Chapter Twenty-Two: Diana's First Day

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A month goes by since Braedey, his family, and Diana had arrived back on Earth. The giantess got accustomed to her size-changing powers, and she really liked getting into places that she couldn't get into when she was in her giantess form. Plus, she enjoyed being around the others, especially Braedey, and she really loved hanging out with him.

But, she needed to be in school if she were to stay in the human world. She didn't mind this, but she needed to make sure she could be with Braedey's class. The brunette agreed, and they made agreements for her to be in his classes from now on. Diana was given a new assortments of clothes from Fiona, who decided to stay on Earth, but kept tabs on what's happening in Gigantica via magical phones, and she helps out whenever she can.

However, Braedey realised that something was wrong. With their new magic infused powers, he, Tyler, and Karen could become targets, and they cannot mess about with their abilities, along with giving secrets about anything involving Gigantica. Tyler and Karen agreed, for as long as they don't cause such an issue and problem.


The sun soon rises on another bright day. Diana, who was asleep in the barn, woke up to the rising sun, and stretched her body out. She got to her feet, then began to get dressed.

She took off her nightclothes, which were a long-sleeve PJ shirt and PJ pants in blue, then began to change into something. She then switched into black underwear, a white short-sleeve shirt, with a blue blouse overtop, a pair of blue jeans, and some Mary Jane shoes. She really like these, and for a bonus, they are magic infused so when she changes size, they will grow with her to her 50ft giantess size.

Diana smiled, looking at herself in the mirror, and puts her hair in a French braid. She smirked to herself, and made her way out of the barn. As she does so, she noticed Braedey standing outside nearby the porch, and seemed to be meditating. Diana sat down on the porch to watch him.

As he breathed in and out, the wind began to pick up around him, as his clothes flapped about in the wind. Then, a faint fiery circle began to appear around his feet, as he felt his fiery energy rise. Finally, he let out a tough yell, much to Diana's surprise, and he leapt up into the air, and shot a fiery trail out of his mouth, then landed on the ground with a thud.

Diana could tell Braedey was getting much stronger every day, and there might not be anybody in the world that could even come close to reaching his own power level.

"Braedey?" The brunette relaxed, then looked over to Diana, and smiled to her. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm feeling much better." Braedey smiled, then he punched his right fist into an open left palm. "I get stronger and stronger every day. No matter what, I will be ready for whatever might come."

Diana smiled to her, then hugged him gently, her right hand behind her head, while her left hand was behind his back. Braedey felt his face blush red, since Diana was hugging her close to her breasts, but he smiled, and hugged her back.

"Hey, Braedey." The two let go of their hug, then they looked over to the back door porch, and they saw Jessie standing there.

"Is there something wrong, Jessie?" Braedey asked his sister.

"It's Pandora." Jessie replied to him. "She won't let me clean her up and get ready for today. Mum told me to get you, so you could try and help out, since she is a little preoccupied with getting our lunches ready."

"Diana, wish to help me out?" Braedey offered.

"Sure." Diana agreed. "Besides, I guess learning how to change a baby could be a learning curve for me in the future."

"Right." Braedey nodded, then entered the house with Diana behind her, while Jessie headed off into the kitchen to help Naomi out with making lunch for her, her brother, and Diana.

Upstairs in the spare bedroom/nursery, Braedey was holding down Pandora's arms, stopping her from flailing about, while her screams of protest and anger were muddled up by her huge pacifier. Diana, meanwhile, was taking off the messy diaper around Pandora's waist, then she cleaned up around her waist and crotch area, and puts the shrunken giantess that was once Slash's ally into a very thick clean diaper. Once taped up, she picked up Pandora, who was trying to get out of her grasp, but with her weakened body, Pandora couldn't do anything at all.

"What do you think we should put her in?" Diana asked Braedey.

"Why not into a onesie, just to make her feel bad and embarrassed?" Braedey suggested, and Diana smirked, making her smirk.

About three minutes later, Diana had finished putting Pandora into her new outfit: it was a black onesie with golden lining around the arm and leg holes, and there were two buttons around her now thickly padded butt.

"There we go." Diana smiled, then both she and Braedey walk out of the spare bedroom/nursery, heading downstairs, and as they do, they see both Jessie and Naomi have finished their work on making lunches for them all.

"There you two are." Naomi noticed them, and saw Pandora fuming in anger. "Excuse me, little lady. Do you want to be punished again?" She questioned, and Pandora whimpered in horror, shaking her head in denial. "Then behave."

"Here you go, Naomi." Diana handed the newly pampered Pandora to the Martin mother, who then placed her into a baby carrier. "She will be well taken care of by you today."

