Art and The Date

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Previously on Meeting the one......

My dad was in the military." She starts. "He would always come home safe, but one day, two years ago, they called and told me...." Her eyes watered. "He was killed." She lets out a sob. I immediately hug her and start to comfort her. I pull away. "Thats why I wear his dog tags and the necklace he gave all the time." I hug her one more time. "Im sorry." She looks up and hugs me.

"Thanks for comforting me. The subject always gets to me." I smile. "No problem. If you need anything call me." She nods and hugs me. I walk out and wave. She closes the door and I start walking to my flat. I have a date to prepare.

Smiley's POV

It was friday and today me and Amir made plans to do some art together. He's also taking me out. I have to dress up. I was at the art studio getting all the materials out. "Hey." I feels a breath on the back of my neck. "How long were you watching me?" I turn to face Amir. He chuckles lowly. "I was only here for a min or two. Couldn't help but stare. You look beautiful." I blush and smile looking down, letting a few strands fall to my face. He laughs and moves them to the back of my ear. "Why don't we start drawing?" I nod and grab my sheet and sit down at the table. He does the same. I get focused on drawing my piece. "How did you get into art?" I asked him. I could feel him look up at me. "Well I always did. Since I was in kindergarten." I laugh. "Me too. Art is an amazing thing." I keep my focus on my drawing.

After about a few hours of working on art we were finally done. "I will pick you in 2 hours. Remember dress amazingly, although you look beautiful in everything." He winks. I blush and laugh a bit. I nod and he heads out. I head back home. I shower and get ready in a black silk dress. I do my make up and hair. I slip on my black pumps. I check the time. Right when I, did there was a knock at the door. I quickly open it to see Amir standing there with a rose. Not just a regular red rose, but an indigo colored one. He's wearing a fitted suit. He smirks at me. He eyes me up and down. "You look beautiful." He hands me the rose as I blush. I smile a bit. "You look handsome yourself."

He holds his hand out for me as we get out of his car. There was a candle lit path down a little forest in the beach. I let out a slight gasp when I feel his hand touch the small of my back. I look up at him and he smiles. I smile back. He starts to lead me to the area down the candle lit path way. We stop in front of a table with a beautiful view in front of me. I stare at it in amazement. He pulls out a chair for me. I take a seat. As we wait for food we make small talk. "This is beautiful." I say quietly. "Anything for you." I look at him. "Why? Why for me?" He looks up at me and smiles. "Because I really like you." He blushes a bit. "Like really really." He takes my hand. I smile a bit. "Amir..." He cuts me off. "I understand if you don't want to, I..." I shush him. "Amir. I like you too." He lets out a sigh of relief. "Really?" I nod and blush. The food comes and we eat. He constantly looks up at me and I giggle. "Would you eat with out looking at me?" He shakes his head no.

After dinner, we walk on the beach. "Did you always want to come here, to the UK?" I ask. "Well of course. I don't know why, but it always was. What about you?" I smile. "I always did. I wanted to come here cause of the diversity and the beauty of England." I feel him stare at me as I talk. "Its just been my dream. Even as a child, I always did." I look at him. He turns my body towards his. I turn my head to the side and he turns his to the other. I laugh and he laughs along with me. "So what do you think about my special date for you?" He asked. "Hmmmm....let me think." I teased. "Well while you think, let me do this." He pulled me in and kissed me. I was surprised. "Wow! Cheesy way to lead to a kiss." I laugh. He laughs along. We stop and this time he kisses me when I'm not caught off gaurd. All I feel are sparks erupting in my belly. My legs feel like jelly. It was a feeling i never ever had before, with any guy!

Next he takes me to this park where we could just sit and talk. "Have you seen the new Furious movie?" I ask him. "No!!!! I want to though!" I laugh. "I have. All I'm gonna say that it was good." He pouts. "I want to watch it." He sounds like a child. "Hey maybe we can watch it together soon. I got to watch it at the red carpet premier cause it was my job to. I will go watch it with you." He nods, but he still has the pout. I kiss his pouted lips. "Better?" He smirks and kisses me again. "Now its better." I rest my head on his shoulder.

"What animal do you like best?" I look at him and start to think. "I like a tiger the best. They are awesome!" He laughs. "I like tigers also. They're really strong." I nod. "Oh oh Raptors were the smartest animals alive!!!!" I say excitedly. "Yeah they were! They knew how to plan, how to have a communication way with the other raptors. They were smarter than us!" He agrees. "Its nice yo have someone who likes the same things as me." I sigh happily. He pulls me closer to me. "Yeah all the girls I have dated in the past were all different. They weren't like you. You are unique to me. You agree with me. You have the same likings. I can be my goofy self around you. Your goofy, funny, and beautiful, you have a real personality. Thats all I ever wanted in a girl." I giggle a bit. "Hehe. Goofy. Hehe." He laughs and looks at me. "What I find the word funny. I mean saying it is just funny to me and hearing it. Goofy. Hehehe." I giggle. He kisses my cheek and gets up.

We were now at my flat. This time my doberman, Gemini, was back from home. "Hey buddy!!!! I missed ya big guy!!!!" He licks my face. "To the food bowl!" I yell pointing my finger in the air. Amir starts to laugh. I run to their food bowl and give them all food. "There you go guys. Enjoy." Amir sits down on the couch. "I'll be back. I need to change." He nods. I quickly change into shorts and Harry's hoody which is giant but comfy. I head back out and plop down on the couch. He lays his head on my lap and I put in the 6th Furious Movie.

After watching the movie intently, we both start to argue on weather Giselle should have or shouldn't have died. "Ugggh! Fine you win! She died anyway in the movie." He does a mini victory dance. I jump on top of him. "!!!!" I yell. He just looks at me, before he burst out laughing. "I have never laughed so much in my life." He says catching his breath. "Hey thats what I'm here for." I flip my hair and wink. He does the same, but with imagination long hair. He also does a cat walk which is hilarious.

"Well I have to go." I pout at him. "Do you have to?" I make a cute puppy dog face. He does the same and nods. "I have work and so do you. So go to sleep." He wags his finger at me. I giggle. "Okay Mr. Farhan." He smirks. "You better Ms. Khan." He says against my lips. He kisses me goodnight and he leaves.

All I can say is, Best........guy...........ever!


Woooooooo!!!!! Finally updated after a long time!!!!! Hope you guys love it!!! Go follow the girls down below!!!!


-Smiley Khan

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