Work Out and A Game?

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Previously on Meeting The One....

Well it wouldn't be nice for the girl to pay on a date. Now is it?" I blushed and looked at him as we took our seat. "I didn't know this was a date." He smiled and laughed. "Sit boy." I give Snow his treat that they gave. "Why wouldn't i take a beautiful girl like you on a date?" I blushed even more. I looked up to his hazel eyes. He ran his hand through his brown hair. "Thank you." I say as o take a sip. "For what?" He was confused. "For this date, of course." He smiled. "No problem."

Amir's POV

I was at the Gym anxious to see if Smiley would come. "Hey Mark. Is she coming?" I asked him. "Wait who?" He smirked. "Oh you mean miss Sumaiya. Are you in love already?" He laughed. "No! I just want to see her." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure." I glared at him. "Well I don't know if she will be coming." I sigh. "Lets get to work!" He yells running to the bench press. I start my reps. "One!" He counted as I lifted. After a few minutes I was still going. "Come on! You can do this!" He yells. "Yeah pretty boy. Show a girl what you got." I hear a girls voice. I look up to see Sumaiya spotting me. I stop and get up. "Awwwwh. Come on I just saw you do three." She whined. I got up so I can greet her properly. My breath for a moment. My eyes traveled down her body. She was wearing a black and gray nike sports bra with some yoga pant and black nike shoes. I saw the tattoo on her stomach, which I did not know she had. She also had one on her back. She had a bit of six packs, not like those buffed girl, they weird me out. Hers were just small and in my liking. She has a curvy body. Her long brown curly hair, her hazel eyes, just wow! She was beautiful.

I snapped out of my observing when Mark nudged my side and smirked. "Come on lets get back to work." Smiley stalked off to a bench press. I followed and spotted her. She actually did more than me. "Okay what do we do Mark?" She asked. "Just do whatever work out you like." We nodded and stalked off. Smiley went to the treadmill and put her earbuds in. I watched as she ran on it. I snapped out of it and got on to the one next to her. She looked my way and smiled. "Shit." She mumbles as her phone rings. She put it on speaker and puller her ear buds off. "Hey Claire." She talks as she worked out. "Where is the revenue? Simon needs a big one. How big is the venue?" She asked. "Okay. I will go check it out tomorrow, but I still want you searching in case, you understand?" She says sternly. "No slacking off this Claire. This is big or Simon is going to fire you. I've backed you up for too long." She sighs and hangs up. "Tough job huh?" She nods and laughs. "Yeah. The workers are always slacking off. I personally love working for Uncle Si, but I always back the workers up, especially Claire." She explains. She works hard by the looks of it. Mark said she always travels, has meeting in different places and gets to meet people but has to have a clear schedule to meet them. Thats sounds like a lot.

"Okay well, we're leaving Mark!" We wave to hi and walk out. "You walked here today?" She asked. "Yeah. I love to walk sometimes." She smiles. "So do I. My brother, my dad, and I, we always used to back in Texas." She looked down. She looked sad all of the sudden. I didn't like it so I changed the subject. "Tell me about your self." She looks at me and smiles a bit. "Okay. What do you want to know?" She asked. "Everything." I was hoping I would find out what happened to her family. "Well I am a business girl. I love to sing, play guitar and Piano, but as a hobby, I don't really want to be famous for singing." I laugh and nod. "I love to Dance. I love art. Drawing, painting, coal... Any type of art." She's very talented I thought in my head. "I used to be in track in high school, along with Cheerleading and Dance. I have a brother who is a director. My sister in law is a doctor. I have a 3 year old nephew, Dean. My mother passed away when I was 1 years old, I don't really remember, because I was only one. My favorite color is purple, black, white, red." She never mentioned her father. "My favorite movies are Harry Potter, all the Furious movies, Jurassic Park." I interrupted her. "I love those too. Especially Jurassic Park." She smiles. "I've been watching them since I was little." She says excitedly. "Me too." I laugh. I beckon her to continue. "Oh right. My favorite shows are Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Arrow, walking dead. I think thats all my favorite shows." I smile. "What about youtubers?" I ask. "Ohhh! I know tons! I know them all two! Okay so there is Ctfxc, DLV, Prank vs Prank or Bf vs Gf, ZaidAliT, Superwoman, Sick kick music, and a lot more." She breaths. "Thats a lot." She nods. "Music?" I ask. "We the Kings, Drake, Eminem, Indila, She's a french singer. Little mix, 5sos, One Direction, Ed Sheeran.... I think thats it, there might be more." She thinks. "I love We the Kings. They're awesome." I say smiling. "Yeah." She sighs. "Hey I want to show you something!" She grabs my hand and starts leading me there. I ignore the sparks.

"So you like to run?" She lead me to a open field. "Yeah!" She yells. I laugh. "How about we play a game." I smirk turning towards her. She walks closer to me and crosses her arms and smirks. "What game?" She asked. "Who ever....reaches the end last...." I pause to think. "Has to take the other out somewhere." She shugges. "Game on!" She gets ready. "Okay on three." I position my self. "One! Two! Three!" I yell. We both take off, but shes so fast. She was so ahead of me. I pushed my self to go faster. She laughs as she looks back. Her laugh was music to my ear. "I will beat you!!!!" I yell. I catch up to her. I was right behind her, but she crossed first. "Ha! I won!" I catch my breath. "Your a fast runner." I was impressed. "Thanks. Now you have to take me somewhere. Well not now, when ever you have it planned of course." I laugh and nod. "Yeah, I do. You deserve it. Fair and Square." She helps me up off the ground. She fell backward, causing me to fall on top of her. We both laugh. Our noses brush together. I quickly get up and help her up.

"Thanks for coming today." I say as we walk to her flat. "Hey. I was free, why not." She unlocks her door. "Come on in." She invites me in. Her dog Snow comes running to her, she gives him food and water. Two cats also came out. They sniffed me in curiosity. "Yeah. They do that to all new people." She says sitting down. The orange one jumps up on me. "Thats Harry." I pet him. "And this guy is Gullo." She pick up the Black and white cat.

"Your flat is amazing. I mean it has a pool." I point out the door. She laughs, handing me a drink. "Yeah I want to thank Harry for that. He's the one who introduced me to Uncle Si and got me the job." She sighs. "Soooo.... Are you and Harry a thing?" She chokes on her water. She quickly composes herself. "Did I say something wrong?" She shakes her. "No! No! Its just that Harry is like my brother. I can never see him like that. He has a girlfriend, I don't like her though. Her name is Nadine." I nod. There was an awkward silence. "Sorry that I asked you that." I apologize. "It's okay!" She smiles. I look at the pictures in the wall. "Smiley?" She hummed in response. "If don't mind me asking. What happened to your dad?" Her face immediately dropped. "You don't have to tell me. Im sor..." She stops me. "My dad was in the military." She starts. "He would always come home safe, but one day, two years ago, they called and told me...." Her eyes watered. "He was killed." She lets out a sob. I immediately hug her and start to comfort her. I pull away. "Thats why I wear his dog tags and the necklace he gave all the time." I hug her one more time. "Im sorry." She looks up and hugs me.

"Thanks for comforting me. The subject always gets to me." I smile. "No problem. If you need anything call me." She nods and hugs me. I walk out and wave. She closes the door and I start walking to my flat. I have a date to prepare.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I have been busy studying for stupid end of course exams. So yeah. I hope you guys love it!!!!!!

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