Harry's problem and Well Amir

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Previously on Meeting The One.....

After watching the movie intently, we both start to argue on weather Giselle should have or shouldn't have died. "Ugggh! Fine you win! She died anyway in the movie." He does a mini victory dance. I jump on top of him. "This.....is....sparta!!!!" I yell. He just looks at me, before he burst out laughing. "I have never laughed so much in my life." He says catching his breath. "Hey thats what I'm here for." I flip my hair and wink. He does the same, but with imagination long hair. He also does a cat walk which is hilarious.

"Well I have to go." I pout at him. "Do you have to?" I make a cute puppy dog face. He does the same and nods. "I have work and so do you. So go to sleep." He wags his finger at me. I giggle. "Okay Mr. Farhan." He smirks. "You better Ms. Khan." He says against my lips. He kisses me goodnight and he leaves.

All I can say is, Best........guy...........ever!

Smiley's POV

I wake up to my alarm going off at 9 am. I groan, not wanting to get out of bed. I slowly get up and get my clothes out. I get out a black dress with my black heels and earrings. I get a my silver necklace out and my black and white bracelet. I grab a towel and head to the shower.

After 15 mins I jump out and quickly change. I grab my morning coffee and feed the dogs and cats. "Yes. Uncle Si. Im on the way there now. Whats the problem?" I asked confused as he sounded frantic over the phone. "Just come to my office when you get here." I sigh and hang up. I grab my keys and get the dogs ready to head out. "Come buds. Lets go." They follow me out and to my Camaro. I was not in the mood to drive my Corvette cause its a bit rainy. I start heading to my office.

"Hello. Miss Khan." One of the workers greet me with a smirk. "Sorry Charlie. Im taken." He always loves to flirt with me. "What wrong with that babe? You can have two right." I just roll my eyes and walk to Simons office. Simon walks out and sees me. "Charlie! Keep your eyes to your self and not on my daughters ass!!!" He yells. I giggle. Simon always calls me his Daughter. He says I'm like a daughter to him. "Okay whats the problem Uncle Si?" He turns the TV on and my attention goes to the TV that had a picture of a tweet and Harry kissing a girl.

"Ohhhhh!!!! Nadine is going to be pissed!" Simon nods. "What was that boy thinking?!" Simon yells. "Uncle Si calm down. I'll talk to him." He nods and sits down. My phone rings. I see its Harry. I look at Simon. "I should head to my office." He smiles and gets up. "If Charlie bothers you, come to me." I laugh and nod. "Alright! You know I will." I head out closing the door to his office. I get in my office and call Harry. "Hello?" I hear his deep voice. "Harry! What were you thinking?!" I say turning my laptop on and sit down. "It was an accident!" He groans. "Hmmm! Let me guess!!! Your lips just happen to fall on to hers!" He sighs. "Dude! Nadine is going to call me and bother me about this. I have a modeling gig with her too! She's going to nag me the whole time." I groan sitting back in my chair. "I'm sorry. Okay? I...I have no idea what to do." I sigh. "Man. I wish I can hug you right now Haz." I take a sip of my coffee. "I need one. I wish you were here Smiles." I chuckle a little. "You have the best hugs." He says chuckling along. "Yeah. Stay safe Hazza and if you like this girl, by all means!!! Leave Nadine!!!" He laughs. "Well. I gotta go get to work. Getting some party planning done." I open up the window. "Alright. Love you. Don't get into anything bad?" Harry scolds playfully. "I won't. Love you too Haz." I hang up and start to get to work.

I groan as my phone rings the third time. I wasn't answering it cause it was Nadine. I sigh and answer it. "Hey...." I get cut off as always. "Did you see what Harry did?!" I hear her wonderfully squeaky voice through the phone. "Yes, I did." I roll my eyes. "Ugggh! I know he's lying! I called him." I sigh. "Well what did he say?" I ask not really interested, my attention was to finish my work. "He said it was just an accident. Hm. I doubt it! Then he said he loves me!" I just hum. "Um. Nadine. I gotta go. I got a bunch of work to do." I hang up before she can start again. "Why today?" I mentally groan. I check the time. I have been in the office for 5 hours. Its time to check out and head out. I turn my computer off and grab my stuff. I have to head home first and grab some of the clothes I'm modeling, which are all bikinis. I head out, but for some reason I feel like I'm being followed. I shrug and start driving to my flat.

I grab the clothing and rush to Amir, who is waiting out side for me. "Hey babe." I kiss his cheek sliding into his car. "Okay. Lets get you to that shoot." I nod. He starts driving. "So how was work today jaan?" He takes my hand in his kissing the top. "Stressing!!! I swear. Nadine drove me crazy about Harry." I huff and pout. He laughs. "Well. How about after work, You come over to mine and I'll give you a nice dinner and massage?" He rubs the top of my hand with his thumb. "Hmmm... That sounds amazing, but...." He cuts me off. "No buts." I smiles and nod. "How was your day then?" He chuckles. "Well it was the same old thing, but less busy. I thought about you all day." I blush as he smirks. He parks his car and pouts as I gather my stuff. "I wish I can come see you in those bikinis." I laugh. He gets out and opens the car door for me.

