An Off Day

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Previously on meeting the one....

Hey baby." I hear Amirs voice. "Hey love." He sighs. "I wish I can be there for you." I lay in my bed. "It's okay Amir." I don't want him feeling guilty. "No babe. This is a hard time for you. I should be there." I sigh. "You will. Tomorrow." I smile a little. "We will get to cuddle all day." I hear him shuffle. I nod even though he can't see me. "I should head to bed A. I love you." He whines. "I love you so much too."

Amir's POV

I couldn't sleep all night, thinking of how I'm not there for Smiley when she needs me the most. She may say its okay, I'm fine, but I know shes not. I should have told my boss and just not gone on this unexpected work call to Sydney. I sigh and get ready for my meeting. I finished packing my stuff earlier. I fix my tie and check my self one more time before grabbing my stuff and heading down since I'm gonna head out right after the meeting. "Sir. Your ride." The chauffeur open the door to the car for me. "Thank you." I slide in and he shuts the door. I run my hand through my hair one more time before leaning back sighing. I check my phone for any phone calls from Smiley, sadly there is nothing from her. I put my phone away when we get to the building. I thank the chauffeur once again, before heading in for my meeting.

"Good morning!" The lady walks in saying. "I will be doing the meeting today. My name is Rochelle Gray. I am the Administrative Manager here. My boss could not make it today, and told me to take over this meeting." She sits down opening her laptop. "Today we have joining us, from our company in London, is Mr.Farhan." I stand up. "Hello. I'm Amir Farhan. I will be introducing the new tech of the company along with Rochelle." I walk up to the board. "This technology is if course more advanced then all the others we have made. Higher and faster Wifi, Water resistance, and more memory. It is also accompanied with a portable wifi carrier. You can use wifi anytime and anywhere you are." I look at Rochelle to take over. "We have had people try this new Tech out, and had good reviews. Of course there are some flaws that we are getting fixed right now at the moment. People said that it was much more improved than most technology. I personally agree on it since I tried it out myself. Of course the product will not be announced till the end off this year." She informs. "And the product will not be out in stores until next year of course." I add. I keep looking at the time, wishing it would past by faster. "What do you think Mr. Farhan?" Rochelle looks at me smirking a little. "What? Sorry can you repeat that?" I mentally smack my self. "I asked what do you think about the new technology?" She brushes her hand against mine. I move away. "I don't know I haven't used it." She hums. "I see. Im sure you would like to. Come to my office after this meeting." I nod.

After the meeting, which was 1 and a half hours long. Rochelle leads me to her office. She closes the door and sets her stuff down turning towards her big window. " want to try the new technology?" She asks. "Well..I don't know." I shrug. She turns towards me with a few of her buttons unbottoned. She slowly starts walking up to me. I start moving back. "What are you doing?" I ask her as she pushes me down on her little couch. I try getting up, but she straddles me. "Why don't.." She traces my jaw with her finger. I push her hand away. "You try me?" She smirks. I look at her in disgust and pick her up and move her. "No thank you. Im gonna go home to my girl now." She gasps. "Come on..she won't know." She says standing up. "No. I won't. She mine, you're not. I love her. Not you. So back off lady." I grab my file and open her door. "Expect to be fired by morning. I will be informing my boss." I shut her door as she looks at me shocked. I head to the airport. I look at my phone and still nothing. I sit there waiting for my flight, looking at my phone.

A guy comes and sits next to me while I wait. He looks my way everyone in a while. He stops a lady walking by and hands her a bar of chocolate. "Wow. Thanks. How did you know I wanted some?" She says walking away. I look back towards my phone until he stops a little boy, handing him a toy airplane. His mom thanks the man. "My son wanted a toy plane." She smiles walking away. I look at him. He was giving every passenger what they wanted. It was weird, like he was a Santa Claus undercover. I sigh and look back at my phone, looking though some pictures of Smiley and me. I couldn't stop thinking of how I'm not there for her. Its makes me mad at myself. "Flight 860 to Heathrow now boarding." The announcer comes on to the intercom. I get up grabbing my bag. The man stops me and starts looking through his bag. He takes out a rose and hands it to me before looking again. He takes out a long velvet box with a little bow on it and hold it out for me to take. I open it to see a beautiful bracelet in it. I look up at him. "For your girl. I can tell you were worrying about someone." With that he grabs his mysterious bag and walks away. I smile a little walking on to the plane.

I open up the box again looking at the bracelet, when the plane takes off. I look at the sentence engraved into it. Never let go. I close it and put it away, holding the rose up twirling it around. I keep it in my lap and fall asleep.

