Braedey sighed in relief. "So, what's happening right now?"

Jessie smiled gently to him. "Why don't you come and see?" She asked. "They'll be happy to see you up."

Braedey slowly got out of bed, Jessie helping him to his feet. He noticed his left arm was bandaged up, along with a bandage across his chest. Guess he got more injuries than one might've thought. The two siblings made their way out of the infirmary, and began to walk through the halls, which Braedey noticed to be the hallways of the citadel.

"So, where are we going?" Braedey asked Jessie.

"We're going to the throne room." Jessie replied to her big brother. "Everyone is waiting there."


Meanwhile, inside the throne room, Odin and Matilda now sat in the two thrones, while Samuels stood to the right of the thrones. Nearby them, Naomi, Tyler, Karen, Fiona, Tyler, Chika, Harrison, Andrea and Bravery were standing to the right side of the throne room. Diana was also there, standing on the left side of her father and mother.

"When will Braedey get out of the bed?" Tyler muttered in frustration, for what might be the fifth time. "I really want to show my new trick to him."

"Be patient, Tyler." Chika reminded to him. "It has been a while since Braedey's been bed ridden. Besides, he looked a bit battered and bruised since the fight he had with the Deathly Hallow Dragon and Slash."

"Let us be thankful Slash has been dealt with, and is gone from our lives." Allucard spoke up. "Plus, we have finally defeated the evil around us."

At that moment, the two large doors to the throne room opened, and in stepped Braedey and Jessie, the former walking in with a limp from his left side. The two walked into the throne room, walking up halfway to the two thrones, and Braedey knelt down in respect.

"Your majesties." Braedey greeted.

"There's no need to be so formal, young one." Odin shrugged, as Braedey rose to his feet. "Since you and your family have helped me take back Gigantica from Slash and his forces, I have come to a final decision, along with my brother." He announced.

"What might that be?" Braedey asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He means that you, your family, and your friends are now eternal members of the Royal Family, and to the city of Gigantica." Matilda explained. "And, in addition, you and your magic infused partners and friends will be part of the Gigantica Council."

"You serious, Madame?" Tyler asked Matilda in amazement.

"Of course, young Tyler." Matilda giggled at his outburst, as Tyler relaxed from his outburst.

"And in addition, you all are seen by the people as the heroes of the world, much like those Avengers from those 'Marvel' movies." Allucard added.

"I would like to make a special request, if you can allow it, King Odin." Braedey spoke up to Odin, standing on his own, with Jessie just next to him in case.

Odin looked at the brunette with curiosity to his request. "What would your request might be?" He asked.

"I wish for Harrison to be welcomed into the kingdom as an equal, no longer as a member of the Black Death guild, and not a traitor." Braedey stated rather than asked.

Odin looked over to the person in question, who was standing by Fiona, and could tell he's no longer the person that followed Slash, and could see he's completely reformed and better than new. "From what I have seen last night, and how reliable he is, I will give him a place amongst my Knights, maybe even a General of my Knights."

Harrison snapped to attention, then saluted sharply to Odin. "I shall not let you down, your majesty." He responded immediately, then dropped his salute.

"Very well." Odin nodded. Then, he looked over to Braedey. "It looks like you're pretty hungry."

At the mention of food, Chika's stomach grumbled loudly, much to her embarrassment. Diana giggled gently at the katana-wielding teen's blushing face, then looked to Braedey's smiling face, and she was happy he survived it all.


Soon enough, the humans of earth, along with the giants and their friends of Gigantica celebrated their victory against Slash and saving all of Gigantica with a big feast in the Royal dining hall. The food was very enjoyable, and of course, Harrison, Tyler, and Braedey provided entertainment.

While they ate, Braedey, James, Karen, Harrison, and Tyler took turns explaining how they defeated Slash and the Deathly Hallow Dragon. The others were quite shocked about hearing that Braedey had become a real-life Natsu Dragneel, and how strong he was against the dragon mech. To think those two had so much power hidden within them...

But what really made Braedey happy... was that Diana was finally smiling again.

He glanced over to a smiling Diana, who was sitting next to him. A smile was brought to Braedey's face as his cheeks flushed slightly. There was just something about Diana's smile, her hair, and her face that made Braedey's insides flutter. The brunette's blush deepened when a thought crossed his mind.

'Am I really...' Braedey trailed off when he remembered all the times he blushed at Diana when she commented something nice about him, and when he said something nice about her. He shook his head from his musings. He would ponder on that thought later. Right now, it was a time for fun and enjoyment.


