Just a Normal Day

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This book follows the book The Nurse by sprinkle_of_roses. Go read her book!!!!! This is about Amir and Smiley meeting! Hope you guys enjoy!!!!!

Smiley's POV

"Harry!!! Are you ready?! Your flights is going to be late!" He was heading to South Africa for a concert, while I was heading back home. "Yeah! I'm coming!" He yelled rushing out of the room. "Well I have a different flight. The boys are waiting for you down stairs." He nods and hugs me tightly. "I'll miss you." He kisses my forehead. "I'll miss you too, but you have to go and I can't breath." I wriggle in his arms. He lets go laughing. "Bye!!! Tell the boys I love them too!" I wave and close the door. I sigh and start packing some stuff of mine that was left. My phone rings.

"Hey Mark!" I greet answering it. "Uh Hi!" There was a deep voice at the other end. "Um who is this?" I asked confused. "Im the new gut Mark is training. He wanted me to ask you to come work out with us." I smile. "Sure. As soon as I get off my flight and get some business work done, I will be there." I hear him sigh. "Okay I will inform him." I say bye and hang up. I should have asked him what his name was, god I'm so stupid! I finish packing up after an hour and grab everything I need. I head to the limo that was waiting for me outside. "Thank you Marc." I said taking a seat. "No problem. Hey Danny and Lindsey called by the way. They wanted to talk to you." I nod. "I will call them soon." As soon as I make it to the airport, I had to board the plane. I see a lady in coach and I felt bad. She was very old. "Excuse me ma'am?" She looked up at me. "Yes." I smile and hold my first class ticket out for her. "I think its better if you go to first class." She looked shocked. "I cant accept this." I laugh. "No really. Take it. Im fine." She smiles and takes it. "I will help you with your bag." I follow her to her seat and put her bag up. "There you go. You will be so much more comfortable." She hugs me. "Thank you so much dear. I have never seen anyone as generous as you." I get her a few more things and head to my new seat. It wasn't so bad, just a bit uncomfortable.

I woke up to the pilot telling us that we were landing. I get my stuff ready and buckle my belt. As soon as I land, the first thing I do is call Simon about the meeting. Being a business girl means keeping up with work at all times. I head to the meeting. "Hello everyone." I greet taking a seat. "Alright! Lets get this meeting started!" I clap. "So you guys know that Simon is having a party soon. We need to start planning who we are going to invite. We need multiple people on the phones inviting all the people on the list." Everyone listens intently. "I will get the One direction boys, We the Kings, Ed, Demi, Rihanna, Drake, Eminem and Little Mix." I explain. "We also need a revenue fast. The party is coming up and we don't have the revenue. Who is in charge of it?" I see Claire, one of the business women, raises her hand. "Get to work on that pronto." She quickly gets to searching. "Okay who is up to making some phone calls and invites? I need at least 6 people!" I got 6 people to raise their hand and they got to work immediately. "Alright next thing up is planning the world tour for We the Kings! The rest of you will be working on that." Everyone nodded. "Okay. Dismissed!!!" I yelled and took a sip of my coffee. I gathered all my paper up and put them away. I hear a knock at the door. I look up to see Mark. "Hey, ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah. Let me just put these papers up and change quickly." He nodded and handed me my work out clothes. "Thanks Mark."

I change and come out. "Its so great to be back with my baby." I say patting my corvette. "I bet it is. Don't worry I didn't let anyone touch it or drive it. Neither did I." I laughed and nodded. We drive to the private gym and head in. "Well the trainee should be here soon." Mark got me some boxing gloves and held up the pads. "Okay give me your best." I roll my eyes. I start with a really hard punch. "Woah there, not that hard now." He laughs. "Come on keep up the pace!" He yells. "You're doing great!" I keep up a steady pace. "That was great! Your getting a lot more stronger. I thought you would be a bit rusty." I laugh. "Hey just cause I travel does not mean I don't keep up with my work out!" He pats my shoulder. He turns around. "Sorry I'm late! I got stuck in traffic." I turn around to see a boy dressed in his work out clothes. He removed his shirt showing his tattoos. Both of his arms were covered with them. He also had on his back and neck. He was very toned. He was pretty buffed. He had six packs that made me just want to touch him. He was very sexy. "Smiley. You okay?" I get snapped out of my trace by Mark. "Yeah. Uh I'm fine." I smile. "Well, I would like you to meet Amir. Amir this is Smiley, Smiley this is Amir." He introduces us. "H-hi. I'm Smiley Khan." I hold my hand out. Amir smirks and takes my hands and kisses it. "I'm Amir Farhan." I blush a bit and look down. "Well right there Amir is an achievement. No one could make her blush." I smack Marks arm. "Lets get back to work." I yell as I head to the punching bag. I start punching it. I take all my stress out on it. I look over to Amir. His position was a bit wrong, but he was doing really well.

