Forgetting is not forgiving

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Mia's POV
I feel so weird right now. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing but I have to do it.

Apparently I'm Elsa ( kind of ) , my little brother can hold his breath for five minuets , and I look good with a tool belt.

So now I'm running toward the center of camp. It's been about five minuets since Leo and the rest of the gang had been trapped in the ice ball. I was still in the woods and I would sometimes turn my head and look over my shoulder to make sure there weren't following.

One time I looked back and I could see Leo leading the rest of the gang in battle mode. I sprinted forward and put the tool belt around my waits making sure it wouldn't come off and leaned against the nearest tree to act as if they had been gone for a super long time.

Leo's POV

Was I mad ? Yes. Did I think Mia had powers ? Maybe. Did she look good with a tool belt ? Yes , very.

The rest of the gang and I were running in the direction Mia was. Once Percy could spot her he told us to hide behind a couple of trees then jump out and take the belt.

Mia was leaning against a tree. We all hid behind the nearest trees.

"Come out of you hiding spot. I won't bite ... yet." Mia said with a evil smile , I never thought I'd say this but I really hate her right now. We all came out from be hind the tree.

"Give me back my tool belt . Now !" I said firmly but apparently I don't have charm speak.

"Sorry I think I'll hold on to it for a couple more days." she said. Then she closed her eyes and pretended to go to sleep. We all just glared at her coldly.

Jason was also not going down easy , of course he had try to get the belt. He went from behind the group and behind the tree Mia was leaning on.

She still had her eyes closed when Jason reached out to grab the belt.

"I don't think you want to do that." Mia said firmly making Jason stop an inch away from the belt. Jason didn't care he touched the belt , bad idea.

Mia grabbed his wrist and twisted it and she did some other stuff to gross to explain all I'm saying is that some bones where broke.

Jason ended up on the ground and Mia went back to leaning against the tree. She closed her eyes again and and then they shot open her eyes where back to hazel brown.

Then I felt my eyes change back , I looked around and saw that everyone else's eyes had also changed back.

I looked back at Mia and she began to look tired , very tired. So did Noah. Then Mia and Noah dropped to the floor and Jason cried in pain and my back felt like I had just been stepped on by cyclops.

Beside the pain Hazel , Abraham , and I all ran to Mia's side. Frank , and Percy both ran to Noah's side and Piper ran to Jason's side while Annabeth went to look for help. Annabeth came back running with Will and more Apollo kids trailing behind him.

The other kids put Mia and Noah on stretches and carried them to the infirmary. Will went to take a look at Jason's arm and told us it was broken and he had to get a cast.

All of us ran to the infirmary to see what was wrong with Mia and Noah.

Time lapse to a week later

It's been the longest week of my life. I had just finished eating and while every other camper headed to their first training.

Abraham , Frank , Hazel , Percy , Annabeth , Piper , Jason ( who now had a blue cast on his right arm ) and I had been excused from our training until Mia and Noah were better.

We would all headed over to the infirmary after breakfast to go and check on our two sleeping friends. Once we got to the infirmary Will said

" When their eyes changed color they used all of their power but it didn't affect them until they went back to normal. They should be okay when they wake up. But you guys don't look okay. Have you slept since this happened ?"

"No , none of us. We've been up worrying." said Hazel

"Maybe you all should crash on the benches outside the room." Will said concerned

"Hold on have you gave then ambrosia ?" Annabeth asked

"Yes we have and you know what happens when someone eats too much. Just go and sleep on the bench. We will take care of them."

"Fine. " we all admitted in defeat. Then we walked to the bench outside the rooms. The second that everyone's head hit the pillow they fell asleep but I didn't.

I didn't have to wait a long time to make sure everyone was asleep. I got up and walked over to Mia's room.

I pulled up a chair and sat down next to her bed. I noticed that she was still wearing my tool belt , but I just let her keep it till she wakes up.

I gently grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb over the top of her hand. I prayed to the gods that she would be ok and would wake up soon.

They probably listened because Mia's hand tightened and I looked up to see her eyes flutter open and she was trying to get into a sitting position. I was supper happy I got up and hugged her.

This was the happiest moment of my life I almost cried of happiness. When I pulled back her face was confused and strange.

"Where am I ?" She asked

"Gods Mia you scared us all. Your in the infirmary and your brother is in the other room. "

"My who ?"

"Your brother , Noah."

"Who are you ? How did I get here ?"

"NO , NO , NO , NO !! , Mia don't you remember me. Don't you remember what happened before you passed out. "

"No I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember ... "

"What's the last thing you remember ?! "

"I don't remember anything ." she said with a worried look on her face. She let go of my hand.

"L - look I-I don't know who you are but I need you to help me I can't remember anything ." she said with a very big panic in her voice and on her face . I could tell she was terrified.

"Mia please don't look at me like that. Say that you remember who I am." She started to cry a little. It was risky but I wiped her tear with my thumb

"Whoa why are you crying ?" I asked

"Because I don't remember." she grabbed my hand and started to cry into it.

"It's not your fault. It's Zeus' fault. " I could here footsteps coming.

"Ok Mia you have to trust me act like you are sleeping and don't move or say anything. It's for your own good." I said. Mia nodded and went back under the covers. Will walked in and lifted and eyebrow.

"What ?" I asked. He pointed his pen at my hand that was still holding Mia's.

"Someone wouldn't be happy."

"What ever ."

"Anyway how are you doing ?" Will asked concerned

"Why ?"

"Because your here instead of sleeping."
"I can't sleep."

"Anyway how's she doing ?" I looked over at Mia's face and a sad feeling started to stir

"She hasn't woke up. But she's doing fine." I said with a fake tone of no feeling
"Ok I'll leave you to it. " Will said while walking out.

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