Later that day, everyone had gathered in an alchemist room, where there was a large stone arch ring with what might be incantations written along the sides of the ring.

"Wait. You're leaving? Why?" Braedey asked Allucard. "Why can't you stay here?"

Allucard looked to the brunette at his feet, knelt down on one knee, then pulled out the reliquary. "When I was twisted and evil, I gave my soul away to the devil, and he gave me this vessel in return. This reliquary is my new soul. Just like what happened to Slash last night, if this were to be destroyed, I would be dead. Plus, I have learnt the true meaning of oppression, and have thus lost my taste of inflicting it." He explained. "Because of this, even though you all trust me, many in the populace of Gigantica would not be able to trust me, especially with what I've done other the time before now. Hence forth, I have asked Fiona and your mother to open this gateway."

"Where does it lead to, exactly?" Tyler asked, crossing his arms over his chest in confusion of the large stone arch ring.

"That gateway leads off into the underworld, where the man in red, with his horns, pitchfork, torches, and crazy mind." Allucard replied to him. "So, when I arrive down there, I think he will greatly like the proposition that I have in store for him."

"What kind of proposition?" Chika asked, walking over next to Tyler.

"I plan to ask him if I could be his supervisor and judgement player." Allucard replied to her, then explained his idea. "If someone dies and is sent between the astrophysical plane between the real world and the spiritual world, otherwise known as the afterlife, I will decide whether or not someone deserves to onto heaven or to hell. It's a delicate job, but someone's got to do it."

"Sounds like a great gig to me." Braedey shrugged, then patted Allucard's foot. "Good luck up there and down there."

"I'll try." Allucard laughed, and Braedey laughed, too.

"The portal is ready." Fiona called out, as the interior of the stone arch ring began to glow in a portal of red and black swirling colours.

Allucard looked to Odin and Matilda. "I wish to thank yo for forgiving me." He began. "And I'm sorry about what happened."

"Apology accepted." Matilda nodded to him. "And good luck."

"Take care, Allucard." Odin added. "Hope to see you come down from heaven once in a while."

"I'll try to." Allucard chuckled.

"Excuse me, Mr. Allucard." Jessie walked up to the giant, as he knelt down to her height. "What about Pandora? Is she going with you?"

Allucard thought about this for a moment, thinking of how that traitorous wife of his nearly harmed this little girl, then showed a smirk on his face, and gently patted Jessie's head. "I think she deserves to serve her punishment and new life as a little little girl. You, your sister, and your brother, along with your parents, will be excellent for her."

"Okay. We'll take 'excellent' care for her." Jessie winked to Allucard, who chucked, and got to his feet.

"So long!" Braedey then had an idea. He held up his right hand, his index finger up, and his thumb out, the two in an 'L' shape. This sign was used in the 'Fairy Tail' anime. "No matter where you go, whether you're a quarter mile away, or halfway around the world, you will always... be part of the family."

Allucard smiled at Braedey's speech, copied his right hand's gesture, them headed off into the portal. With a whooshing sound and a flash of light, The isn't had entered the portal, and it closed behind him, as the arch's lights died down.

"Well said, Braedey." James praised his son, walking up, and patting him on the back. "Well said with your words."

"You are the best brother anyone's ever had." Karen agreed, hugging her brother, much to the other's laughing.

Diana snickered at Karen's caring nature for her brother, then she over to Jessie, who was with the shrunken Pandora, and putting her in her harness basket, and securing it so she won't fall out.

'Serves her right for trying to hurt my friend.' The 35ft giantess smirked to herself, as she followed the others out of the underground room, led by Odin and Matilda.


A little into the midday, Diana was making her way to the throne room. She wanted to talk to her mother and father about something, and she may need their permission to do what she has in mind. Plus, it'll be worth it in her mind.

While she was making her way to the throne room, down on ground floor, Braedey and the others were being greeted by many of the citizens of the kingdom, many of them congratulating them for saving them from Slash and Allucars, and some even asking them many questions.

The giantess knocked on the throne room door three times, then a moment later, the doors opened, and she entered the room.

"Mother. Father. Could I have a word with you, please?" Diana asked, stepping into the room.

"Of course, my dear." Matilda replied with gentle smile on her face. She then waved off the guards. "Knights, please leave us in peace for the next few minutes. Do some patrols around the courtyard." The Knights acknowledged the order, then made their way out of the room, and close the doors behind them.