I open my eyes when I feel the plane decending. I sit up and rub my face. I buckle my belt keeping the rose the man gave me, in my hands. I grab my stuff once the plane lands. I hide the rose behind my back looking around the airport. My eyes lay on her. She's wearing white, silk, fitting dress that flows from the bottom. She's looking down at the floor, a strand of her soft silky hair drooping to her face. "My Smiley." I whisper to my self walking up to her. I see her friend, Gemma, next to her. She nudges Smiley, making her look up. I walk up to her. "Hey beautiful." She smiles a bit, but I know she's hurting inside. I pull the rose out from behind my back. I hand it to her, gently kissing her head. I could feel Gemma staring at us. "You two are too cute." She smiles. She leads us to her car. I open the door for my beautiful girl. She slides in. I take her in my arms after I get in. She leans into me, hiding her face in my chest.

Gemma drops us off at my flat. I grab my bag and wrap my arm around Smileys waist, leading her to my flat. I open the door and she steps in. I put my bag in my room and change quickly. I grab the box the man gave me and head out to her. I see her sitting on the couch looking at her feet. "Babe?" She looks up a little as I kneel in front of her. I pull the box out and open it looking at her. She tears up reading it. I take it out and put it on her small wrist. Its fits perfectly. She hugs me tightly. "I miss him. So much Amir. I hate this day. I hate it so much." I feel her tears on my shirt. I hate seeing her like this. It hurts me to see her cry. I pull her away and wipe her tears. "I know you do. But he's watching over you. He doesn't want his little girl to cry. He wants her to smile. Cause your happiness brings him happiness. Your joy brings him joy. When your sad, he feels it  and it hurts him." She nods. I lean in and kiss her slowly. I pull away. "I'm here for you."

I hear my phone ring and I answer it. "Hello. This is Amir Farhan speaking." I say looking at Smiley. "How is she?" I hear Harrys deep voice through the phone. "Who?" I ask. "Smiley. How is she?" My eyes widen. "She's fine. She's right here. How do you kn.." He cuts me off. "Joyce told me that you two are going out." He says. "I know why she didn't tell me. Its okay." I sigh in relief. "Buuut, you still get my speech." I rub my head. "Okay." I sit up. "I swear to god if you hurt her or use her in any way...I will do bad things to you. Really really bad things. You have full responsibility of her. You take care of her when shes down. You keep her happy. You get her things that she says she doesn't want, but she really does on the inside." I listen. "You stick with her even around friends. Don't turn into someone else around them. Get her flowers every once in a while. Don't go anywhere without telling her. Tell her shes beautiful." He keeps going. "And last but not least....don't her pregnant." She looks at the phone. "Harry Edward Styles." Her eyes widen. "What...just keeping you safe. But thats all for now." I sigh. "Okay. Bye Harry." I hang up. I look at Smiley. She plays with her finger. "I'm sorry. He's an idiot." She whispers. I turn her face to face me. "I don't care as long as I have you." I wipe the tear stains off her face. "I hate seeing you like this." I say kissing her hand. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "No. I understand why Smiley. It just hurts seeing you like this." I put a stray hair behind her ear. I feel her shiver under my touch. I lean down and start kissing her slowly. She kisses back as I pull her to straddle me. We pull away, resting our foreheads together.

She smiles a little climbing off. "You haven't eaten all day. Have you?" She shakes her head. "Come. Lets go out." I get up and go to get ready. I come out and grabs Smileys purse for her. I lead her out to me car and open the door for her. "Thank you." I nod closing the door and sliding into the drivers seat. "Alright. We will be eating at this new restaurant today. Its very classy." I smile. "Sounds cool." She says turning the radio on. She intertwines her hand with my free one. "Thank you Amir." I raise an eye brow. "For what babe?" She kisses my hand. "For helping me today. For being there today. For making me feel better." She smiles a little. "No need to thank me. Its my job jaan." I rub her hand. I park the car. "We're here." She looks at it. "Looks classy too. Amir. This could be expensive. Lets go somewhere else." I stop her. "Nope. I only do the best for my girl." I smirk pulling her into me. She gasps as I wrap my arm around her waist.

The waiter leads us to our table near the lake veiw. "Wow. This is beautiful." I look at her. "Yeah, you are." She chuckles and pushes me lightly. "You cheesy ass." I laugh taking my seat. "Its true." She blushes a little looking at the menu. "This is gonna be hard to choose." She makes a cute face trying to figure out what to get. "Why...why do they make the names so hard? Why not just call it spaghetti?" I laugh as she tries to say one of the names. I order for us and keep laughing. "I swear. They make it so difficult. And then it turns out to be piece of fish or something." She says laughing, taking a sip of her water. "Yeah. They do. Cause they want to be fancy." She nods. "To be honest...i would to." She shrugs. "You would make everything fancy cause your so fancy.. And you already know." She starts laughing again. "Really?! An Iggy reference is what you come up with." I laugh with her. "I had too." She calms down looking at me. The waiter brings us our food. "Did I tell you you look beautiful today?" I say looking at her taking a bite. "Again with being cheesy." She giggles. "I love it Amir. Its adorable." I smile widely. "Thank you." I say as she takes a bite of her food. "Oh this is really good." She says taking another bite. "Why are you so cute Smiley?" She looks at me. "Cause I want to be." I chuckle. "Cause god made you that way." I state nodding. "Well god made you hot." She says raising an eyebrow. I smirk. "Hmm...I'm hot?" She nods blushing. "We will discuss this later sweetheart." I wink and pay for the food. "Mark said we have to get the girls...both of us." She looks at me. "Harrys gonna be there. Isn't he?" She nods. I sigh. "Lets go."

