•| 03. Twins Attachment |•

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|| Nakul 's POV ||

Sitting abruptly , I looked around . It was hard to guess about my whereabouts .

My eyes grew wide to find Sahdev lying unconscious ahead . I tried to wake him up , and luckily he did open his eyes .

I was lucky that it wasn't Bhrata Bheem instead of him , Or it would have taken thousands and millions of days to wake him up .

I was voicing Sahdev's name , as it felt like he had the time of hangover . I shook him and asked him to wake up and that's when he opened his eyes fully and sat up in a jerk .

" Are you fine ? " , I asked him.

He scratches the back of his head and asked with half-open eyes , " Where am I ? ".

" Open your eyes Sahdev ", I whispered out to him and once more shook him getting his consciousness back .

Finally his attention was all on me . His eyes were wide ,  mouth hung open and he started touching my face and arms . Weirdo !

" Nakul ! You are here in front of me but you ... you were dead and ...".

His eyes glimmered with tears but for me it was hard to discover the reason because of the glibberish he was speaking .

Time to tease him , " Why aren't you happy to see me infront of you ? You know what , nothing can happen to me . I am so cool right ! " .

I wanted to cool him down but seems like he wasn't interested in my teasings and instead he was smiling like a fool ! Is he an idiot ?

The next moment he held my hand and tears started rolling down from his eyes and traced down his cheeks , falling on our joined hands .

I was worried to death now !

Hugging him tightly I whispered , " Just calm down . Now don't cry I am here only . Smile " .

We are like oldies , but still he always gonna be the loveliest and the most pampered among us .

Suddenly he pointed behind me , and there was a door ? I was confused over the fact , why a door is here all alone .

Standing up , we both rushed towards the door . When I was about to open it , this extra minded person pulled my arm back and said , " Don't ! What if it gets us into some trouble? " .

" Stop using your extra brain sir I know you are intelligent than me , but I am the elder one . You should follow my instructions".

He scoffed and said , " Yes , took birth before me and died before me " .

" Shut up " , Glaring back at him , I again focused back on the door but it was weired that he didn't argue this time , maybe something hit his mind .

I was excited while he was nervous . Opening the door , the sight infront of us , made up happier than ever ...

It's never easy to get the happiness from above ... but it's even harder to be with the person you could even die for ...

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