"So, what do you wish to talk to us about?" Odin asked.

"I was wondering..." Diana puts her hands behind her back and hold them, then her right foot does small circles. "...With your permission, could I please stay on Earth with Braedey's family?" She asked.

The king and queen of Gigantica were surprised by this request, and looked to their daughter in question. Odin and Matilda had asked Naomi, Braedey, Jessie, and Harrison about how she copes on Earth, how she got along with the Martin siblings, and has had a place to stay with them.

"Why this odd request, Diana?" Odin asked.

"Because..." Diana wasn't sure as to say what she wanted to next, or how to put it into words. "... I feel more at home there than here for some reason, and I... I really see Braedey as more than just a friend as a hero. I see him... as a someone I could spend the rest of my life with."

Matilda could understand why Diana was being nervous go say what she wanted to say. She looked over to Odin, and gave him a gentle nod. He smiled back to her, got up from his seat, then walked over to Diana. He then picked her up, and hugged her gently.

"If he is someone you wish to spend your life with, then there is no stopping me from changing your mind." Odin then gently puts his daughter down, and patted her head, which she smiled to. "And lucky for you, I have something that can help you be closer to him without being constricted." He then poked her nose playfully, and Diana giggled.

A few minutes later, Fiona walked into the throne room, and she seemed more than happy to help out. "Hello, Diana." She greeted. "Kind Odin and Queen Matilda." She then pulled out her wand.

"So, what are you gonna do?" Diana asked gently, kneeling down to the alchemist.

"With Braedey, James, Harrison, Tyler, and Karen, I gave them elemental crystals so they could combat the Deathly Hallow Dragon." Fiona explained. "But, they weren't the only crystals that I had created beforehand. I have also created crystals that could alter the size of anything it has been attached or infused into."

"So, if you put one of this size-changing crystals into me, I could change size at will?" Diana asked.

"Of course." Fiona next waved her wand, and in a small flash and plume of smoke, a green crystal appeared. "Green is a pretty good colour, and since it's associated with growth." With her magic, she pulled off a large chunk to fit into Diana's hand, and placed the large crystal into her hand. "All you have to do, is place that on your chest, and let the magic do the work."

She placed the crystal gently against her chest, then it started to sink into her skin, going through her clothes, until it was gone, and a faint glow of green energy surrounded her entire body. A few moments passed by, and the glow faded. Diana looked at her hands, then clenched her fists, and closed her eyes. A faint green glow appeared around her body, which seemed almost invisible, and a moment later, she began to shrink down, getting smaller and smaller. After a few moments, Diana opened her eyes, and looked at herself. She saw she was now at Braedey's height!

"It worked!" Diana laughed happily. She walked over to Fiona, and hugged her. "Thank you, Miss Fiona." She thanked.

"Anytime." Fiona smiled, and patted Diana's back.


Downstairs, Braedey and the others were now taking a breather from the crowds, and saw them rebuilding and fixing up the damage done to their city. It wasn't their fault, and they told the family they weren't at fault. It was all Slash's fault, along with his army of followers.

"Talk about having so many 'Thank you's' from everyone around town and outside of the city." Tyler sighed, taking a drink of water from his cup.

"I'm not one to say such things, but wow. We are very lucky people." Chika commented.

Braedey stood up in front of everyone, and cleared his throat. "I really want to say this, but I really thank you for being there for me, and for everyone else. We all worked well together, took down Slash and his army, along with getting back Diana, and there were no sacrifices they needed to be made that day." He helped up his glass. "The only thing that matters right now is the people in this room. Right here, right now. Salute, mi familia." He announced.

"Salute, mi familia." Everyone else held up their glass in cheers.

"Salute, mi familia." Tyler and Chika held up their cups also, and smiled to Braedey, who smiled back to them.

"Well said, Braedey." The brunette turned around to see Fiona walk up, but to his amazement, there was Diana, but she was as tall as him!

"Diana..." Braedey was at a loss for words, as the raven-hair girl walked up to him with a smile.

"What do you think?" Diana smirked. "I can now change my size whenever I want." To explain what she meant, she closed her eyes, and with a faint green glow, she grew back into her 35ft giantess self.

"Whoa." Tyler commented. "That is some party trick." He laughed.

Braedey smiled, as Diana knelt down to him, then turned into her human size. "I don't know what to say, but the least I could do is this..." He walked up to her, then wrapped his arms around her, and hugged her gently.