"Hey." I walk up to him. He stopped and looked at me. "Hi." He says back before he starts again. "You might want to fix your position a bit." He stops and looks at me. "What?" I roll my eyes and laugh. "You might want to fix your position. It will help you more. Don't get me wrong you're doing great." He shrugged. "She's right you know!!!!!" Mark yells. "See!" I say pointing at Mark. "Okay. Why don't you show me." He smiles. I stand in front of him. I bend my front leg, but keep my back one straight and I demonstrated. "See this way you won't use so much of your energy and you'll last longer." I say facing him. "Alright." I start heading back to my spot. I didn't notice there was some water on the ground and I slipped. I was ready to hit the ground, but I never did. "You okay there." I open my eyes to see Amir holding on to me. "Yeah. Thanks. I thought I was going to fall to my death." He laughed. I started to walk away. When he caught my hand pulled me back. My back was against my chest. "Be careful next time. I don't want to lose my female trainer." He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I nod and smile. He lets go and gets back to work.

After working out I showered and changed. I headed to my car. "Nice ride." I get startled and throw a punch, but it was stopped. "That almost did not end up well." Amir said letting my fist go. "Nice reflexes." He shrugged. "I still gotta work on em'." I nod. "So did you need anything?" I asked. He handed me his phone and smirked. I look at him confused, until I hit realization. I smile and handed him my phone. I put my number in and hand it back. "You did great by the way. I didn't strike you as the tattoo type when we talked on the phone." He says handing my phone back. "I love art, but most of the tattoos mean something." He looks at me smiles. "I love art too! We should do some together sometime." He says holding my door open for me. "Yeah. You can come by my Art studio sometimes. I'm free on friday." He nods. "Alright. I will come by." I smile. "Bye. See you on friday." I wave as I pull out.

I get to my flat and flop down on to my bed. My dog comes up and lays by me. My eyes shoot open when the phone rings. "Hey Harry!" I greet answering it. "Hey. We made it safe and sound. How are you feeling Sumaiya?" Harry always used my real name. He loved my name. "Well, I'm tired as hell for one. Oh I met a guy by the way. He's a new Trainee of Marks." I thought about Amir. "Oh you mean that Amir guy. He seems very I don't know." I knew he was very over protective over me. He would interrogate every guy I date. "Haz, its nothing like that. Besides I think he only sees me as his friend." I sighed. "Oh well thats good then, but if he does date you or doesn't, if he hurts you, he will not end up in a good position." His overprotectiveness came out. "Harry." I laughed. "Well I should go take Snow out for a walk. I will call you later. Okay?" I got up and fixed my hoody. "Yeah. Stay safe. The boys and I love you." I hung up and grabbed Snows leash and gave the cats their food. "Come on boy! Do you wanna go out side?!" Snow ran to the door and picked up his favorite toy to take with him. I put his leash on and and locked the door as we started to walk to the park. We got there. There was so much happiness. I saw a dad swinging his his daughter. It reminded me of my dad. I shook the thought away and wiped some of my tears away. "Okay lets play." I threw his ball and he went to go get it.

We were at the park for about 30 min. "Okay boy give me your best." I threw the ball at a fast pace. Snow ran and jumped and caught it. "You're such a good dog." I pet his soft fur. Someone clapped behind me. I turned around to see Amir. "We meet again in one day." I laugh and nod. He comes up and hugs me. I took it by surprise, but then hug him back. I take in his scent, it was very calming. "You have a very nice Husky here." Snow sniffs him first to make sure he's not a danger to me and lets Amir pet him. "He's protective over you. You trained him well." Amir was clearly impressed. "I never exactly trained him. He sort of had the gene in him." I shrugged. "Well since we are here together, would you like some coffee?" He asked. "That would be nice."

We walked to the Starbucks near the park. "What would you like?" The cashier asked. "White chocolate mocha please." Me and Amir say at the same time. We laugh. "You like that too?" I asked. He nod. "One of my favorites!" I laugh. "Mines too!" We smile. "I'll pay." I say looking for my wallet. "Beat ya." I look up and he's already paying. "You should have let me." I sigh. "Well it wouldn't be nice for the girl to pay on a date. Now is it?" I blushed and looked at him as we took our seat. "I didn't know this was a date." He smiled and laughed. "Sit boy." I give Snow his treat that they gave. "Why wouldn't i take a beautiful girl like you on a date?" I blushed even more. I looked up to his hazel eyes. He ran his hand through his brown hair. "Thank you." I say as o take a sip. "For what?" He was confused. "For this date, of course." He smiled. "No problem."

After we finished he walked me to my flat. "Well, are you gonna come tomorrow to work out with me and Mark?" He asked. "I don't know. I have to see my schedule." He laughed. "Wait you were serious?" I nod. "Yeah. Being a business girl meeting different celebs and planning things, is hard. I have a lot of meetings and phone calls. I am the head of the office and everything." I explained. "So you basically run part of the company." I nod at him. "Wow thats a lot." He breaths out. "Yeah it is." I laugh, stopping in front of my flat. "Well I will maybe see you tomorrow." I open the door. "Yeah." I hug him and thank him once more. "Goodnight." He says before walking off. I change into my pajamas and head to bed. I got all my paper work ready for tomorrow. I slowly fell asleep.


New book yay!!!!! I thank sprinkle_of_roses for letting me write this book. Love you Jessie!!! Also follow these amazing girls!


Follow them please, these girls are like my sisters! I love them so much. They write amazing books!!!!!

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