Death By Goat

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Next chapter will be updated in five days. You'll find out why at the end of the chapter.

Leo's POV

The cut on my face still hurt and was bleeding. I would have asked for help but I'm bad boy supreme. We hid behind the crate. Mia and I were in the middle and Abraham was giving me the evil eye again.

He looked over the crate at the same time as Mia and when they came back down their faces were full of dread.

"Is that-" Mia asked

"Yep." Abraham gulped. You could tell they were both scared. If something can scare Abraham then you know it's deadly.

"So I have to-" asked Mia



"Not yet we have to make a plan."

"What are you guys talking about ?" Percy asked

"Ok , when we first found out I was a trigod Abraham had to do some research. He found that there was one monster that lives to kill trigods. The 'téras' (t-er-as). That's how they live and only trigods can kill them."

"So you have to do this alone ?" Percy asked. She nodded.

"Didn't you say , that if someone else tried to kill it , there would be consequences ?" Mia asked

"Yes." Abraham replied

"We need a plan." I said

"Wow. I never thought you would have a good idea , considering what you did." Abraham snapped

"Both of you are as annoying as Hades." Mia yelled/whispered

"If I'm the only one that can kill it ... then I have to do this alone." She said with a sigh

"But Mia-" percy started

"I need you guys to distract it. I just need you to make sure it's back it towards me." Mia ordered.

"But w-we can help you fight." I offered

"Mia ... the odds of survival are 1 out of 100." Abraham said

"Rule one never tell me the odds." Mia said.

Mia's POV

I heart was racing and my thoughts were going all over the place. I wasn't being my self but apparently nobody seemed to notice. I took a deep breath and drew my sword.

As I put my fingers around the hilt , the burn on my hands stretched and I screamed on the inside. I turned to see the monster was still in the same place but it seemed to be waking up , it could probably smell trigod. I turned back and took another deep breath.

"Ok... I'm ready." With that we all went different directions. Suddenly the monster jerked its head up and it got up. The monster roared and sprung into action while the empousa made sure no one was getting out of the cage.

Percy and I took opposite sides of monster and I could finally see it clearly. It had a goats body but a dragons head. The wool was the color of ice and it had dragon wings and a dragon tail.

But when I roared it sounded like a lion. The he coat was like scaly ice and it gave off a little light. Percy was the bait and yelled

"Hey ! Over here !" The monster turned around for a couple of seconds as if it was deciding to attack him but it quickly turned its attention to the helpless trigod.

He roared again and , of course I wasn't paying attention , hit me with his hoof sending me flying. I let go of my sword as I hit the ground. I rolled on impact and I stopped next to another drain pipe.

My entire body was hurt but it didn't look like I broke anything , thank the gods. My eyes were closed but I could here the constant roar of the monster. I opened an eye and saw that my face was next to the drainage pipe.

It wasn't a little water pipe , it was big , probably two people could fit there at a time. The drain seemed to have no bottom and there was no latter or rope to climb back up.

I quickly turned onto my back to save myself from falling in. Then all of a sudden I saw a shadow , I noticed it was the monsters hoof. It was about to squish me. It was official this is how I'm going to die.

My tombstone will say : R.I.P Mia , she died the most honorable way. By getting squished by a goat.

All of a sudden I felt arms around me and I jerked to the side , I avoided getting squished by the goat. I looked up to see Percy's sea green eyes , my older half brother had saved me from death by goat.

"Are you ok ?" He asked , he still had his arms around me. I hugged him and he helped me up. I nodded but realized I still didn't have my sword.

Once he made sure I was ok he ran off to help free the others and Abraham walked backwards towards me while throwing his knives towards a couple empousa.

"You ok ?" He asked

"Yes." I said using the only words I had.

"Good. Leo didn't burn you that bad , right ?" He asked concerned.


"Good , or else I'll have to kill him." Then he ran off to free the others from the cage. I noticed that they were not going to get that cage open so I froze the lock from far away and Hazel mouthed 'Thank you' then Abraham broke the lock.

I again wasn't paying attention for a second and then something exploded above my head. It shook the entire sewage and I heard the monster roar in pain.

When I looked up its coat was burned and Leo was standing heroically because of what he had just done. While the things was weak I was still helpless.

"Noah ! Throw me your sword !" I ordered and he did , I somehow caught it. Leo and I ran up to the thing together and he helped me knock it over.

As I froze its hoofs he would throw fire and knock it over. Once it was in its side I got Noah's sword and stabbed it in the eye.

It roared in pain but I remembered what Beverly had said , they don't stay dead. I had probably a couple second before the whole cloning thing so I froze the empousa , and the monster.

I smiled and threw Noah's sword back. I climbed back down and for a moment everything seemed good.

But as I stood there looking around my mind clicked , there was going to be a consequence , I had not killed it on my own I had help from at least two people. Then something didn't feel right. Suddenly I slid across the dirty sewage floor.

When I realized where I was it was too late. Next thing I knew it was too I was hanging by two hands , my two feet dangling above the endless sewage pipe of death.

I used all my force to not let go , I tried to find a ledge so I could push myself up but it was as smooth as a baby's butt. I started to pull my self up but my left hand , my good hand , was placed an dirty green sewage water , my hand slipped and I hit my face on the sewage floor.

I found my self dangling again. By only one hand , my burned one.

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