Diana smiled and felt a small blush come across her cheeks. She has never been actually hugged by boys her height before, but now, it felt like a completely new sensation. It was almost... soothing and calming. She wrapped her arms around Braedey, and hugged him back.

"Aw." Jessie smiled happily to her brother, and she could see that their future will be as big as Diana's beating heart. "That is so nice." She held up a camera, and took a picture. "One for the album." She said to herself, then looked to the harness basket next to her. "Aren't you happy, Pandy?" She asked.

Pandora only huffed, her mouth blocked with a large pacifier, cross her arms over her now tiny chest, and looked away.

"Don't be such a party pooper, you." Jessie said to her. "Try and smile in your life."

"Don't worry about her right now, Jessie." Karen spoke up to Jessie, making the younger sister look to her big sister. "We'll find a way to make her smile and be happy."

Jessie nodded, as Braedey and Diana finally let go of their embrace, but hold hands instead. To the shrunken giantess, she cold feel every single marking across Braedey's hands, whether they were his veins or arteries, along with his bones, but she could also feel how smooth and how gentle they were. She felt oddly tingly inside because of this.


Soon enough, it was time for the humans of Earth to go home. Fortunately for them, the 'Jumbo' spaceship was parked outside for them in the city park, and was ready for takeoff. Many people of Gigantica had come along to see the farewell of the humans, and to give them a grand farewell.

"We cannot thank you all enough for what you've done for us and our kingdom." Odin said to Braedey, as they shook hands with none another.

"There's no need to thank us, your majesty." Braedey smiled, as the others began to walk up into the ship, and prepared for liftoff. "It was an honour to help out."

"Besides, we are the best to handle anything." Tyler commented from inside the ship.

"Don't have to worry, Father." Diana walked up to Braedey, and held his hand. "Everyone is in good hands, especially with Braedey around us."

"Thanks, Diana." Braedey smiled, as she headed into the ship.

Harrison walked up next, and handed him something. "This is for you. I figured you could make good use out of it."

Braedey opened his hands, and to his surprise, in them were the keys to the magic Camaro Harrison has, which was now loaded into the cargo bay of the ship. "But, how are you gonna get around?" He asked Harrison.

"I'll have my ways." Harrison smiled to him, then the two shook hands. "Hope to see you guys soon."

"We'll come along as much as we can." Braedey smiled. "Hope to see you guys on Earth one day, too."

Kento, Nathaniel, Taylor, Yuki, Molly, Matthew and Toby stood nearby the park, and they waved to the humans leaving, as Harrison slid over to them.

"It's gonna be a different world for all of us, right?" Harrison asked Kento.

"Ain't that the truth, my friend." Kento agreed.

The turbines soon began to spin to life, the two engines roaring to life, as blue jet exhaust shot out of the jet nozzles at the exhaust ports of the engines. The 'Jumbo' ship began to rise up off the ground, the landing legs retracting into the body, as the ship floats up about 100ft in the air.

Braedey waved to the people of Gigantica, then shot a steam of fire out of his mouth, which then took the form of words. It now said 'Thank You Gigantica'.

Once airborne, Braedey climbed inside, and the ramp closed up. Once the door closed, the 'Jumbo' ship rocketed off into the air, leaving a contrail in its wake, as the citizens cheered out for them.

Matilda and Odin watched on as the vessel flew away from Gigantica, and knew their daughter was in good hands.


Back on Earth, the 'Jumbo' ship flew over to its original landing spot, and it came down to a gentle landing. Once landed, China had to run out of the ship to empty out her stomach, while Tyler stayed with her.

Once back at home, Diana entered the Martin house instead of going back to the barn, and she looked around in surprise and in interest of everything.

"So, this is what its like to be in your home." Diana said, sitting down on the comfortable couch. "It feels really nice. I really like it."

"Yeah. It's something else." Braedey agreed. "It's not like your home, but it's still pretty cool."

"Okay. You two have fun, and Braedey, please try and be gentle with Diana now." Naomi called out from the kitchen.

"Mum, she has the strength to crush an entire 18-wheeler truck with her bare hands without even trying." Braedey reminded his mother. "I think she might be the one that should be gentle with me."

Diana giggled, then hugged Braedey's left arm. He looked to her, and smiled gently to her, and she smiled back. The look of her smile made Bradley's stomach flutter, and it brought a gentle blush of red on his cheeks.

"Why don't you show Diana around the place, Braedey?" Jessie offered. "I'm gonna go and take care of the new baby." She snickered, carrying an angry Pandora upstairs to the spare bedroom.

