•| 02. Dreams or Illusions |•

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|| Draupadi's POV ||

I can feel moisture in my eyes . It seemed as if the last rain of the season was asking me to get up or I will loose everything just like a cloud looses every inch of water it always has .

When I tried to open my eyes , it felt as if my eyes were covered with dust like a book that hadn't been opened for years.

Soon I started regaining consciousness , yet felt like I couldn't remember a few moments of my past . I was feeling a sense of belonging despite being in an unknown place .

Only the name of Govind , was what my mind enchanting . I wasn't afraid, only unsure .

Looking further to the right , I saw a door appearing blurry.

After slowly approaching towards it , I pushed it and seemed as if the smoke had spread in the clear sky, but I found hope and my face smiled when my eyes got a glance of a peacock's feather .

Like always, even today I knew who he was - Govind.

" Sakha, is that you? I know that..."

" Sakhi , you have increased your intelligence with your age. You immediately get to know when I arrive "

One could clearly see how happy I was to find him here . Though , again he I can see he was upto something . He held that mischievous smile and charming laughter which could bring anyone to his knees.

Only I knew how my mind would go silent after seeing my sakha , as if my soul had been floating like the seashells under the waves of the sea , let the fact be that he just teased me .

"It's obvious Sakha . I cannot be called your sakhi if I can't even recognise such pure voice of yours " , I smiled while he chuckled ruffling my hair .

Suddenly realisation hit me as I asked , " Keshav , where are we ? "

But as usual , his web and patterns of words won't come to a single point . His eyes glistened and roamed around while he said , " I will let you know each and everything . Just you have to do is close your eyes , move three steps forward and then you can open your eyes ... and chant your belief " .

My belief ?

" Govind, but what is this my belief about ? "

He just laughed and told me , " Now how can I tell what you have always believed in " .

I wasn't hesitant and my mind was without any fear as Govind was with me . I was confused but I had no choice rather than holding upon his words , I did what he told me to .

As soon as I had closed my eyes , I felt the darkness filling around me . My heart held an irregular rhythm , as my feet got ticklish suddenly as I chanted the name Krishn for he was my belief . Whenever there were crisis, I called Sakha and he always maintained my faith.

Instantly my eyelids shot up , only to see a beautiful sea in front of me . The glamourous sunset , cooling the windy waves eventually .

I got a little cool sensation under my feet and felt ticklish again . Looking at my toes I found that I was standing on the seashore . I was lost in the beauty which led me to forget everything.

I was happy to see the beauty of nature but then what I heard was all that my unbelievable dreams came true...

Afterall , it's hard to overcome when your true ones leave you ...
And makes the person more weak to find them back to you .

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