"Yep." Naomi nodded. "Are you two ready?" She asked Braedey and Diana.

"We're more than ready for action." Braedey nodded, and rolled his shoulders. "Always."

Five minutes later, Naomi's blue Dodge Charger SRT8 drove out of the garage, and it soon headed off down the road to Merrillville Elementary. In the driver's seat is Naomi. Up in the front passenger seat was Braedey, who was more than excited to have Diana come with him. In the rear seats of the four-seater muscle car were the three girls; Jessie was over at the left, with Diana on the right, while in the middle seat was the pampered Pandora.

"Diana, I want you to stay with Braedey for the day, and don't get hurt." Naomi told Diana.

"Of course, Naomi." Diana nodded, and looked to Braedey. "Tyler, Chika, Andrea, and Braedey will be there for me, no matter what happens."

"That's right." Braedey agreed, as Jessie patted his shoulder in agreement.


Once at Merrillville High School, both Diana and Braedey headed off inside the building, as Naomi and Jessie drove away, heading off to drop off Jessie at Merrillville Elementary.

In the school hallway, Braedey walked along with Diana holding his hand, and he couldn't help but blush a little as some people looked at them. Unbeknownst to them, a few male students glared at Braedey in obvious jealousy for him being so close to a beautiful woman. A few female students were also envious of Diana for holdings the hand belonging to an attractive guy.

But, before the two could get to the classroom...

"Hey, Martin!"

The brunette and raven-hair duo look behind them, and to the former's annoyance and anger, there stood the school bully, Hal Murrelet. He too is a 14-year-old boy, whilst his skin has a darker tone and his hair and eyebrows were all black. He has a football ball-shaped head with large ears. His eyes were brown, and they had a thin outline. He was wearing a grey shirt with blue accents, and with a light blue cash register on it, along with a pair of blue shorts and white sneaker shoes.

"What is it now, Hal?" Braedey grumbled. "Can't you see I'm trying to have a quiet start to the day?"

"You and I have unfinished business from Elementary." Hal growled, then eyed Diana next to Braedey. "Looks like you've got yourself a new hottie. What, was Jane not enough for you?"

Braedey froze. Diana looked on in anger at the black-hair teen. How dare he speak of Jane in such a vulgar manner!

Braedey clenched his fists tightly, almost cutting them and making blood drip. He eyed Hal angrily, his eyes looking like his pupils vanished. The look made many step back in worry. "Don't you dare speak of her." He growled like a dragon. "You don't deserve to ever say her name!"

He suddenly launched forward, and sent a sucker-punch right into Hal's face, sending the raven-hair boy into a row of lockers behind him. His nose was broken, and blood dripped down from his right nostril. He held his nose in pain, and looked at Braedey in anger. He charged at him, but Braedey gave him a kick to the chest, making Hal hit the ground hard.

"If you know what's good for you, you stay away from me, and you may keep what's left of your bones." Braedey snapped to Hal, who got to his feet. "And F.Y.I... never speak of Jane in front of me, ever again."

With that, the brunette grabbed Diana's hand, and the two immediately head off to the class room, many people watching them go, while others cheer out to Braedey for beating the bully.


Soon enough, it was lunchtime. Diana stayed with Braedey for the day, while meeting up with Tyler, Andrea, and Chika, and amazingly, much to Braedey's surprise, she was able to learn and keep up with everything and everyone in class.

As the girls, Tyler, and Braedey each took out their lunches and began to eat, they chose to be under their favourite places to get together. It was a large tree towering 50ft tall, and had a table nearby it.

Andrea began to chatter with Diana about some ideas for something on one side of the table, while Chika, Braedey, and Tyler were on the opposite side of the table. Chika's bag was packed with an extra-large bento box that was filled with all sorts of high calorie and other filling foods. Braedey chuckled upon seeing her drool. When Tyler opened his own bag and looked inside, he gave himself a deadpan look.

"...Huh. I never thought I'd have this again." He remarked as he took the lunchbox out and placed it on the table.

"Hmm? Waz ix it?" Chika looked over his shoulder, as she stuffed her face with food. Opening it up, she nearly spat out the contents in her mouth. "What the hell is that?!"

"Fish burger!" Tyler smiled as he lifted the top bun off. "Oh, still has the eyeballs in it too!"

Chika gulped, sweat dropping as she hesitated to look down at the green patty that lied between the two buns. "Is that... something you would have when you go camping?" She asked.

"Well, it's something my Uncle used to make when he would take me camping." Tyler replied. "Did I ever tell you he made the strangest dishes, right?" He then licked his lips.

"Yeah, but..." Chika closed her eyes as he took a big chomp into it. Looking away, she tried to quickly finish her own lunch in hope of not losing her appetite within the next few minutes.

