🙏 Chapter 21. Sorry 🙏

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My face was bent down. I didn't knew now that what to do. I didn't knew to whom I should go. The fear of again being alone was making me shiver. But just now my Karma is to save Subhadra. I was passing through the corridor on second floor while from there I saw Draupadi walking alone in the garden . She was touching the flowers , smelling the flowers and playing with butterflies . I could observe that wherever she was placing her feet that grass became still and if life came to it. The flowers which her body was touched were then dancing in air. The Night Moon was also seeing her and seems like the stars and clouds are fighting to see her , when sometimes the clouds come or then the stars twinkle. I got an idea on my mind. I immediately went running through the corridor , the jumping happily on the stairs . I didn't see anything else. Inside my mind and brain was just my idea which was making me run towards Draupadi. My right and left were several people who were just looking at me . Maybe they must have found me crazy. I was stumbling and was even going to fall down when I was running on the carpet. My feet were on full speed and I shouted," Maharani " ,while running towards her. Draupadi turned to look , maybe she didn't recognise my voice or she is just shocked to find me . I finally stopped infront of her while breathing heavily but the smile was there on my face as everything is fine not like always and also as if my life is all good. She looked at me from toe to head . She must be seeing my clothes and hair which became a little messed due to running. While I was breathing and try to be normal she said," bharata karn , what are u doing overhere ?".

She said me what? BHARAT KARN!! I am not deaf right!!? Or she said that only. I didn't expected Pandavas to forgive me and she forgave me or No . She didn't forgave me . Just saying me Bhrata as in a relationship. I stood straight with a serious look and said," I am sorry I disturbed u".

"no it's ohk. Do u want anything?", She said to me. It was hard for my ears to hear these calm words from her and that too for me. I also smiled a bit, took a breath as inhaling courage with air and said," no maharani actually I want to say sorry to u".

She looked at me with knitted eyebrows while she was looking at the flower after listening my words. She stood stright . I was looking at her as she seemed to be very much serious and then her words made me into reality which she said," sorry ! For what?".

I didn't knew what to say. For what all I should say sorry. I know it's hard for her to forgive me but with what reason should I start , I was not getting that. Then too I was ready to answer . I said," for all the things in...".

She stopped me in between by placing her hand in air infront of me as in a gesture to stop. She seemed to irritated with it. Anyone would be. I sighed as I thought maybe it's my mistake that I started with this topic. She said,"please stop it bhrata . Now u are my bhrata and don't forget I also insulted u so please don't say like this. ohk? And please change the topic and this is not the correct time to talk about this we have to save Subhadra too".

She is absolutely right as always . I sighed and said ,"and for that also I came here to u. Actually I need your help. Only u can help me".

" what! Sorry bhrata I am not able to understand. What are u trying to say??", she said while I told her everything . how I talked to Duryodhan and went to his side that's what all I revieled.

She was staring or more glaring at me. She seems to be angry and I would love to get the angry words by my sister. She said ,"and so now u left your brothers and for that you went to that side".

I looked down and said," I am sorry maharani . To save Subhadra....I have to do this".

She looked at the flowers and said," but what about u ?".

I looked above at her with wide eyes. Is she cared for ME!!? I am blessed to have her as my sister. What a pure soul she is. My heart was melted . I got tears welled up in my eyes but I didn't let them go. I have to be strong. I looked straight , looking in air and said," to protect my family I can do anything . Listen Draupadi only u can help me to save her ! Can u help me?".

" but what can I do ", she asked.

I tried to explain her and said,"see things are happening overhere as if history is repeating and I don't want it to repeat . So when I will go to duryodhan's side I have to insult my brothers so for that u have to console them , that they don't fight if anything worst happen . I know they will definitely listen to u" .

" but what about u. U should not insult them , they will surely be angry", she said.

I smiled a bit and said,"but to prove them that I am with duryodhan's side I have to do it ".

She turned back and took a few step furthur and was observing the flowers. A few second silence took place but this silence time ended when she said," don't only insult them insult me too".

I was shocked. I simply said,"no! I can't do this".

She got up still facing the back and said,"u have to because I am 100 % sure if u will only insult them they will come to know that something is wrong. Now it's late night u should sleep. Bye. And yes call me sister".

She didn't look at me and started walking towards the exit of garden . I smiled a bit as she is so nice to me afterall I done so many things with her then too now I am literally feeling guilt for my past . This is the last thought of today which at last made my smile fade away .

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