Braedey then decided to show Diana around the house, showing her the bedrooms and bathroom, along with the 'Thomas & Friends' model railway, which Diana really liked and thought it looked pretty cool and fun, then Braedey showed her the backyard.

The backyard of the house was quite large, almost 45m long by 30m wide, with large trees and bushes around parts of the backyard. In addition, there were a series of small railroad tracks running about the yard, and even going up to the front yard, crossing the garage and nearby garden, before returning to the large nearby shed, and there was a large swimming pool in the backyard that linked with the railroad track.

The playground provided a lot of large slides, in addition with tunnels connecting most of the large structures of the playground, along with a Western steam locomotive with two boxcars in the middle under a red bridge going over the top of it, whilst there was a tower just under two stories tall, with a tunnel slide going down in a spiral fashion to the ground, and there was a flying fox rail going around the playground in a wide arc fashion. All around the playground was dark red safety mulch to keep any injuries from falls to be at minimal.

After the small tour of the house, Braedey and Diana walked into the barn, and sat down on the bundle of hay that formed the giantess' bed. "So, what do you think about my home?" Braedey asked.

"I've really enjoyed the tour, and I have to admit, your home has some pretty cool things." Diana replied. "Also, you do have the best sister." She then looked down at her knees.

"Diana? Is there something wrong?" Braedey wondered. He could feel Diana looked embarrassed for something.

Diana squirmed in her seat. "Braedey... I've been thinking about..." She sighed a little. "I lo... lov..." She stammered.

The brunette teen's eyes widened as his mouth gaped slightly. "You what?" He inquired. A small blush grew on his face; he had an idea of what she was trying to say.

Diana clenched her teeth in moderate frustration before looking straight into Braedey's eyes with a firm, resolute face. 'Dammit.' She inwardly decided. 'I'm gonna do it.'

Without warning, Diana laid her hands on both sides of Braedey's face, closed her eyes, and pulled him into a kiss. Needless to say, the brunette was definitely floored by this action! Nonetheless, his shock immediately disappeared as a special warm feeling began to flow through him and steadily expunge all the guilt and despair that had been plaguing him. Braedey slowly closed his eyes, and relaxed into the kiss while Diana gently caressed his face. She herself also felt a similar warm feeling overwhelm her body.

It was something unlike anything to them at all.


Later that afternoon, Braedey and Diana were now sitting on the rooftop of the barn, the two of them relaxing in the sun. The two held hands while sitting next to one another, as they relaxed and looked over to the blue sky above. The two enjoyed their company together.

The two decided to get more comfortable. Braedey leaned up against the barn chimney behind them, while Diana sat in his lap, looking out at the sky and the city of Coolsville in the distance. The couple remained silent for a few moments, simply enjoying each other's presence and the lovely view.

A moment of comfortable silence went by as the couple looked out at the moonlit landscape. Braedey laid his right hand atop Diana's right and gently squeezed it, bringing a warm smile to the giantess' face. She couldn't be happier right now.

Braedey smiled. "This has been the happiest I've ever felt in years." He said to himself.

Diana glanced back with a slightly nervous expression. "This may sound selfish, but... the love you felt for Jane... is there... any way you'd feel that way for me?"

Braedey closed his eyes, and looked away with a serious countenance. Diana inwardly panicked. Had she upset him? How could she ask such a stupid question like that?! Of course he wouldn't –

"Diana... deep down... there will always be a place in my heart for Jane that no one else can fill. No matter how much time passes." Braedey admitted honestly.

Diana nodded, a solemn look on her face. She felt saddened; even though Braedey cared for her, he may never love her the same way he did with Jane. Before Diana could stew in her thoughts, he continued.

"But... that doesn't mean there isn't room in my heart to love someone just as important." Braedey squeezed Diana's hand once more. She looked back and was surprised to see the brunette looking at her with a warm smile.

Diana stared at Braedey for a short moment until tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, a bright smile crossing her face. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately.

Braedey was a little surprised at first, but quickly melted into the kiss and rested his hands on her hips. The same warm and peaceful sensation he felt when she kissed him overtook him once more. There was no denying it now. He was in love with the giantess, Diana, and she was his girl now.

The passionate kiss between the brunette hero and violet-eye giantess continued. At the moment, nothing else in the world mattered to them.

