Harry's Accident

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Previously on Meeting The One......

"Charlie. Let me go please." Tears form as the pain grows on my wrist. He just hums and attaches his lips to my neck. Before he can go any further, he gets pulled off of me and thrown to the ground. I fall to the ground and move back as Amir throws a punch at him. "Don't ever touch my girl again." He growls getting off of him. I get up and run into his arms. "Shhh. I got you. Its okay." He says as I sob into his chest. "Lets get you home." He picks me up bridal style before glaring at Charlie one more time. He grabs my bag and carries me to the car.

Amir's POV

I start getting ready for work and look over at the girl in my bed. Even when sleeping shes beautiful. I walk up to her side and move some hair away from her face. I kiss her forehead lightly. Her phone starts tinging and she groans. I laugh. "Hello?" She answers. "Harry what?!" She yells over the phone. "I'll be right there." She hangs up and sighs. "Whats wrong sweetheart?" I sit down next to her. She sigh and looks down at our hand as I intertwine them. "Harry...got into an accident." She looks at me with watery eyes. "Is he okay?" I ask. "Oh he better be. Cause when he is imma kill him." I chuckle. "Well. I will go with you." She looks at me. "You really don't have to Amir." I shake my head. "I want to." She smiles and looks down. I lift her head to look back at me. "You are so beautiful. Have I told you that?" She giggles and hugs me. "You should get going. You'll be late." I groan. "I'll just call and say I need to pack for an emergency. It'll be the same old boring day anyway." She gives me a look. "What....I need some time off." She laughs.

"Well. I'll see you at 4:00 pm. Im just gonna pack a little stuff and get the dogs ready." I pout. "Don't leave." She shakes her head at me and laughs. Her hand comes to caress my cheek. "You'll see me again babe." She says kissing me and heading out the door with her dogs. I shut the door and sigh. "I hate packing." I mumble to myself. I start pulling stuff out. As I do, I notice something on the shiny on the pillow. I realize it Smiley's dads dog chain that she always wears. I pick it up and put it in a little box to give it back to her. I know how special this necklace is to her. I quickly pack up all my stuff and double check everything.

I knock on Smiley's door. I expected to see her behind the door. "Hey ba... Um...hello." I see a women at the door. Smiley comes out from behind. "Oh! Amir. Come in." She smiles. "This is Mrs. Styles. And Anne this is Amir." Anne smiles at me. "Hello. Its finally nice to meet the famous Amir." I laugh a little. "Its nice to meet you Mrs. Styles. Are we all ready?" I look at Smiley and she shakes her head. "No. I can't leave without my dads dog chain." She sighs. "Oh yeah!" I pull the box out and hand it to her. She opens it up and lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much Amir. I thought I lost it forever." She hugs me tightly. I kiss her head and take in her strawberry scent. She oul,s away and kisses me. "You are the best." I smile. "We better head out." She nods. She goes to grab her bags, but I beat her there. "Lets go." I smirk as she looks at me.

We get on the jet Simon set for us. We also told him about Charlie. Not only did he fire him. He sued Charlie for sexual assault. We go to our cabins in the plane and wait for take off. "Do you think Harry did this cause of that girl?" Smiley asked as we started taking off. "He could have." She sighs. "Hey but he'll be fine." She smiles and nods. "You're right." I kiss her cheek and she rests her head against my chest. "Oh yeah. Um I haven't really told my parents about us." She looks at me. "Its okay. I haven't told my brother and sister in law." She says. I laugh. "Well at least I know I'm not the only one." She runs her hand in my hair, making me groan in pleasure. She smiles and kisses my forehead. I grab her wrists gently, knowing they are bruised from what had happened. I rub them gently and she rests her head on my shoulder.

We get to South Africa and head straight to the hospital. Mrs. Styles heads in quickly into Harry's room. We wait in the waiting area. I see the rest of the band there. Im very close to Niall since he trains with Mark. "Hey whats up? What are you doing here mate?" He smiles and gives me a brotherly hug. "Well I came with Smiley." He looks at me confused. I clear my throat. She looks over at me as she was talking to that girl Joyce. "Um..well.." Niall cuts me off. "She's your girl. Isn't she?" He wiggles his eyebrows. I nod. "Yeah. But her brother does not know! She wants to tell him at the right time." They nod. "I will make sure they keep their mouths shut." Liam says. I thank him. "Well we gotta head out. See you again later."

Smiley comes back with a pout on her face. "I'm such a fucking idiot. Im a bitch." She lays her head on my chest. "What happened?" I asked confused. "She's his nurse. She's taking care of him. I pushed her and to,d her to stay away. I am so rude! I should have noticed." I wrap my arms around her. "Hey. You are only looking out for Harry." She mumbles something that comes out muffled. "What?" She huffs and raises her head a little. "I hate myself." I roll my eyes and chuckle. "Don't." She sighs and yawn. "Lets go to the hotel and get rest. We'll come see Harry tomorrow." She nods.

