Almost being caught

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Previously on Meeting The One....

Smiley heads inside the room and I wait out side. I talk to the guys as I wait. "Wait, wait, wait! Hold up! So Harry doesn't know either?" I nod at Niall. "No wonder he's still here. If he heard he would have already been in London to interrogate you dude." I laugh. "Yeah Smiley has told me he's very over protective." They nod. "Yeah she's like his little sister." Louis says eating a piece of candy. He hands me one. "Thanks." Smiley comes out and sighs. "Well I guess we can head on back home then." I nod. "That fast? Please stay Smiley!" Louis says dramatically. She laughs. "Sorry Lou. I just have soooo much work to do. But I really wish I can. I will see you soon hopefully." He pouts and nods. "Fine leave me here alone with these idiots." They all fake gasp. Me and Smiley laugh. "We will see you guys again soon."

Smiley's POV

After a few days Harry has been back, Me and Amir have to keep a little distance when we are around him. Amir has to text me before he comes over all the time to see if Harry is over at my place, which is often since he has came back. Tonight me and Harry are going to a party Louis is throwing. Louis knows about me and Amir, but since Harry will be at the party, he couldn't invite Amir. I decided I would hang out with Amir for the day and get ready for the party there at night. I knock on his door and he opens it rubbing his eyes. "My baby's tired." I say walking in as he closes the door. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Wanna sleep for a while more? I'll work on some of my office work while you nap." He just shakes his head refusingly. "No. I can stay up." I sigh and give him the look. "Alright alright....I'll sleep for a while more." He yawns heading to his bedroom.

I sit down and take my papers and laptop out. I chew on the bottom of my pen trying  to figure out what more I can add to Uncle Si's party. I invite a little more guest and more decorations around the hall, more security. I even checked if there was enough food for so many guest.

I have been working for an hour and started to get frustrated. Claire didn't get a venue ready and it was taken. I start trying to look for one. After about an hour more I groaned and slam my laptop shut. I cover my face with my hands, thinking of what I should do. I feel arms wrap up from behind me. "You need a break." Amirs raspy voice whispers in my ear. I nod and get up. His nose rubs mines playfully, making me giggle. He smiles and kisses me with love. "I'll make you coffee you sit down and relax." I nod and he goes to the kitchen. He brings me the coffee and sits next to me wrapping his arm around me. "I don't like it when you're stressed." He sighs kissing my shoulder. "I know. But, I need to find a venue for the party cause Claire slacked off." He pulls away and raises his eyebrow. "What about the big field we raced in? We can put some giant tents in that area and set everything up there."

" are a genius!" I kiss him. "I can't believe I didn't think of that." He laughs and shrugs. "So now..." He picks me up unexpectedly. I let out a little squeal. "We can cuddle and..maybe other things." He smirks. I smack his chest. He lays me in his bed and kisses me before cuddling me. "So I put on furious 7 for you." He plays it and get all giddy. I clap as it starts. He laughs and leans his head on my head. There was a knock on the door and I groaned as Amir paused the movie.

I hears Harry's voice through the walls. "Shit." I whisper. "Um...hold on come in. I'll be back." Amir runs into the room. "My stuff is out there hide it." I panic. "I already did. He's only here to pick up a song book Mark handed me." He whisper and I nod.

He gives Harry the book and he leaves immediately. I let out a sigh of relief. Amir comes back. "Were you holding your breath?" I nod. "He can't hear you breathing babe." He laughs and looks at time. "Damn it. You have to get ready." He sighs. I smile and walk up to him. "You can...always sneak in." He smirks. "Yeah I can." He winks. I grab my dress and go slip it on in the bathroom. It was a purple silk with a black ribbon around the waist. I slip on my heels and do very light make up. I grab my purse and head out of the bathroom to see Amir pouting. "Babe. Don't be sad." He looks up at me and stands up. "Woah." He eyes me all the way up. "You look amazing." I smile and look down. "Thank you." He gets up and kisses my forehead. "You will come back after. Right?" I nod. He smiles and kisses me. He opens the door for me. "Make sure to feed the dogs please." He chuckles and kisses me. "I will. Don't worry go have fun." I nod and head to my car.