"You two enjoying your makeout session?" The two lovers snapped out of their kissing, and saw Andrea and Bravery standing on the other side of the barn roof, the two of them with a smug look on their faces.

"Crapbaskets..." Braedey muttered as he and Diana looked at the two. "Andrea! H-Hold on-"

"W-Wait a minute!" Diana panicked, sitting up from Braedey's lap, only for her to stand on a part of the roof, which gave way, and she fell through the roof!

"Diana!" Braedey, Andrea, and Bravery looked down into the hole, and they saw Diana landed in the large pile of hay on the ground.

"Diana? You okay?" Andrea asked.

Diana popped out of the hay, and smiled to her friends. "I'm good." She replied to them. "I guess we'll have to tell your Dad about the roof later."

"Yeah. I guess so." Braedey shrugged, as Diana grew into her 35ft original giantess form. She held her hand to the roof, and Braedey jumped into her hand, whilst Andrea and Bravery flew down to the ground. "You're pretty lucky to have the trick of changing size."

Diana smiled, as she knelt down to the ground, putting Braedey down on the ground, then she changed back into her human size. "At least I'm a lot of fun to hang out with." She laughed.

At that moment, the back door opened, and out stepped Naomi, who had an apron on, along with a chef's hat on top of her head. "Braedey, I've decided to make some sweets for Diana, if she doesn't mind." She spoke up.

"That's sounds great, Naomi." Diana thanked her. "I can't wait to try them out."

"Also, Braedey, Jessie needs your help upstairs." Naomi added. "She's have some trouble with Pandora. She won't listen, and won't stay put."

"You got it." Braedey nodded, and he made his way into the house. "I'll be back in a moment, Diana."

Braedey made his way up to the second floor of the house, and as he does so, he could hear the grumbling and annoyance from his sister coming from the spare bedroom/nursery, and he could also hear the whining and complaining from the tiny Pandora. He then entered the spare bedroom/nursery, and he could see Jessie standing by the changing table, and she looked to have finished with changing.

Jessie was covered in a layer of baby powder, covering her from head to toe, while lying down on the changing table was Pandora. She was right now wearing a hot pink short-sleeve shirt, a white baby bonnet on her head, and she has a large white diaper around her waist, reaching down to her knees.

"Phew. Finally." Jessie sighed in annoyance, then turned to see Braedey standing at the door. "Oh. Hey, Braedey." She greeted. "Sorry I brought you up here. I got this whole changing thing handled now."

Braedey walked over to Jessie, picked up some wipes, and cleaned up her face, removing the powder from his sister's face. "You've outdone yourself again, snow-girl." He joked, and Jessie giggled. He then looked to Pandora, who looked really angry, and crossed her arms across her chest. "Don't look sulky at us, young lady." He then reached over to a cabinet, and pulled out what might be a rather large pacifier. He popped it into her mouth a loud 'pop', then tied a string from the loop of the pacifier behind Pandora's head, securing it. "There. Now, she won't be complaining to you or the others anymore."

Jessie giggled at how Pandora grumbled in real annoyance of the two siblings, but all her words were mumbled by the large pacifier. She then picked up the shrunken woman, putting a hand underneath Pandora's huge padded butt, and carried her out of the spare bedroom/nursery.

"I'll have to take this little baby out to play with her Mummy and Aunty Karen." Jessie joked, with Pandora grumbled behind her pacifier, while she was making her way downstairs, and Braedey laughed to himself.

Braedey then made his way downstairs to the kitchen, and to his surprise, he could see Diana trying out some of his mother's foods, and she seemed to have a happy face of satisfaction and interest, while her cheeks went rosy red.

"Enjoying the food, Diana?" Braedey asked, and Diana looked to him with some chocolate icing on her lips. She licked her lips, and smiled to him.

"I think your Mum is a really good cook." Diana commented. "The cooks back in Gigantica should take a note out of her book about how to make some good cakes."

Braedey chuckled, then heard some squealing. He looked over to the main lounge room, and both he and Diana saw Karen and Jessie messing about with baby Pandora. The two laughed to one another, seeing the former giantess that was one of Slash's followers now reduced to a shrunken grown woman wearing diapers and a pacifier.

"Hey, Diana." Braedey turned to his giantess lover. "Want to watch a movie?" He asked.

"Why not?" Diana laughed. "What do you want to watch?" She offered.

"Why not we have a 'Scooby-Doo' marathon?" Braedey offered.

"Sure! Let's go and watch." Diana agreed, then she and Braedey headed off to the movie theatre room.

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