We get to the club where the girls are. I feel Harrys stare at me and Smiley. "Ill go help out. You get one of the girls." I nod at Smiley and get Gemma. I carry Gemma to the car, and watch Smiley help Joyce into Harry's car. Harry keeps his eyes on me. I gulp and smile awkwardly. Smiley comes back to me and pecks my lips. "Its okay babe." She rubs my arm. I nod watching her get in the car. I slide in also and drive to Harry's flat. "Amir. Stop worrying babe. Take a deep breath." I nod. I get out and grab Gemma from the back. I head in. "Where should I put her?" I ask Harry.  "Just put her in the room upstairs to the right." I nod. Smiley stands next to him. He kisses her head before taking Joyce up. She smiles at me. Harry eyes me walking past me. I head back down to her. "Lets go." I pull her out. She chuckles as I take a deep breath. I slide into my car. "That was scary." She laughs. "Oh you think its funny now. Do you?" She nods still laughing. "Your face was hilarious." I start driving home. "You were so scared." She keeps laughing. "Okay. Yes I was." She stops laughing. "I'm sorry babe." I chuckle playing with her hand. "Its okay Smiles." I say parking my car in its spot. We both get out and head up to my flat. I keep my arm wrapped around Smiley's waist. "Lets change and watch a movie?" She looks up at me. I nod and lead her to my room. I hand her one of my shirts and help her remove her dress. I cant help but stare at her boy. They fact she was violet silk panties with a matching bra wasn't helping. She pulls the shirt on. I pulls my eyes away from her body. I change and take her to the living area and put a movie on. "What movie is this?" She asks as I pull her into my side. "Kal ho na ho." (Indian movie). "I haven't watched that in a long time." She smiles taking a bite of her candy. "Yeah. Lets see who cries at the end." I say point to her smirking. She shrugs. "Hell. I know I will." I chuckle, kissing her head as she keeps her focus on the TV. We sings along with all the songs, laughing at eachother. After 2 hours I look at Smiley, who's sniffling. "Why? Why did they have to kill him?" She says wiping her tears. I laugh and kiss her head. "Well cause thats how the story was written babe. He had a weak heart and gave the love of his life to his friend, because he knew he was gonna die. He never tells her he loves her and the fact she loves him back. But soon she finds out why and gets married to her best friend which is his friend and he later dies." She just looks at me. "That was the most confusing way of saying it." I laugh and nod. I get up and clean up. She helps me. "So I have work late tomorrow. Im going in for an hour and a half." She says. "I'll come over to your place tomorrow then." I smirk watching her reach up to put away a box, showing a bit of her bum. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and start kissing her neck. "Amir." She chuckles trying go resist it.

"Mm." I hum against her skin. "Can you let me go?" I just keep kissing down her neck. "I know you like it." I say moving her hair more. I turn her to face me and pick her up, carrying her to my room. I place her down kissing her. She wraps her arms around my neck and plays with my hair as I kiss her. She moans into my mouth as I slide my hand into her panties, sliding my two fingers into her making her gasp at the feeling. I pull away and she bites her lip as I finger her. I remove my finger and undress her fully. I undress my self. "God. I can't resist you." I mumble as my eyes roam her beautiful body. She blushes, trying to hiding her body. I move her arms away. "I want to see your amazing body baby." I say rolling on my condom. I rest my forehead on hers as I slowly thrust my length into her. She keeps her arms wrapped around my neck. "Amir." She closes her eyes in pleasure. "I love you smiles." She opens her eyes and looks into mines. "What?" I realize its my first time saying that to her. "I love you." I repeat it as I keep thrusting inti her. She gasps as I hit that special spot. "I love you too." She moans back. I smile kissing her. She closes her eyes as she comes to her high. She comes. I keep going, thrusting in and out slowly. She squirms in pleasure moaning. I come soon after watching her. I throw the condom away and fall on the bed next to her.

I pull her into my chest after our breathing goes back to normal. "I love you Smiley." She looks at me. "I love you too Amir." She says running her hand through my hair. I close my eyes smiling as she does. "Goodnight babe." She mumbles falling asleep. "Goodnight love."


Woooooo! I finally updated!!! I know!! Lol i suck. Im sorry guys just needed an idea to get this going. I love you all! Hope you had a great a holiday.


Follow these girls!!!!

-Smiley Khan

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