🙏 Chapter 19. New plans 🙏

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Sahdev's POV:

It is a very difficult time for all of us. We all are tensed. We all were sitting in a chamber and discussing how to save her. There was a clear silence . The chirping of nightingale, and rustling of trees was heared. The cool breeze was coming from the window. While Nakul went closed the window. I sighed and said," I don't think we can save bhabhishree by surrendering as we don't know who is he or who is doing all this".

Prativindhiya looked at Bhrata Yudhishthir and said,"big point to be noted Pitashree".

Bhrata Yudhishthir looked at me and said," but then what can we do ?".

Again a very indifferent silence was there. Bhrata Balram said in anger,"
whoever it is if I will get him I will surely break him into pieces ".

Suddenly Draupadi looked at everyone . She was behaving a little way different. I looked at her and she too at me. But she bent her head down. Does she want to say something?! Why is she behaving like this. Again silence. Panchali again looked at up . Licked her lips which were becoming a little dry and said,"I don't know why but I am feeling like Duryodhan is with this and he has only done something".

I knew she will again point towards them only but maybe they are the only reason. When we were sitting at the hall at that time also I was not getting good vibes. I should have stopped Panchali that time only. Aah...but bhrata Yudhishthir said," no but why he will do this".

I looked at Panchali who seems not happy with bhrata's reply. I looked at Bhrata Arjun who's eyebrows were knitted as thinking something. He then said still looking down ," maybe . To take revenge".

Bhrata Arjun looked at Bhrata Yudhishthir and then at me at which I nodded. Maybe they all are taking revenge only. Jyesth bhrata karn said,"
I also think so. I am not sure but my mind is also going again and again towards Duryodhan as how much I know gandhar naresh Shakuni will never let Duryodhan do any good work and he will surely take revenge from us".

What a big point he has. I am getting now more points towards them only. I looked at Bhrata Krishna who was looking at the blank wall and was just listening to us or maybe not listening just thinking something. Bhrata Arjun said,"this Duryodhan will not let us live in peace in heaven also".

Abhimanyu said," but this time when she was abducted Duryodhan was there only with us in the hall".

This is also the point. I said," If behind all this they are only there then I am sure it's gonna be a very big plan".

Panchali said,"sakha! Why are u quiet?".

Bhrata Krishna only looked at Panchali and smiled. He is having something in his mind. Maybe he must be knowing who is that person. Pitamah bheeshm said,"krishna now u only decide anything".

Bhrata Krishna stood up by letting out a sigh and said,"this time I also don't have any clue towards Duryodhan. But we all know that gandhar naresh is very clever he could have somehow managed to do this. I think we should wait for one more day".

Bhrata Arjun got up too. His face was seemed to be tensed . His forehead was having sweat and face also maybe a few drops of tears would also have mixed. He came forward looking at Bhrata Krishna and said," but keshav only five days are left and....".

Bhrata Krishna smiled calmly and said," I know paarth !".

I am very much sure now that he is having something in his mind. And also bhabhishree is his sister. Bhrata keshav said,"so have a good sleep. Good night".

And now everyone with a sigh left the place and moved towards their chambers by placing their feet on their directions.

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