We get to the hotel and she immediately crashes. I take a quick shower and drink some milk before heading off to bed.

The next day.....

We wake up, well I wake up, fully at least. Smiley was still laying down with her faced stuffed into her pillow. "Come on! We gotta go see Harry." I laugh. She hold up 5, meaning 5 more mins. I smirk and get up. I pick her up and she squeals. "Put me down Amir!" She pouts. I carry her to the bathroom and stand her in front of the sink. "You have an hour. Now get ready." She flicks me off. "I hate you at the moment" she mumbles closing the door." I burst out laughing. "I can hear you!!" She yells. I stop. She really does not like being woken up. I make her some coffee to get her awake and a bagel. She comes out all ready to go. She grabs the cup and bagel. She looks at me as I lean in for a kiss. She moves away. I pout. "I sowwy." I say in my baby voice. She looks away. "I vewy vewy sowwy fow waking you." She looks at me. "Its otay." She giggles and hugs me. "but never do it again." I laugh and nod. She kisses me and smiles. "Lets get going."

We arrive at the hospital and head to the waiting area. "Hi Joyce!" Smiley greets the student nurse. I stand behind her. "Hi Sumaiya." She greets back. "Harry is awake you can go see him now if you want." Smiley nods. "You can go first Amir." I nod. "Oh yeah. Joyce. Um...this is Amir. My boyfriend." She smiles at me. "Hi. I'm Jessica Joyce." I smile and shake her hand. "Wait Smiles aren't you gonna come." Joyce clears her throat. "I better get to my patient." We wave at her. Smiley pulls me to the side. "Um...yeah see about that. I have not told Harry." She laughs nervously. I smile. "Its just that he gets very over protective." I nod. "I understand." She sighs. "Thank you." I kiss her cheek and head into Harry's room.

"Amir? What are you doing here?" He asks as I sit down. "I heard what happened and decided to come see you." I shrug. He nods. "How you feeling?" I ask. "Better. Still hurts a little, but I'll live." He smiles. "Thats good!" He nods. "Um. Is Smiley her?" I nod. "Yeah why?" Harry groans. "She is gonna kill me." I laugh. "That will be interesting." He laughs a little. "So how training with you and work." He sits up a bit. "Its great! I have great training. Work is the same old boring things we do." He sighs. "You okay mate?" I ask. He looks up. "Can I tell you everything that actually happened?" I nod and sit up straight.

"Well. It all started the day we had our big concert. I noticed Joyce from the stage actually. She looked amazing that day. Well she does everyday, but you know what I mean." He looks at me. "Right. Getting off topic. But anyway after the concert I was leaving I noticed her and her friend still there. She asked me for a picture and I decided why not." I listen closely to as he continues. "Her eyes met mines. And I didn't know what to do. She was just so attracting. We weren't thinking at all. So after we kissed we both noticed what we had done. But we did not say anything." He sighs. "After that kiss, I couldn't get her out of my head. I tried so hard to just forget, but I couldn't. So i went to the club and got so drunk. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I thought it would be a great idea to drive drunk and I got into this big accident." I nod. "Why can't I get her out of my head?" I look at him. "Well. Harry. Let me tell you this. I met a girl a few days ago. I couldn't get her out of my head either. I still haven't. I never felt that way about any girl. But this girl is very special to me. Joyce may be very special to you." He looks at me and nods. "But, I have only known her for a few days." I chuckle. "So..,i have known the girl the I like for a few days." I say. "True." I smile. "Anyway thanks man. Can you send Sumaiya in?" I nod and head out.

Smiley heads inside the room and I wait out side. I talk to the guys as I wait. "Wait, wait, wait! Hold up! So Harry doesn't know either?" I nod at Niall. "No wonder he's still here. If he heard he would have already been in London to interrogate you dude." I laugh. "Yeah Smiley has told me he's very over protective." They nod. "Yeah she's like his little sister." Louis says eating a piece of candy. He hands me one. "Thanks." Smiley comes out and sighs. "Well I guess we can head on back home then." I nod. "That fast? Please stay Smiley!" Louis says dramatically. She laughs. "Sorry Lou. I just have soooo much work to do. But I really wish I can. I will see you soon hopefully." He pouts and nods. "Fine leave me here alone with these idiots." They all fake gasp. Me and Smiley laugh. "We will see you guys again soon."


Hey whats up guys. I know long time no see. Well I'm alive just so you know. Lol glad to be. Anyway this Chapter goes to my girl Jessie sprinkle_of_roses this is for her. But yes if you guys are asking why the hell I said I am glad to be alive. That is cause I did have a near death experience. But I'm okay!!! Wooooooo!!!!


Go follow these girls.

- Smiley Khan :)

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