Time To Begin

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Hey guys ! Sorry this chapter is late , but I made it super long it's probably the longest chapter I've ever written. Also if can't read Spanish you might want to use 'Google Translate'. Also the contest winner will be in the next chapter. Lastly this was not edited. Anyway let's get into the chapter.

I DO NOT OWN HOO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS(except for Mia , Noah , and Abraham )

Mia's POV

When I woke I packed my backpack with everything that I might need. Drachmas , my H-phone , an extra pair of everything , and of course my headphones. Once I was done packing I grabbed my keys and clipped then on to my jeans.

I closed my door behind me and headed off to meet the others on the upper deck. It was about 7 am and the sun was shining bright , warming up our cold bodies. Once everyone was accounted for Noah came up to me.

"Look Mia , Leo gave me a lighter !" He exclaimed. Noah was holding a regular red lighter and seemed very excited.

"He said that when you turn the striker wheel to the right it turns into a sword but if you turn it to the left a little flame appears !"

I didn't believe him at first , but when he turned the striker wheel and a sword grew I believed him. Now I was kind of scared of Noah. I stood wide eyed.

"So that's what Leo meant." I thought out loud

"What he meant by what ?" Noah asked

"Nothing , go find Abraham." I said to try an avoid and awkward situation.

"So , what's the plan ?" I asked Annabeth , because she's usually the one with the plan. By now everybody was standing around waiting with backpacks over their shoulders and happy faces.

"Well ... I think if we are going to be traveling through a city we can't use the Argo II. We should rent a car or something in the city below." She suggested opened to any ideas , but we all agreed.

"All right it's settled , let's get going." Jason said. Leo didn't really park the Argo II. He left Festus in charge , he can move around and when someone calls for help he'll be back.

I double checked everything and made sure not to leave anything behind. It seemed weird , different , but right to be outside of a place I know if safe. I took a deep breath , secured my backpack and walked off the Argo II.

Another thing that's different is that I always have my headphones on , it helps me relax. Anyway after we got off the Argo II we got nasty looks from people , the mist probably made it look like a group of teenagers , and an eight year old , had just gotten out of one of those suspicious vans you don't want your children near.

Well all walked a couple blocks in silence until we saw the car dealership across the street. We waited until the 'Go' sign came up and we crossed. Street safety kids. Once we entered the car dealer Percy went up to the oldest worker he could find.

He was probably around 50 , had a couple of grey sections in his hair , long black dress pants , a white button up shirt , blue tie , dress shoes , and sat behind a desk. We were the only ones in the car dealer , I was starting to get a little suspicious.

"Mia , I think you should take the rest of the group outside , but Percy you stay with me." Annabeth suggested , I just nodded and lead everyone outside. Either they planed it or all their bladders are in sync. Because all of a sudden Hazel said

"I need to go to the bathroom , be right back." Then Piper followed.

"We need to go ... um ... over there." Frank said then Jason , Abraham , and Noah followed. Leo and I were left alone.

"So ... " I started

"Your first quest , must be excited." He said awkwardly


"So , did you like the weapon I gave yo-"

"Yeah , thanks." He smiled. Just then his smile faded and a surprised face appeared.

"Leo , what's wrong ?" I asked concerned

"Duck." He plainly said and I quickly pulled myself to the ground. Not a second later I saw a fire ball go over my head and a figure exploded in dust.

"What the Hades was that ?!" I exclaimed

"One of the furies."

"What do you mean 'one of the furies' ?!"

"There might be more , go get the girls , I'll get the guys." Leo ordered. I nodded and went to look for the girls. I found them about 10 minutes later. They were on the next block at a local park along with the guys.

"This is where you come ?" I asked

"We thought you wanted some time alone." Hazel replied

"Well , while you were giving us 'time alone' leo and I got attacked by one of the furies !" I exclaimed. Just them leo came running

"There ... You ... Guys ... Are." He panted

"Speak of the son of Hephaestus." I muttered

"Huh ?" He asked

"Nothing." I quickly said. He gave me the evil eye and I smirked at him.

"Come one , let's go back to the dealer." Abraham said while stepping between the two of us.

Time Skip

Once we crossed the border I asked

"You think maybe we can go and see if Mrs. Sanchez , can help us ?"

"Sure , where does she live ?" Annabeth asked

"I don't know but she gave me this " I passed her a note that had an address "and told me to go there if I ever needed help."

"We should probably ask for directions." Hazel suggested

"Right." Annabeth said. Percy pulled over and said

"I think the Spanish-speaking demigods should be in charge of this one." Leo , Abraham , Noah , and I nodded. Leo and I got out of the car and found a man that seemed nice.

"Hola señor , no cerremos molestar lo , pero cree que nos podrá ayudar encontrar esta calle ?" He looked up from his paper and smiled.

"Claro señorita , lo que sea para una señorita y su novio !" The man said I just have an awkward smile , and so did Leo. The man took the paper , adjusted his glasses and looked closely at the address.

"Ah , yo se donde es esto !" The man exclaimed happily.

"Nos pudres decir donde es ?" I asked

"Si claro , pero mejor voy con ustedes."

"No tiene que aser eso !"

"Pero yo ya me quiero ir a casa !"

"A pero- espera , usted vive allí ?"


"Pues gracias !"

"De nada."

"Mia , no crea que ya nos tenemos que ir ?" Leo asked. I looked at him differently.

"What ?" He asked

"You spoke in Spanish !"

"So , what ? You spoke Spanish."

"But I've never heard YOU speak Spanish. But your right we should get going." We walked with the old man to the address and the rest follows in the car. The man could move pretty fast , we had to run.

Once we got there only I entered the house. I walked up a couple fights of stairs until reaching their door. The house was located above a candy store probably theirs.

"Esta , la señora Sánchez ?" I asked

"Oh ," the man went silent " discúlpame mija pero , mi esposa se muero de cáncer ase dos ayos." I just stood there behind the man with a sad face and a tear wanting to escape my eyes.

"No debía de preguntar te , me voy." I was making my way down the stairs when the man said

"Si ya te vas por lo menos toma estos cien pesos para que te ayude en el camino." The man suggested. I took the money and said

"Muchas gracias." I walked down and entered the car.

"So what happen , can she help us ?!" Noah asked excitedly

"No , but her husband have us some money." I answered

"Why can't she help us ?" He asked

"Because she died two years ago." I replied and sighed.

"Maybe some candy can help your mood !" Leo suggested. I just nodded and we all stepped out of the car. When we reached the candy store I noticed the women at the cashier. She had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. But her heir looked like glowing fire. I couldn't see her legs but the upper half of her body looked like she was put through a 'Perfect360' machine !

"So , what are you looking for , demigods ?" She asked her voice was soothing

"What do you mean 'demigods' ?" Annabeth asked

"Oh , you know exactly what I mean !" She snapped. The next thing I knew we were running down the street with a empousa at out tails !

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