New Weapon

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I DO NOT OWN HOO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS(except for Mia , Noah , and Abraham )

Time Laps : 3 Days Later

Piper POV


We've been parked , docked , whatever you call it , over a city for over 2 days. Percy said it was so Mia and her siblings could train longer but we all know he just want to stay with his new mini-fridge longer.

He said that we would leave today in a couple of hours so most of us have already packed and are ready to go. Mia and her siblings were training with Frank , Jason and Percy and the rest of us were watching or talking.

I could see nice houses behind us , the rest of the scenery resembled my dream. I turned around and looked down at all the little tiny ant people. After what felt like hours I turned around to the sound of people yelling.

"Really ?! This again ?!" Mia yelled at Abraham

"I'm just trying to protect you !" Abraham replied

"You don't have to !"

"But your my cousin !"

"I'm not even related to you !" Mia yelled the loudest then everything and everyone went quiet and her face went blank.

"What do you mean you guys aren't related ?" Frank asked while taking a couple steps back. Leo's eyes widened and sighed

"She meant to say-" he was interrupted by Mia

"No Leo , I have to tell them. Before I get claimed again then they're even more freaked out. " by now everyone have either confused or scared faces , well everyone except Mia , Leo , and Abraham.

Noah had that cute little puppy dog look that makes everybody say 'Awwwww'. He might be strong on the inside but on the outside he is still just eight years old , not much older than Annabeth when she first came to camp. Noah opened his mouth to speak but no one noticed and Mia interrupted.

"I'm not a demigod , I'm a trigod." She said with a sigh

"What's a trigod ?" Noah asked , Hazel took like she was about to pass out.

"She has two godly parents." Annabeth said wide eyed. I was standing there with a super confused look.

"What ?" I asked

"A trigod is when a god goes mortal for a while and then-" Mia started

"They have a child with a god." Annabeth continued

"Neither of then has the power to sense the other ones power."

"And even though the mortal god didn't have powers the child gets powers of both parents."

"In this case I'm a child of Posiden and someone else." Mia finished

"But why did you think you have siblings if , yeah ." Frank asked

"Posiden had a son" Mia said pointing to Noah "with someone else after I was born and when they 'died' in the car crash they put all three of us together. Abrahams mom was Noah's aunt and she had a child with Ares." She looked around at the end as if waiting for something but nothing happened.

"Is there anything else we need to know ?" Asked Percy

"When I was in the infirmary I had my memory taken away and drank gorgon blood." Mia replied

"It feels good to finally tell you , I didnt even know if I should tell you guys but it's to late now." Mia said. The sun was setting and Percy said

"We are all tired we should go to bed." To end the awkward moment.

"But you said we would leave to day !" Annabeth exclaimed

"Tomorrow early morning , I swear on the river Styx."

"Fine." Annabeth said with a sigh and we headed off to our rooms.

Mia's POV


I headed over to my room , I was glad that now everyone knew the truth. The only thing I kept a secret and I will always keep secret are my dreams. No one knew about then , NO ONE , I shut the door behind me and started playing around with my H-phone. Some time later there was a knock on my door. I opened it and Leo was standing at the door way with something in his hand.

"Sorry I didn't give you your reward a couple days ago , I noticed it wasn't as good as I thought it was. But it's ready now."

"Okay let's see it." He held out .... keys. I slowly took them

"Huh ?" I asked. There were two keys , one leather braid key chain with my name , a clip so it could attack to anything , and a mini flash light.

"Do you like it ?" He asked excitedly

"What is it ?" I asked

"It's a deadly weapon !" He exclaimed

"No , it's keys."

"Turn on the flash light." He said , I was scared but I clicked , and a SWORD grew in my hand. It had a letter handle that fit my hand perfectly and it was gold.

"It's not really gold , that's just for looks. It's actually celestial bronze but I spray painted it gold." Leo explained. On the handle there was one loose piece of lether. I tried to take it off by pulling it but instead the sword went back to keys.

"What are the keys for ?" I asked

"This one is for your room , and the other one is a magic key , it can open any door." My face was plastered with a smile and I wanted to give him a hug but I didn't want to make things awkward so I kept it to my self.

"Thanks , now everyone has a weapon has a weapon , except Noah."

"Don't worry , I took care of that."

"Thanks again , I'ma show this off tomorrow."

"No problem." And with that he walked away as I closed my door behind him. I got into bed and thought 'Tomorrow is going to be a big day.'

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