"I'll come pick you up after." I nod and pet the dogs before looking at him. He wraps his arms around my waist. He leans down to my ear. "Can't wait to see you tonight. Mind giving me a little fashion show with those little bikinis?" He whispers biting my lobe. I laugh and smack his chest playfully. "I'll see you after." He kisses my lips softly. "Yes you will. Yad rakna tu meri he." (Remember you are mine.) I giggle and nod. I wave as he drives off. I head into the building and am greeted by the other girls. "Hey guys." I see Nadine walking up to me. "Damn." All the girls nod. "Well. I think I'm just gonna go home and drink." I sigh and nod. "You're not working today?" She shakes her head. " i asked my manager for a day off to mourn." She says walking out. All the girls jump and cheer. I shake my head and laugh.

"Alright Smiley! You're up. Go put....these black ones on. " the photographer hands me the bikini. I go and change into it. They quickly dab on some make up. They know I hate to much of it. "Alright. I think you're ready for this shoot!" I laugh at my make up artist. "Thanks Alice." She nods. "You know, I feel like you are the only girl model with the most tattoos." She says fixing the knot of the bikini. I laugh a little. "Okay now get going girl! Pose that sexy ass off." She says causing me to burst out laughing. I walk out and stand in front of the camera. "Alright, give me your best sexy pose." Marcel says with his cute little gay accent. "Okay. How about this?" I pose with one hand in my hair. "Perfect! Keep posing sweetheart!" I do some more 'sexy' poses. "Damn girl! You know how to work it!" He squeals clapping. I couldn't help but giggle as he took the picture. "Oh that actually turned out good." I blush and shrug.

"Ohhhh!!! Put this one on!!! This one would look so good on you!!!" Alice says holding up the golden bikini against my body. "Please put it on!" She begs. "Alright! I'll wear it." I take it from her and she claps excitedly. I quickly slip it on. "Hey. Can you tie it?" Alice nods and starts tying it around my neck. "Okay done. Now turn around!!!!!" I chuckle and turn around. "Oh!!! Its looks perfect! Any guy would want you! Not that they wouldn't want you before, cause they would." I look down. She pushes me out. "Just a few more to go." I whisper to my self.

After I finish with the shoot, I get dressed back into my dress and grab my things. I still had the feeling I was being watched. I look around and see no one. I feel uncomfortable and grab my stuff and start to rush out of the building. All of the sudden i'm pushed against the wall. "Hey sexy." I'm shocked to see Charlie. He pins my arms against the wall.

"Let me go Charlie. What are you doing?!" I squirm in his grip. "Im getting what I want." He chuckles darkly. His face comes closer to mine and I turn it away. His grip tighten around my wrist making me let out a whimper. "Charlie. Let me go please." Tears form as the pain grows on my wrist. He just hums and attaches his lips to my neck. Before he can go any further, he gets pulled off of me and thrown to the ground. I fall to the ground and move back as Amir throws a punch at him. "Don't ever touch my girl again." He growls getting off of him. I get up and run into his arms. "Shhh. I got you. Its okay." He says as I sob into his chest. "Lets get you home." He picks me up bridal style before glaring at Charlie one more time. He grabs my bag and carries me to the car.

Amir pulls up to his flat and parks his car. He gets out and picks me up. I just stuff my face into his chest. He opens his flat door and the dogs come running. He places me on his bed. Snow and Gemini climb up whimpering. Amir comes back with the first aid kit. He picks me up and carries me to the bathroom and sits me on the counter as he stands in between my legs. He holds up my wrist and plants sweet kisses on the bruises. "This is gonna sting a bit." He says as he opens the alcohol swab. I hiss as he rubs it on the bruises. He wraps my wrists up gently.

After he finishes he lifts my head up and looks into my eyes. I smile a bit. He plants a kiss on my lips. His kiss is passionate and soft. I slowly kiss back at the same pace. He picks me up and wraps my legs around his torso. He carries me out of the bathroom and into his bed. He gently places me down on to the bed. "Amir." I breath out as he kisses my neck. He hums against my neck. "Thank you." He stops and looks at me with his hazel eyes. "Its my job to protect you." I caress his cheek in my hand and bring his lips back down to mine. My hands tangle their selves in his hair. He travels down to my collar bone and sucks on it, making me let out a moan. His hand travels down and underneath my dress. He pulls it off and starts kissing my stomach. "God you're so beautiful." He pulls off his shirt and unclips my bra. My hand lay on his chest and travel down his toned body.