"Tyler, to be honest, you have the strangest sense in taste and smell." Braedey shook his head with a chuckle in his voice. Then, he looked over to Andrea and Diana, and smiled. "At least Bravery is enjoying the food he's being given from Andrea."

Andrea was currently feeding Bravery, in his Germans Shepherd form, and the former was feeding the latter some fresh meat. She patted her pet's head, and Bravery barked happily. Diana smirked at the two's interaction, then looked over to Braedey.

"So, you're the guy who slapped down Hal Murrelet, right?" A voice spoke up.

The group looked over to a group of three football players, all of them in the Merillville Pirates team, and them in white and purple football uniforms, with the shoulder pads and helmets on. Bravery growled quietly in anger, but Andrea held him back.

"Yeah." Braedey stood up from his seat, and turned around to face the football players. "And who wants to know?"

"We've been told by him that you're the one that knocked him out." The first football player stated.

"So, we're gonna take out his anger on you." The third football player added, cracking his fingers.

"You loser won't stand a chance against us all." The fifth football player agreed, rolling his shoulders.

Braedey sighed in frustration, and rolled his shoulders. He then punched his right fist into an open left palm. "Fine, then. I won't go easy on you fools."

The five football players charged forward with yells, as Braedey walked toward them at a calm and relaxed manner. Braedey suddenly spun around, swinging his right leg out, and struck down the first and second football player. Next up, Braedey jumped up, punched down the head of the third player, grabbed him by the back of the shirt, then flipped him over on his back. The fourth and fifth players ran up to Braedey, only for him to appear behind them, then he slammed both their heads together, making them fall unconscious.

Diana, Tyler, Chika, Andrea, and Bravery were deeply impressed and were also amazed by how fast and how effective Braedey had taken down those five men all at once, and those men didn't even get a chance to throw a single punch at him. The former felt her heart flutter at how strong Braedey was.

Braedey picked up the first football player by the front of his shirt. "If you know what's good for you and your buddies, you will walk away, and don't mess with me and my friends ever again." He threatened them.

He turned to the others, and tilted his head over to the school building, and they nodded to him. They picked up their bags and lunchboxes, and they all headed off inside the building, leaving the five injured and unconscious football players on the ground.


Soon, school was over, and it was time to go home. Chika, Tyler, Andrea, and Bravery waved to Braedey and Diana as they walked off to the forest, and they were all eager to be home. Both Andrea and Bravery head off to a secluded area hidden from view, then a flash of black rocketed up into the air, and both Braedey and Diana smirked, as Bravery flew away into the afternoon sky.

Once the two reached the safety of the forest, Diana looked to Braedey, as he gestured to her. She smiled to him, then with a faint green glow across her body, she began to grow up into her 35ft giantess form.

"It feels great to stretch and grow back into my normal size." She commented out loud, then she knelt down to Braedey, as he now stood in front of him. "Should we head home?"

"Yeah. Let's be on our way." Braedey agreed, ready to head off home. "I'm sure Naomi would like to have you try some of her cooking."

Diana gently cupped Braedey in her hands, as she rose up to her feet. She pulls the front of her dress open a bit, then she gently placed Braedey in between her breasts. Once done that, she and her human passenger began to walk out through the jungle, the two of them heading off for home.


Soon enough, Braedey and Diana have arrived home, the two of them ready to relax and happy to be home. Diana gently pulled Braedey out from between her breasts, and placed him down on the ground, as she shrank down to her human height.

"It's so good to be home." Braedey sighed, as Diana smiled to him. "I don't mind school, but it gets really boring really fast." He admitted.

"At least you got me around you." Diana said to him, and he wrapped arm around her waist, making her smirk to him. "You naughty..."

The two entered the house, and headed off down to the kitchen. As they do so, to their surprise and impressed expressions, Naomi had just finished up on cooking an assortment of meals and food, and she seemed pretty tired. There were lots of food she had made, like cakes, cupcakes, doughnuts, brownies, and other such delectable meals.

"Hey, Mum." Braedey spoke up, making the Martin woman look over at him and Diana.

"Oh! Hey, you two." Naomi greeted them, taking off her apron and chef's hat. "Nice to see you home. How was school?"

"It was fine." Braedey sighed to his mother. "So, how are you?"

"It's been eventful, especially with Pandora." Naomi then smirked to herself, as she tapped her chin, thinking about what happened earlier in the day. "That little girl's tummy can't seem to handle so much food."

"Well, today went pretty well for me, Naomi." Diana spoke up, and she smiled.

"Well, here you go, Diana." Naomi handed the giantess a strawberry cupcake, who smiled to her.