I get to the party and park at the first free place I saw, which happened to be next to Harry's car. I head inside. "Hey guys!!!!" Emma runs and hugs me. "Hey Smiley!!" I laugh and hug back. "So I see you have met the wonderful Harry Styles." I say in a posh accent making Harry roll his eyes playfully and slap the back of my head playfully. "Rude." I huff and look away from him pouting. "Im sorry Sumaiya." He holds his hand out in front of me. I look at and roll my eyes giving him a high five. "Its okay." I smile. "Okay guys lets get these snacks out and ready for the guest." Louis yells. "I'll get the drinks ready!" I yell running to the bar. Everyone laughs. I start getting all the good drinks out. Emma comes and helps me out while the others get the food and snacks ready. "Should the shot glasses go on left...or to the right." I ask looking at how they look. " the right?" I nod. "To the right it is! Okay what else do we have to get ready captain." I salute to Louis. "Harry accidentally burned the pastry things you brought." I sigh. "His minds been somewhere else." Louis nods and looks down. "Don't worry though. I brought extras." I say heading to the kitchen.

"Harry." I put my hand on his shoulder. He pops out of his thought bubbles. "Why don't you go sit down." He sighs and nods. "Sorry I burnt your pastry things." I smile and pat his back. "Its okay Haz." He smiles a little and walks out. I put a new batch in and hear people already coming in. I hear the music turn on and blast through the house. I groan when I hear Nadine in the kitchen calling my name. "Smiley. Omg. I haven't seen you in awhile." I put a fake smile on and turn towards her. "Its nice to see you too." She hugs me and places imaginary kisses on my both of my cheeks. "I saw Harry out there. Do you think he'll talk to me?" I shrug. "I don't know. You can try." She nods. "You're so right. I should. I'll catch you later girl." She says walking out. "Hopefully not." I mumble getting the pastry out of the oven.

I go out to the living room where people are dancing. I greet some of them as I walk by. Niall hugs me tightly. "Hey Ni!" I laugh as he pulls away giddy. "How have you been?" He asks handing me a drink. "I've been great, just really busy." He smiles. "You need a well-deserved break." I smile and drink my drink. "I'm thinking of taking one after the big party for Uncle Si." He nods. Liam comes and joins us also. "Well you should." He says sitting on a stool. "So...any luck with Harry? I heard he burned your pastry things and you had to bake new ones." I nod. "I have no idea. His brain just always seems to wonder off." Liam perks up a bit. "What if he's thinking of that girl, Joyce?" Niall nods. "Yeah." I sigh and nod. "I think so too to be honest." Liam puts his drink and holds his hands out for me and Niall. "Enough about this. Lets go clear out minds and dance a little." We take his hand and he pulls us in the crowd. We all dance and jump around. I see Harry stalk off somewhere but leave him to whatever he's doing.

I feel arms wrap around my waist and I jump. I feel a breath on my neck. "Hey. Hey, its me. Its Amir." Liam and Niall smirk at me. I turn around. "Amir. You scared the shit outta me." He chuckles and pulls me into the hall way. He pushes me against the wall and starts kissing me. "I was missing you." He whispers against my lips. He starts kissing me again. I moan into his mouth. I push him away a little. "What.." I hold my finger to his mouth. "Shhh." I hear Harry's voice in the other room. "Oh my god. He's with Nadine." I listen closely. "Oh shit. They're having sex." I mentally gag. Amir moves me away and listens real quick. "Wait they stopped. Nadine is yelling at him for saying Joyce's name." I hear the door open. "Shit run." Amir grabs my hand and we run back into the crowd. He pulls me out and we start laughing. "That was close." I breath out heading to my car. "I'll meet you at my flat." He say getting in his. I nod and start following his car.

I park my car and head up to see Amir waiting for me at the door. He opens it and we go in. I sigh and plop down on the bed. Amir climbs on top of me and kisses my lips softly. "Lets head to bed." He says rolling off me. He removes my dress and slips on one of his shirts on me. He pulls me into his chest and kisses my forehead as my eyes slowly close.

Next morning...