He gets rid of my panties and his jeans. "How are you so perfect?" He whispers as he pulls down his boxers and slips on a condom. I blush a little. "Its true my love." I let out a gasp as His length slowly brushes against my heat. "Ready?" He asks looking into my eyes. I close my eyes and nod. He slowly pushes his length in. I gasp as he fills me up all the way. He slowly starts moving. "Oh god." I moan. He nuzzles his head in my neck. His hand travels to mine and intertwines them. I arch my back at his every thrust. He takes the lobe of my ear in between his teeth. "Just amazing." He mumbles against my ear. I wrap my arm around his neck. I bite into his shoulder as I reach my high to muffle my scream. He comes soon after.

He falls next to me on the bed as our breathing slowly returns to normal. He throws away the condom into the trash. He takes a blanket and covers me up. "Where are you going?" I pout. He laughs. "I have to make the dinner I promised jaan. I'll be back." He kisses my forehead. "Do you need help?" I start to get up but he pushes me back down on to the bed. "No you need rest and thats final. I don't want to hear a but out of you." I cross my arms and pout my lips. "Besides. I don't think you're able to walk." He smirks. My eyes widen and I blush, smacking his chest. He chuckles and walks out. I stand up and start walking to the bathroom. He was right. I was sore down there. I grab his tee shirt he left for me and slowly walk to the bathroom

After I shower and slip on the tee over my underwear, I head to the kitchen. I walk in and he sees me. "Didn't I tell you to rest?" He pouts. "I just want to watch darlin'." I say jumping up on to the counter. He scans my body. "Damn. You look hot in my clothes." He comes and stands in between my legs. "So what you makin'? Cause it smells amazing!" He chuckles. "I making seafood. Your favorite salmon dish with some salad and a dessert, although I already have you here." I smack his arm. "Amir." I hide my face in the crook of his neck. He laughs and pulls away to check on the food. "And what is the dessert exactly?" I smile. "Its nothing really. Just brownies." He shrugs. "I love brownies!" I squeal like a child. He laughs and shakes his head. I put my hair up in a messy bun. "And after dinner. I give you your massage." He smiles. "You really don't have to Amir." He shakes his head. "No you need it love." I smile at my sweet boyfriend.

I help him set the table. I grab the drinks and set them down. He comes back with two plates of food and sets them down. He pulls the chair out for me and I take a seat. "Wow. This all looks amazing." I breath out. "Wanted it to be perfect for you." He blushes a bit. "Well it didn't have to be." He shrugs. "Thank you for this and for getting me away from Charlie." He reaches over the table and grabs my hand. "No need to thank me at all babe, and like I said, it's my job to protect you as your boyfriend." I take a bite of the salmon. "Oh. Thats good!" He laughs. "I learned how to cook from my mom. She said I needed to know before I went off to live on my own." I nod. "All Desi moms are like that."

"Okay! Time for your massage!" Amir claps after he cleaned up the kitchen. I offered to help but he wouldn't let me. He comes up to me and picks me up. "So after this massage. I will run us both a good bath." He says laying me down on my stomach. He get rid of the shirt I'm wearing and grabs the olive oil. He rubs his hands together, before starting to massage my shoulder. "Amir?" He hums in response. "What else do you know how to do? You know how to cook, massage, clean, art, sports, how to woo a girl." He laughs. "Well you are very talented your self." I moan as he massages the right area. "Right place?" I nod. "Well I do know how to play guitar and I sing a little." I smile. "So do I. I play the guitar and the piano and sing. I love it." He hands work like magic. I was immediately relaxed. He got rid of all my stress. "Okay. I gonna go run the bath. Come with me." He holds his hand out for me. I take it and follow him to the bathroom. He starts up the bath and and walks up to me. I wrap my around his neck and smile.

"You have the most beautiful smile. I swear." His thumb brushes my bottom lip. "So about Harry..." I groan. "Please dont." He laughs. "I was just gonna say, what if he really likes this girl, like I like you?" I shrug. "I guess he will get rid of Nadine. Finally. But I will have to see this girl myself." He laughs. I sit in the bath with my head leaning against his chest. "Yeah?" I nod. "Yeah! I need to see her profession, and how well she will get along with others. He said she was a nurse, but that doesn't prove anything. I will have to see my self. Besides she lives South Africa. He lives in london. If its meant to be, they will meet each other again soon." He nods and kisses my shoulder.

After the nice bath, we rinse off and lay in his bed, with our limbs entangled together. He kisses my lips and turns the lamp off. "Goodnight sweetheart." I cuddle more into him. "Goodnight mera pyaar." (My love.)

Omfg!!!!! 3105 words!!!! My longest chapter!!!!


Follow those girls!!!!

-Smiley Khan :)

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