"Thank you." Diana thanked, and began to eat the cupcake. She nearly squealed in happiness when the icing touched her tastebuds. "This is really nice."

Braedey then looked over to the stairs. "I'm gonna see how Pandora is." With that, he headed off upstairs, while Diana walked outside and away to the barn.

As Braedey walked up to the spare bedroom/nursery, he could hear faint groaning and a stomach grumbling from inside. He opened the door, and looked over to a crib in the far side of the room. He walked over to the crib, and looked inside. He saw Pandora fast asleep, but she looked like she was in slight pain. She was now wearing a red onesie with a pair of gloves over her hands, with a big bow tied in top of her head, her big pacifier stuck in her mouth, and the noticeable bulge of her diaper around her waist. The next most noticeable thing was her large belly, looking to be stretching the outfit, and it seemed her stomach was grumbling in pain.

'I think Mum fed Pandora too much food today.' He thought to himself, and he gently patted Pandora's head, as she mumbled softly in pain. He gently picked up the full baby, held her close to his chest, and carefully placed his right hand behind her head. Pandora mumbled to herself behind her pacifier, and Braedey placed a small kiss on her forehead, then puts her back into the crib, and tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind him. 'Hopefully, that belly will be gone soon.'

A few minutes pass by, and Naomi had left the house to go and pick up Jessie from school. As she left, Braedey climbed up onto the bench roof, which was now fixed up, and looked out into the distance, watching the blue Dodge drive away. He smiled to himself, then he spotted something in the distance, and looked out over to the sky. A rumble could be heard, and then, just a few seconds later, Tyler's 'Jumbo' ship flew overheard of the house.

Braedey smiled broadly, and yelled out happily, just as the ship landed behind the fence line of the backyard. He climbed down from the roof, and made his way to the fence, as Diana followed alongside him.

"Tyler, great to see you." Braedey greeted, as Diana walked up next to him, while Tyler jumped out of the ship.

"Not much on my end." Tyler replied. "However, I've heard from Fiona that things are a whole lot better on Gigantica."

"Nice." Braedey smiled.

"How are my parents?" Diana asked.

"They're alright, Diana." Tyler replied. "There has also been plans to restore the battle-damaged arena, but they plan to make it a racing stadium, like a NASCAR stadium."

Diana have been told about what NASCAR was and automobile racing is about, and she really wished to see what one might look like. Braedey, fortunately, managed to get a recording and played a race from the Daytona 500 not long ago. She was rather impressed by how fast the cars could go, along with the pit crews, and she really wondered what else there might be out there.

"That sounds like great news, Ty." Braedey smiled to his friend. "So, how's your Dragon Slayer magic going on?" He asked.

"Pretty good." Tyler replied, just as his Iron Dragon Scales wrapped around his body. "And just you wait, Braedey. I'm gonna be stronger than Gajeel Redfox, and show you what for."

"You keep that attitude up, you crazy metalhead, you're gonna be sent off to the scrapyard." Braedey joked, and both he and Tyler laughed.

A few moments later, Tyler flew away, heading off back to his home, while Braedey and Diana made their way to the house. Diana, meanwhile, was thinking of something on her mind.

"Braedey?" She spoke to him, as he turned to her. "I need to ask you something."

"And what might that be?" Braedey asked.

"When you and Tyler were talking about this Gajeel guy, who exactly is he?" Diana asked.

Braedey stopped in his tracks, as Diana looked at him in confusion. She could see he was in shock, and he looked at her with wide eyes. He then shook his head, and looked at Diana with narrowed eyes

"You are about to go through a crash course with where Gajeel came from." Braedey took Diana's hand, then began to pull her along to the house.


An hour later, Naomi and Jessie have returned home, after picking up the latter from school, and after picking up some groceries. When they entered the house, they could see the entire place was cleaned up and fresh, but they could hear what might be a fight sequence happening in the theatre room.

Jessie took a look inside, and she smirked at what she saw. There was Braedey and Susan, the two of them asleep in the leather seats, with some empty cups of drink on some tables on either side of their chairs. On the screen was the main menu for what was a marathon for the anime 'Fairy Tail'. It was one of Braedey's favourite anime shows.

'Guess they were watching the anime before we came home.' Jessie thought to herself, walking up to Braedey and Diana, then placed a blanket over the two of them. She patted Braedey's head, then kissed Diana's cheek, and headed to her bedroom to change into something more comfortable.

As the youngest member of the Martin family left the theatre room, Braedey and Diana, the two now feeling comfortable with the blanket overtop of them, and unbeknownst to them, held hands under the cover, and they smiled in their sleep.

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