🙏 Chapter 20. Decision🙏

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Karn's POV :

Everyone went to their chambers but I did not go to my chamber . My feets were leading me to somewhere else. I was thinking about Duryodhan only so I went to his chamber as I knew he must knew about it. I entered the chamber and saw that dushasan and Shakuni are also over there.
My anger was already crossed from the limit now seeing them , the length of anger increased. My kavach and kundal also appeared and my eyes were burning of anger.

( So I would like to tell karn got kavach and kundal back again from his father, suryadev according to my story)

The three of them got up. They were staring at me. The three then looked at each other then Duryodhan came a step forward towards me and said," M....Mitr".

I shouted,"shut up! Don't call me Mitr".

How even he dared to call me that. I am his nothing. And after knowing the truth he should have called me Bhrata but no he is just slowly slowly crossing everything. Then too this shameless Duryodhan said," but why Mitr . I will call u mitr".

"looks like after finding his brothers he has forgot us bhrata and he also forgot all that u did in prithvilok for him", Dushasan said , while I looked at him angrily and he smirked. They all are really so....I don't have even words to describe them.

"dushasan don't say like this he is my mitr and he doesn't have to pay for it",Duryodhan said while I looked at him . They are again melting me. But I am not gonna melt down and I have an answer for them . I said," excuse me!. I have paid u in prithvilok only. Now I won't do any adharm".

Mamashree Shakuni giggled and said," angraj , I mean my bhanje now u are also my bhanje. Why are u becoming angry".

Duryodhan also said," yes mitr sit down ".

I looked at them and straightly said,"
I didn't came here as a guest. Just tell me Duryodhan what is your plan otherwise I am not going to spare u".

Duryodhan with pleading eyes said,"
mitr believe me I didn't do anything ".

A couch was there on which Dushasan sat and said relaxingly," yes! Bharat this time we were with u all only ".

He said me Bhrata seriously!! No I am not gonna melt down. I said,"I know how clever gandhar naresh Shakuni you are don't make me fool because I am not gonna going to listen to u".

Mamashree shakun bent his head down. I know he so sharp minded and he must be thinking something for sure. I was sure something they are upto. Mamashree Shakuni came forward and looked at me and sighed and said," so u want to know our plan".

I was a little confused as he really gonna tell me? I said yes. And he said that ohk he gonna tell me. He will tell me. No , something they are planning. But what!! I was not getting good vibes. Something is going to happen. The thundering and the black clouds and also the direction of wind which seemed to be so powerful today was crossing my hands and hair as if telling me something or maybe asking me to go from here. I thought to go but then immediately Mamashree said," but only in one condition".

My body shivered as a current passed through from my ears to my toe fingers. I knew that something they are upto. But for everyone I am gonna do anything. I asked the condition. And Mamashree said,"you have to leave your Pandavas side and come to our side" .

My eyes grew wide. I was expecting something bad or even worst but this!! Leaving my brothers! When u thought finally we will be together! No, this can't be done . I looked at Duryodhan who was having a smirk on his face. I looked at Mamashree and said," what! Are u mad I will never do this".

Duryodhan with hands at the back came forward and said,"yes, If u leave Pandavas side then we will leave Subhadra before harming her".

I was very angry now. I never expected them to be this much harsh. But then too I expected something good to happen so I asked,"how can I trust u?".

Duryodhan rolled his eyes and said,"
If we will not leave her then we will not force u to be with us and u can leave us".

Dushasan looked at me and asked if I am gonna take the side of them. I didn't knew what to do. Leaving their side and coming this side this surely means doing adharm but just now I have to do Dharma and my Karma. And my Karma is just now to save Subhadra. I took a long breath . And looked down . Maybe a little drops of tears also fell. I wiped them and looked straightly and said,"y.....yes! I am ready . Now leave Subhadra".

Thunder and lightening occured. The clouds showered heavy rain. And duryodhan said,"ohk we will leave her".

While the trio laughed evilly.

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