Learning the truth

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Abraham's POV

I fell asleep the second my head touched the pillow. I woke up a couple minuets later and saw that Will was walking out of Mia's room writing something down on his clipboard.

I looked around and saw that Leo , Percy , and Annabeth were all gone probably in the bathroom or something. I got up and walked over to Mia's room.

Through the doorway I thought I could see Mia in a sitting position crying into someone's hand I blinked in surprise and she was back sleeping on her bed. I walked into the room to see Leo holding her hand and staring at her face.

Then I remembered that Mia still had Leo's tool belt on. My heart wanted to strangle Leo but I remembered that he was also as worried as I was.

"How's it going ?" I asked. Leo's head shot up. He was this | | close to crying

"Everything's going fine. She's still breathing that's the most important thing and she's still the same Mia. " he said with no emotion

"How would you know if she's still the same Mia ?" I asked

"The best I can do is hope ." It was a long and awkward five minuets until Leo spoke up again

"Look , I need to tell you something. But you have to promise not to tell anyone." his face was more scared than sad or worried.

"Mia you can wake up." he said with a sigh. She got up in a sitting position not letting go of Leo's hand. I just stood there in amazement.

"Mia ? Your awake ?! Why don't you want me to tell anyone ?!" I asked shocked

"Ok so , Leo who is this ?" Mia asked with a confused look

"This is your cousin. " Leo responded with a calm tone.

"What happened ?! What's going on here ?!" I demanded

"Look I know this is very strange but .... Mia has lost her memory. I told her to act as if she is still asleep whenever someone is in the room. I've been trying to get her to remember but nothing works." Leo said with again a sad look on his face.

"What exactly did you do ?" I asked

"I asked her some questions , told her some names , and retold some moments but nothing is happening. I don't want the others to find out , or anyone for that matter. I don't want people crowding around her asking questions and making her feel ... um ... uncomfortable."

"But - but" I stuttered

" we need to tell someone. At least Will or Chiron !" I said

"We should , but if word gets out we're going to be in a lot of trouble and I don't want to risk it."

"Ok I get it but I'm going to go and bring Chiron. He may know what to do."

"Good idea , but hurry before anyone else wakes up. " Leo said while gesturing me to go. Finding Chiron wasn't easy. I mean sure he's the only half man half horse I've seen but he can hide pretty well.

He was at the first place you would expect him to be but you would never look there. The big house. I looked everywhere except that one place. Getting him to the infirmary was easy he can be really quiet for a 350 pound horse man.

"Finally you found him. I feel like I've been here for hours and Mia has only remembered one thing. That she is a demigod." Leo said while we walked in the room

"That's a good start." I said. Mia had apparently fell asleep , for real this time.

"What is the matter here ? Why did you need my assistance ?" Chiron asked

"Um ... one of our friends has lost her memory." Leo said while nodding his head toward Mia

"Boys I have something to tell you ... " Chiron said with no expression.

"Well tell us !" Leo said

"You two are the closest to Mia so you should be the first to know. She ... is not a normal demigod." Leo and I listened carefully at what Chiron said

"She has different blood that her brother she is also more powerful. She's the offspring of two gods."

"How can she have two godly parents ? Wouldn't that would make her a god ?" Leo asked

"Normally , yes but this is not the case. I just found out that-" I interrupted Chiron

"But us being REAL cousins means that our mortal parents were related. But if she didn't have mortal parents we would have to be related another way."

"Didn't Mia have a step-mother ?" Leo asked

"Yeah , but what does that have anything to do with it ?" I asked

"That means that her step-mother and your mortal parent were related. Making you two , step-cousins ? " Leo asked shocked

"I am afraid so." Chiron said

"But Chiron , you said that-that she and her brother didn't have the same blood either. Does that mean that they are also ... step brother and sister ?" Leo asked while over looking at Mia.

"Yes. They are not blood siblings. But we know who both their father is." Chiron said
"Who ?" I asked. Leo facepalmed with his free hand.

"It's Po-" he started

"Poseidon !" Mia screamed loud enough for only the room next to us to hear.

"Ahhhh !!! " Leo and I screamed in unison. Mia got up in a sitting position. I was really surprised the others were still asleep.

"Mia , now what do you remember ?" Leo asked. What is with that guy and talking to her ?

"Um... I remember that I'm a demigod , some names of gods , and that demigods are half god half mortal. Well that's what I got from what Chiron said." Mia said

"But how can I have two godly parents if I'm a demigod ? " She continued

"A god has the power to turn mortal for a couple of years. They are forced to at least once in their immortal lives. And when a turns mortal they have no way to tell if someone is anything other than a mortal. In some cases a mortal-god can ... have a child with a god and their offspring are called trigods meaning three parts god. Most trigods are never found because they die at a very very young age. But other trigods are taken to Camp Half Blood or Camp Jupiter and are just simply called demigods. Yet these trigods posses powers from both of their parents even though the mortal-god did not have powers." Chiron explained

"But what would happen after the trigod was born ?" Leo asked while looking Mia in the eyes. I think that he's got a little problem.

"The mortal-god would raise the child for a couple of years then leave the child at an orphanage in this case. " Chiron said gesturing towards Mia.

"Wait has Noah woken up ?" I asked

"Yep he's been awake for quite a while." said Percy at the door.

"Has he had any sort of memory lost ?" I asked

"No he's fine. " Percy replied

"Ok good but can you get out we are having a private meeting." Said Leo

"Sure." Percy said turning around and walking away

"Should we tell the others about my memory loss ?" Mia asked. I kind of forgot she was still awake.

"I don't know ..." I said

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