I get up early and head back to Louis's place to help him clean. "Harry." He turns around to face me. "Smiley." He tries his hard to smile. "Hungover?" He just gave me a confused look. I just sigh and hand him the pills. "Here, I'll bring you a glass of water." I quickly rush to the kitchen and get him his glass.

After cleaning Louis home, I decided I would go back to Amir, instead of going to breakfast with everyone. "Bye guys. Have fun." Harry hugs me. "Do you have to leave?" I nod and sigh. "I have a lot of work Harry." He pouts. "Screw work." I laugh and kiss his cheek I'll make it up to you guys. I promise." He nods and smiles. "Okay." I give him a small smile before heading to my car.

Instead of going to Amir's flat right away, I drive to a creek that I always go to. I sigh and sit down holding my dads dog tags. Tomorrow is going to be two full years since my dad passed away. Its one of my hardest days to live through. Of course Harry knew that well. He will try to get my mind off of it. Im so glad to have him a best friend and brother. I look across the creek to see a little deer. I smile and take a picture of it. Just when I do I get a text from Amir.

Amir <3: I got called into work. I won't be at my flat. Im sorry. x

Me: is alright baby. I'll see you later tomorrow. x

I sigh and decide to drive to Harry's. I park my car and head to the door. I ring the door bell and Sophia answers. Harry immediately hugs me and I hug back. "How's the wrist?" I hold it up gently. "It's a little soar sometimes but it's okay." Harry looked over at Emma who was pulling someone away. "Joyce?" She pulled away and made her way towards us. "Sumaiya." She hugged me and I hugged back. "You two know each other?" Harry motions to us. "Yeah, we met when I came to visit you." I smile and Joyce nodded. "Okay. How much longer?" He says referring to his wrist. "Four to six weeks." Joyce answers.

I head to the living area where everyone is. "There's a party at Simons tonight. You guys should all come." I say mostly to the girls, since the boys are obviously invited. Sophia comes out and we all head to the mall.

We make it to the high profile boutique I get all my dresses made. "Emma!" I smile seeing Emma Watson. She hugs me. "How are you?!" She asks. "I'm great! You are coming tonight. Right?" She nods. "Say hi to the boys for me." She says heading out. I quickly text Liam saying that Emma Watson said Hi and start looking for a dress. I try in multiple dresses and sigh when I can't find the right size or right type for me. I tried on a black one with gold work around the waist, one blue with silver work, plain silk red, but none of them were fitting.

"Smiley! Check this dress out! It was hidden." Sophia comes out with a purple maxi dress with silver diamond work on it. "Wow. Its beautiful!" She hands it to me and I run my hand through the fabric. "Thanks for helping me Soph." She smiles and nods. "Hey no problem girl. We girls stick together." I laugh and head to the fitting room. I slip the dress on and smooth it out. It fits perfectly around the waist and flowed down on the bottom it dipped in the front. I hear the boys enter the waiting area. I hear the boys compliment the girls. I nervously walk out. I stand in front of the mirror in the waiting area. "Looks beautiful." Harry compliments making me smile. "Thanks Harry." I go back and change into my regular clothes. I just hope Amir likes it. I take the dress to the front with all the others. I pay for it and we all head out.

"We should all sleep over at Harry's after the party, and have a movie marathon." Louis and Emma blurt out. "I may not be able to." Louis looks at me and smirks. "I'll call that guy Amir that Mark trains." I smile. "I'll see Lou." He nods. Harry, Joyce, Emma, and Louis go in one car since Joyce has to go picks some stuff up from her dads.

After an hour they entered the house. "Joyce." She has tear stains on her face. I hug her tightly. She hugs back and pulls away. She sits next to Niall and tells us the story. Her dad had cheated on her mom with some other woman. "He called her perfect. Why would he cheat on perfection?" I sigh and my phone rings. I go into the kitchen and answer it. "Hey babe." I smile when I hear Amir's voice. "Hey Love." I say grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "I miss you." I laugh. "I'll see you at the party, and besides, Louis called you over Harry's for the sleep over." I smirk. "Yeah. I need ti see you. I can't wait." I smile. "I know you'll look beautiful. You always look beautiful." I blush. "Thanks Amir. You always know how to make me feel special." I hear his boss. "I have to go." He sighs. "Okay. I love you." I hear him shuffle. "I love you too baby." I smile and hang up.

I head out back to the living area to see Joyce asleep on Niall. "Do you think she'll go to Simons tonight." Sophia asks. "I think it would be a good idea." Emma says. "Yeah she should take her mind off this drama." Gemma agrees. "Well she should come, they're going to be a lot of people there who can help her up the ladder of the nursing world." I agree with all the girls.

After a few hours we all started getting ready for the party. I get completely ready and head to Joyce's room. I see emma with the covers in her hand. I snatch it away and make the bed. I turn to Joyce. "Oh honey, you need help." She nods and decides to shower first. After she finishes all the girls start curling and straightening their hair except since mines is already curly.

Niall came in. "Girls do you want any drinks?" He asks holding up a bottle of Sweet Rose wine. I denied since its against my religion. All the girls grabbed a glass of wine. After we all started doing our make up. After we finished, we slip on our heels and then of course took a group selfie, which became all of our profile picture.

We all head down. Liam immediately compliments Sophia. I see the way Harry looks at Joyce, making me smile. I think shes perfect for him. I grab my purse and keys. "Just follow me." They all nod and I get in my car. I made my way to the area and they were all right behind me. Right when I get I see camera flashes and people screaming our names. I wave smiling entering the tent. One of the waiters come to me with water on a silver tray, knowing I don't drink. "Thank you." He nods and stalks off. I could tell the boys were all shocked about the amount of celebrities invited to the party. "This is amazing." I hear Emma Watson's voice. I turn to face her. "Thank you." She smiles. "You always do great job on planning." I chuckle. "Thank you." She nods. "So have you sent a picture to that boy of yours." I shake my head. "Want me to take a picture for you?" She asks. "Please?" She nods and I hand over my phone. She takes the picture. "Thanks Em." She hugs me. "Oh yeah, Simon is looking for you. He says he wants to talk to that girl Joyce." I nod. "Thanks for letting me know." She smiles. I stalk off looking for Joyce.

I see Harry and Joyce about to kiss but I can't keep Simon waiting for long. I pull her away. "Joyce. Someone wants to meet you." I lead her through the crowd. "Who?" She asks curiously. "It so happens to be that Simon knows a huge connection in the medical world, especially with nursing. I told him about you and he wants to film a small questionnaire with you." She smiles widely. "Are you serious?" I nod. "Yeah he has already set if the cameras already." I pull her into the room where Simon is waiting. "Hi Uncle Si." I say letting go of her hand. I leave her to be interviewed. "Hey Eminem." He looks at me. "Hey little wolf." I laugh. He calls me that cause I'm like a wolf eventually to him. He hugs me. "How's Hailey?" I ask about his daughter. "She's doing great. She's actually doing amazing in college." I smile. "Thats good." He nods. "Thanks to you. You got her into a great college in Texas." He chuckles. "It was no problem. She's like my little sister." I look at the time. "Im gonna head home." He looks at me. "This early?" I nod. "Im not really in the party mood." I sigh. He pulls me in a hug. "Hey. I know this month is hard for you. If you need anything just call me." I nod. "Thanks. You're like a dad to me." He smiles. "Good. Go home and rest." I nod and leave the party.

I get to my flat and immediately get dressed in comfortable clothes and feed the dogs. I grab my self a bottle of water and my phone rings. I answer it. "Hey baby." I hear Amirs voice. "Hey love." He sighs. "I wish I can be there for you." I lay in my bed. "It's okay Amir." I don't want him feeling guilty. "No babe. This is a hard time for you. I should be there." I sigh. "You will. Tomorrow." I smile a little. "We will get to cuddle all day." I hear him shuffle. I nod even though he can't see me. "I should head to bed A. I love you." He whines. "I love you so much too." I hang up and slowly drift to sleep.


Hey my lovelies! I know!!  Finally I have updated!! I made this long for you guys since I have not updated for a long time and cause I love you all. I hope Jessie likes this. And I hope you guys love it too. You all are amazing and beautiful! Love you all!!!! <3

Follow these girls!

- Smiley Khan

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